Your Fitness Progress Tracking Checklist

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Whether you’ve been going to the gym for a while or you’re just stepping in it for the first time, you probably realize that keeping track of your gym progress is one of the most important things you can do to increase your results.

Professional athletes and experts use a ton of different metrics when it comes to measuring how much they’ve improved, from simple ones like their BMI and FFMI to more complex speed, volume, and weight formulas.

As the saying goes, what gets measured gets managed. Most regular gym-goers only stick to the basics, and that’s completely okay. But there’s no denying that merely keeping track of a few key metrics can give you profound insights when it comes to your health and the way your body works.

Today, I’m here to show you that keeping track of your progress doesn’t have to be that hard! You only need a few minutes a day to reap all the benefits of detailed, sophisticated progress tracking.

Here are my three steps for simplifying the whole process and putting some numbers behind those gains you’ve been making!

Step #1 – Get a journal.

A log, a notebook, anything will do really. This is one of the best things you can do for your body outside of training and nutrition. What’s more important though is not what you write on, but what you write in it.

Maintaining a workout log is enjoyable, and it’s a terrific method to monitor your body’s development. There isn’t a single workout that works for all types of bodies. A individual who wants to track their weight reduction will keep a different journal than someone who wants to chart their strength gains. For an accurate evaluation of your fitness improvement, it’s crucial to record every last minute of your workout.

A workout template can be written down in a book, or you can simply use a more practical digital format, such an excel sheet. If you’re unclear of how to format your notebook, browse through different exercise templates and alter one to fit your fitness objectives.

Step #2 – Choose your metrics.

Whether you’re a gym-goer or an athlete from another sport, there are always a few key metrics that you have to keep track of. But the idea here is to only write down what’s most important to your progress based on your current goal.

Here are a few ideas: divide your training and diet sections. Divide them into weeks, then start tracking your reps, sets, weight per set, how much time you spent at the gym that day, what meals you had, what your macros are, and how much water you drank.

Step #3 – Write down daily, measure weekly!

Put in your measurements in every day, and you’ll start seeing day-to-day as well as week-by-week patterns that will help you track and learn a lot about abilities, growth, and your body’s natural cycles.

One of the most obvious tracking techniques is the following. The training volume formula (workout volume = set x reps x weight) can be used to quantify this.

Record your development over time by keeping track of the weights you lifted per exercise each week, the number of reps you felt comfortable performing, and other factors.

You must evaluate your improvement from low intensity (heart rate less than 50% of maximum heart rate) to moderate intensity (heart rate between 50% and 70% of maximum heart rate) to high intensity (heart rate greater than 70% of maximum heart rate) cardio workout in order to chart your development.