Saunas vs HIIT: Which is Better For Your Heart?

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Do you know which exercise is better for your heart and cardiovascular system: saunas or HIIT? If you’re not familiar with either of these, HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training, while sauna refers to steam rooms where individuals sweat in super-heated, humid air. Both of these practices are popular in the healthcare world as forms of physical therapy for various conditions and diseases, but if you’re wondering which one is better for your heart and general health, read on to learn more about what each offers in terms of benefits to the body.

The Benefits of Saunas

A sauna has been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and depression, and can help lower blood pressure. Saunas also help increase the production of nitric oxide, which helps regulate blood flow. A recent study found that a session in a sauna led to improved endurance performance when compared to interval training. Saunas also have calming effects on the body and mind as they promote relaxation by lowering levels of stress hormones and increasing growth hormone levels, which helps with muscle repair. The heat from the sauna increases blood circulation by dilating blood vessels near the surface of your skin. This causes your heart to work harder so it pumps more oxygenated blood throughout your body during a session in a sauna.

The Benefits of HIIT

HIIT workouts are beneficial because they’re very time efficient. The average workout duration is 15 minutes, which is perfect if you’re strapped for time. Plus, because of the intense bursts of activity and recovery periods, they keep your body burning calories long after you’ve finished. This type of training also boosts metabolism as well as physical and mental health. Contrary to popular belief, this type of training doesn’t require any extra equipment or space; all you need are a mat, a chair, and maybe some weights. It’s also one of the most effective ways to lose weight quickly – just an hour-long session can burn up to 600 calories!

Comparing Time

A new study from Finland has found that people who regularly sweat in a sauna are less likely to have heart problems than those who do high intensity workouts. Researchers studied 2,315 Finnish men over the course of 15 years. The researchers found that men who used the sauna once per week had a 44% lower risk of developing coronary artery disease or dying from it, compared to those who did not use the sauna at all.

The study also showed that men who used the sauna more than once per week had an even greater reduction in risk of coronary artery disease, at 66%. The researchers noted that other studies have found similar results.

Comparing Benefits

We all know that exercise is important to stay healthy and live longer, but not everyone has the time or the motivation to go to a gym. Luckily, there are many ways you can exercise without having to leave your home. For example, if you have a home sauna, you can use it in place of a regular workout at the gym. Saunas may not be as intense as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), but they’re just as effective at improving cardiovascular health and reducing stress. In fact, one study found that after a month of using their sauna three times per week, participants had fewer symptoms of depression and were less stressed than before.

Comparing Difficulty

Research has shown that saunas may be more beneficial to the circulatory system than high-intensity interval training. Not only does this type of work out raise the heart rate and release endorphins, but it also reduces inflammation and oxidative stress. There are some drawbacks – you need to spend more time in a sauna session in order to get the same benefits, and you’ll have to make sure you stay hydrated while working out. Overall, though, the benefits of sauna workouts can outweigh these negatives.

Low-Intensity Cardio vs. High-Intensity Cardio Which One Is Right For You?

Hey Angels and Alphas,

When it comes to exercise, you’ll often hear about the importance of doing cardio exercise to keep your heart healthy and maintain your weight. But what does cardio mean? It’s actually a general term that refers to any aerobic exercise you do, but the different intensities of cardio can be classified as either low-intensity or high-intensity. Low-intensity cardio usually refers to exercises like walking and yoga, while high-intensity cardio usually refers to exercises like running and cycling.

Don’t confuse low intensity with easy.

The distinction is not always clear. Low intensity does not necessarily mean easy and high intensity does not automatically mean difficult or exhausting. In reality, any workout can be both hard and low intensity as well as easy and high intensity. It all depends on the speed, duration, resistance level of the exercise, etc…

Benefits of HIIT.

High intensity interval training is a type of cardio workout where you go all out for a short period of time, then rest for a lower intensity level for a certain amount of time before the next high intensity burst. This type of cardio has been found to have more benefits than traditional low-intensity cardio workouts like walking or jogging on the treadmill. The benefits include increased fat burning and improved cardiovascular health, among others.


For beginners, low-intensity cardio is a great way to build up stamina and increase overall cardiovascular health. Low intensity exercises include jogging, biking, and swimming. These exercises are easy on the joints and provide cardiovascular benefits by increasing heart rate and lung capacity while utilizing fats as an energy source instead of carbohydrates or sugars. If you are looking to lose weight, low-intensity cardio will help you burn fat at a steady pace without exhausting your muscles or stressing your joints too much. The downside of low intensity cardio is that it can take a long time for noticeable weight loss to occur so this might not be the best choice for people who want immediate results from their workouts.

Outlining the downsides of HIIT.

Cardiovascular activity at a high intensity is a form of exercise which can be as demanding as an intense physical challenge, and can have benefits for both physical health and mental well being. It’s also one of the most effective ways to lose weight. But there are plenty of reasons why you might not want to do it, or may not be able to do it for long periods of time–or ever at all.

The good news is that you don’t need vigorous activity in order to reap the many benefits of cardio exercise; regular low intensity cardio has been shown to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers while improving bone density and muscular strength–and this type of activity is usually easier on your joints than high intensity workouts.

Outlining the downsides of LOW INTENSITY CARDIO.

Cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to keep your body in shape and maintain a healthy weight. In addition, it is a great way to stay mentally active and have fun doing something you enjoy! There are many different types of cardio workouts, such as walking, running, cycling, rowing and swimming just to name a few.

The type of cardiovascular workout that is right for you depends on your level of physical fitness and your goals for the routine. Low-intensity cardio workouts include walking at an easy pace or taking a leisurely bike ride where you can chat with friends while riding or just take in your surroundings.

The Effects of Oxidative Stress on Your Fitness Progress and Performance in the Gym

male fitness

Hey Angels and Alphas,

When you think of oxidative stress, what comes to mind? Most people picture themselves lying on the beach in Miami sipping pina coladas as they get a tan from the sun. In reality, however, oxidative stress can be quite detrimental to your health and your fitness progress and performance in the gym. 

Read on to learn more about what oxidative stress is, what it does, and how you can reduce its effects on your body!

What is oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress is a term that describes an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a biological system’s ability to readily detoxify or repair these ROS. ROS are chemically active molecules that can damage cell structures such as DNA, proteins, or lipids. If left unchecked, oxidative stress can result in chronic inflammation, which can lead to serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Exercise has been shown to counteract oxidative stress by reducing ROS production and increasing antioxidant defenses. Furthermore, exercise helps reduce chronic inflammation by promoting healthier blood vessels, which better deliver blood carrying oxygen throughout the body.

How do free radicals affect you when working out?

Free radicals can be produced by a variety of factors, including exercise, environmental pollution, smoking, lack of sleep, poor dieting habits, as well as many medications. When you work out your body produces free radicals. 

Free radicals are not necessarily bad for you. In fact, they can help stimulate muscle growth by inducing an inflammatory response. However, if your body does not have enough antioxidants to keep up with production these free radicals can start to accumulate which causes oxidative stress. 

This accumulation then prevents the muscles from repairing themselves after workouts which affects your progress and performance in the gym. As a result, it is crucial that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with high antioxidant content such as blueberries or strawberries to help protect yourself against oxidative stress while working out

Oxidative stress and its relationship to your diet

Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between your body’s production of free radicals and its ability to neutralize them. 

This can lead to a number of health complications, but it also impacts your fitness progress and performance in the gym. For example, oxidative stress can be responsible for muscle fatigue, decreased muscle force, or compromised immune function. 

To combat this negative effect, look for foods that are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C (e.g., oranges), vitamin A (e.g., carrots), beta carotene (e.g., sweet potatoes), lycopene (tomatoes), selenium (Brazil nuts) or flavonoids which protect against cell damage that may cause disease.

Tips to minimize free radical damage to your body

One way to protect your body from oxidative stress is to increase your intake of antioxidants. Foods that are rich in antioxidants include vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans and grains. 

However, if you don’t have time to eat a variety of these foods every day, supplements are also available. Another way to avoid free radical damage is by exercising regularly. A recent study found that people who exercised had lower levels of oxidative stress than those who didn’t exercise at all.

How to minimize oxidative stress in your life

1. Stop Eating Processed Foods. Processed foods are high in sugar, which can increase inflammation and damage cells. 

2. Avoid Added Sugar. Added sugar comes from sources such as juice, sodas, desserts, sauces, ketchup, etc. 

3. Eat Lots of Whole Grains & Legumes. Whole grains offer tons of fiber to keep your gut healthy (especially when paired with legumes), while also providing you with important nutrients like magnesium, zinc and folate. 

4. Drink Water. Hydration is crucial for a healthy body; drink water to replenish fluids lost during exercise or other activities throughout the day 

5. Get Enough Sleep! A lack of sleep has been linked to oxidative stress and can impair your immune system 

6. Exercise Regularly. Physical activity reduces oxidative stress by promoting cellular health through increasing oxygen flow and creating new mitochondria within the cells. In addition, exercising will allow you to have more control over your diet since exercise allows you to burn more calories each day than rest does. Finally, regular workouts may also improve cognitive function by improving blood flow in regions of the brain that control things like memory formation, concentration and decision-making skills!

Calisthenics For Muscle Gain: How To Build More Muscle With Bodyweight Training

male fitness

Hey Angels and Alphas,

When you first start doing bodyweight exercises, you may be concerned about the amount of muscle that you can develop through these calisthenics exercises alone. In fact, many people shy away from calisthenics training because of this myth about not being able to build as much muscle as you can with weight-training. 

The truth is that, if you know what your body needs and understand how to train correctly, you’ll be able to build plenty of muscle with calisthenics alone! Read on for tips on how to build more muscle with bodyweight training.

Introduction to calisthenics

Calisthenics is one of the most popular forms of training for strength. It’s also considered a great form of cross-training for many other sports and activities. 

The beauty of calisthensic exercises is that they can be performed anywhere, with minimal gear, at any time. This makes them an excellent choice for those who have limited access to weights and equipment, or who have no desire to use them whatsoever.

Can you gain as much muscle with calisthenics as you can with weightlifting?

People often ask me if you can build as much muscle with calisthenics as with weightlifting. The answer is a resounding yes, but it will take more time and effort. That’s because there are many factors that play into building muscle and the type of training you do is one of them. Weightlifting has a greater potential to increase your strength and power while building muscle due to the heavier loads used in this exercise modality. If you want to get stronger and build muscle quickly, then weightlifting is the best way to go.

What are the best calisthenics exercises?

The best calisthenics exercises are ones that can be performed with your own body weight, rather than needing any equipment. Push-ups and squats are two examples of these types of exercises. You’ll also want to include exercises that can work multiple muscle groups at once, so planks and jumping jacks are great for this. You’ll also want to add some cardio in there as well to help you burn more calories. Jumping rope is an easy way to do this!

Weight and progressive overload with calisthenics

There are a few key things to keep in mind when training with calisthenics, which can help you to make the most out of your workouts, and build muscle. One of the primary keys is progressive overload. Progressive overload means that you’re always trying to increase the amount of weight that you’re lifting, or the number of reps that you’re doing. 

In order to build muscle with calisthenics, it’s important that you have a plan for how you’ll do this progressive overload. And make sure that your goal is realistic! If your goal is to bench press 250 pounds by next week, then your plan needs to be more detailed than if your goal was just to bench press 100 pounds by next month.

Tips for gaining more muscle with calisthenics

-Start with pushups and pullups, the two most basic bodyweight exercises. They work a lot of muscles and are great for building strength. 

-Do inverted rows to work your back, biceps, and abs. 

-Squats help strengthen your quads and glutes. 

-Do dips to build your chest muscles. 

-Practice handstands against a wall or on a box to build arm strength and balance. You’ll need this for when you eventually do freestanding handstands. 

-To build your core, do planks (every variant except the traditional plank) and leg raises.

Pro tip: As you get stronger, add weight to some exercises by using ankle weights or wearing a weighted vest. Just make sure you don’t add too much weight! Start with just 5 lbs if that’s all you have available. If it feels comfortable, then increase the amount little by little as you go along until you reach your max weight limit.

How to Avoid Overtraining When Working Out Six Days a Week

male fitness

Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’ve been training consistently, chances are you’ve been working out six days per week on occasion. Maybe you want to build muscle and strength, or maybe you just love exercising and want to get more workouts in per week than usual. Whatever the reason, training six days per week can present its own set of problems and challenges if it isn’t done correctly and often leads to overtraining, which can put your health and fitness at risk if left unchecked.

The definition of ‘overtraining’

Overtraining, according to the Mayo Clinic, is when you exercise too much, too often. It also occurs when your body isn’t given adequate time to recover from workouts. The result is that your performance and health will decline. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) defines overtraining as a state of chronic training-related fatigue where increases in training volume or intensity are not matched by an increase in performance. If left unchecked, overtraining can lead to serious illness and injury.

Is training six days a week too much?

Training six days a week is not too much, but can lead to overtraining. Overtraining occurs when the body doesn’t get enough time to recover and build muscle. To prevent overtraining, it’s best to train four or five days per week with at least one day of rest in between each workout. It’s also important not to repeat the same workout two days in a row and always give yourself at least 24 hours of recovery before training again.

Why most people need more than 1 rest day a week.

It’s important to take at least one day off from training every week so that your body can heal and grow. Otherwise, you might risk overtraining, which is when you start exercising excessively and not allowing your body time to recover. 

People who workout six days a week often do it because they are addicted to the endorphins it releases in their brains. But this type of exercise is self-defeating because it will eventually lead them down the path of overtraining, which will then lead them to stop exercising altogether because they are injured or burned out. Exercise addiction can also be dangerous if you have an eating disorder. This type of addiction usually starts with someone telling themselves that they’re fat or ugly and need more physical activity in order to lose weight or get in shape.

How do we avoid overtraining with high training volume?

By training six days a week, you are more likely to overtrain. The best way to avoid overtraining is by training three days on, one day off, three days on and one day off. This allows for your body time to recover from the stress of lifting weights and running/biking/swimming long distances. 

This schedule allows for your body time to recover from the stress of lifting weights and running/biking/swimming long distances. It also gives your mind a break so that you can focus on other aspects of life without feeling like you’re always working towards a goal.

The bottom line

Overtraining can happen when you are working out too frequently and/or intensely. Here is how to avoid overtraining:

-Start by using a three-day split (three workouts per week). This will allow your body enough time to recover between workouts so that you don’t come down with any injuries. 

-Be sure not to work out the same muscle groups consecutively more than once per week, or else risk developing muscle imbalances. 

-If you are going hard on every set of every exercise, try alternating between heavier sets and lighter sets. 

