Low-Intensity Cardio vs. High-Intensity Cardio Which One Is Right For You?

Hey Angels and Alphas,

When it comes to exercise, you’ll often hear about the importance of doing cardio exercise to keep your heart healthy and maintain your weight. But what does cardio mean? It’s actually a general term that refers to any aerobic exercise you do, but the different intensities of cardio can be classified as either low-intensity or high-intensity. Low-intensity cardio usually refers to exercises like walking and yoga, while high-intensity cardio usually refers to exercises like running and cycling.

Don’t confuse low intensity with easy.

The distinction is not always clear. Low intensity does not necessarily mean easy and high intensity does not automatically mean difficult or exhausting. In reality, any workout can be both hard and low intensity as well as easy and high intensity. It all depends on the speed, duration, resistance level of the exercise, etc…

Benefits of HIIT.

High intensity interval training is a type of cardio workout where you go all out for a short period of time, then rest for a lower intensity level for a certain amount of time before the next high intensity burst. This type of cardio has been found to have more benefits than traditional low-intensity cardio workouts like walking or jogging on the treadmill. The benefits include increased fat burning and improved cardiovascular health, among others.


For beginners, low-intensity cardio is a great way to build up stamina and increase overall cardiovascular health. Low intensity exercises include jogging, biking, and swimming. These exercises are easy on the joints and provide cardiovascular benefits by increasing heart rate and lung capacity while utilizing fats as an energy source instead of carbohydrates or sugars. If you are looking to lose weight, low-intensity cardio will help you burn fat at a steady pace without exhausting your muscles or stressing your joints too much. The downside of low intensity cardio is that it can take a long time for noticeable weight loss to occur so this might not be the best choice for people who want immediate results from their workouts.

Outlining the downsides of HIIT.

Cardiovascular activity at a high intensity is a form of exercise which can be as demanding as an intense physical challenge, and can have benefits for both physical health and mental well being. It’s also one of the most effective ways to lose weight. But there are plenty of reasons why you might not want to do it, or may not be able to do it for long periods of time–or ever at all.

The good news is that you don’t need vigorous activity in order to reap the many benefits of cardio exercise; regular low intensity cardio has been shown to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers while improving bone density and muscular strength–and this type of activity is usually easier on your joints than high intensity workouts.

Outlining the downsides of LOW INTENSITY CARDIO.

Cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to keep your body in shape and maintain a healthy weight. In addition, it is a great way to stay mentally active and have fun doing something you enjoy! There are many different types of cardio workouts, such as walking, running, cycling, rowing and swimming just to name a few.

The type of cardiovascular workout that is right for you depends on your level of physical fitness and your goals for the routine. Low-intensity cardio workouts include walking at an easy pace or taking a leisurely bike ride where you can chat with friends while riding or just take in your surroundings.