Sport Nutrition Supplements: Everything You Need To Know

male fitness

Every athlete desire a lasting career characterized by excellent performances in every competition. While some young athletes indulge in illegal drugs that would somewhat mar their highly cherished-career in the long run, experienced sports nutritionists, through intensive research, have discovered some performance-enhancing sport nutrition supplements that can help improve your athletic performance and keep you healthy and safe.

To begin with, let’s get the meaning and some other necessary information about sport nutrition supplements that can work correctly for your body.

What are Sports Nutrition Supplements?

Sport nutrition supplements include a wide variety of drinks, pills, and powders specially created to improve athletic performance and fill some vacant spaces of the inadequate diet of athletes who exercise or workout more frequently.

Sport nutrition supplements are groups into categories such as protein supplements, sports drinks, and performance enhancers. Please be aware that it is necessary to visit your doctor before taking any supplements or medication.

Things you need to know about sport nutrition supplements

  • Supplements cannot help neutralize the effect of an unhealthy diet, but you have to take them in some crucial times when necessary. Supplements can help during special training, illness, or in some critical medical conditions such as pregnancy, anemia, and more.
  • While many sport nutrition supplements have trusted evidence behind them, most do not have strong evidence backing them up for frequent use.
  • Not all supplements can work perfectly for every athlete; you need to visit your doctor or an expert sports nutritionist to help you select which supplement would best fit your body system and provide the best result.
  • Unlike medication, do not use supplements to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure diseases of any kind, whether at a minor or severe level.
  • Also, note that most food and drug administration agencies of several countries do not check for some sports supplements’ safety and effectiveness before getting to the market. Hence, don’t take any of them without a proper prescription from a medical practitioner.

Do you need to take supplements?

Both male and female, young and old, athletes take supplements to step up their performances both in training and on the field. Female athletes mostly take iron-rich supplements, while male athletes mostly go for vitamin E and protein.

In all, sport nutrition supplements contribute immensely to athletic performance. For any athlete to perform at his/her best, nutritionally adequate supplements and appropriate hydration is essential. Typically, athletes engage in energy-demanding activities, some of which last for more than two hours under hot temperatures. After these activities, athletes may have to replenish some lost fluids and electrolytes and take additional carbohydrates for renewed energy.

The supplements’ results may vary for different athletes depending on the nature of the athlete, level and duration of the training, and environmental conditions.

Having known a few essential things about supplements, let’s look at some effective supplements that can help you attain your athletic goals.

7 most effective sport nutrition supplements that aid athletic performance

  1. Beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl butyrate (HMB)

This supplement helps repair damaged or stressed skeletal muscle cells to reestablish structure and function. Although some medical practitioners claimed that they have not yet discovered its efficacies, HMB has been liked with quick recovery from exercised based injuries such as a torn rotator cuff or pulled hamstring. HMB also helps repair internal damages caused by intense training sessions.

  1. Beet juice

Beet juice is one of the most consumed sport nutrition supplements among athletes. It helps dilates blood vessels, boosts energy production, and also reduces the use of oxygen. The results of beet juice vary depending on the nature and intensity of training. Sports nutritionists claim that athletes who participate in more energy-demanding sports like swimming, running, and cycling might experience less pronounced effects than athletes who take sport for recreational purposes.

  1. Caffeine

Caffeine is another essential sports nutrition supplement that helps improve athletic performance. Caffeine is a stimulant that helps block activities of the neuromodulator adenosines and helps reduce pain and perceived exertion. Sports nutritionists support that taking caffeine before your training sessions or the actual competition can improve your performance, especially in enduring sports like running, soccer, and more.

  1. Iron

Iron remains one of the most consumed sport nutrition supplements, especially among female athletes. Iron is mostly recommended for its capacity to lower lactate levels, boost uptake of oxygen, and reduce heart rate. However, you must be careful not to take excessive iron supplements. If taken more than 45 mg per day, it may result in serious health issues such as abdominal pain, nausea, gastric upset, constipation, vomiting, fainting, and more.

  1. Branched-chain amino acids

The three branched-chain amino acids are isoleucine, leucine, and valine. Unlike other supplements, mitochondria can metabolize these three in skeletal muscle to produce enough energy for exercise. A dosage of 20g per day is ideal for best results with no safety issues.

  1. Glutamine

Glutamine is another amino acid that contributes nitrogen to several biochemical reactions in the body. It also plays a major role in metabolism and energy production. Research from expert sports nutritionists shows that glutamine can enhance recovery, strengthen your muscles and reduce soreness when the exercise is over. A dosage of 45g per day is ideal for the best results without health complications. Meanwhile, the dosage should be reduced to about 0.42g for athletes with health issues such as infections, internal diseases, burns, and more.

  1. Sodium bicarbonate

This supplement is generally known as baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate is a compound that helps rid your body of hydrogen ions, usually caused by intense muscle activity. As a result, this compound helps in reducing metabolic acidosis and fatigue. Sodium bicarbonate aids athletic performance. A few sports nutritionists have claimed that ‘baking soda’ doesn’t have a long-term effect on the performance of an athlete who engages in high-intensity activities.

Final Words

Above all, supplements are essential elements of sports nutrition that helps athletes perform at their peak form. They supply the body of athletes with essential nutrients that makes them active and ready for action. However, like dietary foods, taking supplements in excess and too frequently can negatively affect the body, which may result in severe health issues including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, irritations, stomach pains, and more.

Sports Nutrition Diet Plans For Best Performance In Different Types Of Sports

Every athlete wants to have an edge in every competition. Besides, coaches and the large Heterogeneous supporters demand the best performance from every athlete in any give competition. Of course, daily training is essential for every athlete to succeed, yet, proper sports nutrition is a key element for optimal athletic performance.

Meanwhile, drawing a good diet plan can be tasking, especially without a sports nutritionist. To make it easier, I have compiled a comprehensive sports nutrition diet plan tailored to meet your physical and mental health demands and complement your hard work in training.

Note that this sports nutrition diet plan is suitable for every athlete in different sport categories. Whether you are just doing sport for a recreational purpose level or competing at a professional level, this nutrition plan will help you achieve your athletic goals, whether strength, endurance, speed, or all to the three.


Football is one of the most famous sports in the world. Football requires strength, speed, and stamina. With the new development in today’s football, Footballers tend to train at least five days a week, and when the season is on, they would have to play at least one match every week.

Though most football clubs have club-owned training facilities and gyms to ensure fitness and improved energy for best performance, proper sports nutrition is essential for every footballer to have a good time at the training pitch and be productive on the match day.  

Here a sample of the nutrition plan for training days and match days.

Breakfast:                   Skimmed milk, porridge made with jumbo oats, and water.

Pre-training:                2 – 3 oatcakes with low fats cheese, and fruit drink.

Training:                      Drink only water or isotonic drink throughout.

Lunch:                          4 squares easy flapjack, handful mixed nuts, banana drink, and green tea.

Evening:                      Basmati rice, whole-wheat pasta, white fish, chicken/turkey, lean red meat, salad, and vegetables.


Basketball is a sport that requires players to be fit and lean. It also requires a lot of stamina, strength, and jump power. As a basketball player, you need to take your sports nutrition diet plan seriously, as it determines your overall performance on the court. You must also ensure that you eat something that can help you optimize your power to weight ratio.

To maximize performance, follow this diet plan to get maximum energy for your training sessions and your forthcoming matches.

Breakfast:                   25g of whey protein in water. You can also take oatmeal, skim milk, dried fruit, 2 slices of granary bread, natural peanut butter, fresh fruit juice, tea, or coffee.

Lunch:                          Take about 4-6 granary bread to make sandwiches. You can also take a few food items for your lunch, including chicken, large mackerel fillet, salmon low-fat mixed salad, low sugar yogurt, and more.

Pre-exercise:               Banana Drink, natural peanut butter.

During training:          Sip water throughout

Post-training:              Mix 30g of whey protein in water

Dinner:                        Chicken breast, fish, lean fillet steak, boiled or dry roasted potatoes, basmati rice, and vegetables.


Cycling requires much endurance. It’s a sport in which athletes would have to ride for several hours for a long-distance trip. Cycling can place a high demand on the muscles and cardiovascular system of the cyclists. That makes sports nutrition for cyclists a different one from other athletes in other sport categories.

As a cyclist, you need a special diet plan that will make you fit to ride through the flats and the hills and improve your power to weight ratio.

Here is a sample of a sports nutrition diet plan for a long-distance cyclist.

Breakfast:                   100g oats, 250 – 300ml skimmed milk, 2 slices of granary bread, natural crunchy peanut butter, fresh fruit juice, and tea or coffee.

Lunch:                          Use your granary bread to make sandwiches. You can also eat olive oil-based spread with chicken or mackerel fillet, about 100g mixed nuts, dried fruits, mixed salad, and low sugar yogurt drink.

Pre-training:                Eat up to 6 oatcakes and drink water.

Training session:         Sip water at intervals as you train.

Post-training:              Mix 20g dextrose and 20g maltodextrin in water and drink.

Dinner:                        Chicken breast, lean red meat, fish, basmati rice, whole-wheat pasta, and vegetables.


Gymnastics demands a lot of physical activities. A gymnast may have to endure strength training cardiovascular exercise. As a gymnast, you need to be very careful about what you eat to maintain a fit body for better performance.

Professional gymnasts cannot afford to take sports nutrition for granted. The sport requires athletes to be light, strong, and agile, so excess body fat is not an option. As a gymnast, eating anything that comes your way would only mar your career.

This nutrition plan will help you during the long training sessions.

Breakfast:                   Low-fat soft cheese, toasted granary bread, fruit juice, or tea.

Lunch:                          Sandwiches, mixed salad, mixed nuts, dried fruit, chicken oatcakes, whey protein powder mixed in water, and fruit drinks.

Dinner:                        Dry roasted potatoes, fish, 100g cottage cheese, and low-fat natural yogurt.

Final Words

The above sports nutrition diet plan provides a sufficient amount of every nutrient that enhances athletic performance. However, you need to be aware that this plan is merely a guide for you to have an idea of what to eat for your breakfast, pre-training, post-training, lunch, and dinner. Feel free to substitute any food item that belongs to the same nutrient category of the plan’s items.

Also, note that there is no mention of the actual size or portion on purpose. It is to give you the liberty to take as much portion as you would prefer. However, remember that men need a larger portion than women and that overeating can be harmful to your health.

Ensure that you eat a wide variety of different fish and meat – avoid repetition. Also, make sure that you eat complex carbohydrates, different types of fruit, vegetables and drink a lot of water.

How Athletes Can Prevent Injuries With Proper Sport Nutrition

sport nutrition

Injuries can disrupt an athlete’s workout program for a long time and mar performances. This is why many athletes do all in their best effort to avoid injuries, no matter how small. While some athletes attempt to prevent injuries through deliberate medical attention, sports nutrition also offers several ways to prevent injuries using a nutritional approach.

Sports nutrition can help reduce your risk of developing injuries no matter the sports categories you participate in. Here are some sport nutritional guidelines that can help you stay out of injuries for a long time.

  1. Eat plenty of carbohydrates and protein every day

Sport nutrition experts recommend that eating foods that are highly rich in carbohydrates and protein can help reduce your risk of developing exercise-related injuries.

Carbohydrates serve as natural fuel for everyday exercising. When there’s a low dietary intake of carbohydrates in your body, the body would have to break down muscle protein and convert it to fuel supplies required for daily exercise. Hence, low carbohydrates in the body can reduce your strength and may damage your muscle tissues, resulting in poor athletic performance.

Protein is as well an essential nutrient in sports nutrition. It is essential for muscle growth, repair, and maintenance. Muscle protein breaks down whenever you engage your body in strength and endurance training. So, there’s a high need for you to eat high-quality dietary protein foods to help you repair any muscle damaged in the course of constant exercising. Studies showed that protein makes athletes more active in their daily athletic activities. Another study proved that amount of protein you eat (whether high or low) plays a very important role in your muscle growth and repair.

To maximize your chance of being free from injuries, eat a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and protein every day.

  1. Eat essential fats

Excess fat is indeed dangerous to the body, yet that does not mean you will have to completely avoid eating fats. Sports nutrition supports including heart-healthy fats in your daily meals to prevent athletic injuries. Healthy fats supply the body with essential fatty acids like omega 3 acids that the body cannot naturally produce.

Fatty acids are good sources of energy, even more than carbohydrates. They help in building and repairing cell membranes and are very good for the heart. Fatty acids lubricate the joints and tissues, and they help reduce inflammation in the body.

If you want to prevent athletic injuries, shun any sports nutrition guide that excludes dietary fats in your daily training diet. A few good sources of heart-healthy fats include cold-water fishes such as salmon, sardines and mackerel, walnuts, and ground flaxseed.

  1. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is an essential part of sports nutrition, especially when it comes to preventing injuries using a nutritional approach. When your joints are dehydrated, they are more vulnerable to tears and injuries at the moment. Dehydration puts your body at higher risks of injuries. It adds heavy stress to the body causing increased internal temperature, sweat rate, heart rate, fatigue, including loss of physical and mental balance.

To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of water before, during, and after training sessions. Aside from training sessions, make sure you drink a lot of water throughout, even on days you are not engaged in physical activities.

Adequate fluid intake helps greatly in preventing athletic injuries. Meanwhile, not only water can keep your body hydrated; you can take fruit juice, skimmed milk, and smoothies to improve your fluids intake.

  1. Take sufficient calcium and vitamin D

Vitamins and calcium are essential nutrients and key elements in sports nutrition. They play innumerable roles in an athlete’s body, including helping you reduce the risk of developing athletic injuries.

Vitamins help in shoring up your bones, healing your wounds, and boost your immune system to prevent you from developing health-threatening ailments. Vitamins also help convert food into energy supplying you with enough strength during your training sessions. Vitamins also help repair cellular damages in the body to aid quick recovery from accidental injuries.

Every athlete needs a sufficient amount of calcium to maintain stronger bones, helping you bring out your best performances both in and off training sessions. Calcium is an important element of any practical sports nutrition plan. As an athlete, your body needs calcium for the effective functioning of muscles and nerves.

Studies showed that athletes that take diets that are high in calcium and vitamin D tend to have a higher bone mineral density (BMD). Those that consume low calcium and vitamin D tend to have a higher risk of stress fractures.

Good calcium and vitamin D sources to include in your daily meals include dairy products such as milk and cheese and fortified foods such as fruit juice.

  1. Use antioxidants

Sports nutrition promotes adequate use of antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E. Naturally, vitamins C and E protect the body’s cells from damage preventing your body from injury.

Vitamin C repairs the tissues in the body and also helps in the formation of collagen. Collagen is the most plentiful protein in the body, mostly present in the skin, muscles, bones, and tendons. It also provides flexibility and strength ligaments and provides structure.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient that helps protect organs and tissues from damage caused by free radicals.

The combination of Vitamin C and E help minimizes damage and help with recovery from workouts and training sessions. Good sources of these tissues repairing vitamins include citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, peppers, and tomatoes. You can also get vitamin E in almond butter, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, and avocado.

In Conclusion

Generally, a basic nutritional approach is essential for preventing athletic injuries. Eating a wide variety of food highly rich in essential nutrients helps supports your bones, muscles, joints, tendons and helps solve any connectives issues that may arise unexpectedly. Higher consumption of whole grain, green vegetables, fresh raw fruit and fruit juice, low-fat dietary products, heart-healthy fats can help you reduce the risk for athletic injuries. Above all, staying hydrated makes the whole work perfect.

Best Sport Nutrition Tips To Help Athletes Stay Fit

sport nutrition

Naturally, athletes need to keep being in their best shape to get ready and fit for any competition. Especially for highly demanding sports such as running, cycling, soccer and wrestling, overweigh athletes do not make the team. Meanwhile, the practice of shedding excess body fat weight through dramatic weight loss acrobats that promise overnight transformation is not a healthy way to keep that athletic body, and it isn’t recommended for both young and older athletes. Being committed to a standard sports nutrition guide is the best way to stay fit and healthy as an athlete.

Most times, athletes believe that consuming some illegal substances that are not medically approved will stay fit and improve their athletic performance; however, those unapproved substances will only adversely affect their overall health.

Sports nutrition plays a vital role in how athletes eat to stay fit and healthy. Engaging in too much exercising to keep fit can make athletes use up the stored muscle fuel during exercise, which may leave the athlete exhausted, having no strength to perform when it’s time to compete. Besides, poor eating habits makes athlete lack all the necessary nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and more.

Also, not eating for an extended period to keep the body fit may lead to dehydration, loss of strength and stamina. Some other ways to keep the body in an athletic form, such as wearing a rubber suit or taking diuretics, may also result in dehydration. Dehydration may negatively affect athletic performance or put the body at the risk of breaking down without notice.

Any athlete who neglects the essence of sports nutrition in his/her career may become victims of injuries and some health issues. Here are the best sport nutrition tips that can help you stay healthy and enjoy your favorites meals to help you stay fit without the stress of over-working out.

Eat on a strict schedule

This is one of the most significant parts of an excellent sports nutrition guide. Eating with a routine is one of the best ways to keep you satisfied. This act also provides essential nutrients to your muscles. Eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner almost the same time every day, and try to add nutritious snacks in between.

Eat much fiber

Sports nutrition support eating a considerable amount of fiber every day. Fiber is found in healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Studies showed that eating more fiber-rich foods may keep you fit and active for your daily exercise. You can increase your intake by eating oats for breakfast, adding beans to your salad, or eating fiber-rich nuts and seeds.

Balance your diet

Many foods are essential for you to have a healthy diet and optimal performance. Ensure that you eat low-fat or fat-free dairy or calcium-rich foods, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and lean protein foods every day. Load up your plate with fruits and vegetables, and balance other food items on your table with lower-calorie options; make sure that you limit sources of solid fats and excess sugars. Sports nutrition involves eating a balanced diet. A balanced eating plan offers necessary nutrition, and it may also help you feel more satisfied.

Avoid Added Sugar

Consumption of added sugar from sugary drinks is a significant reason athletes experience unhealthy weight gain and develop severe health problems such as heart disease diabetes. Also, foods like soda, candy, and baked goods with a higher content of added sugars tend to be lower in the nutrients your body requires to stay fit. Sports nutritionists advised that cutting out foods that are very high in added sugars helps keep your body fit and healthy. It’s also essential to note that even popularly acclaimed healthy or organic foods can be very high in sugar. So, it would help if you cultivated the habit of reading the label.

Cut extra calories

Every standard sports nutrition guide goes against excess calorie intake. Fried foods contain extra calories with minimal nutritional benefit. Instead, go for more filling options, like baked potato instead of potato chips or French fries.

Tackle the Treats

Soda, candy, and other desserts are known to be very high in added sugars. While these treats may fit into an active athlete’s sports nutrition plan, some sports nutrition experts recommend keeping added sugars below 10 percent of your daily calories.

Eat a Protein-Rich Breakfast

Ensure you include protein-rich foods such as eggs in your breakfast daily. It helps athletes remain fit. When you swap your bowl of cereal for a protein-rich scramble made with eggs and sauteed vegetables can help you shed some extra pounds. Increase your protein intake in your breakfast; it will help you avoid unhealthy eating and improve your appetite control throughout the day 

Snack Smart

Foods that contain carbohydrates and protein works excellently in keeping your body in shape and fueled. If you are eating snacks more than once a day, you may want to pay attention to the types of foods you eat or get too many calories from snacks. Be smart with snacks; tap from their energy potents but, don’t let them dominate your diet. You can try the following nutritious snack options: Greek yogurt, an apple, peanut butter; a protein bar; low-fat milk and whole-grain cereal; or raw vegetables and cheese.