-Listen to your body and know when it’s telling you that it needs rest.

How to Eat Healthy this Autumn: Tips for Easing In More Fruits and Veggies Into Your Winter Diet


Hey Angels and Alphas,

The leaves have fallen off the trees, the temperature’s dropped, and winter’s on its way. If you’re like most people, this means it’s time to go into hibernation mode, but if you stick to your typical winter diet plan, that can be pretty dangerous. That’s because when you’re eating fewer fruits and veggies during the cold months, you’re more likely to develop nutritional deficiencies over time that can lead to serious health problems down the road. But it’s not all bad news.

What fruits and veggies are in season during the Autumn?

There are a lot of foods that are in season during the autumn. These include apples, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, beets, carrots, cauliflower. This list doesn’t even scratch the surface of all the different types of fruits and vegetables that can be eaten throughout the fall months. There’s a lot more than pumpkin pie waiting for you at Thanksgiving dinner!

Cook your meals from scratch

One way to make sure you’re eating more healthy is by cooking your meals from scratch. It’s easy, it saves money, and it tastes great. Here are some of my favorite autumn recipes that use fresh produce! Risotto with Roasted Squash Risotto with roasted butternut squash gets a spicy kick from chile de arbol peppers and cayenne pepper. 

The mild sweetness of the butternut squash is a perfect pairing with the subtle heat of the peppers. Try substituting other squashes like kabocha or acorn in place of the butternut squash if desired. Mushroom Marsala Risotto Mushroom Marsala risotto makes a delicious vegetarian option for dinner or as an appetizer at your next dinner party.

Don’t be afraid of local produce

One of the best things you can do this autumn is take advantage of the local produce available. The best way to do that is by visiting your nearest farmer’s market, where you’ll find a range of healthy options that are in season at the time. In the winter, there are so few locally grown fruits and veggies available, which makes it easy for people to lose sight of the importance of eating healthy. Buying from a farmer’s market helps you avoid produce that’s been shipped from far away. Plus, buying at a farmer’s market means you’re supporting a small business and getting more fresh vegetables because they don’t have as long of a shelf life as store-bought produce.

Use herbs instead of salt

Fruit is an excellent snack, not only because it’s a great source of fiber, but also because it contains natural sugars that can help your brain stay focused. And if you’re looking for a quick energy boost, fruit’s vitamin C content will give you the right amount of pep. 

Vegetables are another great choice — they’re packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will keep your immune system strong all winter long. If you have time on the weekends or during the week, try prepping some snacks to take with you when you’re on-the-go.

Investing time into prepping your snacks will pay off big time later

Preparing your snacks ahead of time will save you so much time in the long run. Here are some tips for getting more produce into your diet this autumn. 

-Serve fruit at breakfast instead of cereal or oatmeal. 

-Add kale, spinach, or other dark leafy greens to salads or smoothies. 

-Make a big batch of soup that can be eaten throughout the week. 

-If you have a blender, try making a green smoothie packed with veggies like avocado, carrots, celery and fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro!

-Add cauliflower rice to curry dishes, as well as cabbage slaw in burgers!

Snack on whole pieces of fruit

It can be really easy to let healthy eating slip away when the weather starts getting colder. But there are a few simple things you can do to get more fruits and veggies into your winter diet. 

First, try making soups or stews that incorporate seasonal produce like squash, apples, parsnips, carrots, etc. You could also bake with pumpkin puree or make a smoothie with some frozen berries or fruit. There’s no need for these recipes to take up a lot of time – just start small! 

Second, try adding some fresh produce like apple slices onto your morning oatmeal or yogurt. If you’re cooking eggs in the morning, throw in some spinach or tomatoes as well. And don’t forget about side dishes!

Keep meals simple and easy to make

One of the best ways to ensure you’re getting enough produce is by keeping it simple. Stir-fries are a great way to get a variety of vegetables without having to chop them all up, while roasted veggies can be tossed in with pasta or made into a soup. If you find yourself really craving something sweet, try cutting up some fruit and baking it with a little honey or cinnamon.

Start your day with breakfast that includes some sort of fruit or vegetable.

The Best Time to Take Your Vitamins: Water-soluble vs. Fat-soluble

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Taking vitamins can help us to meet our daily nutritional needs, but they can also help us to stay healthy and fight off diseases by supplying our bodies with the essential nutrients they need to keep functioning properly. However, vitamins differ in how your body absorbs them and when you should take them. Here’s what you need to know about water-soluble vs. fat-soluble vitamins, as well as the best time of day to take them both!

The Difference Between Water-soluble and Fat-soluble Vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body and they need to be consumed every day. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body, so they need to be taken only once per day or less, depending on the vitamin. 

Some examples of fat-soluble vitamins include Vitamin A, D3, K2, and E. Fat-soluble vitamins can also be obtained through food sources like fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel; eggs; butter; cream; milk; cheese; coconut oil and nuts like almonds. These sources contain high amounts of nutrients which is important for maintaining healthy bones as well as preventing heart disease.

 With water-soluble vitamins such as B6, B12, C, folic acid and biotin, they are only absorbed in small amounts when consumed through food sources; you need higher doses of these vitamins to be effective. 

Some examples of water soluble vitamins include Vitamin B1 (thiamin), which helps convert carbohydrates into energy; Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and niacin (vitamin B3) help with metabolic functions, Vitamin B5 and pantothenic acid help in converting carbs into energy while vitamin E and choline are antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage. An example of a water-soluble nutrient is choline found in soybeans and cauliflower.

Best Time To Take Water-Soluble Vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are best taken with a glass of water or juice in the morning and at lunchtime, since they get absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly than fat-soluble ones. They should also not be taken with milk, coffee, tea or any other beverages high in calcium, as these drinks can interfere with absorption and lead to deficiencies. Milk is an exception if you’re taking calcium supplements and vitamin D at the same time; that combo requires a little extra time for the body to absorb all those minerals, so it’s better to have them at bedtime.

Best Time to Take Fat-soluble Vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins are best taken with meals containing some type of healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, oils, avocados and eggs. This helps the body absorb them more easily and effectively. If you don’t eat at least one meal a day containing these types of fats, then you should take a multivitamin that contains all the fat-soluble vitamins every day. 

When taking water-soluble vitamins (such as C, B12 or folic acid), it is important to know how much is needed daily for optimal health.

Do I Need Both Types of Vitamins?

You might be wondering if you should get both water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, but the answer is no. They serve different purposes in the body and they do not compete with each other because they are consumed at different times of the day.

What if I forget to take my vitamins?

If you don’t remember to take your vitamins, it’s not the end of the world. You’re still getting a lot of the benefits from them by simply being in contact with them (i.e., in the same room). That said, we recommend taking vitamin B12 at least twice a week and vitamin D once a day for optimal levels.

The bottom line

Water-soluble vitamins need to be taken with water for maximum absorption in the body. Fat-soluble vitamins are better absorbed when taken with food, so eat a meal before taking them. For most people, it’s best to take both types of vitamin at different times of day. Remember that only foods rich in these vitamins can provide you with all the health benefits they offer.

Seasonal Changes in Metabolism: How to Keep Your Weight Loss on Track This Winter

weight loss

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Did you know that the average person’s metabolism slows down by about 100 calories per day in the winter, with obese people experiencing an even greater decrease? That may not sound like much, but it can add up to an extra 10 pounds over the course of the winter if you don’t make any changes! 

However, there are steps you can take to keep your weight loss on track even in the coldest months. Read on to find out how!

Why your metabolism slows down during the cold months

There are a few reasons why your metabolism slows down during the winter. First, it’s harder to exercise outside when it’s cold. Second, our bodies don’t need as much energy when it’s cold because we’re constantly wearing more clothes and staying inside. 

Finally, there are fewer daylight hours which means that our bodies produce less vitamin D. All of these combined together can cause your body to burn less calories throughout the day and you may find that you’re not losing weight as quickly as you would like. 

But don’t worry! There are a few ways that you can keep your weight loss on track this winter including taking daily walks and making sure you’re drinking lots of water.

How to keep your weight loss on track during the cold months

You might be feeling a little sluggish this time of year. But don’t worry, you’re not alone! As the weather gets colder, your metabolism slows down. Luckily there are some things you can do to keep your weight-loss plan on track this winter. 

Eat smaller portions – The colder it gets outside, the more we want to get inside and enjoy some warmth. When we spend more time inside, we tend to eat more or put off exercise until later because of our busy schedules. 

To combat this urge, try eating smaller portions throughout the day so that you don’t overeat at one meal or snack. And make sure you’re getting enough activity during the day so that your body doesn’t start burning less calories naturally just because of being cold outside.

Should you change your training regime?

First, it’s important to note that we see a decrease in metabolic rate when the temperature drops. However, this is not an excuse for abandoning your weight loss goals just yet. If you’ve been following your healthy eating and training routine all summer, then it may be worth sticking with it for now. On the other hand, if you are just starting a weight loss program or have fallen off track over the last few months because of fall activities, there is no better time than now to get back into gear!

Tips for transitioning between seasons

1. Stay active by exercising and/or going for walks outside whenever you can. If it’s too cold, try doing some indoor exercises or watch a workout video.

2. Eating more high-quality protein is a great way to maintain muscle mass and avoid gaining weight during the winter months. Lean meats, dairy products, eggs, beans, lentils and tofu are all good sources of protein. 

3. Eat more fruits and vegetables! The fiber that fruits and vegetables provide will help your body feel full for longer periods of time. 

4. Consider getting a standing desk so that you burn more calories throughout the day without even realizing it! 

5. Eat breakfast!

The bottom line…

If you’re someone who’s been struggling with weight loss this winter, don’t give up! While your metabolism is naturally slower during the winter months, there are ways to keep your weight loss on track. Here are some tips for staying motivated and sticking with it through the cold season. 

-Keep a food journal! Tracking what you eat can be helpful for identifying what may be causing weight gain. Plus, it can help you track your progress when trying out new strategies or recipes. 

-Plan ahead! Make sure that you have healthy snacks handy when hunger strikes and avoid making unhealthy choices at fast food restaurants or convenience stores.

How Much Training is Too Much? The Sweet Spot for Optimal Volume

Hey Angels and Alphas,

When it comes to training volume, there are two concepts you need to be familiar with: the sweet spot and the zone of optimal training benefit (ZOTB). Both are based on the idea that your body adapts to how hard you train it – so that if you do too much, your fitness will actually decrease over time, and if you do too little your fitness will decrease as well. 

However, at some point along the spectrum between not enough training and too much training lies the sweet spot, where your body gets the optimum benefit from your work.

What Is Training Volume? 

Training volume is the total amount of training you do in a week. It’s calculated by taking your average weekly hours, and multiplying it by seven. If you’re following a four day program, then you need to add fourteen hours per week to find your weekly training volume. 

For example, if an athlete trains with CrossFit Seminar six days out of the week that would be 30 hours (6×7) of total training volume.

Training volume has been found to have an inverse relationship with recovery. Higher volumes are generally associated with more fatigue and less effective gains during workouts. 

According to Maffetone, less than 16-18 hours a week was not enough. Other research has shown that optimal volumes vary depending on age and fitness level.

What Does ‘Too Much’ Training Mean?

Too much training volume can mean a number of different things. The two most common instances are either that you’re overtraining and need to take a break or that you’re training too often and not recovering well enough. In general, most athletes are overtrained when they’re feeling burnt out or feel like they’re not getting as much out of their workouts as they did previously. 

On the other hand, training too often can make it so that your body doesn’t have time to heal from any previous stressors, resulting in lack of progress or strength gains at best and injury at worst.

Are You Overtraining or Just Under Recovering

Since you’re reading this post, it’s safe to assume that you’re looking for the best way to gain as much muscle as possible with minimal effort. You’ve probably heard of individuals who train one hour a day and see rapid gains, whereas others feel they can never get an effective workout done in under two hours. 

A question that always comes up is which side of the spectrum do I fall into? What exactly is my training volume sweet spot? Let’s take a look at how many sets you should be performing each week and why. 

When we’re talking about training volume, what we’re really discussing are sets.

Some Rules of Thumb on Training Volume

1. Evaluate your training volume with the following three questions: How much did you sweat during the workout, how hard was the workout and how long ago was your last hard session (training volume increases when you’re recovering from an injury or illness).

2. If you are training a muscle group and have never worked that particular muscle before, it’s safe to do 2-4 sets of 8-12 reps of that exercise 2x a week. As you progress in strength, intensity and/or frequency increase. 

3. Varying stimulus is important to maintaining motivation and avoiding overuse injuries—keep changing up exercises!

Decrease in Performance Could be Caused by Underrecovering, Not Overreaching

All of us at some point in our careers will go through a period of decreased performance. This usually happens when you have been chronically overtrained and have depleted your adrenal glands as well as your fuel stores to meet the demands being placed on them. 

While it can seem counter-intuitive, this could actually be caused by not training hard enough and not recovering well enough. Additionally, if your training volume drops too low, it will take longer for adaptive changes to take place that would help improve physical functioning. 

While an undertrained state may feel better in the short term, over time it can lead to even greater problems down the road – so please heed this warning!

How Many Sets do You Need Every Week for Each Muscle Group?

There’s no right answer to this question, but a good starting point for most people would be 3-4 sets per muscle group. 

This should be around 10-14 reps, with 4-6 of those being heavy and focused on the area that you are trying to build. To maintain muscle size, this will generally mean going to failure somewhere in the 8-12 rep range.

How to Use Progressive Overload for Optimal Fitness Gains

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Progressive overload, also known as overload principle, refers to the idea that in order to build muscle and increase strength, you have to keep pushing your body to do more than it’s used to. 

When you progressively overload your muscles through weightlifting or other types of exercise, you’re increasing the weight lifted, reps performed, intensity of exercise, or some combination thereof over time. 

As you go through this process, your body will adapt and strengthen accordingly—if you allow it time to recover in between workouts and don’t push yourself too hard too fast.

What is Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is a concept that’s fundamental to lifting weights. It basically means doing more over time, but it’s not just about going heavier each time. If you’re not getting stronger, your workouts are too easy and will likely lead to plateaus and injury. 

To get stronger you need progressively bigger weight challenges in training: overload. You need progressively bigger weight challenges in training so the body can adapt by building muscle and increasing strength. 

The idea of progressive overload isn’t just to go heavier with each workout, but also higher intensity exercises (more reps) or volume (sets). For example, rather than adding five pounds every workout as you progress through your program, add two pounds per workout with the same number of reps until you reach your target weight for that exercise.

