Simple Tweaks that Push You Through Weight Loss Plateaus

Hey Angels and Alphas,
So, you’ve stopped consuming soda and you haven’t eaten ice cream in months. Naturally, you’re seeing weight start to peel off. And you’re also going to the gym, burning off extra calories, and you’re seeing all your efforts paying off.
But at some point, you notice results are starting to dwindle and you’re feeling stuck, uncertain of how to proceed. If that’s the case, then congratulations – you’ve hit a weight loss plateau.
If you’re at a healthy weight but you’re still above your dream weight, you want to get rid of those pesky 5-10-15 pounds that are still lingering. And if you’re at a healthy weight, this might mean the weight you’re trying to reach is difficult to sustain. Your body usually likes to maintain a stable weight, also known as the set-point weight. While it can generally be adjusted, it will take you some time to get there.
As you’re on the process of losing weight, you may be tempted to cut calories drastically or overtrain so you can shed pounds faster. This will only backfire since your muscle can also be used as energy, slowing down your metabolism so it spares energy.
Whether you find yourself slightly above that natural set-point weight or you’re pressed to lose those final few pounds, here are a few ways you can instantly generate healthy adaptations necessary for you to shed more pounds and overcome a weight-loss plateau.
Busting through weight-loss plateau has proven to be more than just a game of calories in and calories out. Suddenly, processed foods no longer make the cut, making room for quality whole foods including veggies, beans, high-fiber fruits, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean proteins.
Research has shown us that people sometimes overestimate how many calories they burn when they’re training and they underestimate how many calories they’re consuming. To better approximate your caloric needs, first find out how many calories your body is burning every day at rest by using a basal metabolic rate calculator. Use that as a benchmark to subtract the rough number of calories you burn through your training. And make sure you’re always wary of the little bites of food you take here and there.
These calories DO count, and they tend to add up more quickly than you can imagine, even if they’re nowhere near your plate. Mindlessly munching on leftovers, reaching for midday snacks, or even taking a bite out of your friend’s pizza can all add up to invisible calories that you’re not counting in your weight loss equation.
A full night’s sleep is an absolute necessity if you’re looking to get your weight in check since it’s so vital to your hormonal balance. Small amounts of sleep deprivation can lead to more hunger, increased cortisol, more body fat accumulation, sugar cravings, and more.
If you want to burn more calories at rest, increase the amount of muscle you have. Lift (progressively heavier) weights and follow a strength-training program and you’ll do wonders for your weight management.
The more muscle you have, the more calories you’re burning just by sitting on your couch, and the more body fat you’re shedding. Not to mention, strength training workouts are also great for burning calories and they can run independent of your usual cardio efforts.
Protein has the highest thermic effect of any food, meaning that consuming protein will burn the highest number of calories during digestion. But that’s just the smallest reason you’d want more protein in your diet. It contains amino acids leucine, well-researched to be a powerful catalyst for burning body fat.