Seasonal Changes in Metabolism: How to Keep Your Weight Loss on Track This Winter

Hey Angels and Alphas,
Did you know that the average person’s metabolism slows down by about 100 calories per day in the winter, with obese people experiencing an even greater decrease? That may not sound like much, but it can add up to an extra 10 pounds over the course of the winter if you don’t make any changes!
However, there are steps you can take to keep your weight loss on track even in the coldest months. Read on to find out how!
Why your metabolism slows down during the cold months
There are a few reasons why your metabolism slows down during the winter. First, it’s harder to exercise outside when it’s cold. Second, our bodies don’t need as much energy when it’s cold because we’re constantly wearing more clothes and staying inside.
Finally, there are fewer daylight hours which means that our bodies produce less vitamin D. All of these combined together can cause your body to burn less calories throughout the day and you may find that you’re not losing weight as quickly as you would like.
But don’t worry! There are a few ways that you can keep your weight loss on track this winter including taking daily walks and making sure you’re drinking lots of water.
How to keep your weight loss on track during the cold months
You might be feeling a little sluggish this time of year. But don’t worry, you’re not alone! As the weather gets colder, your metabolism slows down. Luckily there are some things you can do to keep your weight-loss plan on track this winter.
Eat smaller portions – The colder it gets outside, the more we want to get inside and enjoy some warmth. When we spend more time inside, we tend to eat more or put off exercise until later because of our busy schedules.
To combat this urge, try eating smaller portions throughout the day so that you don’t overeat at one meal or snack. And make sure you’re getting enough activity during the day so that your body doesn’t start burning less calories naturally just because of being cold outside.
Should you change your training regime?
First, it’s important to note that we see a decrease in metabolic rate when the temperature drops. However, this is not an excuse for abandoning your weight loss goals just yet. If you’ve been following your healthy eating and training routine all summer, then it may be worth sticking with it for now. On the other hand, if you are just starting a weight loss program or have fallen off track over the last few months because of fall activities, there is no better time than now to get back into gear!
Tips for transitioning between seasons
1. Stay active by exercising and/or going for walks outside whenever you can. If it’s too cold, try doing some indoor exercises or watch a workout video.
2. Eating more high-quality protein is a great way to maintain muscle mass and avoid gaining weight during the winter months. Lean meats, dairy products, eggs, beans, lentils and tofu are all good sources of protein.
3. Eat more fruits and vegetables! The fiber that fruits and vegetables provide will help your body feel full for longer periods of time.
4. Consider getting a standing desk so that you burn more calories throughout the day without even realizing it!
5. Eat breakfast!
The bottom line…
If you’re someone who’s been struggling with weight loss this winter, don’t give up! While your metabolism is naturally slower during the winter months, there are ways to keep your weight loss on track. Here are some tips for staying motivated and sticking with it through the cold season.
-Keep a food journal! Tracking what you eat can be helpful for identifying what may be causing weight gain. Plus, it can help you track your progress when trying out new strategies or recipes.
-Plan ahead! Make sure that you have healthy snacks handy when hunger strikes and avoid making unhealthy choices at fast food restaurants or convenience stores.