Fasted Cardio for Weight Loss – Is It Right for You?

Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may have heard of fasted cardio as an effective way to burn fat. This type of cardio involves doing aerobic exercise on an empty stomach in order to boost the body’s fat burning process.

While fasted cardio can be beneficial for weight loss, it also comes with some drawbacks that should be taken into consideration. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of fasted cardio for weight loss, so you can decide whether or not it is the right choice for you.

What is fasted cardio?

Fasted cardio is a type of exercise that is performed in a fasted state, meaning that you exercise before having your first meal or snack of the day. It is becoming increasingly popular among people looking to lose weight as it can help to improve fat burning and calorie burning potential. During a fasted state, your body will start to tap into its stores of glycogen and fat for energy. As a result, your body may be able to break down and burn more fat than it would otherwise.

Fasted cardio usually involves some form of aerobic activity, such as running, biking, or swimming, and can be done for a short period of time (15-30 minutes) or longer (45-60 minutes). It is important to note that when performing fasted cardio, you should drink plenty of water and take in electrolytes (such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium) to ensure that your body stays hydrated and energized throughout your workout.

The benefits of fasted cardio

Fasted cardio is an increasingly popular exercise technique that involves performing cardio on an empty stomach, with the goal of burning more fat and aiding in weight loss. Many believe that fasted cardio can help burn calories more efficiently than regular cardio, and that it can improve muscle definition and reduce body fat.

One of the main advantages of fasted cardio is that it helps to increase fat-burning hormones such as epinephrine and noradrenaline.

These hormones are released during exercise when glucose levels are low, which occurs when you’re in a fasted state. When these hormones are increased, they allow your body to burn fat more efficiently and increase the rate at which your body metabolizes calories.

In addition, fasted cardio can help improve insulin sensitivity. When you eat after a period of fasting, your body releases insulin to help process the incoming food. When you do fasted cardio, your body does not have to deal with this insulin spike, allowing for improved insulin sensitivity and better blood sugar control.

Finally, another benefit of fasted cardio is that it may help to prevent over-eating. Because you are already in a fasted state, you are less likely to feel the urge to eat after exercise, allowing you to maintain a calorie deficit more easily.

The drawbacks of fasted cardio

Despite its potential benefits for weight loss, there are also some drawbacks to doing fasted cardio. The main drawback is the risk of overtraining. When you do fasted cardio, your body is already in a weakened state and you may be more susceptible to muscle fatigue and injury.

You may also experience a drop in energy levels during your workout due to lack of food. Without fuel in the form of carbohydrates and protein, your body can’t work as efficiently and your performance may suffer as a result.

Finally, fasting for long periods of time can lead to feelings of hunger and irritability, which can make it hard to focus on your workout. For these reasons, it’s important to listen to your body and make sure that you eat enough throughout the day in order to stay healthy and energized.

Who should (and shouldn’t) do fasted cardio?

Fasted cardio can be a great weight loss strategy for certain individuals, but it may not be right for everyone. In general, fasted cardio is most suitable for those who are looking to lose fat quickly and safely.

This includes people who are relatively lean or of average weight, as well as those who are new to exercising and may not have the endurance to complete high intensity workouts.

That said, there are certain groups of people who should not do fasted cardio. Those with existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure, should speak to their doctor before attempting fasted cardio.

Similarly, pregnant or nursing women should also avoid this type of exercise. Finally, if you have an underlying mental health condition, such as an eating disorder, you should also talk to your doctor before trying fasted cardio.