Be deliberate with your diets

This is a piece of unique advice from sports nutrition experts. When you are hungry, it’s easy to overeat. Be conscious of your internal fullness while you eat. Also, focus on your food instead of watching the nearby screen. Eating appropriate portions help athletes to stay on track.

Stay Hydrated

You can never separate water from sports nutrition. It’s what makes the whole guide perfect. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is good for overall health and can help you maintain a healthy weight. A study showed that those who were not sufficiently hydrated had higher body mass indexes and were more likely to become overweight than those who were adequately hydrated.

Best Foods For Optimal Athletic Performance From Sport Nutrition Experts

Healthy foods fuel athletes’ bodies to keep them at the optimum performance. Thanks to several sport nutrition experts in every part of the world, sports wouldn’t have been this interesting without their deliberate efforts to refine sports nutrition for athletes to perform their best.

Sports nutrition promotes endurance, strength, and lasting career amongst athletes in different sport categories. It helps athletes get the best out of their workouts and improve their athletic capabilities.

If you are an athlete, eating healthy foods should be your top priority to maximize your fitness efforts. Whenever you engage in exercises and training, your body releases energy, which means you have lost some essential nutrients when the training ends. To stay active and fit for the next training session, you would have to replenish those lost nutrients with the right foods that can nourish your body to the fullest.

Here some of the best foods recommended by sport nutrition experts to help you optimize your athletic performance both in training and on the field.

  1. Oatmeal

Sport nutrition experts often recommend oatmeal as a good source of energy, carbs, and fiber that helps athletes to feel full for a long time. Oatmeal is a hundred percent whole grain, and it helps athletes reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

As much as oatmeal can boost athletes’ performance, it is also a delicious way of gaining moderate weight for stamina and physical and mental balance. Based on sport nutrition experts’ recommendations, steel-cut oats boost athletic performance than instant oats. Instant oats contain a higher portion of glycemic index, which can cause athlete’s insulin levels to spike, resulting in storing up carbs as fat.

  1. Pasta

While many sport nutrition guides despise carbs as bad nutrients for athletes, carbs are not entirely bad. Indeed, they are essential in every athlete’s diet. When your body burns protein and fats, it would first have to convert them into carbs before supplying the right nutrients to the body, creating added stress. Eating foods that can supply direct carbs to the body is better to nourish the body without making it work harder.

Pasta contains fiber, but you don’t have to take it in excess before stepping on the field to compete to avoid gastrointestinal stress. Sports nutritionists recommend that whole grain pasta is better than white pasta because the former contains less sugar and can also aid better athletic performance.

  1. Berries

Berries are very good for optimal athletic performance. Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries are delicious berries that are highly rich in antioxidants. Meanwhile, antioxidants are an essential element of sports nutrition and help replenish lost nutrients after several physical activities.

Barker berries are also great for the best athletic performance. They contain phytochemicals and some other preventive elements that prevent oxidative stress, which occurs in an athlete’s body during and after strenuous activities.

Berries also help preserve your muscle strength as you grow older, so they serve long term purposes.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are good sources of protein and healthy fats. Sports nutritionists refer to nuts as one of the most essentials in athletes’ diet. Eating your nuts with carb will help put your blood sugar on a moderate level and will also sustain the carb for a long period, instead of burning them off immediately you eat.

Another very impor6tant reason sports nutritionists advise athletes to eat nuts often is that nuts digest easily and don’t upset the stomach. It is wrong for athletes to eat foods that will make them heavy for a long time, so nuts become a favorite.

Aside from the quick and easy digestion advantage, eating nuts will supply your body with fiber and antioxidants such as vitamin E. These antioxidants found in nuts strengthens the bone, which is required for optimal athletic performance.

  1. Banana

Generally, fruits are important sports nutrition elements that help athletes deliver their best performance. Bananas are good sources of natural electrolytes that make them important for replenishing lost nutrients after workouts or training sessions. Bananas have a very low-calorie content but very high in potassium. That makes them a better post-workout snack.

Eating at least one banana every day is good for every athlete. It helps regulate fluid intake. You might have learned that athletes need to drink as much water as possible to stay hydrated; this is why you need to add bananas to your daily meal to help control your hydration.

  1. Salmon

This oily fish is a mainstay in the diet of every athlete who cares for an excellent performance. Salmon is packed with protein, which helps build and repair muscle and omega 3 fatty acids that help minimize the inflammation that may occur due to frequent athletic activities.

Sports nutritionists proved that salmon naturally cleanses the artery, which makes the fish a healthy and delicious way of preventing heart diseases, which can affect athlete’s performance both in training on the field.

Meanwhile, eating salmon does not have to be boring. You can get dynamic with the oily fish and prepare it with your salads, burgers, or pasta. Getting creative with salmon will not only make you get an eight-ounce serving per week but also give you a greater taste to enjoy.

  1. Cherries

Cherries are known for their high antioxidant concentration, which helps you prevent muscle pain after the daily workout or training sessions. Cherries help reduce inflammation, which causes pains in many joints in the body.

Aside from eating fresh cherries, drinking cherry juice is another enjoyable way to reduce muscle damages, which may occur duri8ng exercises.

In Conclusion

Eating healthy foods is the best way to keep your performance at the highest level. Ask many successful athletes around you; they will tell you that poor eating habits will cost you those prestigious medals and hurt your career. Eating foods highly rich in vitamins, protein, and fibers has numerous benefits on your health, performance, and career.

Whether you participate in sport for recreational or competition purposes, you need to take sports nutrition more seriously to get the right nutrients to fuel your body for continual high-intensity activities.

10 Sports Nutrition Facts You Must Know

Sports nutrition is the basis of athletic success. It is a carefully crafted and executed nutrition plan that enables athletes to perform at their best. 

Knowledge of sport’s nutrition is essential to athletes, keep-fit fans, bodybuilders, and anyone who wants to stay healthy. 

Let’s take a look at 10 sport nutrition facts you most definitely have to know to get it right. 

1.   Your weight doesn’t matter: 

Weight is not the most crucial factor when dealing with sports nutrition. It is possible to have a weight that is considered “normal” for an athlete and yet lack muscle mass. It is important to be sure that you do not have too little muscle or too much fat. If that happens to be the case, exercise and a proper eating plan must be carried out to increase muscle and lower fat. 

2.   Gaining muscle is not just about protein: 

In your quest to gain muscle, you could go on a protein consumption spree, but protein consumption is not all there is to gaining muscle. Good knowledge of sports nutrition helps to guide athletes through this common mistake. 

Building muscle requires a combination of –

  • Added resistance to muscles
  • Possessing a great distribution of nutrients to bolster tissue health.
  • Avoiding stress to encourage anabolic hormone production
  • Consuming more protein in the appropriate amounts and at the right times to encourage muscle protein synthesis. 
  • Ensuring adequate sleep. 

Randomly eating protein without acknowledging all these is a waste of time as what the body needs will not be accomplished.

3.   Eating good food is key:

Sports nutrition has led to an understanding of how the quality of food taken affects your build and performance as an athlete. Good food helps to keep you healthy. Inadequate consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables has been seen to negatively impact the body, leading to an increase in body fat and a decreased athletic performance. Intake of fruits and vegetables is a must as it helps to preserve the good bacterial colonies found in the gut. 

4.   Skipping meals does not help: 

Sports nutrition studies show that infrequent meals or skipping meals affect bodybuilding goals and the athlete’s performance. An eating pattern that does not satisfy the body’s energy requirements leads to problems such as lower lean mass, increased fat levels, and greater risks of cardiac problems. Having a proper eating pattern leads to lower caloric intake. 

5.   Your body needs some fat: 

This may go against everything you think you know, but some fatty foods are, in fact, good for you. A proper insight into sport’s nutrition is necessary to tell the good fatty foods from the bad. 

For instance, fatty foods containing omega 6 are to be avoided, while those containing omega 3 are beneficial for proper all-round development. Examples of food containing omega 6 are sunflower and corn coil, and an example of food containing omega 3 fats is oily fish. 

6.   Variety is the spice of life: 

Another interesting finding from sports nutrition studies is that variety in food choices is necessary. Eating the same foods on the assumption that they are best and good for you puts you at risk. Some essential nutrients are bound to be missing from your small choices of food, leading to nutritional risk. This is no small matter for athletes. 

It is advisable to consume a wide variety of foods that are well distributed throughout the day. In doing this, the risk of exposure to something bad is lowered, and your body is exposed to all the nutrients it requires. 

7.   Lower your stress levels

It is a well-known sports nutrition fact that stress levels impact eating behaviors, leading to an overall negative effect on your performance or bodybuilding progress.  High-stress levels can promote the intake of energy-dense food high in fat and sugar. Put effort into discovering a strategy for stress reduction as this will lead you to sustain optimal nutrition bringing a positive effect on both your performance and health.

8.   Stay energized

Any sport’s nutritionist will tell you that optimal exercise performance occurs when there is sufficient energy to carry out the exercise. Many people form the habit of consuming the foods (energy) after the workout session or after a competition. In simple terms, this is detrimental to your health and should be avoided. To perform, you must be energized. Anything else leads you to face some unpleasant health and performance consequences. 

9.   Take it easy

Properly armed with a knowledge of sports nutrition, and having learned all the negative effects of stress and overexertion, you would understand why it is important that you take it easy.  

Giving your body time to recover from exercise is just as necessary as the exercise itself. 

It’s not all about putting stress on your muscles through exercise. 

Take a step back and relax. Doing that ensures that you reap the full health benefits of the exercise. 

Sufficient sleep is important, as a lack of sleep would lead to stress, irregular eating patterns, and all-around negative results on your body and performance. 

10.   Stay hydrated

It is hardly a sports nutrition article if this universal fact is not mentioned. It is rather surprising that as much as drinking water is preached, many people still go on without drinking as much water as they require. Poor hydration leads to poor performance; this is hardly news. Water is good for you. Drink a lot of it! A good fluid balance is important for several reasons, some of which include –

  • sustaining heart stroke volume 
  • sustaining good sweat rates 
  • enabling transport and absorption of nutrients into the cells
  • enhanced removal of metabolic waste materials from the cell.

Staying hydrated also helps to regulate the body temperature, keep joints well lubricated, prevent infections, and keeps organs functioning properly. Drinking enough water also helps you with improved sleep quality, thinking ability and gives you a better mood.

Wrapping it up

Yes, you have it; 10 sports nutrition facts. With this info, you can tell the false from the facts.

10 Most Common Sports Nutrition Questions Answered

If you are an athlete or a sports enthusiast, there’s a very good chance you may have some questions on sports nutrition that need answering. Most of these questions tend to revolve around nutrition and dieting. Most athletes constantly seek to know the best foods that will help them perform optimally.

In this article, we will be providing answers to some of the most common questions asked by athletes or people looking to know more about sports nutrition.

How much do I need to eat?

You may find it shocking to know that most people burn about 1400-1800 calories just to stay alive and perform basic life activities daily. Even with that, athletes tend to require additional calories to assist the energy they expend while training.

This can span from a few hundred to a few thousand depending on the intensity and duration of the training. As an athlete, you need to eat a lot to support your health in general and promote efficiency during training.

I can’t eat during training what should I do?

You should understand that the gastric system is sensitive, especially if you are competing in a sport that jostles the stomach, such as hurdling, running, or maybe you are experiencing competition nerves.

However, to alleviate your situation, you can start by eating small bites of food or taking sips of drink an hour before your training. You can also work your way up to be able to take small bites during training until you have the ability to tolerate the full amount of food you need.

It is also advisable that you take additional nutrition to replenish Your body.

Do I really need to have a recovery infusion?

When it comes to sports nutrition, this question can be answered with a yes or a no. For athletes who are looking to tackle two-a-day workout or high-intensity training, consuming a combination of carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes is crucial to replenish the body rapidly. This makes your body ready for the high demand you place on it during training sessions.

For athletes who engage in shorter workout sessions with roughly 24 hours between sessions, rapidly replenishing the body isn’t essential as long as they consume a high-quality diet.

Should I eat before a morning workout?

If it happens that you are heading out on a very hard or long training session, then yes, you need to be full of energy. Plus, it is advisable that you top up energy stores after a night fast. If your training is short or not a key performance session, you can likely complete your session without extra fuel.

Note that when working out on an empty stomach, you might not feel quite energized as usual. However, if at any point you feel faint or dizzy, endeavor to stop and eat something.

Is one diet better than others?

You should understand that sports nutrition varies as regards athletes. The best diet is the one that works well for you. Plus, in sports nutrition, diet can mean several things. For most athletes, diet is seen as a form of eating that is balanced and largely unprocessed. It also includes a large variety of foods.

Do I need a supplement?

In sports nutrition, most of your nutrients should come from a high-quality natural diet. However, athletes tend to need more of these supportive compounds than others. It can also be hard to obtain all from a good diet, hence the need for supplements.

If you happen to be restricting calories or following a diet that excludes some group of foods, you are likely to miss out on something. But a daily vitamin can assist in supplementing your need. You can find many supplements on the market that can be used in a strategic and mindful way to enhance your body performance.

Most of these supplements tend to contain caffeine, B12, collagen, protein, iron, and the likes.

How do I eat to get abs?

As someone who is enthusiastic about sports nutrition, you should understand that your body is made in the kitchen and not the gym.

Yes, training will definitely make you faster and stronger, but your eating habits will make you leaner and fitter. So, to get the body you need, you want to consider your food goals and cut down on necessary junk, and focus on eating better, not less.

I always lose energy at the end of workout sessions; what can I do?

If you find yourself panting or bailing out at the end of workout sessions, it’s a huge sign that you lack the energy stores to complete your training sessions. In this regard, you should start fueling your workout sessions often and early and aim for 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour.

Do I really need to eat carbohydrates?

Of course, carbohydrate is the macronutrient that fuels your body with enough energy at high intensity. Asides from being the best fuel for workout sessions and performances, carbs tend to supply nutrients and fiber that keep your body regular and healthy.

If you train for more hours in a week, you definitely need carbohydrates each day. You should save the simple carbs for intense workout sessions and the complex carbohydrates for mealtimes.

What should I start doing for optimal performance?

In sports nutrition, you need to treat your diet like your training sessions. Endeavor to set eating goals alongside your workout goals. Also, you need to track your food intake just as you track your reps, speed, power, and mileage. At every interval, keep training yourself to improve your eating habits just as you train your muscles to work harder.

If you are looking to perform optimally, you can’t treat your training and eating like separate things. Understand that they work together to help you achieve your body goals. If you find all these to be quite difficult, you can reach out to a sports nutritionist for assistance.

Final thoughts

With these questions answered, you should have a profound understanding of sports nutrition. Ensure you stick to the advice discussed in this article.

10 Best Sport Nutrition Tips For Quick Recovery

Injuries can be a threat to both athlete’s health and career. It also affects performance as many athletes become a shadow of themselves when recovering from a long time injury. However, there is an easy way to recover from an injury that every athlete needs to know – sports nutrition!

When an athlete is injured, coaches help them with a proper diet to aid quick recovery and make every other medical assistance given to the athlete more effective. In the past, coaches only address athletic injuries with medical care. Recently, people have realized that adding proper nutritional care can help the recovery process be quicker and less difficult.

Knowing the essence of sports nutrition in an athlete’s overall career success, this article contains practical and convenient ten sport nutrition tips that can aid quick recovery.

  1. Assess the eating habit

Before you start prescribing what the injured athlete would eat to quickly recover, it is ideal that you start with a complete assessment. This is the beginning of the entire process. You need to first learn the eating habit of the injured athlete. You can organize a one-on-one questioning session to ask some personal questions about the athlete’s favorite foods, how he/she grew up, whether he/she is allergic to any food, and many more.

Note that you are not searching for an eating disorder, so be careful not to be too strict with your questions. The answers you get from the questioning will determine the nutritional approach that will best work for the athlete’s quick recovery.

  1. Use eating rhythm

Sports nutrition involves precision and accuracy. It’s not just about knowing what to eat and eating it anytime you feel like it. It has a lot to do with specific rhythm and timing. The rhythm at which an athlete eats is essential for quick recovery and connected to diet effectiveness in the body.

Let’s take caffeine, for instance. Knowing when you take the caffeine and how much it lasts matters a lot. Nutrient timing helps maintain a proper eating rhythm, which can differ from one athlete to the other.

  1. Avoid strict diets

Though sports nutrition is associated with timing and rhythm, following a planned diet that restricts you from eating the most available things is very dangerous. Often, when you have a diet plan you strictly adhere to, it makes you more conscious of what you ought not to eat. This strict eating habit will restrict you from eating what you naturally enjoy and put you in a tight corner of eating foods that don’t satisfy you.

A healthy diet does not necessarily have to take away your satisfaction; it only stops you from eating unhealthy foods. As a matter of fact, most strict diet plans fail when it comes to an athlete’s quick recovery and result in an eating disorder.

  1. Avoid fasting

Some athletes like to skip their meals or fast to shed away a few body fats; that is not in alignment with sport nutrition ethics, and it is not acceptable for an injured athlete who needs quick recovery.

Fasting works for some athletes, but it depends on individuals, and it requires personal evaluation. An athlete may succeed in following a particular diet plan, which might work for another athlete. Some athletes may perform well after skipping a meal, but that may not go well with others.

  1. Eat more calories

Most sports nutrition plans don’t emphasize more on eating protein than calories. In contrast, athletes who are on injury spell needs to eat more calories than protein if they want to quickly recover.

Of course, protein repairs worn-out tissues and helps in bodybuilding, yet, athletes don’t need to focus more on eating many protein-rich foods. Eating healthy fats from non-animal sources can help athlete’s recovery process.

  1. Recovery is cumulative

Recovery doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a gradual process. Searching for food and supplements that can do magical recovery will only end up wasting time, money, and energy. Instead of looking for ways to shortcut the recovery process, it’s better to be realistic and follow the progress.

Sports nutrition does not support overnight recovery. Hence, it is good to avoid eating larger quantities of superfoods to speed up recovery. There are several sports nutrition methods to aid quick recovery, and they don’t require eating odd or less enjoyable foods. Just eat correctly and let the recovery come naturally.

  1. Consider relaxation

Taking beetroot juice about two hours before bedtime brings a fantastic result. When you combine beetroot juice with high concentration watermelon extracts, it provides vasodilation benefits, which athletes need to relax their body.

Sport is very demanding. It makes athletes want to do so many physical things almost all round the clock. For this reason, athletes need to be very conscious of relaxing their body not by chance but by being deliberate about it. Those athletes who recover easily are the ones who take time out to rest to conserve their energy.

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Eating more fruits and vegetables helps athletes to recover on time. Meanwhile, it would help if you ate them with discipline, which means eating 6 – 8 servings per day. Make sure that you eat the fruits and vegetables whole and raw to maximize their nutrients potentials.

Every sports nutrition plan must contain fruits and vegetables. Aside from the quick recovery benefit, eating fruits and vegetable helps athletes control their appetite and make them stay away from eating junks.

  1. Conduct a full-body test

It’s easy to measure heart rate, vertical jumps speed, and more, but it’s hard to measure sports nutrition. Evaluating nutrition is very demanding because it involves more than body composition. You need to test the blood, saliva, and other biochemicals to learn what is going on inside the body. The best way to know if your diet is working in line with quick recovery, do biochemical testing.