Why it’s essential

Progressive overload is a technique used in fitness training and exercise science. The term was coined by physical education professor Vernor Panton while at the University of Waterloo. 

The goal of progressive overload is to gradually increase physical stress on the body so that it responds by becoming stronger and gaining more endurance. This may seem counterintuitive, but overloading your muscles and then giving them enough time to recover will actually build strength and power. 

If you think about it, after a workout, muscles are damaged from being stretched beyond what they’re used to. The body naturally repairs this damage with new muscle fibers and tissue when it’s allowed sufficient recovery time.

When does it apply

Compound exercises are exercises that involve both the lower and upper body, or multiple large muscle groups. The push-up is an example of a compound exercise; it targets muscles in the arms, shoulders, chest, core and back. 

One of its benefits over a push-up that just focuses on chest muscles is it increases the workload for your cardiovascular system by adding arm movements. 

Additionally, with compound exercises you often use heavier weights than isolation exercises which leads to greater strength gains and improved muscle endurance.

What are compound exercises?

Compound exercises are exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time, such as bench presses or squats. These exercises require more coordination and stability than other types of movements, and they place an increased amount of stress on your muscles – this makes them perfect for progressive overload! 

Once you’ve mastered the movement itself, adding more weight is a great way to keep challenging your body so it can continue making progress. Compound exercises are great additions to any workout routine because they provide an intense full-body workout with minimal equipment required.

What are isolation exercises?

An isolation exercise is any exercise that has one specific muscle group as the main focus. For example, a bicep curl would be an isolation exercise because it focuses on only the biceps. 

Isolation exercises have a higher level of intensity because they require greater focus and concentration; this makes them the preferred method for boosting strength and shaping muscles when combined with more complex exercises that work multiple muscle groups.

How Blood Sugar Levels Impact Energy Levels

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to get out of bed in the morning? Energy levels are probably the biggest factor that impacts how you start your day. If you wake up feeling tired and without motivation, it can make your whole day seem bleak and unproductive, even if other parts of the day go well. 

Low energy levels at the beginning of your day cause you to feel like there are no good options available to you, which can lead to feelings of regret or sadness. 

In this article, we’re going to explore the connection between your blood sugar and your energy levels so you can optimize your mornings for more productivity throughout the day.

What is Blood Sugar?

Blood sugar levels are measured by something called a glucose test. Glucose, simply put, is the form of sugar in our blood. In order to have enough energy during the day, blood sugar needs to be maintained at a steady level. If not, we experience fatigue. A sudden drop in glucose will cause tiredness and hunger at different rates depending on whether you have diabetes or not. The condition is often referred to as hypoglycemia if it has been diagnosed but there are many other terms that can be used interchangeably.

What Causes Low and High Blood Sugar?

Blood sugar is a measurement of how much glucose is in our blood. When we eat carbohydrates or consume anything with sugars, they are broken down into glucose molecules that are absorbed into our bloodstream. 

The hormone insulin plays an important role in maintaining the balance between how much glucose is in the blood stream and how it’s used by different parts of the body. Insulin tells cells to absorb more glucose and store it as glycogen, which is a natural storage form for carbohydrate energy. 

Glucose that isn’t being used right away by cells or stored as glycogen will eventually end up being converted to fat deposits which are stored throughout our bodies.

How Does Blood Sugar Relate to Energy?

Blood sugar is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). In order to be healthy, it should remain at or below 120mg/dL. When blood sugar levels are low, it leaves you feeling tired and lacking in focus. Having a sufficient level, around 160-180mg/dL is needed for energy. This ensures that your body has enough glucose to properly function.

How to Optimize your Blood Sugar for More Energy throughout the Day

* Avoid processed foods and refined sugars as they quickly break down into glucose, which can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. 

* Try eating some protein for breakfast, like eggs or a hard-boiled egg if you are not used to protein first thing in the morning. 

* Pack snacks such as almonds or almond butter or raw veggies like carrots and celery sticks in a lunch bag, so that if you get hungry during the day you have a healthy choice ready to go. 

* Be sure to have your afternoon snack at least 2-3 hours before going to bed. Eating something before bed will give your body extra calories for fuel, but it may cause indigestion that interrupts sleep.

The Bottom Line

When you have low blood sugar, your brain may not be able to maintain an efficient flow of thoughts and ideas. That’s why we usually experience moments of low energy right before or after a meal or snack. 

But if your blood sugar remains consistently too low over time, it can become increasingly difficult to concentrate and focus on tasks at hand, leading to decreased productivity at work, in school, or at home.

How to Make a Breakfast That Will Power You Up for the Entire Day

Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you want to start your day off on the right foot, there are some foods that are better than others at keeping you energized and focused until lunchtime rolls around. If you’re trying to figure out how to make a breakfast that will power you up for the entire day, check out this list of breakfast foods guaranteed to get your morning off to the right start.

The Importance of A Healthy Breakfast

If you want to power up for the day, your breakfast must consist of all three nutrient groups: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. A breakfast with no protein, carbs or fats will leave you feeling unbalanced and can contribute to an energy slump in late morning. There are endless ways to include these nutrient groups in your breakfast- try one of these three ideas. 

Baked oatmeal with low sugar and fat: Combine rolled oats with dry milk powder, raw sugar and raisins until well mixed. 

In a separate pan over medium heat mix together 1/4 cup butter with two eggs scrambled lightly without butter, 1⁄4 cup water, cinnamon and nutmeg. For this recipe choose either unsweetened apple sauce or banana sauce.

Carbohydrates – Oats

Start your day off right with oatmeal. Oats are rich in many nutrients and will provide you with sustained energy for hours on end. Cooked rolled oats come in many varieties: steel cut, old fashioned, quick cooking, plain, and flavored such as cinnamon spice or cranberry orange. Add rolled oats to boiling water with desired amount of milk (dairy or non-dairy), stir until thick and add other desired toppings such as nuts, seeds, brown sugar, dried fruit, ground flaxseeds or wheat germ. By adding these to your morning meal you’ll be fuelling up for hours of productivity!

Protein – Almond Milk

Almond milk is much better than dairy milk because it has less sugar and fat. Almonds are good sources of protein and essential vitamins. This means you can have something quick to grab on your way out of the door in the morning, or you can make a big batch on Sunday evening and enjoy it throughout the week. Here’s an example recipe:

-A handful of almonds soaked overnight in water 

-1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder 

-2 cups non-dairy milk (e.g. almond, rice)

Fat – Coconut Oil

Breakfast can be as simple as eating leftovers from the night before, but this is not always practical. Another breakfast option is eggs with avocados and black beans, which provides enough protein and other nutrients such as fiber and iron. But it may not fill you up enough if you need more energy. A healthy fat option would be to scramble your eggs in coconut oil (or grass-fed butter) rather than olive or vegetable oil because it improves mental clarity, boosts energy levels, promotes healthy digestion, and supports brain function.

Spices – Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Cardamom

To create this healthy breakfast, saute diced potatoes and eggplant over medium heat until browned, stirring occasionally. Once the vegetables are well cooked, add in three chopped garlic cloves and a tablespoon of crushed red pepper flakes. Keep cooking for another minute or two, then add in a cup of vegetable broth or water. Add salt and pepper as desired before mixing in a pinch each of cinnamon and cardamom along with about half a teaspoon of nutmeg. Cook it over low heat until all liquid is reduced by about one-third. Add salt as needed, then remove from heat.

Additions – Blueberries

Mornings are one of my favourite times of the day. We’re all busy with family, work, activities and social engagements. However, we cannot expect our bodies to provide what they need if they don’t have the right fuel. Blueberries have been known as a powerhouse fruit in terms of nutritional content and their ability to provide us with sustained energy – so give them a try!

The Case for Indulging on Your Day Off

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’re like most dieters, your weekdays are characterized by strict diets and limited eating, followed by an anything-goes weekend of buffets and cheat days. That way, you can justify the indulgent side of your personality on the weekend and feel guiltless about it because it’s just one day (or two) out of the entire week. However, what you may not realize about this habit is that it might not be helping you reach your goals at all.

How many calories should you eat on your rest day?

Indulgences are meant to feel good. So, if you’re eating candy as a means of dealing with stress, you should rethink that strategy. However, if you’re using sweets and other indulgent items like potato chips and chocolate to satisfy your sweet tooth or keep your cravings at bay while dieting – there’s nothing wrong with having them on occasion. 

The key is moderation – not going overboard when it’s not necessary. Eating too many calories will cause all the hard work of dieting to be undone, so take the day off now and then and enjoy some of your favorite foods in moderation.

How much sugar, fat, protein and alcohol are OK in moderation?

It can be challenging to determine exactly how much sugar, fat, protein and alcohol is a healthy amount in moderation. We have to remember that dieting is about total calorie balance. You should never starve yourself or go without food. However, it’s still good to know your limits! 

Generally speaking, carbs should be consumed in moderation as they turn into sugar very quickly in the body and may cause you to crash in a few hours. Protein also takes longer to break down than carbs so it can also keep you feeling full longer.

What’s the verdict? Should we indulge more often?

Eating healthy may seem like a never-ending cycle, but it doesn’t have to be. We may not be able to change the fact that calorie counting is in our blood. What we can do is change the way we think about food and more importantly how often we indulge. There’s nothing wrong with eating a piece of cake or going out to eat after a workout. But the key is not making it a weekly tradition, because your health should always come first!

Which foods are worth splurging on and which aren’t?

Even though you don’t need as many calories on your day off, it doesn’t mean that you should deprive yourself completely. After all, if you haven’t been eating a lot lately (working out or taking care of a sick family member) it might be wise to replenish some of those nutrients by eating well and balanced. 

Indulging in a calorie-rich meal can actually keep your metabolism running at an efficient level throughout the day without snacking excessively between meals (although this could depend on your daily calorie budget). Since indulgent food has more calories than nutrient-rich foods like vegetables and whole grains, choose wisely when choosing your indulgences.

Is there anything else we can do to stay healthy without dieting all the time?

Who said you have to be strict with your diet every day? If you’re trying to maintain a caloric deficit and control your appetite, you may want to rethink depriving yourself of everything tasty. Restricting your diet is counterproductive because it often leads to more intense cravings and a cycle of binges.

The body needs nutrients from the outside world (i.e., those found in food) in order to function properly; cutting them out of your life too early may lead you down the path toward sickness or even death. Plus, restricted foods are usually the most delicious, meaning if you’re not eating something good, then what’s the point? It’s like eating nothing at all.

Is Intermittent Fasting Ruining Your Gut Health?

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’re starting to read up on intermittent fasting or are already practicing it, chances are you’ve heard something about how it’s bad for gut health. But what does that mean? And what can you do about it? In this blog post, we’ll go over why intermittent fasting might be bad for your gut health, as well as what you can do to counteract the negative effects and keep your gut healthy.

What is Intermittent Fasting (IF)?

Intermittent fasting is a dietary pattern where cycles of prolonged fasting are combined with short periods of unrestricted eating. It differs from other intermittent or calorie-restricted weight loss methods in that it involves cyclic periods of hunger (restriction) alternating with fat-burning (fasting) times, instead of continuous periods without food. 

In general, intermittent fasting is safe and may have some health benefits. However, there is not enough evidence to say it’s an effective treatment for any specific disease or health condition, like diabetes.

The safety of the diet will depend on how low in calories people eat when they’re not eating during their eating window, so people often worry about what they should and shouldn’t eat at all times to be on the safe side.

How Does Your Gut React to Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is generally safe for most people, and those who do have adverse effects tend to only experience short-term symptoms. 

However, some research suggests that while the metabolic changes are relatively benign in the short term, they could contribute to serious long-term health problems like hypertension and weight gain. 

Another problem is that if you don’t eat enough protein during your fast, this may lead to depletion of muscle tissue which will eventually slow down your metabolism. This means that not only do you risk gaining weight in the long-run, but you also might see reductions in your ability to recover from injuries or new activity.

The Many Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is all the rage in recent years as more research reveals the many benefits of fasting. Intermittent fasting or IF is a form of intermittent calorie restriction that involves short-term abstention from food (e.g., 12-24 hours). 

The term was coined in 1963 by Ancel Keys, but has recently gained traction due to numerous clinical trials revealing health benefits for IF practitioners. 

The general idea behind intermittent fasting is that we shouldn’t eat every day because our stomachs don’t work well when they are constantly full and stretched out.

Can Fasting Improve your Gut Health?

This is the question many people are asking themselves, with the trend of intermittent fasting increasing on a yearly basis. Some experts say that fasting will in fact improve your gut health, while others disagree and suggest that it is actually going to worsen your gut health. 

A study conducted in 2013 by Valter Longo, Director of Longevity Studies at USC, had shown that not only does intermittent fasting have great benefits for various bodily systems but can also improve gut health. 

When participants in the study were randomized into two groups, one being fasting and one who ate regularly three times a day; blood samples showed that those who fasted had lower levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) which is associated with aging and increased risk of cancer when combined with reduced dietary restriction.

Is Fasting Harmful to Your Gut Health?

When most people think about intermittent fasting, the first thing that usually pops up in their heads is weight loss. And while those benefits may be a secondary concern to some, research has shown that when following an IF diet, gut health may take a back seat. 

This is due to a natural cycle called autophagy: the elimination of cellular components and intracellular pathogens as part of an organism’s adaptation to a hostile environment. In response to limited nutrients and also as a component of aging, autophagic pathways in our cells degrade proteins and recycle structures such as ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and peroxisomes.

The verdict – is fasting good for your gut?

Intermittent fasting has many health benefits like promoting weight loss, reducing the risk of heart disease, and helping control blood sugar. However, fasting may be too much of a good thing when it comes to your gut. 

You see, fasting can actually change the type of bacteria found in your gut which could lead to gastrointestinal issues like bloating. So if you’re trying intermittent fasting and experiencing these GI symptoms, then consider ending your fast early until those issues have resolved.

Why Full-Body Training is the Perfect Solution for Your Busy Schedule

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Hey Angels and Alphas, 

Don’t have time to hit the gym every day? Can’t get to the gym at all? Then full-body training may be the perfect solution for you, especially if you have several muscle groups you want to work on but don’t have time to do so individually. Full-body workouts challenge your body in different ways, and can help you improve your strength, burn fat, and feel more energized—all without stressing about when and where you can fit in your next workout.

What Are The Benefits of Full-Body Workouts?

Full-body workouts have become increasingly popular. They provide a lot of benefits. Benefits of full body training:

1) You can do your workout anywhere, and anytime – Just wear sneakers and you’re ready to go! You don’t need a gym membership or any special equipment, just get some space to move around and you’ll be good to go. 

