What’s More Important – Training Frequency or Training Volume?

Hey Angels and Alphas,
What’s more important, training frequency or training volume? If you’re a beginner, then it doesn’t really matter – as long as you train enough, you’ll see results. However, if you want to reach your fitness goals faster and avoid plateaus, it might be helpful to learn how the two factors work together in helping you achieve them. Here are some quick facts to consider.
Look at the Bigger Picture
The answer to this question largely depends on your goals. If you’re trying to build muscle, then you might want to focus on training volume, which is the number of sets and reps you do in a workout. On the other hand, if you’re trying to improve your cardiovascular fitness, then you might want to focus on training frequency, which is how often you work out.
Changing How You Think About Training
It’s no secret that in order to see results from your training, you have to be consistent. But what does that mean, exactly? Does it mean working out every day? Or does it mean working out for hours at a time? The answer is a little bit of both.
Frequency First, Volume Second
If you’re wondering whether you should be training more frequently or doing more training volume, the answer is frequency first, volume second.
Why is this the case?
Simply put, it’s better to have shorter, more frequent sessions where you can give 100% effort rather than longer sessions where you’re struggling to maintain intensity.
Not only will this lead to better results in terms of muscle growth and strength gains, but it’ll also help you stay motivated and consistent with your training.
So if you’re looking to make the most of your time in the gym, focus on increasing your training frequency first and foremost.
Save Your Energy For Key Workouts
You don’t have to be working out all the time to see results. In fact, too much training can actually lead to burnout, injuries, and a decrease in performance. Focus on quality over quantity, and make sure you’re reserving your energy for key workouts that will help you reach your goals.
Use High Volume Sessions To Recover From Tough Workouts
Training volume is the number of sets and reps you do in a workout, while training frequency is how often you train. So, which is more important?
The answer may depend on your goals. If you’re trying to build muscle, for example, you may need to focus on training volume and do fewer, higher-volume workouts. On the other hand, if you’re trying to improve your endurance, you may need to focus on training frequency and do more, lower-volume workouts.
Recovery Is The Most Important Part Of Your Program
If you’re not recovering properly, it doesn’t matter how frequently or how voluminously you train. You will not make progress, and you will likely get injured. So what’s the most important part of your program? Recovery. If you are not recovering properly, it doesn’t matter how often or how much you train. You won’t make progress and you may even get injured. Recovery adaptations happen exactly during the recovery phase, so regardless if you’re focusing on volume or frequency, make sure you’re always paying attention to recovery.
Understand That There Is No One Size Fits All for Strength Programs
The two most important variables in any strength training program are frequency and volume. But what’s more important? The answer, as with most things in the fitness world, is that it depends. It depends on your goals, your schedule, your experience level, and a host of other factors. The bottom line is that there is no one size fits all answer to the question of which is more important – training frequency or training volume – but focusing on training frequency will give you a better perspective on your overall regime and help result in more gains over the long haul.