Mastering Healthy Habits: 7 Tips for Achieving New Year’s Goals

Hey Angels and Alphas,

The New Year is here, and with it, countless new resolutions and goals have been set by gym-goers around the world – probably by you, too!

And whether your fitness goal right now is to drop a few extra pounds of fat, gain a few extra pounds of muscle, or just be fitter and healthier overall, you know the best, most sustainable way to achieve any of those goals is to create lasting habits that lead you to the right type of lifestyle. 

But as we all know, this can be particularly challenging during times of stress, especially when our usual routines go haywire and we’re forced to wreck our sleep schedule, diet, work hours, gym routine, and more. 

That’s why we’re here today to learn 7 tips that you can implement in your life right now to set yourself up for fitness success during the new year – regardless of how stressed or busy you are. 

Let’s get right into the 7 habit-building tips that will skyrocket your progress and help you crush your new year’s goals and resolutions…

We can’t *not* mention this – it’s the first and most vital step to achieving anything you set your mind to. Weight loss, strength gains, or better health, are the most achievable when you have a meaningful reason behind setting that goal (beyond the simple aesthetic goals of having a six-pack, for example.)

Start by asking yourself – why *do* you want to lose weight? Why do you want to get stronger, leaner, faster, healthier? Is it so you can have more energy and run around with your kids? Is it to manage a chronic condition? Or is it so you can get the thrill of entering a physique competition? 

Writing down your big goals and putting your biggest why next to them will not only help you keep track of the big picture and boost motivation, but also keep yourself dedicated to developing the healthy habits you’re looking to start in the new year. 

I know, I know. Perfectionism is in the blood of so many of us, but the perfection mindset is often solely responsible for massive amounts of action paralysis. 

While consistency with your new healthy habits is the most vital part of achieving lasting changes, the pressure you put on yourself to be perfect can only make you entirely give up when you eventually slip up – because you will, it’s just natural!

To avoid this, you have to remember that it’s what you do *most* of the time that matters, not some of the time. Focus on the 80/20 principle instead of going 100/0. Focus on viewing every day as an opportunity to make healthier decisions, and just know that the lapses you have are not a sign of failure but just a part of a healthy growth process. Consistency beats perfection every time.  

Anytime you see a great resource or some information you think will be helpful for you (like this e-mail, for example), save it and bookmark it. Listen to podcasts, pick up a new fitness-related book, read blogs (by proven authorities,) and always make sure you’re learning new ways to optimize your efforts. 

Staying up to date with the latest health and nutrition info isn’t just an extra time investment that pushes you toward a better lifestyle subconsciously, but it’s also a great way to weed out myths and make sure you’re really doing what you should be doing to achieve the goal you set for yourself. 

Why dwell on what foods you shouldn’t be eating? Instead, focus on trying new healthier foods in your day-to-day life. Maybe you can try some new (new to you) veggies from the farmer’s market, try adding a new exercise into your routine, try a new hobby like swimming or cycling, joining a new class, you get the idea. 

Don’t focus on all the bad things you have to give up… turn your attention to new and healthy alternatives. 

If you haven’t already. Whether you’re taking a walk alone in the park or you’re doing high-intensity intervals on the track, finding movements and exercises you enjoy and look forward to is one of the best things you can do for your health and body. 

Don’t shy away from new activities or from getting creative with things you already love doing. For example, if you’re someone who loves doing bodyweight exercises at home, why not spend a few days incorporating resistance bands? Exercise will bring you feel-good hormones like endorphins that all contribute to your journey… but you have to make sure it’s something you can stick with and enjoy. 

The connection between weight gain and stress is real, and it’s massive. When you’re stressed, the stress hormone cortisol builds up in your body, instantly leading to more inflammation, more sugar cravings, more weight gain, more processed foods, all things you don’t want in your life. 

Try to cut yourself some slack… find ways to reduce stress – meditate, do yoga, take walks in nature, call a friend when you’re feeling down, whatever you can to just let the stress off and keep your mind in check. 

The number you see when you step on the scale does NOT provide an accurate picture of your health and fitness. For this reason, you cannot let it become something you’re fixated on. 

Instead, find new ways and metrics that matter to you and track them. 

And I’m not even talking about lifting PRs, treadmill time, or other fitness metrics. How do your clothes fit? How much energy do you have throughout the day? Do you feel more or less stressed every day? Ask yourself these questions instead of attaching your happiness to a number that is *guaranteed* to go up and down.