How to Create Your Own Home Yoga Studio

Hey Angels and Alphas,

You’ve probably seen and read countless articles and stories about the benefits of using yoga to achieve weight loss and improve your health, fitness, and lifestyle. And for a lot of people, this means finding a nearby yoga studio so they can attend regular classes and perhaps even connect with a local teacher that someone recommends.

While this sort of communal practice and this personal hands-on instruction might be ideal for some, for others, it won’t always be possible. But don’t worry. Streaming your online yoga classes or trying out a Zoom class could become our new normal.

And if this is something that appeals to you, it can be easy for you to set up your own home yoga studio – you won’t really need much space, just a corner in your living room where you can place a mat on the floor. You’ll just need a space that is both inspiring and calming.

Setting up your own home yoga space is all about being unique to yourself and your practice – here are a few suggestions that will get you started:

First of all, choose your point of inspiration. Maybe this could be a view from your window toward a special statue or near a painting in your living room that transports you to a memory or feeling. Just give yourself some inspiration and emotionally connect with the place you’re occupying.

Second of all, you’re going to need yoga mats. It’s better to go for the plural of mats, in case you and your fellow yoga enthusiasts want to go for an all-out yoga soiree. You can choose mats in color and texture that you love – this will serve as the foundation of your practice.

Third, you’re going to need props. In yoga, your props are the perfect tool for restoration and added relaxation, and they can also be used to help you fall even deeper into more challenging poses.


After you have all the essentials ready to go, create a calm energy with some mindful meditation. You can even use the extra cushions you have lying around the house, or you may choose to further invest in some meditation cushions.

A good meditation cushion will make it easy for you to sit up straight and optimize your flow of breath. Remember that breathing exercises themselves are usually a part of yoga and a healthy aspect of the entire practice. Through this practice, and in changing your breath, you will learn how to change your mood.

1. Nothing sets the mood like music does. Set up a few speakers in the corner of your meditation space – whether you subscribe to some yoga playlists or crack open a YouTube video, find your favorite tunes and bask in them.

2. Keep the air clean. You don’t need to be into air purifiers, you can simply recycle a mini-spray bottle and just mix distilled water with some of your favorite essential oils. You can get pretty creative with your mix of essential oils and transport yourself into a happier place.

3. Awaken your senses through the power of candles. Whether it’s day or night, candles will warm up any place – arrange them in the various corners of the room or surrounding your body as you’re doing yoga. The flame alone can help challenge you during a balancing pose.


Make your space your own – paint the walls in a soothing yet meaningful color. Make your space inviting with gray, soft blues, warm yellows, and light green colors.

Try a meditation timer or app. You’ll be able to keep accurate track of the time without all the distractions of glancing at your clock or watch.

Rejuvenate your practice often so you can stay inspired by yoga. And with a regular at-home yoga practice, you can go a long way toward achieving your fitness and health goals.