2) You spend less time in the gym – While it may seem counterintuitive, 30 minutes at home on your living room floor every day will make way for more time doing other things. And not just at home–no excuses now with your fitness routine! Be sure to fit it in before work, during lunch, after work and on weekends when those pesky obligations come up.

Which Exercises Should I Include in My Workout Routine?

When it comes to busy schedules, full-body training offers a number of benefits. It has been found that adding this type of routine can help you lose more weight, in addition to seeing other health benefits like stronger bones and improved cardiovascular health. So if you’re looking for a way to stay in shape while balancing your schedule, full-body training may be just what you need. Plus, because full body workouts work all your major muscle groups with exercises such as squats and lunges; they also leave you feeling like your muscles are worked out enough without doing an entirely separate routine!

Should I Train Monday, Wednesday, Friday Or Is Every Other Day Enough?

As a general rule, everyone needs to do three days of weight training and two days of cardio per week. We like to advise our clients to train five days a week and split it up like this: Monday: cardio, Tuesday: full body, Wednesday: cardio, Thursday: rest or weights if you want, Friday: full body, Saturday: cardio and Sunday: rest. That way your muscles are never too sore from one day on top of another and you get in an adequate amount of cardiovascular activity every day.

What About Rest Days?

This full-body workout can be done at any time, day or night! You can do this either as a quickie on your lunch break or as a way to sneak in some exercise after work. This workout doesn’t require any equipment either. It’s not just limited to during the weekdays too. Even if you only have 30 minutes in the morning before work, you can still complete a full-body routine that won’t take up too much of your precious time. As long as you have an adequate amount of time though, 10 to 20 minutes may be best for really seeing progress and results with this type of workout.

Conclusion and Summary

A full body workout gives you a lot of bang for your buck. It offers the benefit of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise while maximizing calorie burn, fat burning, and muscle gain. These full body workouts are often short in duration (less than 40 minutes) and can be done in as little as 10 minutes each day with breaks between sets to keep things interesting. 

Finally, these workouts have some built-in time hacks that make them perfect for busy schedules; you can choose exercises that take up less space (think squats or deadlifts) so that a gym isn’t necessary, and then there’s also preprogrammed on demand circuits designed specifically to work around people’s crazy schedules.

How to Maximize Your Workouts with a Weightlifting Belt

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

Weightlifting belts have been used in gyms and weight rooms across the world since they were invented, but today there’s a lot of confusion surrounding their use. Some believe that their sole purpose is to protect your lower back from injury, but belts can actually do so much more. Here are some tips on how to maximize your workouts with a weightlifting belt so you can get the most out of your time in the gym!

Why You Need a Lifting Belt

A weightlifting belt is an often overlooked yet incredibly valuable tool. A weightlifting belt is designed to help protect your lower back by supporting it during heavy lifting, making it significantly more difficult for the lower back muscles to fatigue as quickly. 

That being said, if you find yourself unable to do exercises such as heavy deadlifts without proper support then get a weightlifting belt. This is also important for those who have past history of back problems. They can also be used on exercises like the squat and power clean which will protect the lower back during each repetition. The bottom line: it’s never too late or too early in your fitness journey to start using a weightlifting belt.

Choosing The Right Weight Lifting Belt

1) Decide on the size – usually this will be determined by measuring around your waist or hips. Generally speaking, belts run in 4 increments, so if you have an odd measurement (such as 39) you may need to buy two belts and use one of them at the end of your workout when you’re lighter.

2) Choose your desired style – There are three main types of weight lifting belts: Velcro, buckle and lever buckle. Buckle belts offer the most adjustability while velcro is often preferred for weightlifters who do CrossFit because it is easier to get on and off quickly. Lever buckles are popular among powerlifters because they tighten down with more pressure than other styles, but they require some skill to open up again which can make things difficult for beginners. 

3) Get the right thickness -Belts come in different thicknesses depending on what level of support you want from it. The thicker the belt, the more support it provides. 

4) Buy a belt that fits comfortably – You should never wear a belt too tight because it can lead to poor circulation, nerve impingement and muscle fatigue during workouts.

5 Tips For Using The Lifting Belt Correctly

When it comes to weight lifting, most people think that a weight belt is only for competitive powerlifters. But if you work out regularly at home or in the gym, then you are probably more familiar with back pain than someone who has never lifted anything heavier than groceries. 

A weightlifting belt can be an excellent way to add stability during the heaviest lifts and decrease back stress during those crunches. When used correctly, the belt should be able to reduce the feeling of pressure on your spine when performing exercises such as squats or heavy deadlifts by preventing your core from expanding too much when your body becomes fatigued. 

To use a weightlifting belt properly, follow these five tips: 

1) Always tighten the belt high enough so that it doesn’t slip down while exercising. The goal is to get maximum support without losing mobility.

2) Use the belt during low-rep sets for higher weights.

3) Use the belt on any exercise where you bend over, like doing lunges or curls.

4) Tighten your abs before tightening your belt. If done correctly, this will help maintain stability in your spine.

5) Avoid using a weighted vest unless recommended by doctor.

Breaking Your PR: Tips for Quickly Improving Your Performance

Hey Angels and Alphas,

No matter what kind of exercise you do, your performance improves over time as you get better at it and learn more about your own body’s physical capabilities. The key to long-term improvement, however, is knowing how to improve your performance quickly in order to avoid getting stuck in a plateau or losing motivation if things aren’t moving fast enough. This quick guide on breaking your personal best will show you the way to boost your performance instantly without having to spend years practising!

Keep a Workout Journal

One way to track your progress is by using a workout journal. You can use the notes in your journal to see what you have accomplished and then apply this new knowledge the next time you go to work out. Here are some things that might be helpful to include in your workout journal: 

* What you want to do (i.e., increase cardiovascular endurance) 

* When it occurred (date, time) 

* The amount of weight/resistance you used, how long it took, and how far/fast you went 

* What obstacles were present at the time.

Before Working Out, Drink Water or Sports Drinks

Before you start your workout, remember to hydrate. Drink plenty of water or an electrolyte-rich sports drink at least 1 hour before exercise and about half a cup (4 ounces) every 15 minutes during vigorous activity. 

Sports drinks contain carbohydrates that replenish the body’s glycogen stores, prevent dehydration and provide an instant energy boost because they are absorbed quicker than water alone. 

Drink too much too quickly and you may feel nauseous or get a headache from drinking too much liquid. Avoiding these problems by staying well hydrated before, during and after your workout is key to breaking your personal best.

Warm Up and Cool Down Properly

Before you start your workout, it’s important to warm up properly. This is a vital step that must not be overlooked, as it helps to prevent injury and prepare your body for the exercise. Studies have shown that athletes who do not perform adequate warm-ups before their workouts had higher levels of muscle soreness and reported lower range of motion in the next few days than those who did. 

To keep yourself safe, do a 10-minute light jog or bike ride before you work out to help increase your heart rate and the circulation of blood. Some people also like to stretch or do yoga poses during this time as well, which can reduce muscle stiffness when you start your main workout session.

Try a Weightlifting Belt

Using a weightlifting belt will increase the amount of weight you can lift. When it comes to weightlifting, nothing matters more than the strength of your core. The muscle between your hips and ribs, the abdominal muscles, needs to contract strongly in order to keep your spine stable. You can’t do that if it’s being compressed from being too heavy on either side. A weightlifting belt allows you to go heavier without pushing against this natural stabilizer—which means better power and a quicker work-out. 

Try Using Hand Straps

Lifting straps have been a highly underrated addition to the gym bag. A lifting strap is used to keep a person’s grip from slipping off the bar while lifting, thereby allowing them to lift more weight than they could otherwise. To use lifting straps, take one hand and wrap it around the barbell in your hand, placing it palm down. 

Grabbing both ends of the straps with your free hand, extend them until they are in front of you and then place your hands on top of one another with palms down on the strap portion of this part. Wrap this end around each thumb so that it is tight enough to not slide but loose enough to allow you to still grip at a lower weight when desired.

Use Shorter Rep Ranges

Studies have shown that one way to break your personal best is to use shorter rep ranges. Take a heavy weight, perform one or two sets with 2-3 reps per set, and then try to keep the pace up for all remaining sets. For example, do a set of five reps, followed by four reps, three reps, and two reps. Try not to slow down as you get close to failure so that you’ll push past it and improve your performance on the exercise overall.

Why Consuming Carbohydrates is Essential for Muscle Growth

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

When you think of muscle growth, you may instantly think of protein – and you’d be right. Protein is one of the most important nutrients to building muscle, but carbohydrates are equally important as they provide your body with the energy necessary to exercise hard and recover from your workouts. 

This guide explains why consuming carbohydrates is essential for muscle growth, how carbs work to improve your performance, and the best types of carbs to consume if you want to get lean and muscular.

Why complex carbohydrates are better 

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body and one of the three main types of nutrients in a healthy diet. If you don’t consume enough carbs, your body will start to break down muscle mass in order to use it as fuel. This can lead to a condition called ketosis, which results in ketones being broken down in the blood and released through urination. 

This process can be unhealthy if it’s prolonged. The best option is to combine whole grains with protein and fat at every meal to stabilize your blood sugar levels throughout the day. This allows for stable moods and improved cognitive performance, which will help you get through your day-to-day tasks more easily.

Carbs provide energy

Carbohydrates are a vital source of energy, so it’s understandable that many people have a strong aversion to them. Carbs can be fattening, especially when they’re consumed in excess. But they also play an important role in providing fuel to muscles during exercise and even throughout the day. 

Without sufficient carbs, athletes could experience muscle cramps and weight loss as their glycogen stores become depleted. The moral of the story? Eat your veggies! They contain plenty of carbohydrates!

What happens if you don’t consume carbs?

Protein provides the building blocks for muscle development, and carbohydrates provide the fuel needed to convert protein into muscle. Thus, when you don’t consume enough carbs, your body has a harder time building and maintaining muscles. This will have an adverse effect on your physical strength and athletic performance. A lack of adequate carbohydrates also slows down post-workout recovery.

How many carbs should you eat per day?

Carbohydrates are an essential nutrient that provides fuel to muscles. Without enough carbohydrates, the body will start to break down protein into amino acids to produce glucose. When you do not consume enough protein and carbs, your muscle mass will decrease as you lose body fat. 

The general guideline is that carbohydrate intake should make up between 5% and 10% of your total caloric intake each day. This translates to 55-110 grams of carbohydrates per day for a 2,000 calorie diet (200-350 grams per day). 

And while many people consider these recommendations high, they actually reflect more of a moderate intake based on total calories when compared with most peoples’ current consumption habits.

What foods can you use to energize your workouts?

For people looking to exercise, carb-rich foods are a perfect choice. They can be consumed as part of a meal or snack before, during, or after your workout to keep you energized and feeling good. 

-Carbohydrate-rich foods provide fuel for the muscles during and after exercise. 

-People who do not consume enough carbohydrates are at risk of burning muscle protein instead of fat because their body does not have the glycogen (the sugar stored in muscles) it needs to burn fat for energy. This can happen when people skimp on carbs without realizing that they need to eat them too.

Five High-Energy Foods to Help You Stay in Ketosis


Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’re following the ketogenic diet, you know that it can be extremely difficult to find satisfying foods that are low in carbs and high in fat and protein. Sure, there are plenty of low-carb foods out there, but how many of them actually give you energy? Finding food that gives you energy while on the keto diet can be challenging, but with these five high-energy foods, staying in ketosis will be much easier.


Here are some tips and tricks on how to stay in ketosis while also boosting your energy. One of the best ways to get a great source of fuel is through avocado, which contains lots of healthy fats that give you sustained energy. Besides being an excellent option for morning eggs or lunchtime salads, you can even enjoy it as a satisfying snack without the guilt! And if you’re vegan? Load up on the guacamole!


The most important part of eating on the ketogenic diet is staying full. Having high-energy foods will help you not overeat and help maintain weight loss. Salmon is a great choice because it’s high in protein, low-carb, and has essential fats that help your body stay energized!

The keto diet requires little carbohydrate intake, which makes it easy for us to fill up on fish instead of sweet potatoes or rice at dinner time. By starting out with a small amount of fish, adding vegetables as our main course, and finishing with heavy cream (although this isn’t necessary), we have an amazingly satisfying meal without feeling overstuffed or too full. We might also add avocado for some extra healthy fat!


If you need a quick boost of energy, having a high-energy snack is one of the best ways to go. Here are five great options that will help keep you on track with your keto diet:

1) Nut Butter – One thing I’ve been loving lately is nut butter for a quick snack! Even just plain almond butter or peanut butter is surprisingly satisfying and provides an extra dose of healthy fats that keep you full for hours. Just 1 tablespoon has about 7 grams of fat, so it’s enough fat for one serving, but not too much. It also tastes really good if you’re craving something sweet but need protein as well.

Nut Butter

Foods that can provide sustained energy for many hours without raising blood sugar levels are ideal for people who are following a ketogenic diet. One food option is nut butter, which is made from a variety of nuts, such as almonds and cashews. 

The fats contained in these nuts may provide the brain with long lasting energy while avoiding other unhealthy effects of eating carbohydrates like high blood sugar and insulin spikes. Nut butters come in both organic and non-organic forms, so be sure to read labels carefully when shopping.

Green Tea

If you’re struggling with caffeine withdrawals or just want an easy-to-drink beverage, green tea is a great option. In addition to having caffeine, it also has some health benefits like reducing stress and balancing blood sugar levels. It contains less than 0.4g of carbohydrate per 100ml serving and about 45mg of natural caffeine. We recommend giving this healthy drink a try if you need some energy on the ketogenic diet.

Why You Crave Junk Food When You Haven’t Had Enough Sleep


Hey Angels and Alphas,

Have you ever found yourself craving junk food when you’re tired? You’re not alone! Recent research has uncovered the link between low-quality sleep and junk food cravings, which may explain why you reach for that bag of chips or bowl of ice cream when you have trouble sleeping. 

Poor sleep can even cause cravings for unhealthy foods in children as young as 3 years old! To help you get better sleep and keep your appetite under control, here are some tips on how to avoid junk food cravings caused by poor sleep quality.

Four Ways Sugar Affects Our Bodies

-Elevated blood sugar levels can stimulate increased appetite and cravings for carbs 

-The hormone ghrelin stimulates hunger and causes us to crave fats, carbs, and sweets after a meal. Ghrelin levels decrease when we sleep. 

-Sugar suppresses the hormones leptin (which tells you when you’re full) and insulin (which helps control your blood sugar). Over time, elevated insulin levels can lead to type 2 diabetes. 

