Sports Nutrition and Performance

What a sports person takes as part of nutrition can affect the performance in sports or during a workout session. In fact, nutrition experts recommend that athletes and other sports athlete need to take care of their nutrition schedule.

On the other hand, coaches also know that the nutrition schedule of athletes affects their performance. Therefore, many coaches influence what the athletes feed on that can determine their energy. In order words, nutrition is part of the preparation, and poor feeding can mean poor performance.

Ideally, an athlete, just like anyone, needs to consume a balanced diet to remain healthy and sound. However, in addition to the regular composition, each athlete must determine the factors that can influence the type of food they take.

Athletes should also know that there is a need to consume more energy-giving food than the required energy for the workout or exercise.

Some of the essential factors that determine the amount of food an athlete consumes include;

  1. The nature of the sport
  2. The amount of time spent in training exercise or preparation
  3. The intensity of the involved training

The elementary classes of food that every athlete need to hold in priority include the following:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Calories of energy
  • Proteins
  • Fluids including water and electrolytes
  • Iron
  • Vitamins and other minerals

A Full Guide for Sports Nutrition

Eating for athletes is not just about gulping down all kinds of foods and drinking lots of energy drinks. Therefore, athletes must have a well-structured plan containing the right foods in the right proportions for top fitness.

Below are helpful tips that can enhance athletes’ chances at performing excellently;

1.     Get more energy for extra performance

The needed energy is not only for the sporting events or preparation but also for the athletes’ growth. More so, a typical young athlete may require between 2000 and 5000 total calories of energy to meet their daily needs.

Therefore, when an athlete fails to derive enough calories for energy-giving foods, it is an indication that they will perform below expectation. The body may not have enough resources to cope with the demands and therefore breakdown the muscles.

For instance, without taking in enough calories, runners may not meet up to the optimum speed. At the same time, weight lifters may not match the expectations. In the long run, this sports nutrition deficiency can cause weight loss or growth problems. Other effects may include health challenges and risks for fractures or different kinds of injuries.

2.     Take the variety

Towards a big event, an athlete may have been strictly regulating the food intake within the sports nutrition program. However, as the D-day draws near, it is essential that the athlete now begins to take more variety of foods.

This principle does not violate the need to take more carbohydrates. It only widens the opportunity for other food classes. For instance, it is time to explore benefits from proteins, minerals, fats, and vitamins to be entirely prepared for the competition.

3.     Consume the carbs freely

Carbohydrates are the best source of ‘fuel’ for an athlete and an integral part of sports nutrition. Restriction on carbs may bring about being worn out and tired quickly. Also, it may cause a performance that is below the expectation due to a lack of energy.

Some of the significant carbohydrates sources as energy giving food include whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and other grains. The primary benefit of whole grains is the presence of fiber that helps to digest the food faster.

Also, whole grains provide more energy than that of white rice and white bread, for example. However, athletes should avoid sugary carbohydrates such as soda and candy bars as they can be less healthy for the athletes in the long run.

4.     Fuel up with fats

Carbohydrates indeed supply the energy for athletes, but long-lasting life actually comes more from fats. In other words, fats come in their variety, including saturated and unsaturated fats. They also have different sources that tell how safe or unsafe they are to the body.

Sports nutrition experts opined that unsaturated fats, as in vegetable oils, seeds and nuts, are safe for the body. On the other hand, saturated fats in meat and high-fat dairy products such as butter may cause problems. But the athletes should note that fatty foods require a longer time to digest.

5.     Protein gives the power

It takes a lot of protein to build a healthy and robust body wholly without any deformity. However, a crop of professional trainers believes that as important as protein is to feeding, physical growth also requires adequate training and hard-work.

Also, excessive proteins may cause some levels of indigestion, loss of calcium, dehydration, and even kidney diseases. Some of the familiar protein sources may include eggs, poultry, peanut butter, soy, and nuts.

6.     No Caffeine

As you plan your sports nutrition schedule, avoid taking caffeine by all means. In the first instance, caffeine or coffee-containing foods can serve as s diuretic, which implies making one pee more consistently. If there will be a need to take in caffeine, perhaps due to weather, it must be supervised and weighing potential problems.

Besides, caffeine is famous for increasing the rate of heartbeat and blood pressure. Raising either of these two can be accompanied by anxiety and worry, all of which adversely affect the user’s overall performance. It can also affect the sleep rate, while the athlete also needs to pay attention to its training performance.


In summary, the rules of maintaining a healthy sports nutrition go beyond the listed numbers above. But the ones above form an excellent place to create a structure on which the future will be founded. Remember that an athlete is not just making plans for an event but for a structured life that will continue for a long time to come.

Therefore, a professional counsel will be to stick to these research-founded plans to achieve a professional career. Stay strong. See you at the top!