  1. Fruit juice works well for athlete recovery

Ask any sports nutritionist; they will tell you fruit juices are an essential part of sports nutrition. Drinking fruit juices can help athletes recover on time. Note that calories count, so be careful how much fruit juice you drink per day. You can some portions of juice to your water anytime you want to drink for hydration.

Final Words

All of the tips above came from different recommendations from seasoned sports nutritionists, and they are given based on the first-hand experience. They have been applied in difficult times when quick recovery is the only thing that can save the team, and the results are fantastic.

One important thing about sports nutrition is that it promotes athletes’ overall health, whether injured or not. So doing the tips even without injuries has great health advantages.

7 Sports Nutrition Tips to Rebuild and Recover

sports nutrition

When it comes to sports nutrition, athletes tend to have complex and complicated dietary needs. In this regard, working with a professional sports nutritionist means everything. In this article, we’ll be discussing a list of tips for sports nutrition. In this list, you will find out that the application is about details, and details strongly matter.

Understand that these tips don’t replace the education and the need for a sports nutritionist. You shouldn’t skip over the principles and foundations of adhering to good sports nutrition. Having said this, let us delve into the article properly.

Yes, we dedicated this article to talk about the sports nutrition tips to rebuild and recover.

This article will be of tremendous assistance to sports nutritionists and coaches looking to sieve through the vague information out there.

Without wasting much time, here are 10 convenient dietary nuggets about sports nutrition for sports enthusiasts or athletes.

Begin with a complete assessment

You see, as a sports nutritionist or coach, you should first learn to understand the eating culture of an athlete. In this same vein, you should ensure that the athlete has a good screening process. This should be done before you move on to other goals and other assessments. Before you have athletes fill out forms, talk about training and food and record the details.

When you screen athletes, you are looking for who educated them, what they like, and why they are working with you. In sports nutrition, screening isn’t meant to search for eating disorders. If you skip this step and start with all the guidelines and fueling strategies, you’ll be building on quicksand.

Address body composition professionally

Leanness is quite essential in sports nutrition as it allows for good health and optimal performance. Plus, you should endeavor to know how lean an athlete is and how they achieved it.

Measuring the leanness of an athlete is very necessary. When you skip the body composition testing, you move the problem out of your hands to the athlete or people who are not qualified to handle it properly. If you are looking to make a difference, build a solid framework to help athletes perform well.

Eating rhythm and nutrient timing

In sports nutrition, regardless of whether an athlete is recreational or elite, the eating rhythm is crucial. As similar to nutrient timing, rhythm connects how food is consumed biochemically with an analytical perspective. A simple example of nutrient timing can be seen in how you consume caffeine. The clock matters when you take it and how long you want it to last. Conversely, while we know that nutrient timing is important, it is still sensible to consume recovery carbohydrates and protein for practical reasons.

On the plus side, non-refrigerated foods are advisable. Finally, when sports nutritionists and coaches know an athlete’s sleep rhythm and schedule, they tend to work smarter with them.

Cheap snacks and meals

When it comes to sports nutrition, a restrictive diet is dangerous. Normally, after a strict diet is in place, an athlete tends to become hyper-conscious about what not to eat. And they don’t tend to enjoy what they are eating. In the long run, most strict diets fail and backfire, resulting in either overreaction eating or overspending.

Cheat meals are a way to escape overreaction eating. However, if proper care is not taken, this can also be a bad option. The smart way to handle the desire for cheat snacks is to allocate a part of an athlete’s calorie allowance to these foods. Snack and small meals can provide enough excitement and enjoyment in their right proportion.

However, given that it is sports nutrition we are dealing with here, coaches and sports nutritionist should be wary, so cheap snacks and males don’t become an athlete’s ritual.

The challenges of athletes fasting

Some athletes tend to skip meals or go on extended fast periods to burn fat or lose weight. However, most of them don’t typically succeed because, like any diet, fasts are hard to maintain. This isn’t the same with other athletes, given that they skip breakfast and have light lunch without many consequences.

As regards sports nutrition, coaches and dietitians should understand that eating patterns are very individual and require thorough evaluation. Just because an athlete succeeds with a meal plan doesn’t mean other athletes will. As a sports nutritionist, you should understand that fasting works. You should also have the cognitive ability to understand how to administer fasting to different athletes as regards their eating habits.

Hypertrophy and Calorie strategy

Most sports nutrition mistakes don’t concern protein; they deal more with getting nutrient-rich calories rather than empty ones. Athletes are required to increase calories if they want to grow more. When dealing with your athlete, think more about the resources needed to build muscle.

You won’t only need to fuel the body to function normally, but you will also need extra fuel for workouts to prepare your athlete for competition and additional energy to lift weights.

You may find it surprising to know that protein-calorie intake poses a problematic issue in the US because athletes understand weight in terms of pounds and not kilograms.

Recovery is cumulative

In sports nutrition, the real magic exists in the small things that cumulate over time. In this regard, you should look for consistency over time with enough good nutrients. It is better off to be realistic instead of searching for magic supplements and food for post-workout and post-training sessions. Recovery with sports nutrition means making the right choices daily.

While each snack and meal matters, healthy gains tend to occur over the years. Understand that several nutrients have repair and health values. In this regard, you want to avoid eating large quantities of superfoods every day because they can’t be sustained.

Final thoughts

With the sports nutrition tips we just discussed, coaches and sports dietitians should have a more solid grip on how to go about administering diet to their athletes.

5 Golden rules of sports nutrition

sports nutrition

What is sports nutrition?

Sports nutrition is the meticulous study of the kinds and amounts of food and fluids that an athlete consumes and how the consumption of those foods affects the health and overall performance of the athlete. 

Not only does sports nutrition look into the kind of food to be consumed by athletes, but it also looks into how these foods should be consumed for maximal results. The whole purpose of sports nutrition is to optimize the performance level of athletes. 

Sports nutrition should not be confused as some exclusive science reserved for elite athletes alone. Anyone looking to get fit can employ sports nutrition nuggets. 

As an athlete and sportsperson, your body has become like a tirelessly worked engine, exposed to everyday stress. The body is tasked with long and hard workouts, and sometimes athletes suffer from sleep deprivation, leading to even more stress. 

Sports nutrition is essential to allowing your body to work through the stress, maintain good health, and raise the body to higher performance levels. 

To ensure optimal results, the five golden rules of sports nutrition must be carefully followed. 

What are they? 


Irrespective of whether the athletes are in the same field or they are of the same age; each athlete has unique sports nutrition needs. 

Sports nutrition is not a “one size fits all” affair. Each athlete has what works for them, depending on their bodies, their goals, and overall makeup. What works for athlete A might not work for athlete B. 

In other words, you should not copy someone else’s sports nutrition plans, or you might run into problems. More clearly put, the individual idealized recommendations and diet plans normally include creating a plan based on: 

  • The athlete’s body weight 
  • The athlete’s height 
  • The type of sports played 
  • The duration of exercise
  • The intensity of exercise 
  • The athletes training cycle
  • Health condition of athletes
  • Competition schedule 

These are all important factors to consider. The plans are designed on very specific characters of each individual; it is not something to be cloned or copied. 

To find out what works for you, you either go through the method of trial and error and risk wasting your time and efforts, or you take the easy and more efficient way out; see a sports nutritionist. 


Performing on an empty stomach as an athlete is the same as consistently driving a car on a very low tank. Not only do you risk damaging your fuel pump, but you also risk getting stranded in the middle of nowhere. 

This is similar in sports. Performing without food is like running with no gas. You get burned out and unable to move on during the performance, and also risk harm and attracting health challenges to your body. Energy is required to carry out all your exercises and activities. 

Sports nutrition studies show that it is best to eat 2 hours before training or the performance begins. If for some reason, you are unable to eat, you can get fruit or an electrolyte drink just before training. The reason for this is that you have to get your blood sugar steady because this is where all your energy comes from. Discover what works for you in terms of what your body needs to consume, and you’re already one step ahead. 


You’re probably familiar with the saying: “Breakfast is the most important meal”. It’s something that is resounded and emphasized by health practitioners everywhere. 

Surprisingly many athletes choose to skip this meal, develop irregular eating habits and chaotic eating patterns. 

Skipping meals, or eating in a pattern that does not meet your body’s energy requirements, creates several problems. You risk getting fatter and having a lower lean mass. Skipping meals has also been linked to an increased level of stress, which is a barrier to achieving peak performance. Sports nutrition can help to prevent these mistakes. Having or skipping breakfast has great effects on how the body works throughout that day.

Most people, however, cannot bring themselves to have a full meal in the morning because they are simply not hungry until later in the day. If you fall into that category, it’s okay.

You don’t have to have a huge meal in the morning. It’s advisable to start with eating foods that are light and simple. For example, you could take some fruits, a glass of milk, avocado or even a boiled egg. Bars also work just fine.

The reason for doing all of this is that your body needs to be familiar with the concept of receiving nourishment in the morning, it’s easier to build an appetite for breakfast this way. 


Sports nutritionists can help you carefully map out a diet plan to be strictly followed on the days leading to your big event. This is necessary, as it gives your body time to prepare for the said event and keeps it in top condition. 

Some athletes do not bother going through this route, and then they are surprised when they are not on their best performance. 

Your sports nutritionist makes planning easier for you. They also stick with foods that have proven to already be good for you, provide enough energy, and won’t create any stomach upsets. 


As an athlete or bodybuilder, you are not a robot or a soulless work out machine. You are a human being with a life. Sports nutritionists understand that the physical and psychological expectations placed on you by the sporting environment may lead you to develop depression, especially during periods where your goals seem out of reach and your relationships with others seem to be hitting the rocks.

As psychological distress intensifies, your performance can be negatively affected. A sports nutritionist, on noticing these effects on an athlete’s performance, can collaborate to develop a customized nutrition plan that will improve the quality of their results. 


Sports nutrition encompasses all aspects of the diet for improved sports performance and athletes’ overall well-being. Every athlete who means to go somewhere in his career must take it very seriously.

Relationship between Performance Coaching and Diet

performance coaching

There is no gainsaying that an athlete’s performance in fitness coaching cannot be separated from nutrition. More so, there is a growing interest in how nutrition experts can also impact sporting performance through a professional approach. Even for those who are not professional athletes, reading this article already confirms a stern interest in performance coaching and nutrition.

Requirements of Performance Training and Diets

Typically, basic professional training should provide the following benefits

  1. Performance training should supply the required energy and nutrients that a performer needs for optimum performance, training, and exercise
  2. It should help athletes and performers to achieve the desired body weight, whether through gain or loss, significantly if it influences performance coaching
  3. After a workout session, performance training should supply the needed nutrients and a recovery plan to restore the lost energy.
  4. Excellent performance coaching should provide sufficient improvement to athletes and performers’ health both in the short and long terms.
  5. Each performance coaching session should make room for fluids as part of the diet composition for maximum hydration when in the training session and after the session
  6. Diets during performance coaching session must provide for essential food varieties, including vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole grain bread, low- fat dairy products, and lean meat
  7. The only diets to be encouraged during performance coaching enhance forming a healthy eating habit, not just a temporary diet. In other words, performance coaching should promote healthy nutrition habits and behaviors, not just a brief adaptation, only to return to the old food later.

What should an athlete take for the best performance coaching session?

When preparing for a performance training session, a typical performer or athlete’s diet should comprise of the following nutritional proportions:

  • Carbohydrates or whole grains take up to 55% of the total diet. However, if your physical exercise or workout takes up to 60 to 90 minutes per session, you may have to increase your carbohydrates and whole grain percentage to 65 to 70%.
  • Proteins should take between 12 and 15% of the total diet
  • The fat contents of the food should be up to 30% of the total diet

Performers should also note that the amount of carbohydrates and protein ratio is mostly dependent on your body weight to avoid obesity. Furthermore, professional dieticians recommend fats from safe sources such as olive oils, nuts, seeds, avocado, and other similar fat-containing elements. On the other hand, athletes should stay away from high content food items such as biscuits, cakes, cheese, fried foods, margarine, chips, cookies, and general pastries.

Significance and benefits of Carbohydrates in Performance Training Diets

Just as we all learned in Elementary School, carbohydrates are energy-giving foods. The process of digesting carbohydrates converts the problematic sugar-containing foods to simpler sugars, usually glucose. However, note that the body does not store sugar as glucose but converts it to glycogen molecules and stores them in the muscle and liver tissues.

Also, the body depends on this glucose primarily for energy supply, and that is why these two storages are essential in discussing diets and performance coaching. Therefore, when athletes consume foods that contain a high percentage of carbohydrates, the exercise glucose that is not put to immediate use is converted to glycogen and stored in these destinations.

More so, the stored energy in the muscle is essential for physical work and daily movements. However, the bulk of energy consumption in the body goes to the brain as the controller of body activities. Also, note that the more carbohydrate an athlete takes in glucose, the more energy is available for use.

However, as important as carbohydrate is to diet, a restriction to carbohydrate can also achieve another performance training exercise. For example, if anyone plans to lose weight safely and effectively, it may include a reduction in carbohydrate intake. By so doing, the body gets the signal to convert the stored glycogen in the muscle and liver back to use glucose, first to the brain and another part of the body. However, this process requires some counsel from experts to avoid the risk of illness and infections.

Performance training for sports and the Glycaemic index

The Glycaemic Index, GI, refers to the number of carbohydrates present in food and drinks and how they can quickly influence the body’s blood sugar level. As the athlete or performer’s age advances, there is an increasing need to focus on the right diets to optimize carbohydrates’ benefits to the body and its management. Therefore, athletes are responsible for the kinds of nutrition and the responsible amount that is safe.

Further research also establishes that the foods that contain low GI ratings are crucial for exercises to sustain the energy level. On the other hand, moderate to high GI foods may be useful during the actual exercise or performance training. Another time to try this category of foods is the early stage of the recovery process. In all, the performance trainer should recommend these diets according to the personal needs of the performer.

Professional coaching experts have the right proportions of recommended diets and food proportions that the performer needs to consume based on predetermined factors. Some of the essential elements that determine the number of carbohydrates include the intensity of the exercise, each exercise session’s duration, and the exercises’ frequency.

For instance, the exercise’s intensity may include light, moderate, endurance, and extreme endurance sessions. The duration may also vary by 30 minutes per day category, 60 minutes per day, 1 to 3 hours per day, and the class above 4 hours per day.


On the final note, the performance coaching regime is closely related to diet and nutrition. However, both the performer and athlete and the trainer should corporate to achieve the desired energy level needed for optimum performance to the best of the athletes’ chances at success. Besides, based on nutrition experts’ recommendations, athletes can use food supplements that contain vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other vital products.

Performance Coaching – How to Prepare Athletes for Best Performance

performance coaching

Sports competition is a fantastic field in health and fitness, while the significant stakeholders are performance coaching experts. These experts are responsible for imparting skills and knowledge to the appropriate quarters, in this case, the Athlete or performer. At the end of the day, performance coaches have the rare privilege of building a champion out of an ordinary but talented amateur athlete.

Furthermore, over the years, sports and related competitions continue to evolve and thrive at the same time. It is gradually becoming more organized while growing intimacy between trainers and trainees with an already established system of building athletes to reach their full potential and achieve incredible feats.

On the other hand, official licensing boards of coaching institutions also upgrade the coaching education system to accommodate workable strategies that produce the best results in this age and time. Dr. Thomas P. Rosandich described what he called the American Training Patterns on physical components: speed, skill, stamina, strength, and suppleness (flexibility).

What each person now does is combine these attributes to bring the best out of the trainees. By the way, the performance coach’s creativity will become evident in the intelligent combination of the methods and attributes. This article will examine a comprehensive way of perceiving how a coach can help an athlete reach his best performance.

What do high-performance coaches do?

High-performance coaches use an integrated approach to combine all physical, emotional, psychological, and mental skills. Often times, some people assume this category of coaches only deals with elite athletes. However, these professional coaches can work with all athletes or performers to attain their performance’s best level.

Coaching does not only apply to only individual athletes but also a group of athletes as a team. Typical knowledge areas for professional athletes include physiology, psychology, and kinesiology. A coach and trainee’s relationship may be similar to a teacher to student, a mentor to mentee, a leader to follower, a master to apprentice, and others.

In the overlap of health and fitness, these performance coaches may work alongside physiotherapists, dieticians, and nutritionists. Besides the basic training schedule, great coaches go the extra mile of providing superior equipment and resources that enhance the athletes’ performance level.

Significant areas of Athlete Preparation

The effectiveness of an athlete’s Preparation depends on the handling of the performance coach or trainer. Also, there are excellent focus areas that demand skills from the professional coach to help the Athlete. Basically, the most recent trends allow room to develop leadership and communication skills. Some of these areas have been itemized below:

1.     Communication

Performance coaching demands that coaches are effective communicators, which involves clarity, conciseness, precision, and non-ambiguity. Like teaching, communication is a practical part of a coach’s success who conveys his mind to his athletes’ team.

By definition, communication involves two or more separate entities sharing or exchanging messages through a commonly understandable code through one or more channels. Besides, all parties must comprehend the employed communication style in use.

Some advanced research even supported that effective communication is a critical element of a team or coach’s success. Coaching without effective communication is like playing basketball without the ball. Apart from communication from the coach to the team, team members must also learn to exchange information to build more cohesion.

2.     Nutrition

Performance coaching and nutrition are two inseparable entities because performance enhancement hinges largely on energy supply in physical terms. Therefore, without the right diet in adequate proportion, the Athlete may never reach his full potential. Other adverse effects that inadequate nutrition can cause include slow or lack of recovery and weakness due to depleted energy.

Sports nutrition has also become deepened in research as more studies have analyzed the content of all classes of food available for the experts. The days are gone when it is difficult to tell which specific nutrient lacks an athlete’s diet. These are the days where virtually every essential nutrient can be modified to suit more specific needs.

3.     Risk management

Part of a coach’s duty is to minimize the risk associate with team management while pursuing the team success. At times, he must take reasonable precautions to especially when dealing with unique individuals with unique needs in the same team. Also, one of the areas of risk management involves the welfare and health of team members.

Whereas risk cannot be eliminated entirely but can be reduced to the barest minimum. Simultaneously, all involved stakeholders must endeavor to invest the effort to monitor all aspects and identify risks. After identification, there must also be efforts to mitigate those risks. Another area of possible risk has to do with facility and equipment use. Physical exercises require energy and a significant time with this equipment or before results begin to emerge.

4.     Injury prevention

Injury is one central area of risk when athletics play out as a competition. In other words, the co-participation demands that each team or individual participant must make extra effort to outperform the others. This additional physical activity also increases the risk of sports injury. As a result of this risk, all performance coaches should know first aid care response.

Also, as the team implements the coach’s instructions, they find technical ways of optimum performance without a compromise. These kinds of movements that may sometimes include acceleration, deceleration, or direction affect injury risk. Apart from the sole body use, external forces such as body contacts and checks may also determine the frequency and risk of injury in some sports competitions and preparations.

5.     Goal setting

Goal setting in performance coaching should probably be at the top of this list. As the last item, too, it also connotes care and diligent study to apply it productively. Before the journey begins, all parties should be clear about the goals and the precise way to achieve them. All parties must also understand each team member’s specific duties and produce enough drive and desire to execute them.

At times, performance coaches may use motivational techniques to communicate their points and establish their ideas. But on the road to success, the coach must also enhance the Athlete to build the required skills towards mastery and optimum performance. Furthermore, goal setting has been efficient in promoting perseverance, commitment, dedication, and self-motivation towards achieving the goal.


In conclusion, performance coaching encompasses the procedure that athletes need to follow to be great. And on the part of the coaches, there must be a refined passion, motivation, and other leadership skills to spur and support their athletes to push harder until they become the best version of themselves. Good luck!

