Male Fitness

As a men’s fitness coach, I want to empower you to become your most totally freaking awesome self.

As a male what many fail to understand there is so much pressure to be a certain way, I want you to feel the most capable as an Alpha as you possibly can, I want you to feel powerful, confident and in control of your life- in and outside of the gym.

Whether your goals are competitive or not, there’s no point in wasting your time in the gym. The principles of changing your physique through training and diet manipulation can still help you. By having a coach to help focus on bespoke nutrition, training intensity tailored to your needs, and accountability with consistency.

I help my team stay focused and determined, which helps them achieve their transformation goals.

Male-Specific Training at Ally’s Angels

I believe in sharing my knowledge with my team, that is why I go out my way year by year to further my education- With my coaching clients I dig deeper still – get into the specifics of what we need to adjust for each individual, address exercise mechanics for each unique body, and monitor progress, make program changes and provide feedback regularly.

Have you found yourself on a Bro split for the past few years, maybe you have hit a plateau and don’t know where to start or even considering prepping for a competition? At Ally’s alphas, your training split won’t look like this- Monday- Back, Tuesday- Chest, Wednesday- Legs Thursday- Shoulders/Calves, Friday- Biceps/Triceps.

Currently, with your training program you may feel crippling muscle soreness, but unfortunately lacking in what we want, results! Remember muscle soreness isn’t directly linked to growth training a muscle that still feels sore will only delay the recovery process and put the brakes on muscle growth.

Also, note an increase in muscle soreness doesn’t necessarily reflect an increase in muscle damage, it can be purely inflammation and poor recovery through sleep and nutrition.

Having a coach means that we can now use the protocol periodization, this allows us to categorize/divide time training into blocks.

Periodization of a training program alongside a proper nutritional intake is the most important yet difficult to implement a component of a trainee’s progression.

For example, you can before a master of a block of training whilst neglecting other elements of your training/ and or not knowing when to strategically process or even regress.

You also need to consider the risks of getting burnt out or even injured.

This means your training program will include components of blocks, rest, de-loads, manipulation of weight, tempo, and volume to ensure that you’re becoming a master of every field.

What is Included?

For a novice/ intermediate trainee on average, it takes a muscle 1-3 (max) days to recover from training. Keeping protein synthesis elevated is a vital part of building lean muscle tissue, to maximize your growth potential it’s advised that you’ll benefit more from training a muscle group more frequently than just once a week. Training a muscle group once a week is leaving you with 5 whole days where MPS is at baseline!

You might think that that’s an impossible task as you’re too sore, rest assured your body will adapt to pretty quickly, and with the right programming, you’ll be hitting the muscle group with the right intensity and volume for optimal recovery. We will be here 24 hours in contact to guide you, check in with you, assess you, and adjust you- whilst educating you on WHY we are implementing certain things into your training.

Remember your bro split and only hitting each muscle group once a week, seriously compromises your results.

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  • Check-ins to track progress and adjust your plans
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  • 24/7 real-time support
  • Stage coaching/preparation/support
  • Links to preferred supps suppliers
  • Online private community of fellow clients
  • Discounted personal training sessions

Frequently Asked Questions 

How much do male fitness models make?

It is known that the male fitness model’s income depends on how much popularity he has gained and how much skill he has. Some male fitness models like to sign for some agency where there is a monthly payment system, and some male fitness models get payment on an hourly basis. Younger to adult to older, everybody loves fitness models and follow them. Many male models have entered into the world of fitness, not just to look good and healthy but also to make money and want the world to know him and gain fame.

About the monthly amount of fitness models male, they can earn through their personal social profiles by promoting other brands. For instance, male fitness models who have a million followers; they can easily promote the product to a handsome number of audiences. Male fitness models make money from their personal profile and get an offer to become a brand ambassador or appear on the pages of several fitness or fashion magazines or advertisements.

Besides, many models do not care about their pay scale; in fact, they prefer to boost up their credentials. This industry prefers dedicated, determined, and fit people as a model. Hence, models should be ready to shoot at any time, even if the time is odd. Unless you cannot build your hobby and passion on fitness modeling, do not choose this career! Beginners can email their pictures to fitness photographers who are associated with fitness or fashion magazines.

