Is More Training Frequency Better for Muscle Gains?

Hey Angels and Alphas,
Since you’re reading this, you’re probably in the process of deciding whether or not you should be training each muscle group more than once per week, right? That’s great, because more often than not it turns out that more training frequency actually ends up having positive effects on muscle growth and strength gains.
But there are times when training each muscle group multiple times a week can end up hurting your progress, so let’s get into the specifics of how often you should train each muscle group to maximize your gains, as well as when it might be better to just stick with one workout per week.
The Foundations of Strength Training
In order to understand if more training frequency is better for muscle gains, we must first understand the foundations of strength training. Strength training is based on the principle of overload, which states that in order for muscles to grow, they must be subjected to a greater load than they are accustomed to.
This can be accomplished by either increasing the amount of weight lifted, or by increasing the number of repetitions. The other important principle is that of recovery, which states that muscles must be given time to recover from exercise in order for them to grow larger and stronger.
5 Common Benefits of Increased Frequency
- You can work each muscle group more often.
- You have more time to focus on each muscle group.
- You can use a greater variety of exercises.
- You can recover from workouts more quickly.
- You can achieve better results in a shorter period of time.
Do More Frequent Workouts Lead to More Muscle Gains?
You might be wondering if working out more frequently is better for muscle gains. The answer isn’t always straightforward, but here’s what the research says.
Some studies suggest that training frequency has little to no effect on muscle growth, while others suggest that it might have a small positive effect.
The main problem with these studies is that they’re all based on observational data, which can be confounded by other factors such as diet, genetics, and training intensity.
A few studies have looked at the effects of training frequency on muscle growth in a more controlled setting. One study found that doubling training frequency from once per week to twice per week resulted in a small but significant increase in muscle growth.
Theories on Increasing Workout Frequency
There are a few theories on how increasing workout frequency can lead to more muscle gains. The first is that by doing more workouts, you’re increasing the amount of time your muscles are under tension, which leads to more growth. The second theory is that by increasing frequency, you’re able to work each muscle group more often, leading to better results.
A third theory suggests that by decreasing rest periods between sets, blood flow and nutrient supply will be increased to your muscles, which in turn stimulates more muscle protein synthesis. Finally, another possible reason why training more frequently may lead to greater gains is because if you’re sore from previous workouts and don’t want to train again right away, you’ll have a forced break during which time the body continues its natural recuperation process.
Things To Keep In Mind Before Starting an Interval/Frequency Program
- Decide what your goals are and make sure that an interval/frequency program can help you reach them.
- Consider your current fitness level and whether or not you can handle an intense program.
- Choose a reputable source for your information to make sure you’re getting quality advice.
- Make sure you have the time to commit to a program before starting it.