6 Common Side Effects of Weight Loss You Should Know

As you embark on the journey of losing some bodyweight, you should not ignore the possible side effects. More so, you might notice some of these symptoms and respond accordingly. These effects are not, in any way, a discouragement to your decision to go for a weight-loss session. However, counting your cost is part of your preparedness to make the journey a successful one.
Furthermore, a healthy weight loss regime has tremendous benefits that are indisputable. Yet, when the real weight loss begins to happen, it brings specific unexpected changes and conditions. Please note that not everyone undergoing weight loss will have to experience these things. However, if they occur, you should see a doctor or any other expert in medicine.
Some Noticeable Side Effects of Weight Loss
1. Sagging skin and stretch marks
When you begin to lose weight effectively and quickly, you may find some sagging parts of the skin. For instance, your belly skin may sag or carry some stretch marks. The implication of this symptom is that your body is finding it harder to shrink and adjust accordingly.
Therefore, many nutritionists and weight loss experts recommend slow and steady methods rather than the sudden move. In addition to your regular weight loss regime, dieticians and nutritionists also recommend undergoing some resistance exercises in the same course.
By so doing, you can build muscles from your sagging skin while you lose weight. Some ways to prevent this sagging may be using collagen-based serums, using sunscreens, and eating more natural produce. The extreme effort of removal will be to undergo surgery, which leaves scars.
2. You may experience some difficulty in sleeping
Weight loss can influence your sleep, especially if the process is through a special diet. Research proved that what you eat affects your sleep and vice versa. Besides, it is a matter of what you eat, and when you eat affects your body weight and sleep.
Sleep is majorly influenced by the chemicals, Adenosine and Melatonin, which regulate and manage the sleep cycle. Basically, the dietary changes directly affect your sleep because of the body’s adjustments. Your body needs some time to learn the new normal.
Clearly then, not eating much deprives the brain of the required energy and affects the hormonal balance. The effect of these changes in the system may keep your body activated rather than cooling down to sleep.
3. You may be more susceptible to cold
Your weight loss journey may also be ushered by your body’s changes in metabolism and hormonal secretion changes. Whereas your body could cope with insulation through the excess fat underneath the skin, now that you are losing them, it is a different ball game entirely.
When you start to significantly lose weight, you may begin to feel colder in such conditions due to temperature changes. Since the insulator’s extra layer is missing, you can expect that cooler air gets ‘inside.’
In defense, Apovian added that the body attempts to lower the body’s metabolic rate to conserve energy. In other words, the process of saving power does not have enough extra calories to use.
4. It may affect your appetite
Dieticians have been able to establish the relationship between the body’s hormones and your interest in food. When the ghrelin is secreted from the stomach, you feel starving and many kinds of food appeal to you.
But as soon as you are placed on a special diet for weight loss, you may often lose this feeling. Furthermore, many who lost weight effectively have testified that it somehow affected the appetite for food. Apart from the desire, it may even affect your taste for good food.
The change in taste may be due to the weight loss the body’s extra effort to get you back in shape. Besides, it is not the food that tastes bad; it is the taste buds that have failed to correctly communicate the signals to the brain.
5. You may be seeming to continue to lose weight at some point
Some fluctuations may occur in your weight loss journey while you lose some and gain some more. Therefore, it is common and normal to reach some plateaus where it seems nothing is happening anymore. It is only a response of the body to its rapid leanness.
Whereas the body requires some amount of calories to function adequately and correctly. And when it reaches a level, it adjusts to conserve all that is left. However, it is not the time to go back to the previous habits but to continue diligently in the new way to achieve the desired results.
Therefore, regarding your weight loss methods as a lifestyle rather than short term changes, which may not benefit much. More so, the effectiveness of the weight loss journey will only be evident over some stipulated time.
6. Weight loss may affect your relationship
Some people may not count this factor as some of the side effects of weight loss, but they experience it all the same. If you are in a relationship, you need to consider the implication of your weight loss journey on your partner and your relationship.
Also, these healthy changes are worth discussing between the both of you. In fact, when the changes begin to happen, you must pay attention to your partner’s comments and don’t assume it will be as expected. Just like it may surprise you, the changes may surprise him or her too.
If possible, you both should be taking the journey together, especially if you have a similar shape. If not, allow your partner the freedom to do what they need to do and do it well. In response to such changes, also endeavor to keep the positivity up and respect your partner’s opinion.
On a final note, the weight loss process’s side effects may not be the reason to stop your journey abruptly. However, it is important to note them and prepare ahead. Even when you don’t see any of these changes immediately, keep up with your plan and enjoy the new you.