Regarding this, many photographers hire male models in order to complete their assignments and have done with payments at the time of the shoot or later when the photos have reached to the desired audience. Regarding this, if the photographer sells photos outside, the male model will get 50% from the paycheck. As mentioned before, that pay scale depends on the experience of the model, so the idea of the pay scale can be like a top magazine can pay from $500 to 5000 for a layout.

Models who can appear in the fashion shows can make as much as $1000 to $2000 per day. In short, the annual salary of a fitness model can be anything from 58,000 dollars to 70,000 dollars, depending on the assignments they have undertaken.

Another particular feature is that a fitness model may need to travel anytime only to shoot at beautiful locations surrounding by breathtaking natural beauty. In this case, traveling costs are sometimes paid by the agencies, and photographers or sometimes models have to pay by him. Often, resorts or tour agencies offer sponsor to promote their organization, or sometimes costs are deducted from the paycheck.

Another tip can be beneficial for you, that is not to run after money, start with a little profit or free of cost, once you gain fame, the money will run after you. Recognition, identity will be known by the world, only when you will put too much contribution with efforts to it.

How much do male fitness models train?

To become a male fitness model, one needs to follow and maintain his workout routine regularly. When it comes to working out, most males have the same path to reach their mile stone. They prefer to be smarter, even in clothes off! They like to stay aesthetically pleasing physique with perfect proportions or in other words, fabulous looking physique.

A question can come in into your mind that how much a fitness model needs to give time to work out? If you are looking forward to knowing the training rules, then yes, great call! The best answer is a fitness model has to train at least for two hours a day. However, there are plenty of training rules that a male model has to emphasize each week if he wants to have a fitness body with aesthetic looking.

The first suggestion is that you need to have a high tolerance level by keeping in mind that there is no shortcut to success. It may take a long time to build. This article will help you to follow training principles to sculpt the ultimate fitness model body.

Go for low-fat body
At the very first, a male fitness model has to look like fit having low body fat. It will not be a matter of how developed your muscles are, if they covered with a layer of fat, it would not look pleasing aesthetically. Hence, to make your muscles more visible and robust, you have to maintain about 8 percent body fat, which will give you a shredded fitness model look.

Curiosity may come how to achieve this. All you have to do is eat correctly. You need to perform high-intensity interval training 2-3 times per week as your choice of cardio. Moreover, you need to perform HIIT that has some incredible anabolic hormone to boost benefits, likewise boosting your HGH and testosterone to sky-high levels and also help to increase metabolism for up to 24 hours following a cardio workout. It will sculpt your physique.

Leg exercise
If you want to develop a perfect fit body, make sure that you never skipped leg days from your gym routine. When a male model performs leg day exercise, he will have tiny calves and a big upper body like a sore thumb. It will look good when you are in shorts and tank tops. On top of that, you are eliciting the maximum anabolic hormonal response by doing leg workout.

Even if you are concerned about your leg development, still you cannot skip it because it will stunt your body development since you will not produce as many anabolic hormones. Hence, follow leg exercises like stiff leg deadlift, barbell squat, dumbbell lunges, barbell deadlift, leg extension, etc. every week.

Chiseled abs
You will not be able to reach your path if you do not perform chiseled abs exercise. So, it is important to include abdominal muscles 5 to 6 times a week in your workout routine. Chiseled abs exercise such as Dumbbell Side Hyperextension (Oblique Isolation), Bicycle Crunch (Middle and Lower Abs), Rope Crunch (Upper and Mid Abs), Weighted Cocoons (Full Abdominal Development), Hanging Leg Raise with Twist (Oblique), and Weighted Leg Raise (Lower Abs).

How do I become a male fitness model?

Hey gentleman, want to become a male fitness model as a profession? Then, this is for you! The first question may arise whether you are in good shape or not. If you are not, it is also possible to be in great shape only when you are 100 percent dedicated to physical fitness and living a healthy lifestyle, then you are the perfect one to be a male fitness model.

