10 Habits that Slow Your Metabolism

Hey Angels and Alphas,
Whether you weight loss lovers realize it or not, getting older is not the only reason your metabolism can slow down. According to a review in the Public Health Nutrition Journal, getting older is associated with progressive declines in basal metabolic rate. And on top of that, you have countless daily habits that ultimately drain your metabolism even further.
That’s why today, we’re here to talk about 10 habits you need to watch out for if you want to improve your energy levels and keep your metabolism in check.
A nutritious breakfast is by far the best way to start your day in terms of health management. Your metabolism slows down while you’re sleeping and eating after you get up can immediately boost it up and allow you to burn more calories throughout the day. When you eat breakfast, what you’re telling your body is that you’re expecting a lot more calories to come in through the day. When you skip breakfast, you put your body in a conservation mode instead of burning any incoming calories.
If you’re one of those people that goes from their bed to their office chair to the couch at home, you’re probably no stranger to the term sedentary lifestyle. If you sit for extended periods of time, you’re putting your body into energy-conservation mode, slowly killing your metabolism. This also affects your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar, break down body fat, and manage blood pressure.
Protein isn’t just a muscle-building, satiety-promoting nutrient. It’s also vital for sustaining healthy weight. When you consume too little, you’ll have trouble maintaining and building muscle mass – and we all know how important that is for your metabolism. Not to mention, protein requires more energy to break down than fat or carbs, so you’ll end up burning more calories purely through digestion.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism published a study in which researchers discovered that drinking 500 milliliters of water increases your metabolic rate by up to 30 percent for almost an hour. Drink water throughout the day so you can stay hydrated and you’ll even get that extra benefit of a boosted metabolism.
When your stress levels increase, so does your body’s production of a hormone named cortisol. Higher cortisol is linked to an increased appetite, decreased desire to exercise, comfort eating, reduced sleep quality, and more – all things that negatively impact your metabolism. While stress levels are something rather hard to deal with, managing them can help you come a long way toward protecting your metabolism.
If you’re someone who loves pasta or white bread, you should know this could be leading you to a slower metabolism. Research has shown that people who consume the most refined carbs end up burning fewer calories and have higher rates of the ghrelin hormone; the hormone responsible for managing hunger and satiety.
This happens because refined carbohydrates turn into glucose very quickly; blood sugar is used for energy by the body but when it’s not utilized, it immediately goes into your fat stores.
Carbohydrates are a vital source of energy, though skipping refined carbs in favor of unprocessed, fiber-rich carbs will be one of the best choices you can make for your diet.
Some interesting research published in the journal Nutrients discovered that people with higher intakes of cheese, yogurt, milk, and similar dairy products have the lowest rates of obesity. This is essentially a part of a bigger study on the relationship between dietary calcium and energy metabolism regulation, but it serves as a pointer toward the fact that dairy products are great metabolism boosters.
Did you know that sleeping in a cold room – either by turning down the heat in the Winter or leaving the A/C on running in the Summer – actually leads to increasing levels of “brown fat” which generates internal heat and helps you burn calories? According to research, the best room temperature is around 19ºC.
Even one night of bad sleep is enough to have you feeling sluggish and lacking focus. Imagine stringing a few of those nights together in a row – or a lifetime of inadequate sleep – and you’ll learn why science shows sleep deprived people experience hormonal imbalances and a decreased metabolism.
Not only will ordering a burger with fries at your local drive-thru add a ton of extra calories to your day but it may also cause your metabolism to slow down. Due to the high fat content, this food takes longer to digest, and this can slow down your metabolism… while stress can compound this problem. Studies have shown that women who experience at least one stressor in the last 24 hours have burned around 100 calories less after eating a meal containing 900 calories than the women who were not stressed. That small difference adds up to 11 pounds of weight gained/lost every year.