How Skipping Breakfast Impacts Nutritional Deficiencies

Hey Angels and Alphas,

It’s often said in the nutrition community that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But in reality, even though your total food intake matters, eating breakfast can definitely set you up for success. 

Eating a balanced breakfast consisting of the three major nutrient groups has been shown to help regulate blood sugar, promote better concentration. But between the rush to head out the door in the morning — or the simple desire to get an extra few minutes of sleep — it’s one meal that we often tend to skip. 

And skipping breakfast can sabotage your efforts to give your body the nutrition it needs. 


There are certainly more benefits to having breakfast than there are to skipping it. It’s an opportunity to start the day off with a balanced meal that can stabilize blood sugar levels, keep you satiated, give you energy, and regulate your appetite for the rest of the day.

Recent studies show that skipping breakfast is directly linked to nutrient gaps and poor diet quality among adults in the United States. This is because breakfast foods tend to be nutrient-dense options which contain the essential vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber that your body requires.

Even if you don’t really feel hungry or you don’t have any desire to eat when you wake up, it’s absolutely vital to tune into your body and understand exactly how eating breakfast will fuel your body and help you feel your best. For some people out there, this might mean waiting a couple of hours after they woke up before eating or just waking up slightly earlier than usual so they ensure they have enough time to eat.

Not only that, but many people feel tempted to skip breakfast so they can make up for a heavy meal they ate night before (or worse, to save calories for later.) This approach can, and will, contribute to an unhealthy relationship with food. 


In the list below, I’ve compiled a few quick breakfast options you can try. They’re relatively easy to make and packed with all the three essential macronutrient groups – protein, fat, and carbs, in order to maximize your nutrition and satiety.  


Combine oats and milk, add some chopped fruit, and then use egg to bind everything together. Bake the mixture in a few muffin tins for a great make-ahead breakfast option that can be easily reheated or just grabbed on the way before you head out the door. Baked oatmeal also pairs well with nut butter and certain yogurts, so if you want to add something extra to your morning meal, you always have the option.


Whole-grain frozen waffles can be popped in the toaster anytime to create a waffle sandwich. Add some nut butter or bananas on top, and you’ve got yourself the perfect mix of protein, carbs, and fat.


Bring together milk, yogurt, and oats, and store them in the refrigerator overnight. As soon as you wake up, just throw in some of your favorite fruits, nuts, or seed in the mixture and enjoy your meal to-go.


Hard-boiled eggs are one of those foods you can make a big batch of. They can be easily grabbed from the fridge, and if you pair them with nuts, avocado, or toast, they can become one of the most satiating meals that will give you energy throughout the whole day. They can also be sliced up and then added to your usual breakfast sandwiches (or a wrap for easy one-handed meals.)


Bring together chia seeds and milk. Add some fresh and frozen fruits on top and store them overnight in the fridge. In the morning, you can just top it off with nuts or any topping that you prefer. Chia seeds are so versatile it’s crazy.


Not everyone is a fan of breakfast. And that’s okay. As long as you’re making an effort to meet your body’s nutritional needs, it’s perfectly OK to (sometimes) skip a morning meal. But there are countless benefits to eating breakfast, and you have a higher chance to meet your nutritional goals if you take a few minutes of your busy morning to eat a balanced meal.

Breakfast doesn’t have to be a complicated affair. Keep it to fast and easy mixes of protein, carbs, and fat, and you can quickly fuel up before starting your day.

And keep in mind, you don’t have to eat traditional breakfasts in the morning. You can eat leftovers from the night before or just use the ingredients you’d typically find in a lunch or dinner so you can incorporate more variety (and save time during your busy mornings.)