-One study found that the quantity of calories consumed after dinner was doubled if they were preceded by a high-sugar dessert such as ice cream or cake. This can lead to weight gain over time.

When We’re Deprived of Sleep, Our Bodies React

A lack of sleep can cause feelings of fatigue, which may lead to an increased desire for sweet foods like cake and cookies, leading to the popular phrase: ‘Cravings are worse at 3 a.m.’ Our brains produce more of the hunger hormone ghrelin when we’re sleep deprived and produce less of the appetite suppressing hormone leptin. The result is that we have greater desires for junk food, but don’t feel as satisfied by it. 

Sleep deprivation also affects our motivation and mental clarity, making tasks like writing emails seem overwhelming and sending us into midday slumps with cravings for sugar or carbs. If we’re sleep deprived for a few days in a row, it’s even possible that our memories will be negatively affected.

What Happens in Our Brains During Sleep Deprivation

As we sleep, our brain releases beta-endorphins that make us feel relaxed and happy. These same endorphins are also released during moderate exercise (but the effect of these endorphins is not as strong). 

Without enough sleep, your brain releases more of these feel-good chemicals, causing you to crave junk food and want to avoid activities that would use up the energy it took to produce those chemicals. 

This might be because low quality sleep interferes with production of growth hormone, which causes muscle deterioration and other problems in people who don’t get enough sleep. The good news is, even just one night of restful sleep can have a significant impact on your hunger levels and cravings. There’s no better time than now to take a look at how well you’re sleeping!

Junk Food and Sugar Quality

You may not be aware of it, but there’s a link between junk food cravings and low quality sleep. You see, when you don’t get enough sleep, the levels of the hormone ghrelin are elevated in your body. This hormone is the one that triggers hunger signals to the brain. 

That means that if you eat less than normal while your sleep has been disrupted and is lower quality, your body will think it’s starving which can lead to unhealthy eating habits like binging on snacks that are high in sugar and calories. The easiest way to deal with this is by making sure you’re getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

Should You Hydrate All at Once or in Small Intervals?


Hey Angels and Alphas,

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that you drink roughly 1 gallon of water per day, but you don’t have to do it all at once, nor do you have to do it in small intervals throughout the day. 

There are benefits to both approaches and depending on your lifestyle and schedule, one might be better than the other for you personally. 

This article will discuss how to hydrate all at once or in small intervals, so take some time to read up on which method works best for you and why!

Why is it important to drink water daily?

Drinking water is important to keep our bodies functioning properly. When we are dehydrated, our kidneys cannot adequately filter waste products from the blood. Not only can this leave you feeling drained and tired, but it can also lead to headaches and difficulty concentrating. It is important to drink plenty of water to maintain adequate hydration – but drinking too much too quickly can have the opposite effect! Here are some tips for proper hydration:

-Slowly drink 16 oz. of water with a meal and 64 oz over the course of two meals

-Drink 8 oz. of water before you go on a walk/jog

What does your body do with water anyway?

Water is a vital nutrient for our body to function. It carries nutrients and removes waste. We need it more than we think, with an estimated 60% of water being lost through exhaling, sweat, and urination. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased mental alertness, so it’s important to be mindful of how much you are consuming every day.

The best way to ensure you drink enough water daily is to drink enough every time.

The best way to ensure you drink enough water every day is to drink as much as you can throughout the day. There are many other liquids that will not hydrate you properly, such as soda, juice, and alcoholic beverages. Drinking only water is the best way to stay hydrated and feel energized.

Why you shouldn’t wait until you are thirsty before drinking water

Simply waiting until you are thirsty before drinking water is not sufficient enough to maintain adequate hydration. The more logical approach is to drink small amounts of water regularly, every fifteen minutes if possible. If your thirst doesn’t decrease, even after drinking a glass of water, that’s usually a sign that you’re dehydrated and should seek medical help immediately. The better question is how much should you drink? The answer can vary depending on age, body size, physical activity levels and other factors like pregnancy and illness.

What happens when you don’t drink enough water?

When your body becomes dehydrated, your blood thickens, which means less oxygen and nutrients can get to the cells and organs. Dehydration also makes you more susceptible to infection. Plus, when you’re thirsty, it’s a sign that your body needs fluids so don’t ignore those signals! So should you hydrate all at once or in small intervals throughout the day? Drinking small amounts of water throughout the day will help keep your blood from becoming too thick and prevent dehydration.

The benefits of having 8 glasses of water a day

A study has shown that water doesn’t just help you to stay hydrated, but it also increases your metabolic rate and can have a significant impact on your health. So, by following the 8 glasses of water-a-day rule, you may notice an improvement in digestion, weight loss, less brain fog and improved cardiovascular health. The beauty is that getting hydrated is easy and even more convenient when drinking water isn’t your only option.

How Herbal Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Perform Better


Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’re like most people, you probably want to lose weight and perform better at the gym so that you can feel your best and live healthier overall. There are many reasons why this may be important to you, but chances are good that it has something to do with improving your appearance, energy levels, fitness performance, and metabolism. Luckily, there are safe herbal supplements on the market today that can help you accomplish all of these goals while also giving you plenty of other benefits that only herbs can provide. The following are just some of the things herbal supplements can do for you.

The importance of herbs for improving health

Herbs are not just for culinary dishes anymore. Medical science has shown that herbs can be an effective way to maintain good health. Many herbs are designed to improve the performance of various organ systems such as the cardiovascular system or immune system. They also have no known drug interactions, or side effects making them a great alternative treatment option.

Start with the basics – green tea & ginseng

Whether or not you’re concerned about your weight or overall health, taking herbal supplements can benefit everyone. Some of the most popular herbal supplements to take are green tea and ginseng. ##Green Tea ##Though often consumed as a beverage, green tea has been found to have an abundance of antioxidant compounds that fight against cancer-causing agents in our body. 

Plus green tea is a great source of vitamins C and E, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the blood stream. Taken regularly with other dietary changes and exercise routines you can lose weight while also improving your immune system function and metabolic rate.

Build on your knowledge – raspberry ketones & deer antler

Deer antler velvet has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to improve male virility. This herb is also one of the most popular energy supplements for athletes who want to lose weight and perform better in competitions. 

The key ingredient found in deer antler velvet is called IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1). Research shows that it may help protect cartilage from degrading when joints are damaged and can regenerate muscle cells in wounds. The most important thing to remember about deer antler velvet is that it contains amino acids which are vital for rebuilding cells and tissue.

Learn what works for you – coffee bean extract & guarana seed

The right herbal supplements can be a powerful tool in the arsenal of natural health. They can help you lose weight, feel great, and perform better. One such supplement is coffee bean extract with guarana seed. Coffee bean extract provides a significant boost to energy levels because of the caffeine found in it. A study on athletes showed that those who used coffee bean extract before exercising saw a dramatic improvement in performance when compared to those who didn’t take any form of stimulant at all.

Diversify your routine – mangosteen & panax ginseng

Mangosteen improves metabolism and immune function while giving people an extra boost of energy when they need it most. Another great supplement is panax ginseng – known for its performance boosting effects as well as its ability to enhance physical recovery time by boosting the immune system. For those looking for even more benefits, such as improving blood circulation, promoting natural hormone balance and supporting cognitive health – we also carry ashwagandha capsules.

Continue to build on your knowledge – l-carnitine & guggulsterone

One of the best supplements to help you burn fat is L-Carnitine. It helps by transporting fatty acids across the cell membrane into the mitochondria so they can be used as a fuel source. This means more fatty acids are burned which leads to more fat being released from storage. Guggulsterone is also a popular supplement for fat loss.

Summer Weight Loss: 7 Best Foods That Don’t Require Much Cooking


Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’re trying to shed some pounds during the warm summer months, you may be tempted to avoid the kitchen altogether, afraid that all those extra calories will only add to your waistline. But that doesn’t have to be the case! In fact, you can eat delicious and healthy meals while still getting the weight loss results you’re hoping for! Here are 7 best summer foods for weight loss that don’t require cooking.

Watermelon, Feta, and Basil

Watermelon is the quintessential summer food. It’s sweet, easy to prep, and perfect for a hot day. Add some crumbled feta and freshly chopped basil to this dish and it becomes an instant salad. Plus, watermelon is one of the top fruits that help with weight loss! Watermelon is not only a good source of vitamin C but also rich in potassium and other electrolytes, which can help keep your body hydrated and soothe any muscle pains you may have accumulated from long hours in the sun.

Frozen Banana, Mango, and Almond Butter

Freeze a banana and have it for breakfast. Spread mango on whole wheat toast. Enjoy a tablespoon of almond butter with apple slices. Eat fresh fruit after dinner instead of dessert. Have a small smoothie instead of coffee. Replace chips with nuts and seeds, popcorn with air-popped corn, and other snacks with low-fat dairy, like yogurt or cottage cheese

Strawberries, Spinach, and Chia Seeds

Make a fresh, delicious smoothie using strawberries, spinach, and chia seeds. Add about 3 cups of fresh spinach to a blender with 1 cup of ice and 1⁄2 cup water. Add three or four tablespoons of chia seeds and one cup frozen strawberries (you can also use fresh). Blend until smooth. If desired, add additional fruits or greens. Serves two people.

Avocado, Cucumber, and Grapefruit

Avocado is rich in vitamins and minerals, healthy fats, and fiber. Cucumber contains soluble fibers which help lower blood sugar levels. And grapefruit helps the body use insulin better which can lead to weight loss. Eating one of these foods daily can help you stay satisfied for a long time without overeating. Add on some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar if you are looking for extra flavor.

Broccoli Salad with Sunflower Seeds

A simple summertime broccoli salad with sunflower seeds is a healthy and easy dish to eat on its own or as part of a larger meal. Tossing it together doesn’t require any cooking and only about five minutes of prep time. The amount of cooking involved can be cut down even more by preparing the dressing ingredients in advance. Store-bought, ready-to-eat dressings are also an option, but may contain added sugar or preservatives that may not be ideal for weight loss. Homemade dressings can also work if you keep them low in calories.

Asparagus Salad with Bacon and Ranch Dressing

This simple dish will be your go-to summer meal! Roasted asparagus brings a light crunch, bacon provides salty and smoky flavors, and ranch dressing packs on the flavor. All of these flavors come together for a refreshing salad that doesn’t require any cooking. Just a drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle of salt is all you need to make this salad a flavorful delight.

Pineapple Popsicles

Melt two tablespoons of coconut oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add two cups of finely chopped pineapple and one and a half cups of water. Bring to a boil, then remove from the heat and let cool for 20 minutes. Pour into popsicle molds or paper cups and freeze for 4 hours, or until solid. To remove, run warm water on the outside of the mold.

Don’t Let Your Busy Schedule Sabotage Your Weight Loss Goals

weight loss

Hey Angels and Alphas,

When your schedule becomes hectic, it can be tempting to fall back on old habits, like eating unhealthy food or skipping out on exercise routines that help you lose weight. However, it’s essential to remember that your schedule doesn’t have to destroy your weight loss goals. With the right approach, you can maintain the results you’ve worked so hard to achieve even when life gets in the way. Here are some helpful tips for when your schedule throws you off track.

The one thing you’re missing

When life is busy, it can be hard to prioritize your health. In order to avoid weight gain, make sure you include healthy foods in your daily routine and take time for fitness. It’s important to stay active when you’re faced with lots of demands and deadlines. Even if it’s only 10 minutes at a time, try some light exercises like taking the stairs instead of an elevator or parking farther away from a destination so you have to walk more. Do whatever feels right to you but keep at it!

Planning meals in advance

Packing your lunches and dinners in advance is the best way to ensure you always have something easy and healthy to eat on hand. You can also do batch cooking on the weekends and freeze meals for later in the week. For example, make enough soup or stew to last a few days, so you can grab a bowl anytime you want without spending time cooking up a storm. You could also make big batches of baked beans and tomato sauce, depending on what type of pasta or rice you like best.

Get enough sleep

Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Try to take a nap if you can during the day, but make sure it’s no longer than 20 minutes. Sleep deprivation has been shown to lower your levels of leptin, which regulates appetite and fat storage, while also raising ghrelin levels that promote hunger.

Meal prepping on Sunday is key

Planning for your meals is key when you’re trying to balance work, social life, and sleep. Even if you’re not a weekend cook, there are still plenty of things you can do to make your weekdays healthier. 

One easy way to get started is meal prepping on Sunday. The more time-consuming part of this routine is coming up with a plan; once that’s done, it becomes much easier to put together healthy meals during the week. If Sunday night feels like too late in the day to be thinking about what you’ll eat the next day, try prepping on Saturday instead. 

Stock your freezer

Planning ahead to stock your freezer with healthy options will help you stay on track during periods when you’re too busy or preoccupied to think about healthy eating. You’ll be less likely to overeat and more likely to work in healthier foods. My personal favorites are hearty, satisfying salads made with mixed greens, chicken or other lean protein, beans and corn, olives, and the various dressings of my choice.

Intermittent fasting works even when life gets in the way

Even when your schedule is more hectic than normal, intermittent fasting can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. Here are four reasons why. 

  • It controls cravings and reduces appetite 
  • It saves time by combining breakfast and lunch 
  • It gives you more time to do things you enjoy without feeling starved or deprived 
  • It’s a good way to reset the body from bad eating habits over the holidays

6 Tips For Creating A Healthy Morning Routine

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Your morning routine sets the tone for your entire day, and how you start the day can predict how successful your day will be. 

By establishing an effective morning routine, you’ll be more productive and focused in your work, you’ll feel more satisfied with what you do during the day, and you’ll be able to put yourself in better emotional state to tackle any challenges that may come up. 

Here are six tips for creating a healthy morning routine that will help you set the right tone for your days and make them easier and more enjoyable overall.

1) Get enough sleep

Make sure you get the sleep you need in order to start your day off feeling rested and refreshed. Eight hours of sleep per night is recommended for a healthy routine, but everyone’s sleep needs are different so do what works best for you. Maintain a consistent bedtime and schedule going to bed and waking up around the same time every day. 

The more disrupted your sleep cycle is, the harder it will be to feel rested at the end of the day. Establishing an evening routine can also improve your ability to get quality rest try reading a book or doing something else relaxing before bed rather than watching television or scrolling through social media feeds on your phone.

2) Drink coffee or tea

Coffee or tea are perfect for those of us who love to start the day with a warm drink. Some people do find that they experience withdrawal symptoms if they go without caffeine in the morning, so be mindful of that and keep in mind that water is always an option too. We also recommend adding some fruits and herbs like ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper, cardamom or cinnamon to your drink. 