Fitness modeling is indeed a very competitive field that takes time to reach a higher position and needs hard work with passion and dedication. Balancing a healthy lifestyle and physic perform an entire role of what it takes to be a professional fitness model. The bright side is that there are several tips to become a fitness model. Go through this write up to learn how to become a male fitness model.

Aim for average fit
There are many agencies that are looking forward to getting a perfect lean body and fit with perfect muscle. The average fit defines that body type matters more than measurements. You must aim for achieving athletic figure. The man, who is tall, no shorter than 5′ 10″ to 6′ 3″and above, great abs, toned and ripped on their body, is suitable to shift his career into male fitness actor.

In addition to that, a fitness model also needs to be attractive, pleasant, and healthy-looking with great skin, hair, and a beautiful smile. If you have these qualities, you will have a commercial and marketable look that appeals to a wide range of clients and consumers. The thing you need to understand that to get this physic, you do not have to kill yourself to be in great shape, instead, you have to focus on carving out the leanness that these companies are looking for.

For example, the promotional advertisement of Nike does not show the head or face because they put a helmet on the head, but the audience can see a lean and fit body with average muscular looking guy. Hence, the average fit should be your first motto to become a fitness model.

Maintain nutrition system
In order to reach your fitness goals, you must balance your nutrition system and proper diet. To do so, you have to create a plan for weight loss and muscle gain, which can be beneficial. For having a perfect weight and muscle, your eating plan should be healthy, and you must follow those step by step by eating the right amount of food. However, there are plenty of easy and quick diet food recipes, you can check those and follow to stay in healthy eating habit. Once you reach your preferable fitness and muscle, stay on there, and maintain to balance it.

Improve your social media presence
Currently, social media plays a successful platform, especially for the fitness model. Millions of followers and subscribers can see you if you are a perfect body fit owner. Each social network like Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, etc. has its own strength. Hence, create your own profile for your personal brand on all the major social networks because your own portfolio will be your own advantage. So, improve your portfolio onto online, share your photos, meals, workouts, and let the world see you.

How do I become a sponsored male fitness model?

Since you are here, you must have been looking for some tips to become a sponsored male fitness model with the intention to earn extra money. Who doesn’t love to make extra money, and being a male fitness model, you will have so many options to go for.

Without further ado! Let’s dive into the tips to get sponsorship.

Select your preferred area
You should always stick to the area that you have the passion for and most comfortable with, otherwise, at a certain point in your career, you may lose your hope. There are so many options available for a male fitness model, and gradually the number is increasing. Moreover, choosing a targeted area will help you groom yourself in that way and take the motivation from the prior models.

Create Impressive Gig
It is all about the first impression! So while you are creating your gig or profile, make sure you attach the finest photo of yourself so that the management of that particular company looking forward to sponsoring a male fitness model can create the best impression.

You must know that no matter where you go, there will be competition everywhere. The best way to reach the top-stack of the collected gig, make sure you present yourself in an awe-inspiring way.

Run Social Media Platforms
If you did not know that most of the male fitness models get their sponsorship offer from social media platforms. This means when you can prove that you have a handsome number of followers in your social media account, then you have the maximum chance of getting sponsorship from multinational companies as well.

However, the road to run a social media account is not as easy as it looks! There are tips and tricks to generate more organic traffic to your page and make them their followers. The most common strategy is posting continuously in social media will generate more audiences that you can think of! Another tips for you, among all the platforms, Facebook and Instagram are the most popular and commonplace where you can share your images/videos and catch sponsors’ attention easily.

Create your own recognition
In order to get sponsored by a recognized company, you must create your own recognition at first! How will you accomplish that? Well, success doesn’t come overnight, so do the recognition. You have to earn it!

There are plenty of strategies to stand out in the crowd. Among them, generosity and open-mind traits can help you connect with your targeted audiences more effectively. As a result, you will automatically begin to get more highlights in the market. Note that if you are planning to buy audience or recognition, it won’t last long, so in order to make your bright for the coming days, prioritize your audiences, and you will notice that sponsors are running behind your to sponsor you.

Apart from the tips mentioned above, some other tips can help you emerge as the well-known model male and get more sponsorship.

Are you ready?

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