My Road Back to the Stage
Over the past couple of years my journey took a significant detour.
From winning my pro-card to finishing top 10 at World’s, being blown off course by injury and personal adversity to now targeting a return at the end of the year, the learning & growth has been painful. With my goals sternly set for a return to the WBFF Stage at the Atlantic City Pro-Am in December, the next 12 weeks will be blogged, documented & broadcasted through this site & through my social media channels. It doesn’t promise to be sunshine, rainbows & smiles but I can say it probably will have a lot of that. What it will also have though is a very real insight into the rehab, training, challenges (both specific to me & fitness competitors in general) as I lead up to stage. This blog will cover off on everything from nutrition, body maintenance, rolling, active release work, activation, training techniques & programs, cooking, fun things I do socially but also help with the overarching prep goal & more. If you are interested in following this journey with me, read the little preface below as the starting point of this new adventure.
There are no coincidences in life. None. I strongly believe this to be true & the more I rehab, heal & start to recreate my physique/conditioning the more I am seeing my broken back as a blessing. It has actually changed my structure quite significantly my waist has become smaller, my back has actually gained a greater V taper & my core has never felt this strong forced to work 100% on my bio-mechanics has meant that my actual shape has been transformed over my healing period & TBH I’m feeling so much happier with my new look. Although I am excited to regain some lost size on my delts & continue to build some leg/glute thickness over the coming year, I am simply quite content…. Content with life, with my evolving aesthetic, with how much strength I’ve gained via my challenges, with who I am as a person, with how it’s enhanced my technical coaching skills & most importantly with how much stronger my body is feeling mind, body & spirit have gained invaluable lessons during my period of trials & tribulations. All of which have expanded for the best #mevsme #buildingabetterme #evolution #aesthetic