How to Set and Achieve Goals in Performance Coaching

Setting and achieving goals is a tremendous feat in the performance coaching ladder, and it is such a vital part of life. Top performance coaches optimize the opportunity that workouts and exercises provide to all participants. Furthermore, performance coaching also depends mainly on the motivation of the performer.

He has to be robust, inspiring but not pushy on the coach’s part, and be clear with the set goals to achieve. Besides, there must also be a clear layout of reaching the targets and the end result. However, it is not the end result or final outcome that is the biggest deal but the process of reaching those goals. This article will discuss the process of setting goals and achieving them in performance coaching.

What is Goal Setting?

Goal setting is when you identify what you like to achieve through your performance coaching or training. However, part of the goal is to break down the larger goals into smaller objectives and outline the required steps to reach the goal. Moreover, a good plan should also be sufficient to motivate you and supply the mental energy and resilience to push through get it.

Furthermore, setting a goal is the first step in the performance coaching process or fitness or personal development journey. As easy as it sounds, the process may be long and tedious, but you will definitely reach the goal with diligence and perseverance. On the part of the performance coach, if the athlete or trainee fails to achieve the desired potential, it poses a severe threat to wasting the coach’s effort.

Benefits of setting goals

Setting goals are important, so it is equally important to describe some of the benefits that it brings to the table. Some of these benefits are discussed below:

1.     Satisfaction after achieving your goals

There is always this good feeling that comes with achieving your goals. And as a performance coach, you are encouraged when your efforts accomplish the set target. As the team advances towards primary goals and achieve the smaller objectives, the feeling of joy and satisfaction increases.

Documenting goals is also essential for subsequent projects as it can serve as a template to achieve better results. The documentation must be well-detailed to include the endpoint and performance coaching along the way.

2.     Goal setting helps to identify what is important

Another significant benefit of setting a goal is the identification of what is essential and what is not. This process also results in recognition of what is purposeful, valuable, performance-driven, and personally satisfying. Often, we are usually busy with only the simple and easy things, but we then need to more on the not-so-obvious ones.

Therefore, goal setting will allow performance coaching experts to optimize the needed space and time to correctly reflect performance training. The planning here not only focuses on the immediate situation but also to prepare ahead for the future. Therefore, adequate preparation this way ensures judicious use of all resources to achieve the desired goal.

3.     Consider and make the right choices

When you start to set goals, it encourages you to evaluate all the severe conditions and make correct choices towards the best result. Besides, you can enjoy full control and autonomy of where you invest your resources and the time it will take to start getting returns.

4.     Definition of goals

Goal setting forces you to define these goals, which would have otherwise be assumed. Besides, it can provide a prominent structure and a development guide to clearly show where to go and how to get there. Particularly, when all the essential factors have not been met, you need to push further through all the known channels to achieve the goals.

5.     Efforts and persistence

In addition to all the itemized benefits above, setting goals can motivate you to put more effort and persistence into achieving the goals. In other words, while setting clear goals, you need all the actions you can get to accomplish them. On the other hand, when the going gets tough, you will need persistence to get going still. This persistence is the ingredient that will help you scale through challenging obstacles and difficult situations.

Are you SMART?

The real deal with your goal setting and pursuit is the SMART question, which stands for the characteristics of a good goal: SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, RELEVANT, and TIME-BOUND.


Set goals must be specific, explicit, and target a particular area of achievement as well. Without a clearly stated purpose, it is even quite difficult to tell when you achieve it. In other words, you get a greater chance of accomplishing your goals when you make them specific answer the question of what precisely you want to achieve. Also, why do you want to accomplish this? Or why is this goal important to you? What or who is involved in the process? What are the requirements or disturbances to attain your goal?

M for Measurable

All reasonable goals must be measurable by simple tools. The right way of quantifying your goals also removes the doubt about their worth and value. For instance, how much is achieving this goal worth to you? At what point will you say you have achieved something? What will you have that will give you a sense of accomplishment? Identify the essential components of these steps and work at them, one at a time. A measurable goal may include losing a definite amount of body weight.

A for Attainable

Dream big, as big as you want, but don’t set goals that are not attainable or achievable. That is, weigh up your ideas if all the critical factors or constraints are viable in the specified time. For instance, what is the cost of achieving this goal? In what time can I achieve it? Do I have all it takes to complete it? Besides, consider the available resources at your disposal, weigh your abilities and project some obstacles and how to overcome them.

R for Relevant

You should have the courage to set the relevant goals for you, your personality, and your future. In this way, these goals have better chances of being achieved. Don’t just set goals, but evaluate how it can affect other areas of your life and check if you have the resources to see it through. In this relevance, you will have a better grasp of what your priorities actually are.

T for Time-Bound

In some professional climes, setting goals without putting a time frame on it is simply worse than not setting a plan at all. The time factor defines how long you have to solve the problem or achieve the goal. Also, timing fixes a sense of urgency in the plan by motivating you to push further towards the mark, especially programs that are already in actionable steps and milestones.


As we round off this guide on setting and achieving excellent performance coaching goals, take note of the essential ingredients we discussed. More so, work on each of them and consider the investment to be really worthwhile. Besides, if you follow the guide judiciously, you will find a well-structured system to work with and achieve your goals.