How Identifying as an Athlete Will Change Your Perspective on Food

Hey Angels and Alphas,

For many, food is a source of comfort, a cultural expression, or even a momentary indulgence.

But, when you begin to identify as an athlete, your relationship with food can transform dramatically.

Suddenly, the fuel you put into your body becomes just as crucial as the training you endure, the gear you select, and the recovery methods you employ.

Let’s explore how adopting an athlete’s mindset can reshape your perspective on nutrition.

1. Food as Fuel

Before: Many of us view food primarily as a source of pleasure or a way to cope with emotions. We might eat when we’re bored, stressed, or sad, often opting for foods that offer a quick energy boost or emotional satisfaction.

After: When you identify as an athlete, food transitions from being just about pleasure to being about performance. Meals are no longer just about filling up; they’re about fueling up for the next workout, match, or race.

The quality, quantity, and timing of nutrients intake become crucial to optimize energy levels and enhance performance.

2. Nutritional Education

Before: Nutritional knowledge might be limited to basic health class lessons or diet trends that are circulating in popular media.

After: Athletes often dive deep into nutritional science. They become familiar with terms like macronutrients, micronutrients, glycemic index, and electrolyte balance. They’ll likely know the benefits of specific supplements, how to carb-load before an event, and the importance of post-workout protein synthesis.

3. Functional Choices

Before: Food choices might be based on cravings, convenience, or cultural habits.

After: Athletes learn to view foods in terms of their functional benefits. They may opt for beetroot juice for its nitric oxide boosting properties, fatty fish for omega-3s, or tart cherries for their potential to reduce muscle soreness.

4. Listening to the Body

Before: Hunger might be the only cue prompting you to eat, and fullness the only cue to stop.

After: Athletes develop a heightened sense of body awareness. They become attuned to signs of dehydration, learn to detect when their glycogen stores might be low, and adjust their diet based on training intensity, muscle recovery, and even sleep patterns.

5. Discipline and Consistency

Before: Dietary habits might be inconsistent, with weekdays spent on restrictive diets and weekends on bingeing sprees.

After: Athletes understand that consistency is key. While occasional indulgences are part of life, they remain focused on their nutritional goals, understanding that every meal is an opportunity to nourish their body and support their athletic endeavors.

6. Relationship with Weight and Body Image

Before: Weight might be perceived purely from an aesthetic perspective, with societal standards heavily influencing self-worth.

After: Athletes come to understand weight and body composition in terms of functionality. Rather than aspiring for a certain ‘look’, they aim for a physique that supports their performance. This doesn’t mean athletes are immune to body image issues, but their primary goals often shift to performance metrics.

The Bottom Line…

Identifying as an athlete doesn’t mean you need to be a professional sportsperson. It’s about adopting a mindset that prioritizes performance, health, and wellbeing.

Embracing this identity can fundamentally shift the lens through which you view food, transforming it from mere sustenance to a strategic tool that propels you towards your athletic goals.

As with any journey, it’s essential to seek balance, listen to your body, and enjoy the process.