7 Tips for Keeping Your Blood Sugar Levels Steady Throughout the Day

Hey Angels and Alphas,

For most people, blood sugar levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day, reaching their highest level in the morning after they wake up and slowly decreasing to their lowest level before bedtime.

Unfortunately, many of us eat on autopilot without thinking about what we’re consuming or when we’re consuming it—which can lead to blood sugar levels that are higher and lower than they should be at different points throughout the day. Here are eight simple tips you can use to keep your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day—and enjoy delicious food every step of the way!

1) Eat breakfast

This is the most important meal of the day, and it’s worth it to take a few extra minutes in the morning to make sure you’re fueled up for a productive day. Studies show that people who eat breakfast are more alert, more focused, and more energized than those who don’t. Plus, studies also show that breakfast can help stabilize blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Eating protein at breakfast will help keep your blood sugar levels steady by providing your body with amino acids which are necessary for muscle repair. You should also try to stay away from simple carbs like sugar or baked goods at this time because they break down quickly into sugars that can cause an insulin spike which will then lead to a crash in energy levels.

2) Eat small, frequent meals

Eating small, frequent meals can help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Eating this way will keep you feeling fuller longer and prevent you from overeating later in the day. To optimize your diet for blood sugar control, be sure to eat plenty of protein with every meal. Protein helps balance blood sugar levels by slowing down how quickly it is digested. Good sources of protein include beans, nuts and nut butters, whole grains like quinoa and brown rice, lean meats, eggs and dairy products like cheese or yogurt.

3) Avoid sugary drinks

Drinking sugary drinks will cause a rapid increase in your blood sugar levels, which can make you feel hungry again or even lead to a sugar crash. These are some of the best ways to avoid sugary drinks:

* Drink water between meals and before bedtime. * Limit your intake of sweetened dairy products. * Have fruit for dessert rather than cake or other desserts with high sugar content. * Eat more fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and beans to keep you full longer.

4) Incorporate protein and healthy fats into your diet

Protein and healthy fats help keep blood sugar levels steady because they are slower to digest, so the sugars released into your bloodstream are more even. Protein and healthy fats also help maintain your energy levels, which will prevent you from overeating. Protein-rich foods include lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas. Healthy fats include avocados, olive oil and nuts such as walnuts or almonds.

5) Avoid processed foods

Processed foods (think high-sugar, high-carb items like candy bars and donuts) can lead to spikes in your blood sugar. This is due to the sudden influx of sugars in your bloodstream that leaves you feeling hungry only minutes after eating. To keep your blood sugar levels steady, try following a balanced diet made up of healthy proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

The protein will give you lasting energy without the spike and crash of sugar. Plus, complex carbohydrates will help keep you feeling fuller longer than simple carbs which are often found in processed foods. Finally, healthy fats found in avocados, nuts and seeds can help slow the absorption of sugars into your bloodstream while giving you lasting energy.

6) Get regular exercise

Exercise is a great way to manage your blood sugar levels as it keeps insulin production steady. This can help with weight loss and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Try to exercise at least three times per week for 30 minutes each time. If you have trouble fitting exercise into your day, try doing short intervals throughout the day such as walking or standing while at work, housework or shopping. Keep in mind that the goal should be to burn between 200 and 300 calories per workout session.

7) Speak to your doctor

If you have diabetes, speak to your doctor about what type of diet and exercise regimen is best for you. It’s important to know the type of diabetes you have and how it can affect your blood sugar levels. There are a number of things that can cause high or low blood sugar levels, so check with your doctor about what might be causing them.

Exercise is always recommended for people who have Type 2 Diabetes, but it may not work for everyone with Type 1 Diabetes because of the risk for low blood sugar levels afterwards. If you’re taking insulin, monitor your blood sugar level when you eat different types of food to see which ones are good for you and which ones will raise your insulin level more than others.