They will help boost your immune system while providing nutrients and antioxidants. Try mixing some rosemary leaves into black tea or topping your coffee with coconut milk and cinnamon; both will add flavor while boosting cognitive function.

3) Have breakfast

One of the best ways to start your day off right is with a healthy breakfast. Research has shown that starting your day with a nutritious meal can improve sleep quality, mood, and brain activity for hours after you eat. 

The challenge for many is finding the time and energy to make a nutritious breakfast that’s still satisfying. Making your morning meal ahead of time will make this much easier.

4) Exercise

Getting started is the hardest part of a morning routine, but making it a priority will help you feel more energized for the rest of your day. If you’re struggling to get up, try these steps: 

1) Make your bed. Start with one small thing that’s achievable and you’ll be less tempted to give up. 

2) Drink water. Not only will it hydrate you, but starting your day off with H2O can increase focus, boost cognitive function and decrease inflammation which may lead to an improved immune system. Plus, if you drink more than 64 oz. during the day then it could provide other health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and improving muscle recovery after workouts. 

3) Stretch or do some deep breathing exercises before getting out of bed.

5) Write down your goals

A healthy morning routine doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require some intentionality. One of the keys to having a successful routine is making sure that you have habits that work for you personally and can help you feel more energetic and productive each day. If you’re struggling with staying productive or if your mornings are usually rushed and hectic, take some time now to think about what would make them better in the future. 

6) Keep moving throughout the day

Moving throughout the day helps prevent sitting for too long, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Moving in the morning helps you increase your energy levels, reduce stress and anxiety, combat depression, enhance muscle growth and bone density and improve mood and performance at work. 

Why a Healthy Relationship with Food is Key to a Stress-Free Fitness Journey

Hey Angels and Alphas,

It’s pretty much impossible to be completely fit and healthy if you’re not in some way at peace with your relationship with food. Whether it’s allowing yourself to eat the foods you love or fitting in fitness sessions into your busy schedule, it’s all about balance. This article will teach you why having the right attitude towards fitness will help you achieve your goals faster and more enjoyably.

Stop beating yourself up

Instead of punishing yourself for not having as much willpower or dedication as you think other people do, try giving yourself credit for how far you’ve come in making this positive change. Be kind and forgiving to yourself when things don’t go your way. We all have times where we crave comfort foods or overeat, but that doesn’t mean you should use it as an excuse for avoiding the changes you know are good for you. 

Remember that everyone’s experience is different, so what might work for some people might not work for others. If punishing yourself won’t help motivate you, then try rewarding your efforts by finding healthy ways to feel good about what you’ve accomplished! When it comes down to it, when will all of our goals ever be met if we are constantly stressing ourselves out?

Avoid falling into the trap of unhealthy eating patterns

A common trap people fall into when starting their fitness journey is falling into unhealthy eating patterns. As the number of pounds or inches lost, or any other progress is made, people often push themselves harder in an effort to get further and faster. 

This usually leads to three things: unsustainable eating habits, loss of focus on all other aspects of health (aka losing sight of goals), and increased stress as people feel like they are losing control over their body.

How to find your sweet spot

Finding your sweet spot means committing to lifestyle changes that feel right for you and you can realistically commit to. A commitment that balances health and fitness while still giving you the room to indulge in some guilty pleasures. 

It is important that this balance works for you and fits into your life, not the other way around. You don’t need to be perfect 100% of the time but strive for consistency because it will get easier over time. Eventually, it won’t even feel like work but part of your daily routine!

Take care of yourself first

It is critical that you take care of yourself. The human body needs rest and replenishment in order to get stronger. This includes sleep, proper nutrition, hydration, and exercise. By prioritizing your well-being, you are setting the foundation for continued success on your fitness journey. You will feel more energized, refreshed, and motivated in your daily life! 

Along with that it will also increase your accountability because you know deep down that you are doing this for yourself not just some random goal that won’t have any implications on who you are as an individual or what lifestyle choices you make moving forward. After all there’s nothing more motivating than feeling amazing about yourself!

Journaling can help you improve your relationship with food

What are some ways you can do to help improve your relationship with food?

When you eat, how often do you think about how many calories and grams of fat are in what you’re eating? How many hours did it take for that piece of cake to pass your lips? If this sounds like something you do often, I want you know that there are healthier ways to think about these things. 

One way would be not focusing on the negative aspects. That would involve avoiding calorie counters, weighing yourself daily or constantly focusing on exercise and progress at all times. Instead, find reasons for things going well—like when an old piece of clothing starts fitting again. I also encourage doing something each day that makes your body feel good.

What’s More Important – Training Frequency or Training Volume?

male fitness

Hey Angels and Alphas,

What’s more important, training frequency or training volume? If you’re a beginner, then it doesn’t really matter – as long as you train enough, you’ll see results. However, if you want to reach your fitness goals faster and avoid plateaus, it might be helpful to learn how the two factors work together in helping you achieve them. Here are some quick facts to consider.

Look at the Bigger Picture

The answer to this question largely depends on your goals. If you’re trying to build muscle, then you might want to focus on training volume, which is the number of sets and reps you do in a workout. On the other hand, if you’re trying to improve your cardiovascular fitness, then you might want to focus on training frequency, which is how often you work out.

Changing How You Think About Training

It’s no secret that in order to see results from your training, you have to be consistent. But what does that mean, exactly? Does it mean working out every day? Or does it mean working out for hours at a time? The answer is a little bit of both.

Frequency First, Volume Second

If you’re wondering whether you should be training more frequently or doing more training volume, the answer is frequency first, volume second.

Why is this the case?

Simply put, it’s better to have shorter, more frequent sessions where you can give 100% effort rather than longer sessions where you’re struggling to maintain intensity.

Not only will this lead to better results in terms of muscle growth and strength gains, but it’ll also help you stay motivated and consistent with your training.

So if you’re looking to make the most of your time in the gym, focus on increasing your training frequency first and foremost.

Save Your Energy For Key Workouts

You don’t have to be working out all the time to see results. In fact, too much training can actually lead to burnout, injuries, and a decrease in performance. Focus on quality over quantity, and make sure you’re reserving your energy for key workouts that will help you reach your goals.

Use High Volume Sessions To Recover From Tough Workouts

Training volume is the number of sets and reps you do in a workout, while training frequency is how often you train. So, which is more important?

The answer may depend on your goals. If you’re trying to build muscle, for example, you may need to focus on training volume and do fewer, higher-volume workouts. On the other hand, if you’re trying to improve your endurance, you may need to focus on training frequency and do more, lower-volume workouts.

Recovery Is The Most Important Part Of Your Program

If you’re not recovering properly, it doesn’t matter how frequently or how voluminously you train. You will not make progress, and you will likely get injured. So what’s the most important part of your program? Recovery. If you are not recovering properly, it doesn’t matter how often or how much you train. You won’t make progress and you may even get injured. Recovery adaptations happen exactly during the recovery phase, so regardless if you’re focusing on volume or frequency, make sure you’re always paying attention to recovery.

Understand That There Is No One Size Fits All for Strength Programs

The two most important variables in any strength training program are frequency and volume. But what’s more important? The answer, as with most things in the fitness world, is that it depends. It depends on your goals, your schedule, your experience level, and a host of other factors. The bottom line is that there is no one size fits all answer to the question of which is more important – training frequency or training volume – but focusing on training frequency will give you a better perspective on your overall regime and help result in more gains over the long haul.

The Dangers of Overtraining: Why More isn’t Always Better

male fitness

Hey Angels and Alphas,

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about weightlifting and exercising, especially in regards to how many days you should be lifting weights every week, what kinds of workouts you should be doing, and how much rest you need to be taking between each workout. 

One such piece of overtraining advice that people like to fall back on is the idea that lifting weights more often will make you more muscular or give you better results faster; however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Overtraining causes your body to break down, which leads to plateaus in your progress and potentially injuries or illnesses.

The Risks of Overtraining

overtraining can lead to injury, mental burnout, and decreased performance. It can also cause imbalances in your hormones, electrolytes, and energy levels, which can lead to further health problems. If you’re not careful, overtraining can become a dangerous cycle that’s hard to break out of. So how do you know if you’re overtraining? Here are some signs to look out for: 

Signs That You Might be Overdoing it

1. You’re exhausted all the time, even when you’re getting enough sleep.

2. You have been going to the gym or running every day without any rest days. 

3. You are getting more sore than usual with little or no recovery time. 

4. Your mood changes from day-to-day, with days when you feel great followed by days when you feel exhausted and irritable all the time. 

5. Your workouts start feeling harder as time goes on even though you are eating well and getting enough sleep.

6. Your performance is suffering.

7. You’re not enjoying your workouts anymore.

8. You’ve lost your motivation.

9. You’re irritable and/or short-tempered.

10. Your body feels stiff and/or sore constantly.

Taking Preventative Measures

1. Get adequate rest and recovery. This means taking days off from training, and getting enough sleep at night.

2. Listen to your body. If you’re feeling tired or sore, take a day or two off.

3. Cross-train. Don’t just focus on one activity; mix things up to avoid overuse injuries.

4. Strength train. Strong muscles can help protect your joints from overuse injuries.

5. Use proper form and technique. This will help you avoid injuries and get the most out of your workouts.

6. Gradually increase your mileage or intensity level.

Tips for Avoiding Overtraining Injuries

1. Incorporate a variety of training methods. Don’t just do the same thing day in and day out. Mix things up to keep your body guessing and your mind engaged.

2. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Ease into things gradually to give your body time to adapt.

3. Be aware of your limits and know when to back off. Pushing yourself is good, but there’s a fine line between challenging yourself and overdoing it. If you’re feeling excessively fatigued, sore, or injured, it’s time to take a step back.

Realize When to Pull Back

It’s easy to get caught up in the mentality that more is always better. But when it comes to working out, sometimes less is actually more. If you’re noticing any of the signs mentioned above, it might be time to pull back on your training. Make sure to talk to your trainer or doctor before making any major changes. 

Sometimes resting is the best way to help your body heal and recover from overtraining. Give yourself permission to take a day off if you need one. A little rest goes a long way towards helping your body bounce back and stay healthy!

Why Gaining Muscle is Easier for Beginners and Gets Harder as One Trains More

male fitness

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Gaining muscle can be easier than you think, but it also comes with some difficulties that you might not expect. If you’re new to strength training, or if you’ve been doing it for only a short time, then your biggest challenge will probably be gaining muscle quickly enough to see the results that you want and expect. 

If you’ve been lifting for years, however, then your biggest challenge will likely be keeping the muscle that you have and not losing any weight in the process of gaining more mass.

The theory behind it

There are a few theories behind why gaining muscle is easier for beginners. One theory is that when you first start working out, your body isn’t used to the stress of lifting weights and breaks down muscle fibers to repair them, making them larger in the process. 

Another theory is that beginners are more likely to have what’s called newbie gains, or rapid muscle growth due to the body’s ability to adapt quickly to new stimulus. 

Additionally, people who are just starting their fitness journey are often more dedicated and consistent with their workout routine, which may also contributes to faster gains.

The role of testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a key role in muscle growth. When levels of testosterone are high, muscles can grow more quickly. 

For this reason, beginners often see faster results than those who have been working out for a long time. However, as one continues to train, the body becomes more efficient at using testosterone, making it harder to gain muscle mass. 

Luckily, there are several ways to get around this problem: 1) take breaks from lifting weights every now and then; 2) increase training intensity or frequency; 3) use supplements like creatine; 4) increase food intake by eating more protein rich foods such as meat or eggs.

Why beginners gain muscle more easily

One of the reasons gaining muscle gets harder as you grow is because your body adapts to the stimulus you’re putting it under. 

The more you train, the more your body becomes efficient at handling that load, which means you have to constantly increase the amount of weight or reps you’re doing in order to continue making gains. Additionally, hormonal changes that occur as we age make it harder to build muscle mass. 

As we get older, our testosterone levels naturally decline, which can lead to a decrease in muscle mass. Our bodies also produce less human growth hormone (HGH) as we age, which is another factor that affects muscle building.

Why muscle adaptations get harder as you grow

  1. When you first start working out, your body isn’t used to the stress of lifting weights. This means that your muscles are more likely to adapt quickly to the new stimulus.
  1. As you become more experienced, your muscles become better at handling the stress of weightlifting. This means that they don’t grow as quickly as they did when you first started working out.
  1. The key to continuing to make gains is to progressively overload your muscles by lifting heavier weights or doing more reps with the same weight.
  1. However, as you get stronger, it becomes increasingly difficult to continue progressing at the same rate.

The Best Foods for Fuelling Your Body for Cardio, Strength Training, and HIIT

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

For most people, strength training and cardio are both part of the workout routine. But what foods should you eat to fuel your body while you’re doing these two types of exercise? The answer isn’t always as simple as you might think! Here are some tips on how to incorporate the best foods into your eating habits to keep your body working at its best, whether you’re doing cardio or lifting weights at the gym.

What is macronutrient timing?

Macronutrient timing is the strategic placement of your carbohydrate, protein, and fat intake throughout the day to help you reach your fitness goals. For example, eating carbohydrates before a workout can help improve your performance while eating protein after a workout can help with muscle recovery. Here are some tips on how to time your macronutrients for optimal results.

Macronutrients Defined

Before we dive into the best foods for fuelling your body, let’s first define what macronutrients are. Macronutrients are nutrients that the body needs in large amounts to function properly. There are three macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Each one of these three macronutrients has their own jobs when it comes to fuelling your body. Protein helps build muscle, carbs help fuel your workouts and fat helps keep you full.

Protein Before and After Exercise

No matter what your fitness goals are, protein is an important nutrient to help you reach them. Eating protein before and after exercise can help improve your performance and speed up recovery. Protein also helps muscles recover from a tough workout, so it’s important to keep in mind during rest days as well. If you’re not sure how much protein you need on a daily basis, it’s best to consult with a doctor or dietitian who can work with your specific needs.

Best Foods for Fueling Endurance Training

Carbs are your body’s main source of energy, so you’ll need to make sure you’re getting enough of them before a long endurance training session. Good carb-rich foods to eat before exercise include oatmeal, whole grain bread, quinoa, sweet potatoes, and fruits like bananas. As for cardio, you’ll want to eat foods that will give you a quick burst of energy without weighing you down. So go for simple carbs like fruit or a sports drink before your workout.

Best Foods for Fueling Strength Training

1. When it comes to strength training, you want to focus on foods that will give you sustained energy throughout your workout.

2. That means complex carbohydrates like whole grain bread, rice, and pasta are ideal.

3. You’ll also want to include some protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, or tofu to help repair and build muscle.

