How to Adjust Your Workout on a Keto Diet

Hey Angels and Alphas,

The ketogenic diet, or keto diet as it’s more commonly known, is a popular way to lose weight by strictly limiting your carbohydrate intake. While the actual keto diet consists of 90% fat, only 5% carbs, and 5% protein (1), this doesn’t mean you can skimp on your workout or training regime. If you want to continue seeing results, keeping up with your workouts will be key on your keto journey.

The Basics

If you’re embarking on a ketogenic diet, you may be wondering how to adjust your workout and training regime. After all, it can be tricky to know just how much exercise to do, and when. Here are some tips for modifying your workout routine while on a keto diet.

First of all, don’t overdo it. When starting a keto diet, your body is going through an adjustment period and can be sensitive to too much physical activity. Make sure to take it easy at first, as your body adjusts to the changes.

Second, focus on low-intensity cardio exercises. Aerobic activities such as walking, jogging, and swimming are great ways to stay active without putting too much strain on your body. Just make sure to take frequent breaks and monitor your heart rate.

Third, focus on strength training. Strength training helps to build muscle and burn fat. Aim for two or three strength-training workouts per week and focus on major muscle groups.Finally, supplement your workout routine with other activities. Consider yoga, Pilates, or even Tai Chi to help stretch and strengthen your muscles in a gentle way.

By following these tips, you can adjust your workout routine to suit the demands of the keto diet. With patience and dedication, you can make sure that your workout routine is healthy and effective.

Increase Electrolyte Intake

Keto diets involve significantly reducing your carb intake, which can lead to electrolyte imbalances. To keep your workouts and training as effective as possible, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough electrolytes.

The three main electrolytes you need to worry about are sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Low levels of these can cause fatigue, muscle cramps, headaches, and dizziness, so it’s important to keep your levels in balance.

The best way to increase your electrolyte intake on a keto diet is by eating high-electrolyte foods such as avocados, kale, spinach, almonds, fish, beef, and eggs. You can also try supplementing with electrolyte powders or tablets. Just be sure to avoid any that contain added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Finally, don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. This will help keep your electrolytes in balance and make your workouts more effective.

How to Modify Your Training

If you’re following a ketogenic diet, it’s important to adjust your workout and training regime accordingly. Keto is a high-fat, low-carb diet, which means your body needs time to adjust to the new fuel sources. There are a few key changes you can make to ensure that your workouts remain effective and keep your body in the optimal state for fat burning.

First, adjust your carbohydrate intake before and after your workout. Since carbs are limited on keto, it’s important to consume fewer of them around your workout. You should focus on getting enough fats and proteins instead. Eating foods like avocado, fatty fish, eggs, and nut butters will give you plenty of energy for your workout without having to rely on carbs.

Second, increase the intensity of your workouts. As you adapt to keto, your body will become more efficient at burning fat for fuel. This means you can up the intensity of your workouts without hitting a wall of fatigue. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is great for burning fat while maintaining muscle mass. It’s also a great way to get the most out of your time in the gym.

Finally, don’t be afraid to take breaks if you need them. If you’re feeling run down or fatigued, give yourself permission to rest. Your body may need time to adjust to the new fuel sources, so don’t push it too hard. Listen to what it’s telling you and rest when necessary.

Adjusting your workout and training routine for keto doesn’t have to be difficult. Just focus on consuming healthy fats, limiting carbs around your workout, increasing the intensity of your workouts, and taking breaks when needed. With these adjustments, you’ll be able to get the most out of your workouts and maximize your fat burning potential.