Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Cardio, Even If You’re Not Trying to Lose Weight

Hey Angels and Alphas,

The first thing many people think about when they hear the word cardio is weight loss, but cardio isn’t just helpful for those who want to lose pounds. Cardiovascular exercise, or any activity that increases your heart rate and gets your blood flowing, offers several health benefits even if you aren’t trying to drop dress sizes. If you love to run, swim, bike or dance, don’t feel guilty about it! Here are some of the benefits cardio provides even if you aren’t trying to lose weight.

It Increases Your Energy Levels

Cardio increases your energy levels. This can be especially helpful if you have a physically demanding job. By the end of the day, you’ll have more energy and will be less likely to feel lethargic. Plus, it’s great for your mental health too! Studies show that people who exercise regularly are happier and less stressed out than those who don’t work out at all.

It Helps Reduce Stress

Many people don’t realize that while cardio is often used as a weight loss tool, it can also be used as a stress reducer and an overall mood booster. When you have a lot on your plate or are feeling overwhelmed with life in general, taking the time for some moderate-intensity cardio can help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety you may be experiencing. It’s also important to know that cardio exercise has been shown to increase serotonin levels in the brain – which can improve your mood. Basically: if you’re not doing it for weight loss reasons, do it for stress relief!

It Boosts Your Mood

Cardio is a fantastic way of boosting your mood. It helps you feel better about yourself and gives you more energy. It also makes it easier for you to make healthier food choices because your body craves fewer processed foods when it’s burning off the calories through exercise. Finally, if you have a hard time sticking with an exercise routine due to lack of time or money, cardio is cheaper and more accessible than other forms of exercise like going to the gym or taking yoga classes.

It Can Help Prevent Disease

There’s a reason why people who work out tend to sleep better than those that don’t. Exercising intensely for about an hour before bedtime can have a powerful effect on the quality and depth of your sleep. This is because exercise releases endorphins into the body that make you feel relaxed and sleepy. In addition, it boosts your metabolism so your body continues to burn calories while you’re sleeping.

Plus, when you exercise it stimulates the production of human growth hormone (HGH) which plays a vital role in maintaining healthy bones and muscles throughout life. It also triggers other hormones like serotonin which help regulate mood and appetite levels.

It Improves Your Sleep

Cardiovascular exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality. According to the National Sleep Foundation, exercise can help promote more restful sleep. Exercise improves sleep because it increases levels of serotonin and endorphins in the brain. These chemicals are thought to have a calming effect on the body that can lead to better sleep. Regular exercise also changes neurotransmitter activity so that norepinephrine is released when necessary. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that helps you stay alert and focused during periods of high-intensity exercise (such as jogging), but then promotes relaxation during periods of low-intensity exercise (such as stretching). This shift from alertness to relaxation translates into an easier time falling asleep at night.