5 Ways to Get Back on Track with Your Weight Loss Goals

Hey Angels and Alphas,

It’s officially been over a year since the coronavirus pandemic turned the lives of so many people upside down. For some people, more time at home means more time to spend working on their health and fitness goals, while for others, it might mean the exact opposite.

For some, the entire lockdown experience has been eye-opening, and they report feeling better physically with less restaurant food. And for others, the isolation has only resulted in extra snacking and comfort eating.

The inability to leave the house whenever or as often as we’d like, as well as the increased demands for homeschooling and remote work, has led many people to neglect their weight loss goals.

And some newly released research indicates that the vast majority of people ended up gaining more weight during the pandemic.

If you’re one of those people who hasn’t gained any weight during the lockdown, great job! But please realize you’re the exception.

And now that the world is reopening, it can be somewhat tricky trying to balance the urge to celebrate having freedom with the desire to get back on track with your weight loss goals.

The first and most important thing you have to remember is to cut yourself some slack. If you’ve struggled for a while, don’t instantly rush into being hard on yourself. After all, life has changed at its core. Reopening will definitely bring some benefits for the people who are interested in losing weight, but it will also introduce some new challenges, as well.

The key is striking the balance between getting back on track with a smart strategy and enjoying all your new freedoms. Here are 6 ways to do exactly that.


If you don’t have the right plan, you won’t have the right results. You need to have all the specifics in mind and a clear vision of what you want your weight loss results to look like. When you set SMART goals, standing for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, you will look beyond just losing weight and you’ll give yourself a much stronger “why” so you can stay committed more easily.


It can be extremely difficult to stay focused on your goals if you’re someone celebrating coming out of a traumatic experience such as a lockdown. Experts have said that the lockdown was basically a collective trauma, and the attitude around getting together with all your friends and family will be a celebratory experience. And with celebration comes food. Furthermore, since the weather is about to warm up in most parts of the world, get-togethers and home-cooked meals should prioritize healthy options.


When chasing goals, social support can be one of your key motivators and accountability triggers. Whenever you let your friends know that you’re working on weight-loss goals, you will be prompted and held accountable by them. If you’re upfront with everyone in your social circle, they will understand you whenever you want to choose a healthier place to eat or whenever you decide to skip desserts and drinks.


Don’t be so hard on yourself if you’ve gained a lot of weight. The world was locked down! Remember to engage in positive self-talk and keep a positive thought pattern. Over the past year, your body has gone through tremendous amounts of stress. At the end of each day, you should reflect on one thing that worked out really well for you or something that helped you push yourself forward toward your goals.

Moreover, if you do decide to splurge on a night out, don’t shame yourself and wave in the white flag. Realize that it has been a while since you really had the ability to work on your weight loss goals. Just remember to make a healthier choice next time.


As the world is starting to reopen, everyone will be quick to start chasing goals and achieving results. There’s already a boost in the interest in fad diets that promise you quick weight loss. While it is possible to lose 10-15 pounds in one month, what’s more important is that you sustain it. Instead of going for the extremes, always remember that the slow and steady approach will bring you better results in the long-term. Don’t be so quick to jump on a fad diet just because the world is opening up and Summer is right around the corner. Take your time and be strategic – your body will thank you for it.