Here’s Why You Should Train in the Morning

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Do you start your day off in the gym, or do you end it there? Regardless of what any one expert says, there’s no best time to work out. Whenever works for you is the only time you should care about.

However, there’s no denying that training in the morning has its benefit that differ it from evening workouts when it comes to the way your body responds to the stimulus of your workouts.

Today, I’m here to list these benefits and show you that one less hour of sleep every morning can help you reach your fitness goals faster.

First, you’ll be way more active all day long!

Once you get your morning workout done, you’ll have way more energy throughout the day. If you get that blood circulating around your body early in the morning, you’ll gain a lot of momentum toward generating energy for the rest of the day.

Fun fact: In the morning, your body naturally creates more cortisol, the stress hormone. You feel more awake and prepared for your workout as a result. It might be more difficult to persuade your brain that it’s time to go, go, go in the evening since your body produces less cortisol.

Second, you’ll burn more fat!

Regardless if you decide to eat breakfast before you head for the gym, morning workouts will help you burn more fat. In 2013, the British Journal of Nutrition found that working out on an empty stomach resulted in 20% more fat loss for study participants. Fasted cardio is the term for exercising without eating first thing in the morning and is frequently encouraged by people trying to reduce weight.

The theory behind it holds that as you sleep at night, your organs exhaust the liver’s glycogen reserves. Your body is compelled to use fat as a fuel source if you exercise thereafter without giving it any additional carbohydrates.

Therefore, you will burn more calories from fat in the near term (i.e. during your activity) than you would if you ate a source of carbohydrate before working out.

Third, you’ll easily make it a habit.

According to the principles of habit formation, it is preferable to integrate a new habit with an already existing, long-standing one. It’s also simpler to fit in a workout in the morning as most of our daily routines (such sipping coffee, brushing your teeth, cleaning your face, etc.) occur then.

For instance, you might choose to charge your wearable next to your toothbrush so that you can quickly put it on and go for your morning exercise.

Because you know you’re going to get it in exactly after you’ve taken care of your dental hygiene, period, it also significantly reduces overthinking and decision fatigue.

Fourth, morning exercise has been shown to protect the body against glucose intolerances, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, as well as a variety of conditions such as type 2 diabetes. According to research, people who have high blood pressure may also benefit from early workouts (HBP).

According to research, doing out in the morning as opposed to the evening can help your HBP. The American Heart Association (AHA) investigated both men and women between the ages of 55 and 80 for the 2019 research. The study also revealed that frequent, brief morning walks may be even more advantageous when combined with early morning workouts. So remember that.

Fifth, you might actually get better sleep! Exercise—and particularly moderate to high-intensity exercise—increases your cortisol levels, which is a drawback to working out at night. While doing so can help you feel awake and prepared for the day in the morning, it may have the opposite effect in the evening and make it difficult to fall asleep.

Research on this topic is contradictory, while some studies claim that if you work out 90 minutes before bed, you should be able to achieve deeper sleep.