How to Set and Achieve Goals in Performance Coaching

performance coaching

Setting and achieving goals is a tremendous feat in the performance coaching ladder, and it is such a vital part of life. Top performance coaches optimize the opportunity that workouts and exercises provide to all participants. Furthermore, performance coaching also depends mainly on the motivation of the performer.

He has to be robust, inspiring but not pushy on the coach’s part, and be clear with the set goals to achieve. Besides, there must also be a clear layout of reaching the targets and the end result. However, it is not the end result or final outcome that is the biggest deal but the process of reaching those goals. This article will discuss the process of setting goals and achieving them in performance coaching.

What is Goal Setting?

Goal setting is when you identify what you like to achieve through your performance coaching or training. However, part of the goal is to break down the larger goals into smaller objectives and outline the required steps to reach the goal. Moreover, a good plan should also be sufficient to motivate you and supply the mental energy and resilience to push through get it.

Furthermore, setting a goal is the first step in the performance coaching process or fitness or personal development journey. As easy as it sounds, the process may be long and tedious, but you will definitely reach the goal with diligence and perseverance. On the part of the performance coach, if the athlete or trainee fails to achieve the desired potential, it poses a severe threat to wasting the coach’s effort.

Benefits of setting goals

Setting goals are important, so it is equally important to describe some of the benefits that it brings to the table. Some of these benefits are discussed below:

1.     Satisfaction after achieving your goals

There is always this good feeling that comes with achieving your goals. And as a performance coach, you are encouraged when your efforts accomplish the set target. As the team advances towards primary goals and achieve the smaller objectives, the feeling of joy and satisfaction increases.

Documenting goals is also essential for subsequent projects as it can serve as a template to achieve better results. The documentation must be well-detailed to include the endpoint and performance coaching along the way.

2.     Goal setting helps to identify what is important

Another significant benefit of setting a goal is the identification of what is essential and what is not. This process also results in recognition of what is purposeful, valuable, performance-driven, and personally satisfying. Often, we are usually busy with only the simple and easy things, but we then need to more on the not-so-obvious ones.

Therefore, goal setting will allow performance coaching experts to optimize the needed space and time to correctly reflect performance training. The planning here not only focuses on the immediate situation but also to prepare ahead for the future. Therefore, adequate preparation this way ensures judicious use of all resources to achieve the desired goal.

3.     Consider and make the right choices

When you start to set goals, it encourages you to evaluate all the severe conditions and make correct choices towards the best result. Besides, you can enjoy full control and autonomy of where you invest your resources and the time it will take to start getting returns.

4.     Definition of goals

Goal setting forces you to define these goals, which would have otherwise be assumed. Besides, it can provide a prominent structure and a development guide to clearly show where to go and how to get there. Particularly, when all the essential factors have not been met, you need to push further through all the known channels to achieve the goals.

5.     Efforts and persistence

In addition to all the itemized benefits above, setting goals can motivate you to put more effort and persistence into achieving the goals. In other words, while setting clear goals, you need all the actions you can get to accomplish them. On the other hand, when the going gets tough, you will need persistence to get going still. This persistence is the ingredient that will help you scale through challenging obstacles and difficult situations.

Are you SMART?

The real deal with your goal setting and pursuit is the SMART question, which stands for the characteristics of a good goal: SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, RELEVANT, and TIME-BOUND.


Set goals must be specific, explicit, and target a particular area of achievement as well. Without a clearly stated purpose, it is even quite difficult to tell when you achieve it. In other words, you get a greater chance of accomplishing your goals when you make them specific answer the question of what precisely you want to achieve. Also, why do you want to accomplish this? Or why is this goal important to you? What or who is involved in the process? What are the requirements or disturbances to attain your goal?

M for Measurable

All reasonable goals must be measurable by simple tools. The right way of quantifying your goals also removes the doubt about their worth and value. For instance, how much is achieving this goal worth to you? At what point will you say you have achieved something? What will you have that will give you a sense of accomplishment? Identify the essential components of these steps and work at them, one at a time. A measurable goal may include losing a definite amount of body weight.

A for Attainable

Dream big, as big as you want, but don’t set goals that are not attainable or achievable. That is, weigh up your ideas if all the critical factors or constraints are viable in the specified time. For instance, what is the cost of achieving this goal? In what time can I achieve it? Do I have all it takes to complete it? Besides, consider the available resources at your disposal, weigh your abilities and project some obstacles and how to overcome them.

R for Relevant

You should have the courage to set the relevant goals for you, your personality, and your future. In this way, these goals have better chances of being achieved. Don’t just set goals, but evaluate how it can affect other areas of your life and check if you have the resources to see it through. In this relevance, you will have a better grasp of what your priorities actually are.

T for Time-Bound

In some professional climes, setting goals without putting a time frame on it is simply worse than not setting a plan at all. The time factor defines how long you have to solve the problem or achieve the goal. Also, timing fixes a sense of urgency in the plan by motivating you to push further towards the mark, especially programs that are already in actionable steps and milestones.


As we round off this guide on setting and achieving excellent performance coaching goals, take note of the essential ingredients we discussed. More so, work on each of them and consider the investment to be really worthwhile. Besides, if you follow the guide judiciously, you will find a well-structured system to work with and achieve your goals.

How to Optimize Workout Performance Coaching

performance coaching

There are particular techniques to optimize performance coaching during a workout session. Also, these techniques do not have to be complicated as they pay attention to all necessary factors. Some of these factors may include the body shape, the duration of the workout, and diet. So, no matter your fitness level, type of exercise, workout goals, and age, these strategies can work for you.

Therefore, athletes and fitness enthusiasts need to rediscover some performance training methods to maximize the value of their time and efforts. More so, these strategies have been found to work with a range of athletes, from beginners to pros. If they can implement these methods, there is an almost automatic chance of achieving much more than ever. Below are some of the performance coaching strategies to implement?

Performance Coaching Strategies for best results

1.     Keep your body inline

As you discover new ways to keep your body in shape through performance coaching, endeavor to keep a straight body line. As a result, the plank workout is one of the most effective exercises for the whole body.

Simultaneously, as you keep your body in the same line, you can prevent strains on your back. On the other hand, the other body muscles can relax more to compensate for muscle pull towards one side.

Also, the body structure is such that it can achieve enough stability and balance in a default relaxed state. This stability is also essential for less stress on the abdominal muscles while enhancing strength in the neck and head. A good start is the Two Point Classic Plank is a core part of this ab training to keep your body in a good line.

2.     Bend the joints

You need to also learn to bend your joints by will even if they are not fully extended. Some of the typical joints to workout include your knees, shoulders, and elbows in a careful bending for painless flexing. Ensure that you keep up with the safe reach while flexing and bending your joints and not beyond.

Another caution to take in flexing your joints is to ensure the rest of the body stands upright. Because standing upright helps to hold the body in shape to safely maintain the joints’ movement limits. By all means, avoid resting too long on your joints where they are straightened out. The stress adds more weight to your joints and weakens them.

Furthermore, locked joints do not produce the desired productivity because it restricts the joint movements. More so, it is the strength in your joints that helps you resist the body’s weight during a workout. Keep going and get stronger. Some repeated push-ups can help you achieve this technique in your performance coaching session.

3.     Flex your feet

Depending on the type of exercise you choose, flexing your feet is a fantastic way to get the best out of your workout. Mainly, if you enroll for a yoga session, it is advisable to do yoga with bare feet to flex them easily. Working out before shoes also helps to massage the feet in ways that are beyond words.

More so, when you flex the muscles in your feet, you develop more strength, flexibility and dispel every tension that may be lurking in the joints. Also, as we grow older, we should ensure that we create time to take care of our feet, not only the toes but the whole feet. What about your ankles and calf muscles?

If you must wear a shoe, some sports shoes have been built for this purpose. They have unique designs that give room for the feet movements for relaxation and flexibility. When we ignore the workout session that involves flexing our feet, we invariably weaken the lower limbs while making them prone to muscle snapping injury.

Any athlete that has to jump, run and change directions regularly will have to build strong and flexible feet to reduce the risk of injuries. As you strengthen the feet, don’t leave the back, which makes a strong connection with your limb muscles. Professionals recommend the active frontal as the vital technique to flex your leg muscles during your performance coaching.

4.     Tense up your butt muscles

The strength of sitting and other muscles depends mainly on your gluteus maximus, the significant power of your butts. For instance, in common workout types such as sit-ups, squatting, and other starting positions, you need to strengthen your glutes. Besides, plank types of workouts can also help to tighten your butt muscles.

As you raise your hip as high as possible, you learn to squeeze the butt muscles and relax them. These movements are part of the essential exercises that get your butt off the sedentary lifestyle. In other words, these strategies can work excellently for home, office, study, or TV sitters who spend hours of the day on a seat.

Amazingly, exercising your gluteus maximum is one sure way to deal with back pain while improving the general body posture. Also, it helps the body by reducing the risks of knee, leg, and ankle injuries. A sumo squat is suitable for a starting position of tightening your gluteal muscles.

5.     Open your chest

By opening your chest during a performance coaching session, you exercise your upper body through stretching. During this session, you push out your chest and pull it back to exercise the shoulder blades and their connected joints. However, you need to ensure you maintain the push and stretch to the comfortable limits.

As a result, you can maintain adequate strength in your shoulders to the neck and a better overall posture. Also, this technique can improve the flexibility of your chest muscles while keeping your whole body fit. For this exercise, try out the Superman-style, a core exercise in building strength in your chest muscles.


On a final note, performance coaching demands that you maintain these techniques during your exercise sessions. As you journey on, a professional trainer will guide you on regulating them to stay fit and achieve optimum results. Furthermore, your performance is directly linked to the diligence and consistency you put into the exercises. Have an excellent time training!

Factors that Determine Success of Performance Coaching

Performance coaching is an integral part of fitness and sports success and is subject to certain important factors. However, this article will focus mainly on the physical training factors essential in achieving the set fitness goals. Part of a performance coach’s duties is to develop workable training programs and schedule that focusses on a type of fitness at once. Also, it depends on the athlete’s ability to perform at the optimum level.

General Ways to Improve your Fitness Performance

There is a level of physical preparedness that comes with performance coaching to a fantastic group of success. These activities come with a gradual set of slightly rigorous activities to improve your performance level. On the other hand, an accurate training schedule should decrease all levels of injury risk.

Therefore, in the two approaches to performance training or coaching, that is health-related and skill-related fitness sessions. However, it really doesn’t matter if the training is for sports, competitions, or other potential activities. For athletes, there should also be a good foundation for building peculiar muscular strength but not without performance coaching.

Besides, it also enhances the cardiovascular endurance towards the relevant skills such as resilience in sports. There are more engaging programs out there to support your general fitness and your preparation for a sporting event or competition. The performance coach must also be ready to evaluate the trainee’s level of development through performance tests. More so, it gives the idea of where to adjust the plan for greater productivity.

Factors that affect efficient performance coaching

There are three primary proven ways to create an efficient performance coaching session, namely:

  • The work capacity of the trainee
  • The level of preparedness
  • Fitness levels for diverse categories

1.     Work Capacity

The trainee’s work capacity refers to the general ability of the body to cope with the schedule to produce efficient output. Also, this may be directly linked with the duration of the training, frequency, and intensity of the training sessions. The work capacity also has a way of influencing the body system’s energy levels towards an overall increase in performance.

2.     Level Preparedness

Body fitness and work capacity can be maintained with activities throughout a period. However, the preparedness is different; it is more like what you put in is what you get. In other words, if you fail to sufficiently prepare for a competition or sporting event, there is a risk of not performing at the optimal level.

There are two official levels of preparedness, they are the slow-changing and fast-changing preparedness. The slow-changing component is more about fitness, while the fast-changing feature is exercise-induced fatigue. In a way, fitness is not a far-fetched concept in performance coaching or training. But the less obvious parts are the duties of coaches and trainers to separate fitness from preparedness.

They also like toe distinguish between various kinds of fitness to separate physical fitness from emotional wellness in some climes. For instance, the other aspects of a trainer’s life may affect his mental preparedness towards achieving fitness or training goals. So, most times, performance coaches who understand how these factors work focus primarily on the general fitness that is all-compassing.

Physical fitness refers to the functional state of slow but gradual body changes in terms of the physiological components related to the body’s motor activity. In the performance coaching session, there must be sufficient movement for enhancing the functional human movements. Although the fitness level may not fluctuate over time until several days, the ability to always call on one’s instant fitness may not be smooth.

In other words, you may not know how fit you really are until circumstances demand putting your fitness to the test. Some of the minor factors that affect the body’s general fitness include the mental state, fatigue, sleepiness, sickness, pregnancy, and other temporary but similar conditions.

3.     Fitness level

Fitness level refers to the trainee or performer’s ability to cope with the demands of a specific task to produce a high level of efficiency. Fitness also carries with it an element of safety during the training and afterward. After the training, it takes another fitness journey of exercises and workouts to get back to full fitness.

There are special requirements to achieve the desired level of fitness that combines well with the trainee’s work capacity. For instance, wellness begins with the energy level and the trainee’s ability to put his specific skills to use in executing a given task under certain conditions. Apart from the energy and vigor, you must add sufficient motivation to achieve your fitness or performance goals.

What does performance training entail?

Performance training or coaching has to do with the process the mind and body undergo in preparation for a particular desired level of fitness or work capacity. It comprises several factors and interdependent processes, especially related to sports, fitness, and general health. Moreover, in terms of sports-related fitness, the following items are an integral part of performance coaching:

  1. Physical preparation. Performance training makes sufficient room for physical practice to ensure the functionality of all body parts.
  2. Motor skills learning. This aspect refers to the functionality of the body’s moving parts and how efficient they are in the application
  3. Psychological preparation. A trainee undergoing performance coaching must pay attention to psychological or mental preparedness. This aspect also has to do with what goes on in your mind towards achieving your dream
  4. Physical and psychological restoration. This section refers to the rehabilitation or recovery that follows a session involving the energy use for physical and mental fitness. After depleting such an amount of energy, there must be sufficient plans to restore the next session’s power.
  5. The right nutrition. Finally, performance coaching is incomplete without a proper diet to accompany it. When the wrong diet interferes with a performance training schedule, it will be almost impossible to achieve the desired goals. Both factors, fitness, and diet are practically inseparable as they determine the overall well-being.


In conclusion, athletes, trainees, performers, and performance coaching professionals must pay attention to this article’s discussed factor. These factors determine the performance training program’s success and make the input efforts worthwhile at the end of the day. We hope you continually find them very helpful.

Difference between Strength Coach and Performance Coaching

weight loss

From afar, one might think a performance coaching role is similar to the field of strength coaching. While the latter brings up different ideas about physical fitness, the former is a broad field beyond physical wellness to widely employ. On the one hand, strength training can also be an integral part of performance coaching for sports. Whereas strength coaching has also continued to gain acceptance in the professional sporting world.

What is Strength Coaching?

Strength coaching is the art of helping trainees build more strength in specific areas. But the truth is a good training and fitness coaching does more than that. Focusing on power alone does not do much to help the trainee or athlete. Instead, the performer needs to stay on top of the fitness game in all aspects of performance.

Strength is a skill the enables the individual to do physically-demanding exercises. But there might not be a comprehensive way to measure strength except it is put to appropriate use. However, there are traditional ways of mastering the body weight and evaluating the body’s strength. The overall power is related to the specific goals, needs, or the performance coach’s preference or demands.

Therefore, there must be a thorough and comprehensive adherence to good plans in a typical performance training exercise or coaching. For instance, some of the essential areas that a good trainer must focus on including the following;

  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Mobility
  • Work capacity
  • Body composition
  • Kinesthetic awareness
  • Injury prevention and risk reduction
  • Aerobic conditioning
  • Recovery
  • Sport-specific skill sets
  • Endurance

However, note that the aspects above only refer more or less to the physical benefits of professional performance coaching. There are still other areas such as emotional, psychological, and environmentally-induced fitness needs. Consequently, if a coach focuses on the trainees’ physical fitness alone, he is a strength coach. On the other hand, an overall fitness performance coach covers every area of fitness.

What is Performance Coaching?

Performance coaching is a more comprehensive process in terms of fitness and health. It covers more than mere strength improvement, but now an all-encompassing performance coaching produces impressive results such as excellence in sports and goal achievement. When the demands of performance coaching become evident, the plan or structure must accommodate strength building and other essential skills.

Besides, the performance coach now bears in mind that his job is not to make the trainee stronger or healthier. It is an overall fitness game for psychology and emotions. In some sports, the general coaches focus on the surface aspects of everything. Whereas they may have to employ specific coaches for essential skill set to manage the game’s intensity and demands.

Impacts of personal experience in performance coaching

The question is, does personal experience have any impact on performance coaching? Or how much does personal experience affect performance coaching? High schools are often tempted to employ a former athlete or pro footballer to handle their teams. But except the coach has built additional experience as a coach, a successful performance coaching career takes more than personal experience.

In other words, a successful athlete does not necessarily make a great coach. For a start, you can maintain good strength and skill as a sportsman or athlete. Still, performance coaching includes creating successful programs, modifying exercise regimes, adjusting the intensity and volume of the coaching to maintain productivity, and reducing injury risk. Unfortunately, many of these retired athletes don’t quickly realize this need until they fail at one or two jobs as a coach.

Of course, it does not negate the need for former training to earn the license as a performance coach or trainer. However, the coach has to add professional experience to the acquired skills as an athlete. Besides, there are highly skilled skillsets for performance coaching to produce the expected results.

What Makes a Great Performance Coach?

One of the significant attributes of a great performance coach with excellent coaching skills is to practice what you preach. In the pre-workout interview, both the trainer and the trainee will agree on the specific needs. Following the agreement, the coach will also create a good plan that can achieve the set goals and be in a cycle.

In straightforward terms, performance coaching must cover the theoretical knowledge of the procedures and programming strategies and the technical cues for adjustments. So, the benefits of a trainer who has personal experience are that he will motivate others to do what he has done in the past. He also puts a specific skill set to use to help the trainee achieve the desired goals.

Building a solid performance training

Some of the core training skills in performance training include building core stability through effective routines. These procedures involve strong philosophies of building a stable and robust trunk and overall body movement and flexibility. Besides, these strategies come with an extra bonus of a reduction in the risk of injuries.

But regardless of the strategies you employ, there are general training schedules that have become more popular among professional performance trainers. Besides, some of these plans work more for some sports than for others. In any case, these strategies are not devoid of their own changeless and drawbacks that slows down the processing of achieving one’s dreams.

Therefore, all parties must put their hands on deck to remain persistent, diligent, and resilient to achieve all the set goals at all costs. More so, a performance coach adds to the physical benefits, mental strength, and ability to believe in one’s own ability to create the perfect condition of the mind. Physical strength is only an aspect of the over strength training that the trainee needs from professional hands.


In conclusion, the difference between strength coaching and performance coaching is that the latter comprises the former. While the strength coach depends on building the athlete or trainee’s strength, the performance coach focuses on setting a performance goal and gradually working towards achieving them. Some of the other skills may include resilience, speed, agility, and other sports-specific skills. Have fun!

Attributes of Great Performance Coaching Experts

Can you imagine that the great Michael Jordan was not even enlisted into his high school varsity basketball team? Neither was Tom Brady a first-round draft pick from college – he was only as good as 199 in the ranking. These two great athletes attributed their success to great management hands that ensured they reach their highest performance level through excellent professional coaching.

