Best 6 Snacks to Take Before Workout

We all know by now that a workout on an empty stomach is not the best, neither is a workout on a full stomach a good one. Sports nutrition experts recommend a way out of such situations. On the latter, you feel heavy amidst some cramping and bloating, not to talk of an urge to take a nap.

On the other hand, when working out on an empty stomach, the rumbling within does more than distract you. You may lack the required energy to properly work out and get the best out of it. Therefore, there may be an urgent need to take some snacks before a workout session to avoid these extremities.

In other words, eating something before the exercise ensures that you have enough fuel to proceed with your routine without overload or taking extra calories.

The Top 6 Pre-Workout Snacks.

Before the workout, if your feeding contained many calories from enough stored glycogen, water only may suffice.

But in a case where the workout will take more than 90 minutes in duration, the body needs to consume extra food.

Below are some of the top snacks you can take while preparing for a workout session;

1.     Fruit smoothie

The easiest snack to put together before the workout session is perhaps a fruit smoothie. Since it is not advisable to take a full meal or fatty food, you can try a blend of fruits that contains the essential nutrients that the body needs. More so, sports nutrition is not expensive; it only takes planning and discipline.

Depending on the amount you want to make, get a piece of banana, two handfuls of berries, and 4 tablespoons of protein powder. Blend these items with some handfuls of kale and add about 2 or 3 cups of water to the blender.

The outcome contains some highly nourishing nutrients with a refreshing taste. Remember to take water along to the gym to keep yourself hydrated.

2.     Almond butter with apples

A whole sliced apple with smears of almond butter can also give you a good taste of nourishment before your workout session. This choice of sports nutrition benefits is limitless due to combining minerals in the two primary ingredients.

Also, this combination contains protein, carbohydrates, and essential fats that make your effort worthwhile. This recipe may not digest as quickly as the rest. Still, it is also a great combination to prepare for a workout or training session.

3.     Coconut water

Coconut water is a ready potassium source and some highly nourishing electrolytes you need for your workout session. The chilled taste of a simple glass of coconut water can give such a refreshing taste that gives you the energy surge for training.

Another benefit of coconut water is the fiber content that will efficiently and quickly digest the carbohydrates to give you the needed glycogen. However, you may have to prepare ahead by storing up some coconut water in the refrigerator.

4.     Chocolate Milk

A cup of chocolate milk contains a combination of carbohydrates and proteins in the right proportion to enhance muscle repair. Expectedly, the process of muscle building will be accompanied by wear and tear of the muscle tissues, which requires repair.

The more challenging the workout, the higher the need for a great combination of these two food classes recommended by sports nutrition experts. However, note that this combination should not contain excess milk as this is not advisable for a relatively short workout.

5.     Whole Grain Toast with hardboiled egg

A toast of whole grain such as wheat is pretty simple to make. All you have to do more is to boil an egg with it. This snack is all the heaviness you need in a small meal to prepare for a challenging workout session. It is inexpensive to prepare.

The whole grain contains some essential fibers that can also aid digestion and strengthen you with the right amount of energy calories. On the other hand, the boiled egg ensures you can optimize the nutrients present in the egg white and the yolk.

6.     Fresh berries with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese alone is one of the most prominent foods for training as part of sports nutrition recommendations. When you combine fresh berries and perhaps some yogurt, you have a nice-looking, highly nutritious combination.

A particular characteristic of this snack is its retention in your stomach to fuel you up longer during the training. It can also sustain your energy needs until the time you can take a full meal. The sports nutrition combination contains some active ingredients with minerals, vitamins, and proteins.

Important Information to note

It is vital to note that you may not need more than water to sustain you if your workout session is less than an hour. Particularly, suppose you take good food regularly. In that case, you should still have enough energy in your system to maintain you for a short workout exercise.

However, if your workout will take up to 90 minutes or more, you should prepare a short snack from the list of choices above. Besides, suppose you don’t usually adhere strictly to your sports nutrition schedule. In that case, you may have to be more deliberate about these pre-training snacks.

Moreover, as a professional athlete who hardly has time for snack breaks, it is also essential to take some pre-workout snacks. Besides, some training schedules may require sports drinks, special power-boosting snacks, or energy bars. There is no crime in feeding on these things.


On a final note, the 6 recipes of snacks above are recommendations from sports nutrition professionals. Ideally, an athlete’s performance also depends partly on the strict adherence to sports nutrition laws and the feeding plan.

You will also note that these snacks are not expensive to get, mostly the fruits and other common ingredients. Hopefully, you can take advantage of these processes to get your game up to higher productivity. We wish you the best outcome as we look forward to hearing from you.