Myths About Female Fitness and the Actual Truths

In the world of female fitness, there are lots of myths that have prevented lots of women from taking action to get the bodies they desire. Some of these myths are found in weight loss programs, fitness training, and resistance training.

These myths are usually propagated through online media, TV, or other sources of information that are trusted in society. In fact, many so-called gurus of female fitness and even some health and fitness publications have been complicit in spreading these falsehoods and lies that now limit many women from reaching their fitness goals.

In this article, we will take a thorough look at some of the lies and myths about female fitness that have been spread from time past and what is actually true in reality. Let’s get into it.

Number One Myth: Resistance Training Will Make a Woman Look Masculine

This is a very common one. Many women are scared to undergo strength training, and many female fitness gurus discourage women from even trying it out during fat loss routines because of this myth. Many women fear that by engaging in strength training, they increase the likelihood of growing masculine or bulky like men.

Thanks to modern-day exposure, many women are beginning to realize that this is a hoax. Women produce testosterone, yes, but not nearly enough to give them bulky muscles. The amount of testosterone produced by women is enough to give them better toned and strengthened muscles, but not big, bulky, Terminator-like muscles.

What strength training does, however, is to improve metabolism, increase bone density and prevent muscle loss, especially for women dealing with menopause and after. Engaging in strength training now will have huge benefits for you in the future.

Number Two Myth: Cardio is Enough to Help with Weight Loss

Another lie in female fitness is: “If you want to lose weight, then run. That’s all!” While cardio is important for everyone, it is not enough to help you burn weight and keep weight off. Cardio exercises like running, jogging, or brisk walking are good because they help exercise the heart, which is the muscle that needs exercise, like all the others in your body.

With all these benefits that cardio presents, it is not always sufficient to help with fat loss. In addition to about 30 to 40 minutes of cardio every day, you should also consider looking at your diet closely to make some changes. Also, you should incorporate some strength training into your weight loss routine if you want to see actual changes in your body.    

Cardio is great for the body, but it’s not enough to help you lose weight.

Number Three Myth: You Need to Eliminate Carbs for Weight Loss

This is a dangerous piece of advice, even though it is very common. Many women follow female fitness programs that create strict no-carb diets to eliminate calories for people looking to lose weight. They say that carbs and calories are the cause of extra belly fat, and they should be avoided. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), this is far from the truth.

It is true that if weight loss is your goal, you should try to cut down on your carbs; however, total elimination is not the answer. Carbs are more than just feel-good foods; they are also responsible for the required energy to burn weight. Calories can also be gotten from vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. If you are interested in fat loss, consume some amount of carbs to help you with the energy required to go through with it.

Now, don’t get it confused; refined sugar should be cut down as much as possible. Those are actually dangerous for any and everyone.

Carbs should be reduced but not eliminated.

Number Four Myth: You Should Train Harder During Your Menstrual Cycle

Although this is not very common in the world of female fitness, it’s still a myth that needs to be addressed. Many people say that women should train harder during their menstrual cycle simply because they can. Fortunately, this is a lie.

As research has shown, cramps and bloating can lead to inflammation of the internal organs of a woman’s body, leading to the shutdown of the Transverse Abdominal Muscle and pelvic floor. During menstrual cycles, women should be more concerned with resting and doing light exercise that won’t affect their abdominal muscles, as that could lead to more cramps.

Number Five Myth: You Need to Train for Long Everyday to Lose Weight

Many women are scared away from female fitness programs that tell them that they need to work out for one hour a day for 6 to 7 days a week to gain success in their weight loss program. Of course, this is far from the truth.

To shed some bodyweight, what is most important is quality workout and consistency. Working out for 40 to 50 minutes two to three times a week is usually sufficient for you to shed some weight as long as you work on compound movements that bring improvement. You can’t expect to see changes by focusing on cardio alone for 30 minutes, two or three times a week.

Compound movements that can have an effect on your body when done right include sit-ups, deadlifts, pushups, squats, and planks. Ensure to focus on these exercises, and coupled with a healthy diet, you will see the changes you want in your body.


Don’t let any female fitness guru or weight loss expert fool you. It doesn’t matter what they say they can help you achieve; if they follow these five myths, they’re probably not right for you.

If you want to achieve greatness in fat loss, focus on resistance training with some cardio and weightlifting incorporated into it, eat a balanced and healthy diet at all times, and rest when you have to. Also, remember to set your mind right, as the right mindset will help you better than unproven myths and drink lots of water.