In other words, every great athlete has behind him great coaches, just like Usain Bolt has Glen Mills to break the 100-meter record. He builds into the Jamaican strength, agility, proper coordination through comprehensive anatomy and talent identification. Talking of talents, these are all talented but needed to add many other attributes such as dedication, resilience, passion, self-motivation, determination, etc.

The online Master of Sports management stated that high-performance coaching‘s success depends mostly on the athletes’ holistic development, not just a balance of the win-loss record. Clearly, performance coaching must involve an in-depth study and implementation of goal setting and building the necessary confidence and resources to achieve them. Then, what is unique about these high-performance coaches? What do they do, and how do they do it?

What is High-Performance Coaching?

High-performance coaching involves helping sportsmen and women reach their potential by upgrading their value and work in their chosen field and at all levels. Therefore, this process goes beyond just coaching a high performing athlete but bringing the best performance out of the athlete in any way possible. It is about quality mentoring, helpful collaboration, profitable investment of all available resources.

A comprehensive effort in performance coaching may occur, including professional nutritionists, physiotherapists, and specialists in specific areas for optimum results. The long term goal is to achieve all-round optimum results through the available resources. These resources may include gadgets, equipment, environmental factors, and other conditions that may influence the final output quality.

Furthermore, performance coaching starts with inducing the winning mentality that the athlete really wants. However, the coach cannot overlook the essence of the process or the journey rather than the endpoint. It is also vital to equally focus on the employed strategy that gets the best out of the player or the athlete. In the long run, the trainee achieves the desired success.

Attributes of a Great Performance Coach

Several qualities are essential in making a great performance coach that can produce excellent coaching services. These high-performance sports coaches can share essential techniques, create practice schedules, and champion these trainees’ course to outstanding performances.

All these factors help to achieve the overall positive vibe that comes with a sense of accomplishment. Below are some aspects of positive attributes that a performance coach should exhibit:

1.     Motivation

One of the most essential attributes of a great performance coach is the sense of motivation. Performance coaching includes the ability to build passion and understanding as it applies to the specific sport of choice. But none of these attributes is possible without motivation as the key. It is also applicable to all goals, irrespective of longevity or duration. That is, inspiration is needful for short-term, medium-term as well as long-term goals.

2.     Self-confidence

Athletes and performance trainees need a high level of self-confidence to achieve their goals in flying colors. This confidence may also depend on the previous accomplishments while driving tirelessly towards a remarkable feat. This confidence may again come with a shift in mindset unto the positive line of action as taught by the professional trainer. More so, when the going gets really tough in pursuing the athlete’s goal, self-confidence will push him through those times.

3.     Pre-performance workout or exercise

An illustrious performance coach should regulate the full performance journey’s demands, starting with some pre-performance workout session. While preparing for the main workout or performance coaching, the professional trainer may create pre-and post-performance sessions to maintain high spirits and drive towards the goal.

This method also pushes towards achieving better results than the central performance would have done. Some examples of pre-performance strategies may include a breathing guide, meditation, mind-boosting strength, visualization, and other powerful techniques.

4.     Best practice

The best practice is one indispensable attribute of a high-performance coaching system where there is an intense desire for success. This desire for success pushes the trainee or performer to work hard towards achieving great body fitness and adequate preparedness for the actual competition or performance.

Some of these best practices may include a robust code of conduct, comprehensive teaching of athletes on treating other people, and achieving high standards. On the other hand, the process may also involve providing athletes with theoretical studies from historical and latest materials, industry information updates, and studies or research findings.

5.     Mental agility

The physical fitness and health sector comprises a high level of expertise and practical expression of knowledge to achieve impressive performance outputs. It also has many highs and lows with evidence of physical, mental, and psychological strength.

There are also excellent techniques that can impart the overall achievement of the athlete. Mental agility is the mental toughness that each athlete needs to have, especially when the body says otherwise.


Finally, high-performance coaching has a significant impact on the success of athletes and performers. On the one hand, the obstacles that threaten the accomplishment of the set goals can be enormous. At such times, motivation may have to come from without, from the performance coach. However, on the other hand, great performance coaches have a way of getting the best out of their trainees while recording some of the most fascinating feats in history.

All professional coaches need a measure of formal and informal learning materials and experience to achieve incredible feats. However, the fundamental skill may be the human management skills that take a lot of patience, determination, and firmness. Whether you aspire to be a top performance coach or need high-performance coaching, this article can help you do great things and make history!

Organizing Your Kitchen to Fuel Your Weight Loss Efforts

weight loss

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Did you know the Japanese practice of oosouji – also known as the Japanese art of Spring cleaning – may be exactly what your weight loss journey is missing to achieve results much faster?

Oosouji is a concept all about cleaning and organizing, getting rid of what no longer serves us, and tidying up what we already have and value for the next cooking year to come.

And whether you’re someone who just wants to lose weight or someone looking to kickstart their new healthy cooking regimen in the New Year, practicing oosouji to make your kitchen a healthy and productive place will instantly skyrocket your momentum toward your goal.

Here are the 3 best ways you can instantly apply this concept into your fitness and nutrition journey and reap massive weight loss benefits: 


Clear your schedule out for one day, take out a couple of hours of that day, and clean your fridge. Every single piece of it.

  1. Set aside a staging area.
  2. Take everything out of your fridge.
  3. Wipe down your shelves, walls, doors, and drawers.
  4. Use an anti-bacterial spray to clean and use toothpicks to chisel out any dry dirt.

After all of this is done, take a look at the items you removed. Anything that doesn’t look perfect, anything that you haven’t touched in months, and anything that’s unidentified should instantly get thrown out.

Once you complete this task, make sure to set your intention that you’re going to keep your fridge a clean and pristine place. Here are a few tips to do exactly that:

  • Keep everything clear. Clear, glass bowls that keep all your veggies and fruits visible and accessible are a must.
  • Bag your produce correctly: You can store your produce in muslin bags (they keep food protected for longer.) Greens go in separate bags, just like fruits and root veggies. Fresh herbs should always be stored in some water (because they’re budding plants.)
  • Label everything. When you use clear glass jars or storage containers for last night’s leftovers, make sure to add a name and a label on everything (maybe even a date.)
  • Stay consistent with it. Commit to this practice by spending 20 minutes once every week on clearing your fridge out of mystery foods.


Let’s just get one thing out of the way. If your pantry feels like a bottomless pit full of randomness, just know you’re not alone.

What usually happens is all sorts of plastic bags, boxes, and leftovers get thrown in there. Few things can really seal or stack in there, creating a cabinet full of chaos and opened boxes.

That’s why you should treat your pantry the same way you treated your fridge. Take everything out, clean it, and reorganize. Toss out the ragged bags or items that you know have no place there. Sweep the entire pantry.

Finally, when your pantry is as clean and organized as it should be, give yourself the massive pleasure of pantry containers. They’ll add a new dimension to your cooking efforts all while making the entire process much, much easier.

(Pro tip: Make a pantry snack box. Yes, you read that right. Make a little box in your pantry specifically designed to hold chocolate bars, candy, and sweet things you can grab on-the-go.)


Organizing and cleaning your freezer might seem daunting at first – but it’s quite an adventure.

Your freezer can easily become your weight loss journey’s best friend, as it is the perfect place to store the majority of healthy food options. Especially in a worldwide pandemic, when you don’t want to go to the store every single day.

Just like you did with the pantry and fridge, you’re going to take everything out, clean the walls and doors, and then optimize the freezer contents. Again, remove anything unlabeled or old, and then take an entire inventory.

Here’s how to make the most out of it:

  • Flat freezing. Instead of freezing cooked grains, rice, sauces, soups, and beans, just freeze them on a sheet pan. When they become solid, line them up in your freezer basically like little magazines. This strategy is a massive space saver and allows you to see what you have on your hands every time you open your freezer.
  • Use your freezer zones! Create, in your mind, designated zones of your freezer for different items. Get a shelf for seafood and meat, one for ice cream, one for flours, one for frozen fruits, you get the idea.
  • Don’t forget the ice. Your ice cube trays are perhaps one of the greatest tools for freezing miniature items such as broth, wine, stock, milk, pesto, etc. Freeze them into cubes and store them in little baggies for single-serving purposes!

Blanch! Do you want to keep your greens readily available? Blanch your greens, squeeze the excess water off them, and put them into little balls (and freeze them on a sheet pan.) If you freeze your greens in solid form, store them in baggies and you’ll be able to easily pluck the perfect serving out for your pastas, soups, omelets, and more.

The Male Fitness Trend

male fitness

A man is usually more attractive with a fit and firm body that has no accumulation of fat but is lithe and sinewy. Through progressing ages, this has become the new normal, and the women generally love the person that lifts weights and does bodybuilding routines for a living. Does this now mean that older and geriatric men cannot be fit? This article talks about fitness beyond physical looks and appearance and gives a general overview of physical fitness beyond the physical.

Wholesome Fitness

Men’s fitness covers the concept of health and physical wellness of a man, which includes a balance in food and diet, exercise, physiological and mental wellness. Many go to the gym just because it is a trend that allows them to build muscle mass and achieve body fitness. However, there is more to male fitness than that. It covers the whole facet of the male life from positive reinforcement to better function at work and in daily living. Male fitness involves being mentally, physically, emotionally, and psychologically healthy at all times and the ability to give your best to any activity that you have at hand.

It goes without saying that there is no age limit to male fitness, and though it takes deliberateness to stay fit, it is achievable and doable.

Benefits of Male Fitness

The male fitness trend has many young men scurrying to gyms and spending long hours to gain beautiful abs and shoulder muscles. This is great and commendable but raises the question of other components of male fitness beyond the physical. The fact is that besides muscle mass building, physical fitness has the following components:

  • Improves Flexibility: This explains the mechanism through which a muscle or group of muscles can stretch or lengthen or how far a joint can move. Examples of muscles that are common sites for flexibility testing include shoulder and hip joints and muscles.
  • Muscular Strength: This is the power to lift your body comfortably without putting much pressure on it. It also entails carrying heavyweights and not straining under the pressure that it may bring due to a slow build of muscle strength over time. With poor muscle strength, the body gives under slight pressure.
  • Cardiovascular Health and Endurance: As you get older, the heart begins to pump blood a little slower than usual. However, during exercise, the stress motivated the heart to pump a little faster, and with regular exercise, it is able to maintain the same routine, keeping the male fit and healthy. In order to achieve male fitness, the cardiovascular system, which consists of the heart and blood vessels, plays a vital role. Some exercises that you can indulge in for cardiovascular health include cycling, jogging, swift walking, swimming, and running.
  • Muscle Endurance: With regular exercise, your muscles become able to carry loads for prolonged periods. Normally, the muscles are prone to strain after a while of heavy lifting, but with specific physical exercises, they can develop endurance.
  • Body Composition: Male fitness plan enhances more tissue mass over fat or adipose tissues, enhancing blood flow and concentration through tissues. This is what causes the body’s litheness, muscle endurance and strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. In most ways, this is the core reason why many men go to gyms to achieve male fitness.

Benefits of Male Fitness

Outside of attracting the women, what other benefits are there in achieving male fitness?

  • Physical activity and exercise keeps you alert and agile, effusing you with much energy to go through the length of your day without lag moments.
  • It is a natural body healing remedy, as it improves blood flow and heightens body metabolism. This aids to expel toxins and free radicals from the body and causes one to be healthy and fit
  • Male fitness builds the bones and prevents calcium resorption that may lead to osteoporosis.
  • Male fitness decreases risks of diseases such as heart problems, diabetes type 2, and cholesterol-based illnesses.
  • It aids with balance and stability, preventing falls and injuries, and slowing aging in older men
  • Exercise and body fitness plans generally give you a positive opinion of yourself; this goes a long way in boosting your self-confidence and brightening your outlook on life and work.
  • Weight loss and male fitness also improves your body’s touch with the circadian rhythm and causes you to have a better sleep time. It ensures that you are well-rested and your body maintains elevated functions
  • Exercise releases endorphins, which are happy hormones that make you feel better, even when the situations that you are currently dealing with are still present. However, since the brain is the organ that requires the most oxygen and the blood is the carrier of oxygen, exercise causes increased blood flow to the brain and helps you to think clearly and effectively.
  • Another benefit of a male fitness plan is that it increases energy levels. This is quite controversial because you expend energy but get stronger. However, exercise causes you to breathe faster, forcing oxygen into your lungs and increasing blood and energy supply in vessels.
  • A major reason for skin wrinkling and aging is oxidative stress. The free radicals that move around the body are capable of causing deleterious effects on cells, tissues, and organs. These free radicals arise as products from food synthesis, drugs, and others, and so it is happy news that exercise eliminates free radicals and prolongs your life.

Age Range for Male Fitness

The trend is presently for young men to go to the gym in order to stay fit, but there is no restriction to male fitness. All men can keep fit, and it is best to start early. It is also important to know that no part of your life is an exemption to fitness, and all male fitness plans should cover the diet, exercise type, duration of exercise, venue, and time. Your plan can be unique to you, merging your everyday routine with your fitness plan to get the best out of it.

When to Start

A plan always takes deliberateness in order to come to bear. Therefore, the time to start on your male fitness time is now! Partner with us at Allyangels for male fitness coaching and top-notch tips to enhance your living.

Male Fitness Outside The Gym

male fitness

The male fitness trend requires you to have a body that’s all muscle mass. This has sent almost all males to the gym, searching for various exercises. Bodybuilding exercises include lifting and running. However, the ability to engage in these forms of exercise is just a part of the whole. Men fitness should also cover:


In all fitness plan forms, including weight loss and bodybuilding programs, meal plans are important to aid you to fulfill your aim and objective of achieving male fitness. This includes the type of meal, the time you eat, the frequency and quantity of food that you consume. Understanding your basal metabolic rate and making diet decisions based on this is important to keep you healthy and fit.

In achieving male fitness, you should be friends with the kitchen, picking sautéing, grilling, baking, and steaming food over deep-frying them. You should also stick with healthy oils such as canola, coconut, and olive instead of fats, and go for natural herbs instead of salt. This reduces the burden on you when exercising.

Another diet secret for male fitness is to vary food choices to avoid a boring routine. This is necessary to spice up daily living and developmental excitement over daily meals. It is quite true that you need certain essential vitamins and minerals to help you keep fit, but there are numerous foods that offer these, and so you shouldn’t restrict yourself to certain foods, but explore your choices. Sometimes, a narrow choice of foods may lead to deficiencies in your meal plan, causing you to unnecessarily crave more food and tire of your routine pretty easily. However, when you spread yourself out to get experiences with various natural meals, you get more nourishment than you have in your plan, and this is an awesome way to live.

Lastly, pay attention to your serving sizes and time of meal consumption. The body is very sensitive to routine and can easily get familiar with a certain trend of feeding. Hence, in a male fitness plan, you should accustom your body to specific periods of feeding and limit your meals to necessary quantities. It is best to eat for nourishment than for hunger satisfaction or indulge in comfort eating. In your male fitness plan, I would recommend that you do not skip meals and try to satisfy accumulated hunger, but that you feed your body as and when due, with little food portions of healthy meals. When trying to lose weight and keep fit, dieting is not as costly as most think, and there are simple foods that will suffice.

Sleep and Rest

In body fitness, exercise and sleep are two peas in a pod. The fastest way to achieve male fitness is by sleeping long enough for your body to increase lean muscle mass, achieve cardiovascular health, and improve endurance after an exercise. The body does this by correcting itself and undergoing healing during the periods of sleep when everything goes to rest. It is therefore important for you to be intentional about resting your body for as many hours as you require.

Interestingly, sleep helps you to clear your mind, and this keeps you focused in the gym, making you more alert and agile while going through your workout routine, and exercise helps you maintain your circadian rhythm, which is necessary for proper sleep and rest. Therefore, the two factors of rest and exercise intertwine, and to get maximal use for one, you must incorporate the other. The time requirement for sleep is about 8 to 9 hours daily, and although most people find it difficult to sleep that long, this is what the body requires to self-recover from all the busyness of your day. Therefore, picking exercises that help you stay asleep is necessary to achieve weight loss and male fitness.

Clarity and Focus: The key reason why most males become overweight and unfit is their mental state. When going through overwhelming situations such as job loss, the death of a friend, financial crises, and family feud, everyone tends to have a pity party for a while. During these periods, many find comfort in food and before a television screen, without sight of the grave consequences of their actions. Hence, when making a choice for male fitness, it is important to orientate your mind and begin to have positive impressions about yourself.

In achieving male fitness, you must have motivation from beyond physical pleasure to stick with routines in meals, sleep, and rest, as well as exercise plans. It is also important to unclutter your mind and give up on activities that place you under duress. A major cause of stress and overweight is work overload, which can result from procrastination. Make a plan to achieve as much as you can within short hours, and stick with a plan.

The journey ahead will not be easy, and there’ll be thousand and one times that you will feel the pull to go back to the couch or indulge in comfort and stress eating, but you must develop a goal for yourself, with adequate reasons to stick with your weight loss plan. This will require tenacity and resilience. You may have to become vulnerable and have exercise and fitness accountability partners, but achieving male fitness is a possibility for you.


For male fitness, it is important to understand your body and the beneficial exercise types for it. Factors to consider include the aim of the exercise, work schedule, underlying medical conditions, and length of time available to you for exercise. While it is important to achieve physical fitness, it is most important to be wholesomely healthy and fit.

Daily decisions outside the gym and your exercise circle are as important as the decisions which you make within these places. A fit male body is possible for every man that is determined to achieve male fitness. This entails every little detail about your life, and your daily routine should lead you into achieving your physical and health goals of remaining fit. One step to begin this journey is to partner with us at Allyangels. We are the best support and accountability partners that there are, and our coaching tips are off the charts!

7 Weight Loss Tips for Men

male fitness

When it comes to weight loss, almost everyone is a genius with an idea or two on how to achieve it. Many male fitness gurus like to push their weight loss agenda like it’s a glorious battle. They advertise and tell stories of men who weighed 789 pounds and lost 600 pounds in 3 months by just following heir well laid out plan. It sells, and it gets many people to sign up for these weird programs.

Then there are other people on social media who say just running every morning for two weeks will help with fat loss and that you have to cut out all your food now and eat like a vegan if you want it to work. They tout their “no pain, no gain” agenda, and for many of them, it’s a pseudo-moralistic stage show that makes them look like heroes in the eyes of their followers.  

Unfortunately, that’s not how it has to be. You don’t have to starve yourself till you are half dead for your fat loss goals to come to pass. In this article, we will go through some real tips for weight loss that will help you achieve the body you so desire:

  1. Set an achievable goal for your body

A lot of people have said this so much that it now sounds cliché, but no one can downplay the importance of goal setting in a fat loss journey. Set an achievable goal and try to work every day to attain that goal. Also, weigh yourself on a scale every day, as seeing your progress can motivate you to do more. However, remember that the number on a scale should not define you or have an effect on how you see yourself. Male fitness gurus won’t tell you this, but real progress in losing weight takes time, and there are sometimes you won’t see any change. It doesn’t mean you aren’t working hard or that your goals are unattainable.

  1. Cut down on processed and junk food

Many people who struggle with their weight have issues with addiction to junk and processed food. If you are trying to lose weight, you have to be willing to cut down on your processed food and junk food intake. What you eat has a serious impact on your weight loss goals, so you should endeavor as much as you can to limit the number of unhealthy foods you take in. Instead, start getting used to snacking on fruits and healthy snacks and taking them along with you everywhere you go so that you don’t feel hungry and take some more processed food.

