How to Have More Energy on a Low-carb Diet

Hey Angels and Alphas,

It’s always absolutely vital that we pay attention to our hunger signals, regardless of whether we’re trying to lose weight or what kind of diet we follow. If you’re someone who is currently following a low-carb diet and you’re constantly feeling random hunger cravings or you’re suffering from low energy levels, there could be a couple of different explanations for why this happens.

Right now, let’s look at the four most common culprits and how you can solve each of them and have more energy while you’re on a low-carb diet.


If you’re currently new to low-carb diets, sometimes all you need to do is give it more time. If you started it all of a sudden, this dramatic shift in gears in your eating patterns could be a big adjustment to your entire body which can take a toll on your overall energy levels.
As your body is working overtime to adjust to this new state, it will take time and lots of energy for it to complete this transition successfully. As time goes on, your body will adjust to a mode that’s used to metabolizing a higher protein to fat ratio.


Depending on the diet and routine you had before you went low-carb, you may have cut too many calories from your diet while you’re trying to consume fewer carbs. That’s why you need to make sure you’re adequately fueling your body with enough energy to supply the body’s essential functions.

And if you’re someone who is active *and* you’re on low carb, you need to make sure you’re getting plenty of calories on top of what you’d usually need.


This ties to our previous point, but heart-healthy fats such as nut butter, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, whole eggs, and avocados are vital sources of energy for the body, and they will help you absorb the essential fat-soluble vitamins and minerals your body needs.
They’re also crucial when it comes to satiety, so if you’re not getting enough fat in and you’re feeling hungry throughout the day, this could very well be the reason you have low energy levels.


Cutting carbs altogether sometimes ends up backfiring on your weight loss goals. Instead, you should aim to focus on complex carbs, including whole grains. Not to mention, complex carbs also contain important micronutrients (and fiber) that play a big role in giving your body what it needs.

Keep an eye out for these 3 nutrients and make sure you’re including plenty of sources in your diet:

#1 VITAMIN D, from the perspective of cells, works as fuel for the mitochondria, the living batteries inside our cells that fuel us. Vitamin D also promotes the absorption of calcium and helps humans build cells, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity. That being said, very few foods contain vitamin D naturally. Some brands of milk, orange juice, and breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin D but they’re usually limited or not included in most low-carb diets. If you’re looking for a good source of vitamin D that’s also low in carbs, you can try eggs, canned tuna, swordfish, salmon, and sardines.

#2 MAGNESIUM is found in countless high-carb foods such as whole grains, beans, breakfast cereals, rice, potatoes, and more. It’s a nutrient required for the production of energy and regulation of protein synthesis, as well as glucose control. Both these systems will lead to lower energy if they’re not adequately fueled. Low-carb foods that are rich in Magnesium include spinach, cashews, peanuts, fatty fids, avocado, and more.

#3 CHOLINE is best known for its role in the development of the brain. But it’s also a nutrient that helps build cell membranes, as well as regulating the function of your liver. Pasta, rice, and wheat are all great sources but they’re high in carbs. Low-carb sources of choline you can go for are regular boiled eggs, though choline is only found in the yolk. Other low-carb sources include chicken, beef, and fish.