Why Your Walking Routine Is Better in The Morning

Hey Angels and Alphas,

We can all agree that there are countless physical and mental benefits to walking, not limited to weight loss. Whether you want a structured walking program, or you simply want to add 10 minutes whenever you can, walking can help you improve your overall health. 

But the time of day you choose to do this will also affect what kind of benefits you get from it. And as it turns out, walking in the morning can be especially beneficial. 

In this article, we’ll be going over the advantages of getting your steps in first thing in the morning, as well as how to get started with your very own walking routine. 



Some research out there suggests that morning exercises are likely to move more during the day, one of the most important factors out there for weight loss. 

For example, some studies have shown that women who walked at a moderate-to-rigorous pace for up to 45 minutes in the morning were generally more physically active throughout the rest of their day. 

And previous research has also pointed to the fact that morning exercise helps stimulate the metabolism, curb appetite, prevent overeating, and focus on calorie burn that comes from fat due to the overnight fast. The result? Weight loss and reduced fat storage.


Oftentimes, reaching our goals is just a matter of creating and retaining momentum. If you get a walk in first thing in the morning, you’ll no doubt be creating physical momentum throughout your day. In other words, if you have already taken more than 5,000 steps before lunch, you’ll be more likely to keep that trend going and reach your step goal for the day.


It has been shown that walking first thing in the morning provides a much-needed energy boost via endorphin release. It doesn’t even have to be all-out intensity training to get you going. All you need is a moderate in intensity, 20-minute brisk walk and you’ll reap the benefit of getting a boost in energy. 


As you exercise, the blood flow throughout your entire body increases, and that includes your brain. This increased blood flow cuts the risk of degenerative and vascular diseases. It also leads to raises in creativity by allowing your brain to function at a higher level, with Stanford studies finding links between walking and a 60% creative output increase.

I’ve you’ve ever had a eureka moment during a walk, this might be the reason why. In psychology circles, it’s a commonly known fact that taking time away from an issue such as going for a walk can help solve it by boosting creative problem-solving. In this area, walking might even have an advantage over other types of exercise. With walking, it’s very easy to let your mind wander. 

When you’re doing HIIT or lifting weights, for example, you’re not focused on opening your mind to new possibilities and instead just getting the job done.


Your circadian rhythm is essentially your body’s internal clock. It can tell you when it’s time to be awake and alert and when it’s time to go to sleep. Because we spend so much time staring at screens around us, and a lot of people don’t wake up as soon as the sun rises, many people have circadian rhythms that are off-kilter. As natural sunlight and movement hit your body first thing in the morning, your brain will be more alert, and you’ll reset your circadian rhythm appropriately.

Research has shown that walking in the morning can even optimize your circadian rhythm and help you fall asleep earlier if you have a hard time falling asleep. The natural temperature of your body will naturally drop for preparation of sleep, so when you exercise, your body temperature will raise. It’s possible that this improvement in temperature in the morning can affect your circadian rhythm in a positive way.