  1. Don’t skip meals

Some fake male fitness programs will suggest that you skip some meals so that you cut weight faster – don’t do it. Cutting down meals will only make you hungry, which could increase the chances of you snacking on unhealthy and processed foods. What you want to do is eat light and eat early. Ensure you eat your breakfast, as studies have shown that there is a correlation between eating breakfast and successful weight loss.

  1. Try to remain active

In addition to the exercises you will be doing, try to stay active at all times. Meet with people and have fun. Don’t confine yourself to your couch and watch TV all day; it’s not good for your fat loss goals. Try as much as you can to stay awake throughout the day and sleep well at night. Keep your mind focused on your job and try to be as active in it as you can.

  1. Lift weights

In the world of male fitness, when weight loss is mentioned, almost immediately, people rush to advise on how you should run more often or do some other cardio. Now, cardio is great for you if you want to lose weight and stay fit – everyone who wants good heart health should do cardio. However, it is not all that is required. Performing exercises that require you to lift weights is also very important for the body. Exercises like deadlifts can help you burn far more calories than cardio. The focus should be on building muscle and burning calories. 

  1. Sleep well and drink fluids

Sleeping well at night can help you stay active during the day, which is what you need if you want to cut down lots of calories. The best way to do this is to have a dedicated time for sleeping and stick to it no matter what. Also, it should go without saying but avoid late-night meals. It’s hurtful to your fat loss goals.

Also, it is important that you take the right fluids as much as you can. Drinking lots of water is good for any male fitness program you wish to engage in, especially weight loss. Drink a lot of water as much as humanly possible.

  1. Be patient, and don’t be discouraged

Keeping your mind mentally sound is also important for weight loss. As we stated earlier, weight loss takes time, so you want to enjoy the process. Don’t be in a hurry to take weird supplements that promise to eradicate belly fat in two weeks. It doesn’t work that way. The right diet, plus the right exercise, will give you success in your weight loss endeavor.

Also, if you find yourself indulging in old habits, try to jump out of it as quickly as you can and return to the right path. Don’t feel like one mistake will ruin your total plan. It won’t.


It may seem unorthodox, but one thing you will not find in many male fitness weight loss programs is that you should laugh a lot. Good laughter does two things: One, it keeps you active and in the right frame of mind, and two, it works on your body and burns a lot of calories. So when next you are having the meet with your friends, remember to hold nothing back and laugh as though your health depends on it, because it might.

Finally, patience and consistency are two very important virtues if you are to succeed in any fat loss goal you set for yourself.  

7 Most Important Exercises for Men

male fitness

Male fitness programs are among the most sold services in the world today because many men wish to get ripped abs and bigger arms and chest, not to mention that many older men are trying to achieve weight loss and burn belly fat.

If you are trying to achieve a perfect body as a man, the kind of body that draws attention, makes you respected and above all, keeps you fit and healthy, then there are some fundamental exercises you should focus on. The problem is there are many exercises that are not worth your time, or better put, not as effective as some of the ones that will be listed in this article.

In this article, we will go through a list of some of those exercises that can help men with fat loss, ripped abs, bigger arms, and every other personal goal you wish to achieve. Let’s get to it.

  1. Deadlift (Weight loss, Core, Thighs, Back, Hips)

Many male fitness instructors are quick to tell you that for fat loss, you should engage in some sort of cardio. While it is true that cardio helps with weight loss and a whole lot of other benefits, deadlifts burn more calories than cardio exercises and could be a great exercise for burning core fat. Deadlifts also help build stronger bones on the hamstring, thighs, and back, giving you a better physique generally.

  1. Bench Press (Arms, Triceps, Chest)

There is no gym member who doesn’t know what bench press is. It is one of the most important exercises with weights in the world of male fitness. The upward and downward movement is good for your triceps (arms), and it also helps in expanding your chest and building strong pectoral muscles. If you wish to get a solid chest in no time, you should consider bench pressing the next time you’re at the gym.

  1. Pull-ups (Shoulders, Back, Arms)

If you are looking for a body that makes a statement with the abs, then you should be doing pull-ups. You don’t need a male fitness instructor to tell you that. Pull-ups work on your latissimus dorsi (or simply called lats). Pull-ups are also good for fat loss and burning unneeded calories from your body.

  1. Russian Twists (Abs, Shoulders, Hips)

Russian twists are very powerful workout routines for abs. When used in conjunction with sit-ups, crunches, and other powerful ab exercises like spiderman push-ups, they can be effective at producing some very ripped abs. Since they work so well on your core, they are wonderful for weight loss and total removal of core fat.

Russian twists also work on your hips and shoulders too, so there’s that added benefit. There are different variations of Russian twists you can do to increase the difficulty of the workout.

  1. Back Squat (Thighs, Back, Hips, Core)

The back squat is just as powerful as the deadlift as it works on almost every muscle in your body you can think of. The back squat works on your core to burn fat and on your back and thigh muscles to make them stronger and better shaped. If you are an athlete who has to be quick on your feet or jump better, then the back squats will help you develop the legs for it.  

Back squats are done with barbell weights. You put the weight on your shoulders and squat for as many reps and sets as your male fitness program state, based on your level (beginner, intermediate, or expert) and weight. 

  1. Push-ups (Upper body)

Every single male fitness enthusiast knows what push-ups mean. It’s compulsory. They are done by lying face down to the ground and using your palms to push your bodyweight up until your arm is outstretched. Push-ups help with the development of your chest muscles, arm muscles, and core, but they can also help with fat loss to burn unnecessary fat from your sides. This exercise is great if you don’t have equipment but want to build your upper body and core strength.

It is important, however, to note that doing only push-ups every day will increase your body’s risk of plateauing. What this means is that after a while, you no longer feel challenged and at that point, you no longer get the benefits of doing just push-ups. This is true for almost all exercises. Ensure you challenge your body and do a couple of different routines with different exercises to get the best results from your workout.

  1. Barbell overhead press (Chest, Triceps, Shoulders)

The barbell overhead press is very similar to the popular bench press. The only difference is that with the barbell overhead press, you stand up to lift the barbells over your head instead of lying down on a bench to push it upwards. Both the bench press and the barbell overhead press have a significant impact on your chest, arms, and shoulders (all muscles in your upper body). As a matter of fact, many male fitness trainers and enthusiasts swear that the barbell overhead press is more powerful in this regard than the bench press.

Because men love having a strong upper body, the barbell overhead press is a very important exercise for them. Apart from that, like many other exercises on this list, it helps burn a lot of calories in the body, making your weight loss journey easier than if you just did cardio.


Most exercises are important in their way, and many aren’t on this list. Exercises like Hamstring curls, Medicine ball slam, Suspended push-ups, and kettlebell swings are also powerful exercises recommended by male fitness trainers and programs, guaranteed to help you with your core, arm, chest, and leg muscles as well as weight loss.

It is important to remember that switching exercise routines are necessary if you wish to achieve the best results. This is because doing just one exercise will make your body get used to it to the point where you no longer feel challenged again. At this point, your body will no longer benefit from doing just that exercise until you switch to other equally potent exercises.

7 Best Foods for Men who Work Out

Male fitness does not start and end in the gym. Eating the right foods can help you get the right amount of calories and nutrients you need to go about your daily exercise routines and guarantee weight loss and general well being in the process.

Picking out the best foods for male fitness is not as simple as avoiding fatty foods and consuming vegetables. It goes beyond that. In order to guarantee fat loss, optimum nutrition, and better results when you work out, you will need to eat the right kind of foods at the right times of the day.

In this article, I will be sharing a few of these food options and meal plans with you to help you inculcate them in your workout routines for better overall results.

  1. Whole Grain and Milk

Breakfasts are very important to boosting male fitness, especially on those days when you want to work out. It is arguably the most important meal of the day because it starts you off the right way, providing energy and nutrition to go about the rest of the day.

Adding milk to your grains, such as oatmeal or other cereals high in fiber, helps to build the calcium and boost the energy required in the gym. Oats are naturally rich in carbohydrates, and a good mix of milk with oats in your breakfast every morning before hitting the gym not only improves your fitness and enhances performance it also helps in weight loss.

You can as well spice things up; adding dairy milk in your breakfast routine, no matter what you’re eating, can help improve energy levels when you go to work out.

  1. Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes are a good carbohydrate source for enhancing energy and performance in male fitness. They provide iron, fiber, and vitamin C for the body and keep the sugar levels consistent. The more nutritious carbohydrates you eat, the better your performances are when working out because they provide the body with high energy levels to keep you going at it for longer. This, in return, enhances fat loss in men who work out to shed weight.

Sweet potatoes provide just the required nutrients to achieve all that and more. They are high in potassium and help the body fight off sprains or other muscle cramps during workouts.

  1. Bananas

Bananas are rich in nutrients, and they are sources of natural energy when you need to work out. The body digests them easily and converts them to the energy that you need when working out. They play a major role in improving male fitness levels because they provide higher energy levels than other fruits and are great for refueling before, during, and after workouts. Bananas increase the release of dopamine, the feel-good hormone in the body, making exercises and workouts seem easier and less tiring.

Rich in potassium, fiber, and magnesium, bananas can also help with muscle tears or cramps.

You can enjoy your bananas with other high nutrient foods and fruits like having a fruit salad or smoothies to get the most out of it.

  1. Blueberries

These are great sources of fiber, and they are good for consumption before, during, and after a workout. You can take blueberries as a juice or eat the fruits as they are; however you choose to, it enhances male fitness and improves performance during work out sessions.

Blueberries are loaded with high levels of antioxidants and are low in calories, which makes them a good nutrition source for weight loss minded people.

They also contain glycogen that keeps our bodies fuelled with energy when we work. You cannot go wrong with blueberries, they are juicy, and a great source of nutrients, water, and vitamins for the body, and they keep you hydrated.

  1. Vegetables

Vegetables are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, natural fiber, and other nutrients that your body needs to function properly. They are very low on calories and fat and helps in fat loss. You should endeavor to have vegetables present in every meal you take. They boost male fitness, providing energy to do your workouts.

You can explore different kinds and colors of vegetables as they are all good for the body. Tomatoes, for instance, packed with vitamin C and other rich nutrients, have been linked with natural weight loss hormones in the body, such as leptin, which regulates metabolic rates and appetite in the body.

Other vegetables like spinach are rich in hemoglobin, a source of iron needed to enhance energy levels and stamina in the body.

  1. Almonds

Almonds are rich in natural sugar, nutrients, and vitamins that replenish energy when you need it. You should throw some in your bag whenever you’re going to the gym. Male fitness levels are at their peak when almonds become a part of the work out sessions. They are packed with healthy fats that not only keep the brain and bones strong and active but also improve weight loss.

  1. Water

Yes, water. As regular and simple as it may sound, water is one of the most important sources of energy, endurance, and improved male fitness levels. Water is even more effective in fat loss than any other liquid. It is 100% calorie-free, helps you burn fats, and may also suppress the appetite if taken before a meal. Drinking more water than soda is the fastest way to cut down on weight and improve performance in the gym.

It is advised that you take water before and after workouts. It regulates the body temperature, keeps you hydrated, and strengthens the joints and muscles.

The importance of water hinges on the fact that if you are not hydrated, you cannot perform at optimum levels. So, always have your water handy.


Stamina and fitness go hand in hand. To ensure optimum male fitness and high performance in the gym, you should inculcate these nutritional tips in your meal routine if you presently do not. Other foods and nutritious options to enhance male fitness, like fish, nuts, eggs, honey, beets, etc., are all required to achieve optimal performances and results in the gym.

These foods also generally ensure a healthier body and prevent numerous diseases and health complications.

If you want to eat foods that will boost your gym routines and also improve weight loss, these are some of the options you should start filling your plates and fridges with.

5 Foods to Avoid to Stay Fit (For Men)

male fitness

Many guys today are interested in male fitness and weight loss programs than ever before. This is because of the growing obesity problem all around the world, and many men are trying their best to avoid the problems that come with obesity. Also, it is important that you stay fit and your heart stay in good shape as a man, as you are more likely than women to suffer heart attacks when you are older, and staying fit will reduce that probability drastically.

There are many tips for fat loss in male fitness programs all over the internet, and one important one is exercising regularly and eating right. As important as these factors are, there is another factor that is just as important if not more important than eating healthy and exercising regularly. That factor is avoiding unhealthy foods. It is easy to destroy the hard work done in the gym for hours by eating the wrong kinds of food.

In this article, we will go through some of the foods you must avoid as a man if you wish to stay fit and keep your body in perfect health condition:

  1. Sugary Snacks

Donuts, muffins, cookies, cakes, and all of those sweet snacks that have a relaxing effect on your body when you take them are very dangerous. They may make you feel good, but they set you back seriously in your weight loss goals. Binge eating any of these snacks can load your body up with nothing less than 200 to 400 calories and almost 30 grams of sugar. You can also get about 10 grams of fat for eating these seemingly harmful snacks. There is a reason why sugar is called the sweet enemy, and it is because it presents itself as sweet to you but goes into your body and causes damages that are extremely difficult to repair.

It’s not a sin to indulge once in a while, but as much as possible, avoid taking sugary snacks when you need to feel better. Instead, snack on nuts and fruits. They are safer.

  1. White Bread

If you are interested in hitting your fat loss goals for your male fitness program, then take that white bread out of your diet now. White bread is very high in sugar as it ranks very high on the Glycemic Index (GI), a metric that is used to measure how foods affect a person’s blood sugar level. This is very important if you are looking to cut belly fat or avoid diseases like diabetes in your later years.

Now, because white bread is bad, that doesn’t mean you automatically have to buy brown bread, and all will be fine. Most of these bread manufacturers are scammers and con artists, and they understand that many people are fleeing white bread. What they do is they take the same old white bread and paint it with caramel. This means that the so-called brown bread will still have the same adverse effects on your weight loss. What you should do instead is take a close look at the label on the bread you are buying. Don’t fall for labels that say “healthy grain.” Look for labels that write “whole grain flour” as one of their ingredients, and be cautious of others that have white flour and caramel as their first ingredients.

  1. Soda

This should be a no-brainer. There are a few foods that directly impact your weight loss goals and muscle building dreams than soda. Like the other two aforementioned foods, sodas have artificial sweeteners that are very detrimental to your body in general. Taking one small bottle of soda can easily add 18 grams of sugar to your body, so imagine what happens when you take multiple bottles in a day. This doesn’t mean you should fall for the “diet soda” or “fruit juice” lie that many companies are selling. Diet sodas are just as bad as regular sodas, even though they make you feel good about drinking them. Also, many fruit juice brands you see use artificial sugars, flavors, and preservatives to make their so-called fruit juice so that they taste like the fruits they claim to use, but they are more than 100 times sweeter than the natural sugars gotten from fruits.

If you are thirsty, the safest drink is water. You can also buy natural fruits and blend them yourself at home to create your fruit juice you can be sure of.

  1. Pizza

Pizza is the go-to fast food for many when they are swamped with lots of work. If you are focused on fat loss and other male fitness endeavors, it shouldn’t be for you. Pizzas contain a lot of saturated oil and salt, so they add fat to your body if you take them. The next time you want to take a pizza, and you almost fall for the trick that it is made with many healthy ingredients like tomato, cheese, and flour, remember this: a single slice of pizza can add up to 250 calories to your body.

  1. Ice Cream

Another enticing food from the sweet enemy. This one requires no explanation as every sensible person knows that ice cream is made up of sugar and fat—lots of it. Just by taking one simple cup of it, you can add lots of calories to your body. This is very detrimental to your weight loss mission. As a male fitness enthusiast, you should try as much as you can to reduce or eliminate taking ice-cream. Your lower belly will be grateful to you.


If you want to be successful in muscle growth, fat loss, or any other male fitness endeavor you wish to commit to, then these foods shouldn’t even be considered. Sugary foods are the biggest culprits, and they are unsafe for any individual who wishes to live a long and healthy life. Also, remember to replace these foods with healthy foods and regular exercise.

5 Best Weight Loss Supplement and Pills for Men

male fitness

In the world of male fitness and weight loss, supplements and pills have not had the best reputation. Many people see them as scammy, and there are many fat loss pills and supplements that deserve that bad reputation. Most of these pills offer you the best for doing absolutely nothing, guarantee a slim and well-built body but fail to deliver on their promises. For some, a string of unwanted side effects come with them.

The truth is, supplements aren’t supposed to be that bad. There are certain good supplements that contain a good amount of vitamins and minerals. When these supplements are taken and combined with a good diet and exercise, they provide the best benefits to your body without any side effects, unlike the other so-called pills and supplements that could be detrimental to your health.

In this article, we won’t be discussing those ones. We will be focusing on the weight loss supplements and pills that have proven to be useful and safe to people who wish to achieve the goal of losing some pounds, especially men. We will be explaining why these supplements and pills are helpful, what they contain and how you should take them.  

  1. Whey Protein

The words “Whey Protein” are as common as exercise and diet in the male fitness world. There is almost nobody who is interested in weight loss, muscle growth, and male fitness in general who isn’t knowledgeable on how whey protein helps in muscle growth. Apart from helping gym junkies build ripped muscles, studies have shown that whey protein can help people lose up to 10 pounds of body fat.

Whey protein shakes are also superior to similar protein shakes. For example, people who take whey protein shakes tend to lose more weight than people who take other protein shakes, such as soy protein shakes.

How does it do it? When for one, it helps you suppress your appetite a lot. This means that you eat less and feel satisfied, so you don’t have to fill your belly with unnecessary calories and fat. Also, whey protein, when combines with exercise, help you replace fat in your body with muscles, and muscles have a higher metabolism than fat, meaning food does not get stores up in your body as before. For these and many other reasons, whey protein is one of the best supplements for men if you are interested in fat loss.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea is another supplement that gets a bad reputation because many people don’t understand it. However, green tea is very helpful in fat loss and deserves more popularity in the male fitness arena. Green tea may be described as one of the healthiest beverages on the planet as it is filled with lots of antioxidants and plant compounds. One of the important parts of green tea is caffeine, which is a very popular stimulant. Caffeine helps in fat burning and can stimulate better performance in exercise, meaning more weight loss.

Green tea also has very powerful antioxidants called catechins, which can boost metabolism. These catechins do this by breaking down fat-burning hormones in the body, like the hormone norepinephrine. This helps in promoting fat breakdown.

Green tea should be taken depending on your general metabolism, but a few cups a day is sufficient to give you the results you desire.

  1. Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids may not be as popular as other supplements and pills in the male fitness world, but it aids with weight loss far more effectively than many other supplements. They are a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and they are made up of three principal omega-3 acids, namely: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega-3s can help you reduce your hunger and appetite so that you don’t have to eat as much as you normally would. Also, they boost the effects of exercise, especially exercise specifically targeted to help you burn fat. They also increase metabolism so that your body can easily digest the food you put into it. That way, your body doesn’t store up fats and calories in your body.

Omega-3s should be taken with caution, and taking this supplement with a solid fat-burning diet and exercise routine can really expedite progress.

  1. Vitamin D

Everyone, including kids, know vitamin D to be the vitamin that comes from the sun and is healthy and helpful for healthy bones and teeth. However, the sunshine vitamin does more than just that. Vitamin D deficiency has a direct relation to obesity, as many studies have shown. Vitamin D is also a powerful nutrient that helps receptors all over the body to perform properly. These receptors help tell your body system when you’re hungry and whether to store or burn fat in the body. The deficiency of vitamin D in the body can lead to reduced function of these receptors. It doesn’t matter how committed you are to your weight loss goal or male fitness program. You are always better off with a tank filled with vitamin D.

