How to Maximize Your Workouts with a Weightlifting Belt

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Weightlifting belts have been used in gyms and weight rooms across the world since they were invented, but today there’s a lot of confusion surrounding their use. Some believe that their sole purpose is to protect your lower back from injury, but belts can actually do so much more. Here are some tips on how to maximize your workouts with a weightlifting belt so you can get the most out of your time in the gym!

Why You Need a Lifting Belt

A weightlifting belt is an often overlooked yet incredibly valuable tool. A weightlifting belt is designed to help protect your lower back by supporting it during heavy lifting, making it significantly more difficult for the lower back muscles to fatigue as quickly.

That being said, if you find yourself unable to do exercises such as heavy deadlifts without proper support then get a weightlifting belt. This is also important for those who have past history of back problems. They can also be used on exercises like the squat and power clean which will protect the lower back during each repetition. The bottom line: it’s never too late or too early in your fitness journey to start using a weightlifting belt.

Choosing The Right Weight Lifting Belt

1) Decide on the size – usually this will be determined by measuring around your waist or hips. Generally speaking, belts run in 4 increments, so if you have an odd measurement (such as 39) you may need to buy two belts and use one of them at the end of your workout when you’re lighter.

2) Choose your desired style – There are three main types of weight lifting belts: Velcro, buckle and lever buckle. Buckle belts offer the most adjustability while velcro is often preferred for weightlifters who do CrossFit because it is easier to get on and off quickly. Lever buckles are popular among powerlifters because they tighten down with more pressure than other styles, but they require some skill to open up again which can make things difficult for beginners.

3) Get the right thickness -Belts come in different thicknesses depending on what level of support you want from it. The thicker the belt, the more support it provides.

4) Buy a belt that fits comfortably – You should never wear a belt too tight because it can lead to poor circulation, nerve impingement and muscle fatigue during workouts.

5 Tips For Using The Lifting Belt Correctly

When it comes to weight lifting, most people think that a weight belt is only for competitive powerlifters. But if you work out regularly at home or in the gym, then you are probably more familiar with back pain than someone who has never lifted anything heavier than groceries.

A weightlifting belt can be an excellent way to add stability during the heaviest lifts and decrease back stress during those crunches. When used correctly, the belt should be able to reduce the feeling of pressure on your spine when performing exercises such as squats or heavy deadlifts by preventing your core from expanding too much when your body becomes fatigued.

To use a weightlifting belt properly, follow these five tips:

1) Always tighten the belt high enough so that it doesn’t slip down while exercising. The goal is to get maximum support without losing mobility.

2) Use the belt during low-rep sets for higher weights.

3) Use the belt on any exercise where you bend over, like doing lunges or curls.

4) Tighten your abs before tightening your belt. If done correctly, this will help maintain stability in your spine.

5) Avoid using a weighted vest unless recommended by doctor.