The Heat is On: a Look at the Different Training Environments

Hey Angels and Alphas,

The heat, the cold, and everything in between can drastically change the impact of your workout on your body and mind. Depending on where you’re training, you may be able to train harder or have to scale back—or even skip it altogether—until you get acclimated to the new conditions. Here’s what you need to know about these extremes and how they can affect your workouts.

Do you train in the heat or the cold?

For most of us, when it comes to training, we want to be comfortable. But what’s the best temperature for working out? Does it even matter?Not really. You’ll still feel better when you’re done if you work up a sweat in either environment (unless you’re doing something like ice skating). Plus, there are plenty of people who do things outside their comfort zone all the time. Why not give it a try and see how you feel? Let’s explore the benefits of training in different temperature so you can decide what’s right for you and your goals.

Benefits to training in hot weather?

  1. When you train in hot weather, your body adapts by becoming more efficient at cooling itself.
  2. You’ll also sweat more, which means you’ll lose water weight and toxins.
  3. The heat can also help relieve muscle pain and stiffness.
  4. Additionally, training in hot weather can improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance.
  5. It’s also been shown to boost your mood and energy levels.
  6. Finally, training in hot weather can help you burn more calories since your body has to work harder to regulate its temperature.

Benefits to training in cold weather?

There are three advantages (or disadvantages, depending on how you see things) to this type of training environment. First, it’s uncomfortable (cold). Second, it’s not very safe if there is ice on the ground. You should wear appropriate gear when working out in the cold – layers are your friend! Also, when you train in the cold, your body has to work harder to maintain its core temperature.

This results in an increased heart rate and more calories burned. Cold weather also forces your body to produce more white blood cells, which helps boost immunity. In addition, training in the cold can improve your mental toughness and make you more resilient in the face of adversity.

The final benefit to training in the cold is that it forces you to move faster than usual. When running or walking outside, try skipping every other step so that your strides get longer but don’t allow your legs to swing back as far with each step.

What’s the perfect temperature for working out?

The answer may not really surprise you – it depends on the type of training you’re doing. For example, long-distance runners tend to prefer cooler temperatures, while sprinters do better in warmer weather.

And then there are athletes who have to train in hot environments, like football players during two-a-days in the summer. So what’s the best temperature for working out? It really depends on the individual and the type of training they’re doing. But one thing is for sure – no matter what the temperature, athletes always have to give 110%!

The bottom line…

The most important factor in deciding what type of training environment is best for you is temperature. If you’re someone who gets overheated easily, you’ll want to avoid hot yoga or Bikram. But if you tend to feel cold all the time, doing a session in a sauna might be just what you need. Consider your climate and comfort levels when making your decision.