  1. Chromium

Chromium is a trace mineral that helps with the proper metabolism of macronutrients in the body. It also reduces appetite and reduces sugar cravings so that you don’t have to eat as many of that unhealthy sweet enemy. Also, with chromium, your body can turn protein into muscle and sugar into energy, two forms that are helpful in your weight loss endeavor.


You don’t have to take everything that comes in fancy containers disguised as supplements for you to be successful in your weight loss journey. Also, for other male fitness endeavors like gaining muscle, you should be careful of the types of supplements you take in. You don’t want to struggle with the side effects of fake supplements simply because you wanted to get ripped.

Also, remember that supplements by themselves don’t do all the work. You must eat right and exercise properly if you wish to have a chance at succeeding in your fat loss journey.

Weight Loss or Muscle Building – What Comes First?

weight loss

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Weight loss and muscle building are obviously two parts of an overall balanced regime aimed toward getting you to the body of your dreams. If you want to achieve an athletic physique and stay healthy year-round, you need to focus on both losing weight (or burning fat, rather) and gaining muscle.

But if you’re someone dedicated to losing weight, burning fat, and slimming down, whether you want to lose 5, 10, or 100 pounds, there’s always one question lingering that has kept both athletes and coaches up at night.

And that question is…

If you want to slim down, should you focus on weight loss or building muscle?

Like we said, muscle-building and fat-loss each have their unique place in a plan for achieving that body composition goal you’re after. That’s exactly why so many experts have been debating – which one should be your main focus point?

Here’s what you should know for starters:

Essentially, shedding pounds and burning off fat from your body (especially if it’s around your waist), has a couple of effects on the body.

  • First, it speeds up your metabolism.
  • Second, you’re able to withstand harder, more intense workouts due to the increase in energy capacity you’ll get over time.

Coincidentally, this also means you’ll have much more success in all your muscle-building endeavors. This is because building muscle also supports fat-loss due to the fact that muscles are some of the most metabolically active tissues in the body.

What this means is the more muscle you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is. In other words, the more muscle you have, the more calories you’re going to be burning at rest – your body is going to use more energy to sustain the muscles in your body, translating into more muscle = more fat loss.

If you gain muscle, you lose more fat. If you burn more fat, you can then build more muscle as a result. So which one should you approach first?

Here are the two sides of the story:

The argument for focusing on cardio first for weight loss

Experts point to the fact that you’re likely going to be seeing weight loss results much faster than you will muscle gains. Furthermore, when you are initially revving up your body with strength training workouts, you can even see your weight go up a bit which can be extremely discouraging and point people away from the idea that muscle-building can come first.

And think about it – when you get leaner and slim down, your body’s natural hormonal balance basically paves the way for more effective muscle-building in the future (which is a result of better insulin sensitivity.)

Finally, when you’re focusing your efforts on losing weight first, you won’t be putting that much initial stress on your joints, making it easy to transition to strength training workouts only once you feel like you’re ready for the extra challenge.

To recap:

  • Cardio will help you see initial weight loss results faster
  • Weight loss training paves the way for better muscle-building results
  • Weight loss training puts less stress on your joints which is why it’s a good idea to start with it and move your way upward to more intense challenges

The argument for focusing on muscle building for weight loss

Starting your weight loss journey with a muscle-building routine has many pluses. Ultimately, the more muscle you build, the better and more optimized your metabolism and therefore the more effective your body becomes at burning fat.

Some experts recommend that if you were someone who wants to lose weight effectively and consistently, the best approach to do this is to start with a strength training circuit and up your protein intake.

Some studies have discovered that, out of a range of people who participated in high-intensity exercise, lifted weights, and kept a consistent calorie deficit, those who focused on consuming more protein lost almost 30 percent more fat (all while gaining as much as 8 times the lean muscle mass) than those who didn’t increase their protein intake significantly.

To recap:

  • Strength training is a great way to achieve a better overall body composition (and not just lose fat around the waist.)
  • Strength training boosts your metabolism and helps your body burn more fat in the long-term.
  • Regardless of whether you choose to start with muscle building or cardio training, increase your protein intake if you want better weight loss results.

What should you focus on for the best weight loss results?

At the end of the day, deciding whether to lose weight or build muscle first is down to personal choice. Ask yourself – what do you want? Do you want to drop 20-30 pounds with a consistent, sustainable routine? Then focus on weight loss. Do you want to just look amazing, become stronger, and have more energy throughout the day (while still burning fat?) Then go for strength training.

You really can’t go wrong with either of these types of training when it comes to losing weight and burning fat, but ultimately, it comes down to what you want to do and what you will find enjoyable enough to turn into a sustainable habit.

But now, you’ve become familiar with the pros of each type of training, and you can make a better, more educated decision on what’s best for you and your goals.

Transitioning from Walking to Running for Weight Loss

weight loss

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Everyone on a past, present, or future weight loss journey knows that running is an essential part of intense, fat-burning cardio workouts. But as with any new habit, whether it’s meditating every day or just drinking more water, learning to develop a love for running takes time.

It’s very uncommon for things to feel breezy and effortless the first time you lace your sneakers up. There are many factors that come into play, from your goals to the temperature or the route you’re running.

But still, there’s absolutely no denying that you have to embrace running as part of your usual routine because of its countless benefits – from easing anxiety, to burning fat, increasing energy, and helping you manage your weight.

When compared to walking, running offers a much better calorie-burn in a shorter amount of time, giving you more bang for your buck for when you’re looking for a quick workout.

So how do you pick up the pace from your leisurely walk (or even walking workout)… and turn it into a high-intensity, calorie-burning jog?

Let’s learn how with these 5 battle-tested tips for transitioning from walking to running workout routines:


If you’re a beginner runner, never put pressure on yourself to just walk out the front door and instantly bang out a 5K.

Instead, start slowly by keeping up with your walking habit and gradually introduce a few short jogging intervals into your regular walking routine. In fact, walking for 1 minute then running for 30 seconds can be an amazing place to start since this challenges your body, boosts your heart rate significantly, and helps you build the endurance you require to run longer and longer distances.

And if you feel like 30 seconds of jogging is too much, go ahead and start with 15. It doesn’t matter where you start, what matters is where you’re getting to, so continue to increase the duration of your running intervals (and at the same time, decrease your walking intervals) as your fitness and energy levels start improving.


Choosing the right sneaker for your runs is a challenging endeavor… and sneakers for running are way different than sneakers for walking. Some sneakers are great for walking, but then provide absolutely poor support when it comes to higher-intensity forms of physical activity such as running.

What you should do is go to the athletic shoe store and consult someone from the staff – the majority of people there are educated on the differences between types of shoes for athletic performance. They can advise you best on whether you can just keep using what you already have or if you need some totally new running shoe.

The same actually goes for the layers – always make sure you’re choosing sweat-wicking material so you’re keeping your feet dry and safe during your runs (this also helps you pick up your speed with ease and comfort.)


Make an account of the number of steps you take every minute – luckily dozens of apps on your phone can already do that for you. There are extensive studies linking cadence and injury, and they have concluded that more cadence can lead to a lower stress load on the knee and hip joints (which prevents the majority of the most common running injury.)

But you also have to remember to walk and run in a way that feels natural and comfortable. If you have a lower cadence, this means you’re likely over-striding, which can lead to injuries related to heavier heel striking. Ideally, experts suggest you should keep your cadence anywhere in the 150-180 steps per minute range.

Remember: a faster cadence doesn’t really require more effort, just a shorter stride length. Most people can instantly become quicker when they start paying attention to this.


Whether you realize it or not, picking up the pace while running means increasing the load and stress on your muscles and joints. Without a proper strength training routine, this can make you prone to imbalances. Take care of your muscles and joints by adding in regular strength training sessions to your regime (at least 2 a week) and focus on targeting the posterior chain or backside of your body. If you’re looking for a great place to start, think squats and deadlifts.


Smart goals, as we all know, stand for goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

All of these are crucial elements of successful weight loss. Having a goal not only boosts your motivation for the times you’re trying to push yourself, but it also helps you learn what will happen if you *don’t* achieve the things you set out to achieve.

For example, setting a goal of running 3-5 miles your first 1-2 weeks into transitioning from walking is a great place to start. It gives you a tangible, SMART goal that you can use to stick to your new training plan.

And when you start consistently reaching the distance – and you will – you can build on top of that goal based on how your body responded to the stimulus you’re putting it through.

While the experts’ general rule of thumb is to increase your distance by about 10 percent compared to the previous week, remember that progress doesn’t look the same for any two people and what truly matters is creating a SMART goal that’s genuinely enjoyable and sustainable for you.

More Steps = More Weight Loss. Losing Weight with Walking Workouts

weight loss

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Have you ever heard the saying that you should aim to walk 10,000 steps every day if you want to lose weight and be healthy?

And while 10,000 might seem like a lot of some and a little for others, it’s definitely a great goal to aim for, scientifically speaking. It’s still a completely arbitrary number that will have a different impact on everyone, but it’s a great goal to chase especially if you’ve been spending most of your days in a sedentary, not-much-movement mode.


There’s actually a science to it.

Starting at 4,000 steps onward, every 1,000 steps you add to your daily step count (up to 12,000) brings you massive health benefits. We’re talking “reduced risk of premature death from heart disease, stroke, and all other causes” massive. From all causes!

This was concluded by research published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

Other similar research found something similar – “taking more steps per day lowers your risk of dying of any cause, regardless of your age, gender, and race.” This study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that:

  • People who walked 8,000 steps per day reduced their risk of death from all causes by 51% when compared to people who only walked 4,000 steps.
  • People who walked 12,000 steps per day reduced their risk of death from all causes by 65% when compared to people who only walked 4,000 steps.

Just imagine how powerful the link is between walking and your health and wellbeing. Walking remains the single most accessible form of exercise for weight loss, so it’s no wonder it has such a direct link to conditions with risk factors of obesity.


Walking too few steps a day is linked to something called exercise resistance, wherein your body stops burning fat efficiently enough.

Research has shown that people who take less than 5,000 steps a day experience exercise resistance, whereas those who took 8,500 did not – suggesting that walking around 8,500 steps a day is protective for your health and fitness. They concluded that exercise resistance could be a negative influence on long-term heart health, therefore a danger for those living sedentary lifestyles.

But wait, before you start taking hour-long strolls every single day, remember that even though you can set a goal number of steps or distance, what constitutes “walking for weight loss” is different based on who you ask.

However, walking is perhaps the best way to get yourself back into an active shape after not being active for a long time. That’s why you should aim high – at least 10,000 steps every day while trying to slowly transition into medium-intensity cardio.


Research keeps pointing to the fact that people who have greater numbers of steps also tend to walk with higher intensity. But this doesn’t mean you have to be a speed walker to improve your health. You just have to log them!

Luckily, your phone does that for you already.

And even more luckily, researchers found that what’s important is the total number of steps one takes, not the intensity. But obviously, if you’re going to be walking for weight loss, you’re going to want to keep your walking at a pace in which you can still hold a conversation, similar to that of being 2 and a half minutes late to an appointment.

But if you are going to be walking for weight loss, what you should know is that including short, high-intensity intervals is the single best way to skyrocket your walking calorie burn.


A lot of people decide to start a walking/running habit and think that they have to run a marathon every day if they want to drop pounds. But every single time they resort to extreme measures, they burn themselves out or even injure themselves in the process.

Instead, you’re going to do this smart. Lower-intensity exercise such as walking for 30 minutes a day can help you drop weight like you never thought possible. Top it off with a small calorie deficit, and you’ll see impressive results rather quickly.

  • For a brisk, 30-minute walk, you can burn about 150 calories.
  • Over the course of a week, that’s 1,050 calories.
  • And since you need to burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound, it will take you about 3 weeks to lose 1 pound.
  • Over the course of 1 year, that’s around 15 pounds!

Whether you’re a beginner or you’re a seasoned vet, walking with incorporated high-speed intervals is a scary-good way to burn calories and shed fat.


If you’re into the idea of losing weight by walking for half an hour a day, you’re going to love this… simply incorporate a few of these daily habits and you’ll double the already-impressive weight-loss results you’re going to get:

Make your walks challenging. Sure, you’ll burn plenty of calories from your 30-minute walk. But any additional speed increases, walking up stairs, or intervals you add to those 30 minutes will help you burn more and more calories. Keep your body engaged and active through adding intervals and you’ll burn calories much, much faster.

Slim down your diet. It’s still true that nutrition accounts for a big portion of your results. If you can achieve a calorie deficit all while doing your daily walks, you’ll drive weight loss. You don’t need to cut off half your diet overnight. Simply try new healthier options, limit sugars, add more greens to your plate, and skip the equivalent of one snack a day. Don’t underestimate the power of small, consistent changes and you will get to your desired destination – there’s no way around it!

20 Life-changing benefits of weight loss

weight loss

Weight loss does not come easy. It takes self-discipline, determination and sometimes may have to say no to happy hours to get that slimmer body.

If it takes so much, why do people complain of being overweight and keep looking for the best weight loss solutions everywhere? Well, there are several little-known health benefits associated with weight loss that can change your life for the better.

Here are 20 of the life-changing benefits of weight loss.

  1. Sound sleep

Although sleeping for more extended hours has much to do in the weight loss process, losing weight will further result in having better longer sleep. Research unveiled that people with slimmer bodies tend to sleep longer than those with excess fat.

Losing weight can also help fight sleep apnea and snoring. In this case, losing might mean that you will sleep in peace without disturbing others.

  1. Better productivity at work

You have heard this before “slimmer bod, smarter brain.” Slimmer folks tend to works better and smarter than heavier guys. Mostly at work, managers prefer employing slimmer workers, especially when smartness is of higher priority. If you are overweight at the moment, you will be surprised that your boss may treat you better after you shed a few pounds. This is a way weight loss can lead to more money.

  1. Increased sexual urge

If you have been overweight before slimming down, you will notice that as you lose more weight, you are more sexually aroused. Weight loss is a crucial antidote to low libido. Carrying excess weight reduces your sexual urge and makes the act less interesting to you.

  1. Improved sexual performance

Weight loss has a way of boosting your energy, which increases sexual performance. Research showed that weight loss is associated with better satisfaction in the bedroom. If none of the partners is overweight, it will be more enjoyable as both partners will like to get busy.

  1. Food tastes better

A study showed that being overweight affects your taste sensitivity. After losing weight, you will be surprised that your meals will taste better. This might sound strange, but it’s real.

  1. Taking Less drug

Having excess weight comes with several health problems, which might be recurrent until you burn those fats away. This means that weight loss can help cure certain ailments naturally, which can reduce your drug intake.

  1. Better hormone balance

Hormones play more vital roles than improving sex drive; they help regulate metabolism and affect your muscle strength and more. When you burn out those excess fats in your body, your hormones become steady and more effective.

  1. Better mood

Weight loss improves mental fitness. It positively affects our thought patterns and social interactions. Besides, doing regular exercise to lose weight awakens endorphins, generally called feel-good chemicals, which is why you feel high and active after exercising.

  1. No more joint pain

During the process of burning away those fats, your joints would have gotten more familiar with the daily wear and tear of working out over time. Simply put, the less your weight, the less work you put on your skeletal frame and joints. Weight loss can help you say goodbye to joint pains.

  1. Improved memory

Being overweight can be the reason why you struggle to remember things. According to research, people improve in memory tests after shedding away some pounds. Another study on brain scans also revealed that carrying around extra pounds can prevent the brain from working efficiently. Hence, if you don’t want to lose vital information in your memory, avoid eating high-fat foods. And if you already have excess fat in your body, weight loss is your best option.

  1. Stress Relief

Carrying excess weight around can be very stressful. Your weight affects where you sit, how you walk, and some other things you do. Overweight folks have many things to worry about. Their size can be a disadvantage in some instances.

Besides, the weight itself is part of something to worry about. So when you deal with your weight, you deal with your stress.

  1. Improved social life

Looking fit attracts many friends naturally. In some parts of the world, people wouldn’t want to make friends with you when you are looking extra-large. Most especially among teenagers, being physically fit is one of the most important criteria that will make others admire you. Besides, when you lose weight, you gain confidence. Weight loss improves social life.

  1. Good influence

When your friends who have always seen you being oversized see you looking fit and smart, they will fall in love with it. Your new look might motivate them to also engage in weight loss activities just to make sure they look like you. Most times, people get to do things when someone else has done it, and they love the result.


  1. Fewer colds

Living a healthy lifestyle strengthens your immune system than sipping oranges or taking vitamin C drugs. weight loss activities such as sleeping eight hours a day, eating protein-rich foods, and working out to squeeze out some sweats will boost your immunity against unnecessary fever and cold.

  1. It encourages a healthy eating habit

During your weight loss process, you would have learned a healthy eating habit, which later becomes part of you even after achieving your weight loss goals. Weight loss will make you do away with junk foods, even for a lifetime.

  1. Improved self-esteem

Nothing feels good like looking like the figure you desire. You are at the peak of your confidence when the picture you see in the mirror appeal to your senses. After weight loss you will have the confidence to wear any cloth you like, go anywhere you want and all that. If you are a job seeker, looking fit can also help you secure your dream job without stress.

  1. Your self-love will increase

It’s not an easy task adhering to weight loss practices on a daily basis. So, after you have gone through the entire process and transform into a new look, you will respect yourself, having accomplished a tangible goal.

  1. Easy movement

After weight loss, a few activities such as climbing up and walking down the staircase will no more be a struggle. If you use public transport, commuting will become easier. When some difficulties arise along the way, your body will be able to endure the stress.

  1. Suppressed appetite

After you have gone through the entire dieting plan, you will discover that you are as hungry as before you started losing weight. More so, eating healthy foods will naturally make you filled for longer hours, thereby suppressing your hunger.

  1. You will live longer

You cannot lose weight without living a healthier lifestyle. And living healthier life will simply lead to living longer. Furthermore, considering all the benefits of weight loss, it is easy to say which one is healthier between being overweight and slimming down.

Final Words

It’s hard to list all the benefits associated with weight loss. Personal interest, immediate environment, family, and more are a few factors that may determine how much benefits you will enjoy losing weight. One crucial fact about weight loss is that you wouldn’t know how much it benefits until you have tried.  

15 Common vegan foods that aids quick weight loss

weight loss

There are numerous weight loss tips on the internet today, but many are not written from a vegetarian perspective. To have a clear understanding of what vegan foods are, first of all, let’s understand the meaning.

What is Vegetarian Diet?

A vegetarian diet involves keeping away from eating meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, and other food derived from animals.

Whether you have been a vegetarian for a long time or just want a vegetarian diet that can help you lose some weight, you are reading the right article. I have compiled a comprehensive list of plant-based foods that can help you immensely in living a healthy life and achieving lasting weight loss goals.

  1. Beans

Beans contain a very low amount of fat. These include soyabeans, kidney beans, navy beans, garbanzo beans, pinto beans, and black beans. Including beams in your weight loss diet will give an excellent result.

Beans contain a high portion of proteins and fibers, and they are extremely low in calories.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are one of the healthiest food for weight loss. They contain a high portion of protein and healthy monounsaturated fat, which keep blood sugar on an average level. Nuts are tasty and nutritious as well. You can add your nuts to oatmeal or yogurt to enjoy a great taste while burning some fats.

  1. Oats

Oats have a high concentration of fibers. Eating a little portion as your breakfast will provide your body with carbohydrates. One significant benefit of eating oats is that when you eat oats for breakfast, you might not be able to eat any other thing throughout the day.

  1. Vegetable Noodles

Instead of pasta, opt for vegetable noodles. You can spiralize your carrots, beet, sweet potato, zucchini to give your meals a healthier twist. Spiralized vegetables will also add colors to your dish and make your meals more enjoyable.