4. And don’t forget about healthy fats! Avocados, nuts, and seeds are all great sources of energy for strength training.

Best Foods for Fueling High-intensity Training

1. Consume 30-60 grams of carbohydrate per hour during high-intensity training.

2. include a source of protein with your carbohydrates.

3. Consider adding fat to your meals and snacks leading up to high-intensity training sessions to help stabilize blood sugar levels.

4. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, especially in the hours leading up to your workout.

5. Eat a small meal or snack two to three hours before training.

6. Have a carbohydrate-rich snack or drink immediately after training.

7. Include protein in all meals and snacks throughout the day to help repair and rebuild muscle tissue

The Importance of Training and Good Nutrition for Young People

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

As young people head back to school this fall, parents around the country may be wondering how they can keep their children in shape during the school year. Getting enough exercise and eating healthy meals are essential to kids’ growth and development. 

But that’s easier said than done when you’re trying to fit it all into busy schedules that also include school work, extracurricular activities, after-school jobs, and homework. This doesn’t mean you should skip the health stuff altogether, though!

Building the Right Foundation

Creating healthy habits at a young age is crucial for a lifetime of wellness. 

A foundation of physical activity and good nutrition provides innumerable benefits, including: improved brain function, decreased risk of chronic diseases, higher grades and test scores, improved mental health, and more. Despite these well-known benefits, less than half of all American high school students get the recommended amount of physical activity each day. 

Furthermore, one in three children in the U.S. is obese or overweight. These statistics are alarming and underscore the importance of getting young people on the right track with training and good nutrition.

Adolescent Growth Spurt

During adolescence, young people experience a growth spurt. This rapid increase in height and weight can be accompanied by some awkwardness and clumsiness. Good nutrition and training are essential during this time to help young people develop strong bones, muscles, and joints. 

Eating a balanced diet and participating in regular physical activity can also help reduce the risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic diseases later in life.

Nutritional Needs

Good nutrition is essential for young people in order to help them grow and develop properly. Without proper nutrition, children can suffer from health problems such as stunted growth, weak bones, and anemia. Additionally, good nutrition is necessary for proper brain development. 

Children need protein-rich foods like eggs, beans, nuts, and cheese. Protein provides the building blocks for neurotransmitters that regulate moods and learning abilities. Healthy fats are also important to include in a child’s diet so they can maintain healthy cholesterol levels and have enough energy to play throughout the day.

Mental Health and Physical Performance

Exercise is important for maintaining physical health, but it also has a positive effect on mental health. Being physically active can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve mood, cognitive function, and self-esteem. 

Good nutrition is essential for supporting physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help improve energy levels, recover from exercise more quickly, and reduce the risk of injury.

Proper Hydration

Hydration is one of the most important things for young people, especially when exercising. It’s essential to keep the body temperature regulated and to prevent cramping. Plus, staying hydrated will help improve performance and prevent fatigue. 

Drink water before and during exercise, along with electrolytes like potassium or sodium chloride. Dehydration can also be a symptom of serious health problems like diabetes, so it’s best to visit a doctor if you are suffering from dehydration on a regular basis.

Why Exercising Helps Build Confidence

Exercising helps build confidence because it helps people feel good about themselves. When people feel good about themselves, they are more likely to take risks and try new things. 

Additionally, exercising releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Furthermore, people who exercise regularly tend to have more energy and stamina than those who do not exercise, which can lead to improved performance in all areas of life. 

Finally, when people see the positive changes that exercise can bring about in their own lives, they are more likely to be motivated to stay active and make healthy choices in other areas of their lives as well.

Carbohydrates – Friend or Foe?

Most people think of carbohydrates as being bad for you, but this isn’t always the case. Carbohydrates are essential for your body to function properly. They are the body’s main source of energy and help to regulate blood sugar levels. 

If a person is eating less than they need, or doesn’t have enough access to nutritious food sources (ex: fresh produce), they may be forced to turn to other sources of energy in order to survive. Many young people turn towards unhealthy foods such as fast food, candy bars, sodas and more junk food that offer quick bursts of energy but lack the nutritional benefits necessary for good health. 

Junk food is high in calories but low in nutrients which can lead young people on a downward spiral towards obesity and even chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease later on in life if they continue with their poor eating habits. Eating well will provide the fuel that you need while training or playing sports so that you can perform at your best!

Meal Prepping for Weight Loss: How to Schedule Your Meals for Maximum Fitness Results

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’re trying to lose weight or simply eat healthier, meal prepping can be an effective way to stay on track with your diet and exercise goals. Meal prepping means that you plan out your meals in advance and cook them all at once on the weekends, so that you have plenty of healthy food ready to go during the week. 

This makes it easier to stay on track with your diet because you don’t have to make decisions about what to eat while you’re hungry; you just grab something from the fridge and enjoy!

Start with a plan

When it comes to weight loss, one of the most important things you can do is meal prep. By planning and prepping your meals ahead of time, you can make sure you’re eating healthy, nutrient-rich foods that will help you reach your fitness goals. Here are some tips on how to schedule your meals for maximum results!

Know what you need before you start

When it comes to weight loss, meal prepping is key. By taking the time to plan and prep your meals ahead of time, you can make sure you’re eating healthy, balanced meals that will help you reach your fitness goals. But meal prepping can be a bit daunting, especially if you’re not sure where to start. 

Tools of the trade

When it comes to weight loss, meal prepping is key. By preparing your meals in advance, you can make sure you’re eating healthy, balanced meals throughout the day – no more spontaneous (and often unhealthy) decisions when you’re feeling famished. Plus, meal prepping can save you time and money in the long run. 

Where are you going to prep?

The best place to do meal prep is in the kitchen. There are a few reasons for this. First, it’s where all the food is. Second, it’s where you have the most control over what goes into your food. Third, it’s where you can control the portion sizes of your meals. Fourth, it’s where you can cook your food in the way that you want it to be cooked. Fifth, it’s where you can store your food so that it stays fresh and delicious.

When are you going to prep?

The best time for meal prep is typically on the weekends. This gives you time to cook multiple meals at once and then portion them out for the week ahead. Meal prepping on the weekends will help you save time and money during the week, and it will also help you stay on track with your fitness goals. 

To schedule your meals, start by selecting a few recipes that work for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Next, decide when you would like to eat these dishes. 

For example, if you have a recipe that requires three hours of cooking time in the morning or afternoon for breakfast or lunch dishes respectively, make sure that this dish is included in one of those timeslots so as not to overload yourself on another day. Keep in mind that some days will be busier than others so make sure there’s enough variety in order to meet all of your nutritional needs throughout the week!

Proper meal times for weight loss

To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. That means paying attention to not only what you eat, but also when you eat it. Meal timing can make a big difference in your weight loss results. 

But how do you schedule your meals for maximum fitness? First, don’t skip breakfast! Studies show that people who are fasting during the morning hours tend to overeat at lunchtime. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be consumed between 8am and 10am so that you have enough energy to go through the rest of the day without crashing. 

The ideal meal plan includes five small meals throughout the day and one snack before bed.

The Most Common Ways People Self-Sabotage Their Fitness Success

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

Some people give up too soon, others don’t push themselves hard enough, and some can’t even seem to keep up with their own fitness goals from one day to the next. 

The most common ways people self-sabotage their fitness success will help you recognize these behaviors in yourself and avoid them before it’s too late. Self-sabotage is a common occurrence when people are trying to improve their fitness. 

It can take many forms, such as procrastination, making excuses, or not following through with commitments. 

Understanding why you self-sabotage is the first step to overcoming it. Explore this list of self-sabogating questions and try to notice whenever you ask yourself these questions throughout your daily life. Then act accordingly.

What are you afraid of?

If you’re afraid of failing, you might not even try. Or, you might start off strong but then give up when things get tough. Maybe you’re afraid of success–afraid that you won’t be able to stick to your healthy habits if you actually reach your goals. Or, maybe you’re afraid of change and the unknown. Whatever the case may be, fear can hold us back from reaching our fitness goals.

What’s my problem with commitment?

I have a problem with commitment when it comes to fitness success. I’m always starting new workout routines and diets, but I never stick with them for more than a few weeks. I get bored easily, and I’m always looking for the quick fix. This has led to me yo-yo dieting and never seeing the results I want.

Should I be doing this anyway?

You’ve finally taken the plunge and joined a gym. You’re excited about starting your fitness journey and getting in shape. But then, self-doubt starts to creep in. Can I really do this? Am I good enough? What if I fail?  Will my friends still be there for me? Will I be able to keep up with everyone else at the gym? And before you know it, you’re back at home on the couch watching TV again. We all have these thoughts from time to time, but they don’t have to get in our way. If you ever find yourself asking these questions or anything like them again, give yourself a pep talk. Remind yourself that you’re doing this for yourself – no one else – and remind yourself of how great it will feel when you make it past those doubts.

Is this too hard?

If you’re constantly asking yourself is this too hard, chances are you’re going to talk yourself out of trying altogether. Here’s why that mindset can sabotage your fitness success. First, the too hard question brings up a lot of other questions: Am I strong enough? Will I fail? Do I have what it takes? Why should I bother when it feels so tough? 

And then we start to ask ourselves if it’s worth the effort at all. But self-doubt and fear aren’t reasons not to try. They just indicate where our minds need some help! So instead of giving in and deciding we’re not good enough or it will be too difficult for us, ask ourselves if we’re even willing to take a chance on something new or different. Because if we really want something badly enough–even though there may be challenges–we’ll find a way.

What will they think?

One of the most common ways people sabotage their fitness success is by asking themselves what other people will think. This can lead to negative self-talk and a feeling of not being good enough. Additionally, it can make you less likely to stick to your fitness goals and more likely to give up when things get tough. The best way to avoid this self-sabotaging behavior is to focus on your own success and what you want to achieve. Let go of what other people think and stay focused on your own goals.

Am I feeling worse than I was before starting this program/diet/workout plan/goal/habit change?

One of the most common ways people self-sabotage their fitness success is by not monitoring their progress. It’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see results right away, or if you feel like you’re not making progress fast enough. Keep track of how you’re feeling, both physically and mentally, as well as any changes in your body composition or energy levels. This will help you stay motivated and on track.

The Myth of Toning Your Muscles – Why There’s No Such Thing as Toning Your Muscles

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

We’ve all heard that you can tone your muscles if you do strength training, but what exactly does that mean? When most people talk about toning their muscles, they’re really just talking about making their muscles stronger and more defined with weightlifting. 

So are they really talking about muscle toning? Or are they using the term tone incorrectly? If you want to know the truth about how your muscles respond to exercise, and how you can best get rid of flabby body parts, keep reading to learn why there’s no such thing as toning your muscles!

What is muscle toning?

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about muscle toning. So, what is muscle toning? Muscle toning is the process of building and strengthening muscles. It can be done through weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and even cardiovascular exercise. Despite what some people may think, you cannot tone your muscles by doing a specific type of exercise or using a certain type of equipment. The only way to tone your muscles is to make them bigger and stronger. And the only way to do that is to put in the hard work.

How muscle tone really works

When people talk about toning their muscles, they’re usually referring to building muscle and reducing body fat. But there’s no such thing as toning your muscles. Muscle tone is simply the state of your muscles when they’re at rest. If you want to change your muscle tone, you need to either build muscle or lose fat.

How to build/improve muscle tone

To build or improve muscle tone, you need to focus on two things: strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Strength training will help you build lean muscle mass, while cardiovascular exercise will help you burn calories and fat. A combination of the two will give you the best results. For those with more time on their hands, a workout should last for at least 45 minutes, but it can be shorter if that’s all the time you have. Try to implement both strength training and cardio every day, but if you only have time for one type of exercise per day (i.e., either weightlifting or running), make sure it’s your cardio workout.

What does it mean when someone says they want to tone up?

When someone says they want to tone up, they usually mean that they want to improve the appearance of their muscles. This can be done by reducing body fat and increasing muscle size. However, there is no such thing as toning your muscles. You can either have large muscles or small muscles, but you can’t change the tone of your muscles.  

For example, a person who does not exercise might have small, soft muscles with little definition. That person could exercise in order to build larger muscles with more definition. In both cases, the tone of the muscles is different because one has a lot more muscle tissue than the other; however, they are still considered toned.

The myth of toning your muscles:

Toning your muscles is a myth. You cannot tone your muscles. You can only build muscle or lose fat. When you hear someone say they want to tone their muscles, what they really mean is that they want to lose fat and/or build muscle. If they have lost weight and their clothes are fitting looser then congratulations! 

They have toned their muscles because the weight loss from fat burning has made them smaller in size. If the person builds more muscle than before, then congratulations! They have toned their muscles by building more lean tissue with strength training.

The 6 Best Foods for Muscle Recovery (And Why They Work)


Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’re like most people, you exercise to stay in shape and to keep your body healthy and active. However, if you exercise regularly without proper muscle recovery, you may experience muscle fatigue and soreness while preventing your muscles from growing stronger than they were before. 

To speed up your muscle recovery time, explore this list of the six best foods for muscle recovery (as well as vital information as to why they work so you can adapt your diet better.)

1) Salmon

Salmon is one of the best foods for muscle recovery because it’s packed with protein and omega-3 fatty acids. The protein in salmon helps repair and rebuild damaged muscles, while the omega-3s help reduce inflammation. Salmon is also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect your muscles from further damage. Omega-3s have been shown to reduce levels of TNF alpha, a substance that causes increased swelling and soreness. 

Research has shown that people who consume high levels of omega-3s in their diet show lower levels of TNF alpha than those who don’t consume much omega-3. Omega-6 fatty acids are another type of healthy fat found in fish like salmon that aids muscle growth, though they’re less common sources than other types of healthy fats.

2) Yogurt

Yogurt is packed with protein, which is essential for muscle recovery. Plus, it contains probiotics that can help reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process. yogurt is also a good source of calcium, which helps keep bones strong. It’s important to choose a yogurt without added sugars or artificial sweeteners so you don’t overload on calories. 

It’s best to stick to natural sweeteners like honey or stevia if you need something sweeter in your life. In general, adding fruits and nuts to your yogurt is an easy way to increase the number of vitamins and minerals in your diet.

3) Spinach

When it comes to muscle recovery, leafy green vegetables should be your go-to. Spinach is packed with nutrients like iron and magnesium, which are essential for repair and growth. It’s also a good source of fiber, which can help reduce inflammation. 

Bonus: spinach is low in calories, so it won’t derail your diet. And if you’re looking for more ways to get more greens into your diet, try adding them to salads or using them as wraps instead of tortillas. 

4) Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the best foods you can eat for muscle recovery. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals, including calcium, potassium, and magnesium. These nutrients are essential for repairing damaged muscles and keeping them healthy. Broccoli is also a good source of protein, which helps build new muscle tissue.

5) Meat (lean or red meat)

Red meat is an excellent source of protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. It’s also a good source of iron, which helps to transport oxygen to your muscles. 

Red meat is also rich in creatine, which has been shown to improve muscle recovery. It’s also rich in l-carnitine, another amino acid that plays a key role in the burning of fat. 

6) Kale

Another leafy green vegetable that’s a nutritional powerhouse. Kale is rich in vitamins A, C, and K as well as carotenoids and flavonoids that have antioxidant properties. 

Plus, this veggie is loaded with calcium and vitamin D—important nutrients for muscle function—and it contains very little fat or cholesterol. Add kale to salads or sautéed veggies for an easy way to add more greens into your meal plan without breaking the calorie bank!

Overcoming Nutritional Deficiencies with Diet and Supplements

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

There are many different kinds of nutritional deficiencies, some of which can be caused by diet alone. Others might require the use of supplements to make up for lacking nutrients and vitamins in your system. 

The most common kinds of nutritional deficiencies tend to be in vitamins, minerals, and other substances that the body needs to function properly, including protein and carbohydrates. 

Whether you’re trying to maintain your health or recover from illness or infection, it’s important to choose the right foods and supplements that will help you overcome nutritional deficiencies as quickly as possible. Here are some tips on how to do just that!

Recognize What Is Lacking

Before you can overcome a nutritional deficiency, you need to be able to recognize what is lacking in your diet. This can be tricky, as many nutrients work together in the body and a deficiency in one may lead to deficiencies in others. For example, a lack of vitamin C can lead to a lack of iron absorption. 

However, there are some common signs of nutritional deficiencies, such as fatigue, anxiety, weakness, joint pain or heart problems. If you experience any of these symptoms it might be worth consulting a physician who specializes in nutrition.

Add Foods To Compensate

When it comes to nutritional deficiencies, diet is always the best place to start. By making sure you’re consuming a variety of nutrient-rich foods, you can help offset any deficiencies. However, sometimes even a well-rounded diet isn’t enough. In these cases, supplements can be a helpful way to make up for any shortfall.

The most common nutrients in need of supplementation are: 

  • B12, which helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells; 
  • Vitamin D, which helps regulate calcium levels in the body; 
  • Omega 3s, which help prevent heart disease; 
  • Iron, which helps transport oxygen throughout the body; 
  • Iodine, which helps regulate thyroid hormones.

Take a Vitamin Supplement

If you are deficient in a certain vitamin, taking a supplement can help your body get back to optimal levels. Make sure to talk to your doctor first, as they can recommend the best type of supplement for you. 

You may also want to consider changing your diet to include foods that are rich in the vitamins you are lacking. Adding more leafy greens, fruits, and whole grains to your diet can help increase your vitamin intake.

Take an Essential Fatty Acid Supplement

If you are deficient in essential fatty acids, taking a supplement can help increase your levels. Look for a supplement that contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1. 

You can also get these fatty acids from food sources such as fish, nuts, and seeds. Increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to improve mood, cognitive function, and joint health.

How Nutritional Deficiencies Are Developed

There are a few different ways that you can develop nutritional deficiencies. The most common include: not getting enough of certain nutrients in your diet, malabsorption issues, increased nutrient needs, or chronic illness. Luckily, there are ways to overcome these deficiencies through diet and supplements.

You can start by looking at what foods you’re eating and see if any are missing from your diet. Then, add those foods into your routine and make sure to take the appropriate supplement for whatever is lacking in your diet. 

A good rule of thumb is that if something isn’t in the food group it belongs to (i.e., vegetables), then there is no recommended daily allowance for it so don’t worry about it unless you have a specific deficiency related issue. 

There is no cure-all for nutritional deficiencies other than making sure you eat well, but following this advice will help ensure you have all the necessary vitamins and minerals required for optimal health!

How to Kick a Bad Habit and Form New, Healthy Habits

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

It’s not easy to break out of a bad habit and form new, healthy habits in its place. To be successful, you need to develop small, incremental steps that build upon each other over time until they become more automatic and instinctive than the old habits ever were. This blog post provides a quick checklist of 7 powerful strategies that will help you kick your bad habit and form new, healthy habits in its place that work better for you in the long run.

Step 1: Taking action

The first step to kicking a bad habit is taking action. This means making the decision to change and then following through with it. Decide what you want to change and why, then set a plan in place to make it happen. Trying to go cold turkey may work for some people, but others may need to take more gradual approach. Find what works for you and stick with it.

Step 2: Build your motivation with micro-rewards

In order to change your behavior, you need to be motivated. A great way to do this is by setting up micro-rewards for yourself. For example, if you’re trying to quit smoking, give yourself a non-food related treat (like a new book or magazine) for every day that you don’t smoke. This will help you associate positive things with not smoking, and make it more likely that you’ll stick to your goals.

Step 3: Consider your triggers

Your triggers are the people, places, things, or situations that lead you to your bad habit. To kick your bad habit, you need to become aware of your triggers and make a plan for how to avoid or deal with them. You can do this by writing down your triggers in a journal, asking someone close to you what their thoughts are on your triggers, and reflecting on when in the day (or week) these occur. For example, if one of your trigger is boredom at work because there is nothing to do, ask yourself: What did I do before I started doing this? Did I always have something else planned when I felt bored? Was it helpful? What could I do instead of my bad habit now?

Step 4: Develop a plan

If you want to kick a bad habit, you need to have a plan. Figure out what triggers your bad habit and come up with alternative activities or coping mechanisms that you can do instead. Also, make sure to avoid any tempting situations that might trigger your bad habit. Tell your friends and family about your plan so they can support you. Finally, be patient with yourself and don’t get discouraged if you slip up–everyone does from time to time. Just get back on track and keep going!

Step 5: Find support

If you want to kick a bad habit, it’s important to find support from those around you. Let your friends and family know what you’re trying to do and ask for their help. You can also join a support group or online community dedicated to helping people achieve their goals. Having people who understand what you’re going through can make the process much easier.

Step 6: Remember life isn’t black and white

Trying to break a bad habit can feel like an uphill battle. You may find yourself feeling like you’re constantly taking two steps forward and one step back. But it’s important to remember that progress is not always linear. There will be setbacks, but as long as you don’t give up, you will eventually reach your goal.

Step 7: Reward yourself regularly

Whenever you hit a milestone in your journey to breaking your bad habit, give yourself a pat on the back—literally. Research shows that tangible rewards are key to forming new habits. So every time you resist the urge to indulge in your bad habit, do something nice for yourself. Get a mani/pedi, buy yourself a new book, or take yourself out to dinner. The sky’s the limit!

The Heat is On: a Look at the Different Training Environments

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

The heat, the cold, and everything in between can drastically change the impact of your workout on your body and mind. Depending on where you’re training, you may be able to train harder or have to scale back—or even skip it altogether—until you get acclimated to the new conditions. Here’s what you need to know about these extremes and how they can affect your workouts.

Do you train in the heat or the cold?

For most of us, when it comes to training, we want to be comfortable. But what’s the best temperature for working out? Does it even matter?  Not really. You’ll still feel better when you’re done if you work up a sweat in either environment (unless you’re doing something like ice skating). Plus, there are plenty of people who do things outside their comfort zone all the time. Why not give it a try and see how you feel? Let’s explore the benefits of training in different temperature so you can decide what’s right for you and your goals.

Benefits to training in hot weather?

  1. When you train in hot weather, your body adapts by becoming more efficient at cooling itself. 
  2. You’ll also sweat more, which means you’ll lose water weight and toxins. 
  3. The heat can also help relieve muscle pain and stiffness. 
  4. Additionally, training in hot weather can improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance. 
  5. It’s also been shown to boost your mood and energy levels. 
  6. Finally, training in hot weather can help you burn more calories since your body has to work harder to regulate its temperature.

Benefits to training in cold weather?

There are three advantages (or disadvantages, depending on how you see things) to this type of training environment. First, it’s uncomfortable (cold). Second, it’s not very safe if there is ice on the ground. You should wear appropriate gear when working out in the cold – layers are your friend! Also, when you train in the cold, your body has to work harder to maintain its core temperature. 

This results in an increased heart rate and more calories burned. Cold weather also forces your body to produce more white blood cells, which helps boost immunity. In addition, training in the cold can improve your mental toughness and make you more resilient in the face of adversity.  

The final benefit to training in the cold is that it forces you to move faster than usual. When running or walking outside, try skipping every other step so that your strides get longer but don’t allow your legs to swing back as far with each step.

What’s the perfect temperature for working out?

The answer may not really surprise you – it depends on the type of training you’re doing. For example, long-distance runners tend to prefer cooler temperatures, while sprinters do better in warmer weather. 

And then there are athletes who have to train in hot environments, like football players during two-a-days in the summer. So what’s the best temperature for working out? It really depends on the individual and the type of training they’re doing. But one thing is for sure – no matter what the temperature, athletes always have to give 110%!

The bottom line…

The most important factor in deciding what type of training environment is best for you is temperature. If you’re someone who gets overheated easily, you’ll want to avoid hot yoga or Bikram. But if you tend to feel cold all the time, doing a session in a sauna might be just what you need. Consider your climate and comfort levels when making your decision.

How Stretching and Flexibility Can Improve Your Gym Performance

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Hey Angels and Alphas,

Keeping your body flexible and limber while you’re at the gym will help improve your performance in many ways, such as improving your balance and overall form when lifting weights or increasing the ease with which you can get into various positions when doing cardio exercise. 

Stretching before you go to the gym will allow you to perform at your best, and help reduce the risk of injury or muscle soreness afterward. For tips on how to properly stretch before and after exercising, check out this helpful guide on how stretching and flexibility can improve your gym performance.

Static Stretching

When you think of stretching, you might picture someone sitting with their legs crossed, reaching for their toes. This is called static stretching, and it’s the most common type. It’s important to do static stretches before a workout to help improve your range of motion and prevent injuries. But don’t stop there! To get the most out of your gym session, follow up by doing dynamic stretches like lunges or walking heel-to-toe in circles. 

Dynamic Stretching

When it comes to stretching, there are two main types: static and dynamic. Static stretching is when you hold a position for an extended period of time, while dynamic stretching is when you move through a range of motion repeatedly. Both types of stretching have their benefits, but dynamic stretching is often thought to be better for improving performance in the gym. 

One study found that people who did dynamic stretches had greater muscle power than those who did only static stretches. Another study found that women who did dynamic stretches experienced increased power, decreased body fat percentage, and improved muscle endurance. Dynamic stretching has also been shown to increase speed, agility, coordination, reaction time, balance, as well as sprinting ability.

How does flexibility impact your strength and endurance?

When you work out, your muscles contract and shorten. This is especially true when lifting weights, where your muscles are working against gravity. Over time, your muscles can become tight and less flexible. This can lead to reduced range of motion, which can make it harder to workout effectively.

Will a proper stretching routine help you lift more?

When it comes to working out, we often focus on the physical aspect of things like how much weight we can lift or how fast we can run. But what about our flexibility?

Being flexible can actually help you in your lifting endeavors. When you stretch before working out, you’re preparing your muscles for the activity to come and making them more pliable. This can lead to improved range of motion and better lifting form, both of which can result in you being able to lift more weight.

When you work out, your muscles are contracting and expanding, which can lead to micro-tears in the muscle fibers. This is why it’s important to warm up before working out, so your muscles are loose and less likely to be injured. Stretching helps elongate the muscles, which can prevent micro-tears from happening in the first place. Plus, when your muscles are more flexible, you’ll be able to move through a greater range of motion, which can help you perform better during your workout.

Will a proper stretching routine help your endurance?

When you think of cardiovascular endurance, you probably think of activities like running or biking. But did you know that stretching can also help improve your endurance? 

That’s because when your muscles are more flexible, they don’t have to work as hard to perform the same movements. This means that you can sustain activity for longer periods of time without tiring out as quickly. So if you’re looking to improve your endurance, don’t forget to add some stretching to your routine.

When You Should Train to Failure (and When You Shouldn’t)

male fitness

Hey Angels and Alphas,

When it comes to lifting weights, there are so many different training styles and philosophies to follow. A lot of people say that you should train to failure every time you lift weights, while others maintain that you should never go to failure. So what’s the deal?

When should you train to failure, and when shouldn’t you? This article will help clarify the ins and outs of failing in the gym and help you decide whether or not it’s right for your body and your goals.

General rules on training to failure

  1. If your goal is strength or power, then you should train to failure on all sets.
  2. If your goal is muscular endurance, then you should train to failure on the last set of each exercise.
  3. If your goal is fat loss, then you shouldn’t train to failure because it can lead to overtraining and adrenal fatigue.
  4. If you’re a beginner, then you shouldn’t train to failure because your body isn’t used to the stress yet.


A superset is two exercises performed back-to-back with no rest in between. They are a great way to save time and get a great workout, but they’re not for everyone. Generally, you should focus on supersets only if you’re short on time. Supersets are the perfect answer if you want to maximize your time at the gym because they combine two moves together so that there is less rest than if you were doing them separately. 

Isolation exercises

Training to failure on isolation exercises can be a great way to break through a plateau. If you’re stuck at a certain weight or reps, going to failure can help you push past that sticking point. However, there are some drawbacks to training to failure. First, it can lead to injury if you’re not careful. Second, it can be mentally and physically exhausting, which can lead to burnout. Third, it may not be necessary – sometimes breaking through a plateau simply requires changing up your routine or adding more volume.

Light weights

Training with light weights is a great way to learn the correct form for an exercise and to get a feel for the movement. Additionally, using lighter weights allows you to focus on the muscle group you’re targeting without tiring out your whole body. For these reasons, it’s often best to start with light weights when you’re first learning an exercise.  However, don’t be afraid to gradually increase the weight as you become more experienced in that particular move or routine.

Compound exercises

These exercises target multiple muscle groups simultaneously and are generally considered the cornerstone of any good strength-training program. When done correctly, they can help you achieve your fitness goals more quickly than isolation exercises. However, training to failure on compound exercises can be dangerous, so it’s important to know when to do it and when to back off.

Final thoughts

If you’re regularly reaching failure during your workouts, it’s time to reassess your training program. Training to failure can lead to overtraining, which can lead to decreased performance, increased risk of injury, and a host of other problems. 

That said, there are times when pushing yourself to failure can be beneficial. If you’re trying to break through a plateau, for example, or working on a particularly challenging exercise, giving it everything you’ve got can help you see results.

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