  1. Avocados

Avocados are very useful for weight loss. Not only that, they are perfect for burning belly fats. Avocados contain a high portion of monounsaturated fats, which enables your cells to burn belly fat away.

While avocados boost your metabolism, they protect your cells from damage. Eating avocado can also make you remain filled for several hours, thereby cutting down the amount of food you eat per day.

  1. Ground Hemp Seed

This seed is very rich in protein, fibers, and anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats. It is one of the most recommended seeds for weight loss. You can sprinkle a little on your breakfast vegetable and enjoy your meal. Note that fibers are not found in animal-derived foods. They are present in plants.

  1. Pistachio

These nuts contain a very low calorie. The mono and polyunsaturated fats in pistachio are good for your hearts. Eating pistachio as much as you can is good for weight loss. Besides, combining it with fruits and vegetables helps in reducing the risk of developing heart diseases.

  1. Asparagus

This is another healthy plant that contains a high concentration of fibers and immunity-boosting prebiotics. Asparagus has a diuretic effect, which helps in fighting belly bloats.

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries perform a dual function. It satisfies the body and helps in weight loss. Blueberries are tiny juicy, delicious fruits with just 80 calories per cup. Several expert nut6ritionaists have recommended blueberries for those who want to lose weight in the shortest time possible. Research proved that blueberries contain phytochemical C3G, which can increase adiponectin production, enhancing metabolism, and leptin, which suppresses appetite.

  1. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are good for weight loss. They contain omega-3 fatty acid, which helps in suppressing hunger for an extended period. It is best if you soak your chia seeds for about 30 minutes before eating. The bigger the seed, the better and quicker it works.

  1. Pears

One pear contains about 15% of the amount of fiber your body needs per day. Based on research, those who eat three pears every day lose more weight than those who do not.

Meanwhile, it is recommended that you eat your pears without peeling off the skin. Studies showed that pear’s skin has the highest fiber content. The skin also contains much pectin, which makes it best at preventing the body from retaining excess water.

  1. Lemon

Lemon is good for breakfast if you want to achieve your weight loss on time. The more lemon you eat, the quicker your weight loss. Its high content of pectin fibers will help you stay full for several hours. Aside from the weight loss benefits, lemon helps to cleanse and detoxify the body naturally.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea is popularly known as one of the most effective drinks for weight loss. Green tea prevents the body from dehydration and helps burn fat and calories. A cup of green tea reduces at least a pound in your weight. Drinking 5 cups may reduce up to 5 pounds. Green tea also helps flush toxins out of the body and prevent bloating.

  1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes is one of the best options for weight loss because it works effectively and it’s easier to find. Adding tomatoes to your food will help fight fats in your body, including the belly fat. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a potential agent that prevent many types of cancer.

Tomatoes also regulate the blood sugar level in the body and can suppress your appetite for longer hours.

  1. Apples

Most weight loss clients prefer apple because it’s sweet and crunchy. As much as it helps lose body weight, it also provides great satisfaction to the body. Apples prevent the need to eat some calorie-packed foods. They are a good substitute for bread, chips, and crackers.

Meanwhile, there are some plant-based foods you need to avoid eating when you are on a vegetarian diet for weight loss. Of course, most plant-based foods are healthy, but you need to stay away from some vegetarian foods that have refined or processed.

These foods are not healthy if you are on a vegan diet:

  • Highly processed vegan foods such as freezer meals, veggie burgers, imitation dairy products, and frozen desserts.
  • Refined carbs such as white pasta, white bread, crackers, and bagels.
  • Sugary foods and beverages such as candy, pastries, fruit juices, energy drinks, sodas, cookies, sweet tea, and table sugar.

In Conclusion

Vegan foods are beneficial for weight loss. They also provide several health benefits for the body. According to nutrition experts, a vegan diet provides lasting weight loss solutions and does not affect the body in any way. Most importantly, the vegan foods contained in this article are the most common you can find anywhere around your neighborhood. You can also order them from different online stores.

15 Scientifically-proven based tips on weight loss

weight loss

Having too much weight feels uncomfortable, and it’s unhealthy. It can lead to various severe health problems such as stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. These health reasons make many obsessed people look for ways to achieve weight loss in every nook and corner.

Since obsessed people are desperate to lose weight, many of them have been asked to do all sorts of silly things in the name of weight loss solutions, which doesn’t work in the long run. Most of those crazy things do not even have any evidence backing them.

However, if you are reading this article, your search is over. This piece contains 15 scientifically proven tips on weight loss that will help you look your best in the shortest time possible.

  1. Take water before meals

While some people claim that drinking water increases the chance of adding weight, scientists have proven that drinking water before meals dramatically affects your weight loss journey. Studies showed that if you are drinking up to a half-liter of water about one hour before you take your meal, it will help you eat fewer calories, resulting in losing about 44% weight. Do you want to see the magic, try it for only one week and see a huge difference.

  1. Drink Coffee

Coffee (mostly black) has been a popular drink recommended in the weight loss industry. The reason is simple. Quality coffee contains antioxidants, which makes the drink a good source of several health solutions.

Based on scientific research, the caffeine in coffee boosts metabolism by 3-11%. It can also increase weight loss by 10-30%. Note that you don’t have to add too many high-calorie ingredients such as sugar to your coffee. That will negate its weight loss capacity.

Coffee is everywhere. You can get it at the nearest grocery store or place an order online. Just make sure you are a quality one.

  1. Eat eggs as breakfast

Scientists have always revealed that eating eggs every day has a lot of health benefits. Yes! And that includes weight loss. While some studies said that it’s good to add an egg to your breakfast, others claimed that substituting eggs for breakfast brings the best result.

Eating eggs as your breakfast can help reduce your calorie intake for the next thirty-eight hours and contribute immensely to your weight loss ambition.

Note that it is not only eggs that work for weight loss; other protein sources can also do the magic.

  1. Do Irregular fasting

Fasting irregularly has always been a general route to weight loss. It is an eating pattern in which you will have to stop eating for a specific time frame.

Fasting is not a religious act. Scientists proved that it could help you reduce muscle mass loss, which is in line with low-calorie diets. Irregular fasting is very useful for weight loss.

  1. Drink green tea

Aside from coffee, green tea is another drink that has numerous health benefits, including weight loss.

Green tea doesn’t contain as much caffeine as coffee; it has a higher concentration of powerful antioxidants called catechins, significantly affecting the weight loss process.

Either you take green tea as a beverage or take Its extract supplement; whichever way, it will help you lose weight.

  1. Eat less refined carbs

If you want to lose weight, avoid eating white bread and pasta. The reason is that most of the white bread’s fibrous and nutritious parts have been stripped off In their making process to bring out their real taste.

Scientific studies showed that refined carbs could increase blood sugar leading to cravings, hunger, and overeating.

  1. Eat less

Some call it portion control or counting calories. Eating less food can be very useful in achieving weight loss. Meanwhile, using smaller plates can help reduce your regular intake, resulting in consuming fewer calories.

Some scientific studies showed that using smaller plates has more effect on overweight people’s eating habits.

  1. Eat healthy foods only

You may have to draw out a food timetable to achieve this but whatever it cost you, make sure you are not tempted to eat unhealthy foods. Sometimes, you might need to keep healthy food around you so that you wouldn’t eat unhealthy food if you get extremely hungry.

Some healthy foods you can easily keep around in case of hunger include baby carrots, hard-boiled eggs, fruits, yogurt, and nuts.

  1. Eat spicy foods

Spices help immensely in weight loss. Eating spicy foods will help you stay for long hours without food. Most spicy foods contain capsaicin, a spicy compound that effectively boosts metabolism and reduces your appetite.

  1. Exercise regularly

Doing regular exercise is a perfect way to burn calories. It will also improve your physical strength and mental health.

Many people who are overweight are always advised to do much aerobic exercise to lose -weight. It’s also effective for burning belly fat to give you a better and smarter body altogether.

  1. Eat more fruits and veggies

Studies showed that people who eat a lot of fruit and vegetables are not likely to overweight. Fruits and vegetables contain a smaller portion of calories but a lot of fibers. This makes them very effective for weight loss. They also have a lot of water, which makes them very filling.

Eating fruits particularly can sustain you for several hours without food. Aside from that, fruits and vegetables are very nutritious. They are very good for your health.

  1. Get a sound sleep

Getting sound sleep is as essential as eating healthy foods and exercising. A lot of people don’t place much importance on sleep, but it can really decrease the risk of obesity.

Based on scientific studies, poor sleep can increase the risk of obesity in children by 89% and 55% in adults.

  1. Avoid drinking soda and fruit juice.

Everyone already knows that sugar is not healthy but taking sugar in liquid form is more injurious to your health. If you want to lose weight, avoid taking sugary drinks such as soda, coke, and fruit juice.

Scientific studies prove that drinking sugar-sweetened beverages can increase your chance of adding weight by 60%.

  1. Eat more protein

Protein works more for weight loss than any other nutrient in the body. Protein boost metabolism by 80 – 100% calories any time we eat it. Eating protein daily is one of the most effective ways of losing weight.                                         

  1. Eat slowly

Studies showed that eating more slowly can increase the production of hormones that aids weight loss. You should also consider chewing more thoroughly before swallowing.

Final Thoughts

The above-listed tips are scientifically proven and can help you get the slimmer body you desire. Note that several other weight loss techniques can help you shed some pounds, but only a few have evidence behind them.

10 Safe ways to weight loss during pregnancy

Medical practitioners always warn that it is not safe taking some weight loss approach while you are pregnant. On the other hand, gaining excess weight during pregnancy is dangerous to the pregnant woman’s life.

Now, it’s evident that, as a woman, you need to make sure you take care of your weight regularly to keep you on the safer side when you get heavy.

However, how much weight you should gain during pregnancy depends on how much you already weigh before taking in. if your weight is average before pregnancy, you are fine. But, you will need to control your weight by eating healthy foods and doing minimal exercise.

If you are obese, you need to consider weight loss, and that can be very risky. This is not the time you will be relying on some weight loss tips on the internet promising weight loss overnight. Get in touch with nutrition experts or talk to your doctor to seek professional guidance.

Why obese women should consider weight loss during pregnancy

Several health service organizations worldwide revealed that excess weight during pregnancy could cause miscarriage, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, blood clots, hemorrhage, and postpartum and make the baby overweight in the mother’s womb.

When a pregnant woman carries excess weight, it can also pose some adverse effects on the baby. It can lead to stillbirth or early birth. Meanwhile, all these problems are not only caused by being overweight; it can happen to any pregnant woman for any other reason.

What are the safe ways to weight loss during pregnancy?

After thorough research and various recommendations from seasoned health practitioners, I have compiled ten safe ways through which you can lose weight duri9ng pregnancy without complications.

  1. Know how much weight you should add

It all starts from your pre-pregnancy BMI (Body Mass Index). Before you embark on your weight loss journey during pregnancy, it is ideal for you to know how much weight you need to gain. This will serve as a guide for you, helping you determine the right time to withdraw those foods that can affect your weight.

  1. Avoid dieting while pregnant

Never try to follow any weight loss diet plan while pregnant, except what your doctor recommends. Once you discover you are pregnant, stay away from any diet plan. Ideally, pregnant women are supposed to gain weight (not in excess) during pregnancy to stay healthy, so starving yourself will not be a way out.

During pregnancy,

  • Overweight women should add some weight between 11 to 20 pounds
  • Women with excess weight need to add between 15 to 25 pounds
  • Average-weight women need to gain about 26 to 40 pounds

Besides, pregnant women need to feed well to help the baby stay healthy and nourished. Reducing the amount of food you eat during pregnancy could the baby of vitamins, minerals, and calories needed. Hence, any idea that contradicts healthy eating foods when necessary should be discarded.

  1. Eat small but frequently

We have discussed earlier that pregnant women need to feed well. Therefore, there’s a need to eat frequently to strengthen both the mother and the baby. Eating a small portion of food at intervals is a safe way to weight loss during pregnancy.

Eating full three square meals every day during pregnancy can make women fall sick. Therefore, nutrition experts advised that pregnant women should eat three moderately big meals and three smaller meals every day.

This principle is not exclusive to pregnant women alone; you should try it even without pregnancy.

  1. Stay away from junks

Eating healthy foods alone is another safe way to weight loss during pregnancy. Some people get confused when you mention eating food frequently as an approach to weight loss. They naturally presume that eating food would only add to your weight, not lessen it. On the contrary, eating healthy food will make you look fit and smarter.

Eating does not mean adding weight, and starving is not a good approach to weight loss. Here are a few healthy foods that can help manage your weight:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Cereals
  • Low-fat milk and other dairy products
  • Foods with a high concentration of folates such as beans, strawberries, and spinach.
  • Unsaturated fats

Meanwhile, you need to avoid unhealthy foods such as:

  • Foods that contain artificial sweeteners
  • Food and drinks that contain sugar
  • Junk foods such as cake, cookies, chips, candy, and more.
  • Salt (in excess)
  • Unhealthy fats like margarine, sauces, mayonnaise, and more.
  1. Exercise

Being pregnant does not mean that you have to stop exercising your body. Working out is a crucial activity that can keep you fit during pregnancy. Besides weight loss, moderate exercise will help manage your pregnancy weight and get you ready for delivery.

However, try to avoid exercising on your own without a trainer. It can be dangerous for you and your pregnancy. Make sure you hire an expert fitness coach specialized in training pregnant women for best results and safety. It is also essential that you consult your doctor for safety guidelines before you begin exercising.

For pregnant women, 30 minutes of exercise for about five days a week is standard. Here are some exercising activities good for pregnant women:

  • Yoga
  • Dancing
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Cycling

Note that you must do taxing exercises as a pregnant woman to avoid injuries and further complications that may affect the baby. You might also need to avoid exercise when you are experiencing health issues such as:

  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Muscle weakness
  • Amniotic fluid leakage

Stay away from exercise if you have a critical medical condition such as high blood pressure, incompetent os, threatened miscarriage, and more.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining the right weight during pregnancy will keep you living in sound health and help you enjoy your motherhood journey. While some people think that weight loss is not for pregnant women, you can manage your weight to stay in shape until your delivery day. It is also essential to maintain healthy eating habits after delivery.

10 Easy & Quick Weight Loss Hacks for Shedding Extra Pounds

Hey Angels and Alphas,

We all know that losing weight and keeping that weight off is a lifelong endeavor. A journey of stacking up one healthy habit on top of another healthy habit.

The most successful transformations, in and outside the fitness world, are built on the small decisions you make throughout every single day – they are almost never the result of an all-in decision toward a new life.

Small habit changes, as it turns out, are the perfect building blocks to lead you to successfully lose weight. Because they’re simple to follow through and easy to implement, they create positive feedback loops that result in higher confidence, more motivation, and leaning into the edges of your progress.

That’s why if you want to jumpstart your weight loss plan, here are 10 quick and easily implementable habits you can leverage…


I know, I know. Using smaller plates seems like a petty way to get yourself to eat less, but a lot of people actually find that it’s a tremendously useful tool for portion control.

Research suggests people tend to eat until they’ve cleared their plate, and if you have a smaller plate that (as a bonus) contains a lot of leafy greens and veggies, you’ll be well on your way to sustainable weight loss.


Many of us consume far too much sugar on a daily basis. But combating sugar cravings shouldn’t have to be an all-consuming challenge. Simple ways to cut down on added sugars include drinking only water, avoiding sugary or carbonated drinks, putting one less spoon of sugar in your coffee, watching out for salad dressings high in sugar and sodium, and more. Here’s a tip: If you’re making dessert, halve the added sugar and replace it with natural sugar from sources such as applesauce (a filling fiber.)


This means when you’d naturally put your groceries away, simply reorganize your fridge to support weight loss by stacking fresh fruits and veggies near eye-level in big, clear containers. Throw in a bowl full of fruit at the counter, too. Make your healthy snacks easily accessible and readily available – research shows you’ll be more likely to reach for them when you get hungry.


There’s no amount of words to describe how useful logging food is (when you’re losing weight.) You have to track your food intake if you want to know if you’re meeting your daily goals.

That’s why I always recommend step one should be to commit to consistently (and accurately) logging what you eat and drink throughout the day. You’ll not only stay organized and conscious of what you’re eating, but you’ll also start spotting patterns of behavior you didn’t even expect.


Ever heard of NEAT – nonexercised activity thermogenesis? It’s a measure of the calories you burn during your everyday activities, and using it can help you tip the calorie balance in your favor. Here’s what the experts recommend: set an interval timer for 1 minute every hour. When you get that alarm buzzing, get up and take a brisk walk or do a couple of dozen jumping jacks. This will keep your body going and active even if you’re sitting down for the majority of the time.


Another great way to boost your NEAT to aid your weight loss efforts is to make a habit of taking the stairs. A simple midday jolt of vigor can help you get your mind and body flowing and open you up to creativity and productivity.

When you’re running errands, don’t be afraid to park somewhere that’s not right under the nose of your destination. A few hundred extra steps can add up and help you lose up to a thousand calories in the course of a week. Don’t neglect that opportunity and learn to enjoy taking brisk walks!


If you only knew how important stress management is when you want to lose weight, you’d do everything in your power to stay relaxed. Easing stress can definitely help you cut down on overeating and emotional eating, sugar cravings, lack of sleep, and so much more when it comes to weight loss.

And sure, while breathing exercises work differently for various people, just doing a brief meditation or a short stretching routine can help you reduce your body’s natural stress response, eliminate muscle tension, and get yourself in a better, more positive state.


Do you pour your cereal straight into the bowl or do you always use a measuring cup? People tend to over-our their cereal because they forget how high in calories it usually becomes. Scoop out your portion carefully so you can keep track of your portion size, especially when it comes to a meal high in carbs and consumed alongside milk and sugar.


Nuts are an amazing weight-loss snack. Consuming nuts regularly has been linked to a lower risk of weight gain and obesity by a study down in Harvard School of Public Health. That being said, too much of anything leads to weight gain, so the golden rule is to portion out your nuts in 1-ounce servings.


Often the first and most useful tip a gym beginner can get is to eat half a plate of veggies on every meal.

If you focus on adding (fresh) fruits or veggies to every single meal you eat, you’ll pack your body with satiating fiber that supports gut health, improves digestion, and helps you stack up on essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Plus, veggies are very low in energy density, meaning they contain very few calories all while keeping you full and aiding your weight loss efforts.

10 Early morning habits that are essential for weight loss

weight loss

I have seen many overweight people who find it difficult to advance on their weight loss journey because they feel uncomfortable adapting to some strange weight-loss diets.

Change is not easy, especially when it comes to what we eat. Most people who have tried to switch to a weight loss diet get bored after a few days of eating fruits and drinking green tea.

Of course, losing weight does not have to change your regular diet and lifestyle entirely. Indeed, that makes it more complicated. Making a few changes to what you do every morning can bring the change you have ever desired.

Here are 10 simple and very effective early morning habits that can help your weight loss ambition within a short period.

  1. Eat protein-rich food for breakfast

Ask expert nutritionists; they will tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There are few reasons for that. What you eat early morning matters. It sets the tone for every other activity of the day. It also determines how many times you will eat before the night falls.

It’s evident that eating less helps immensely in weight loss. So, you have to cut the number of times you eat per day. Eating foods with high protein content will help cut your cravings, suppress your hunger for longer hours, thereby helping you lose weight.

Studies revealed that eating breakfast with a higher protein content will prevent you from gaining fat and reduce how much you eat daily. Research proves further that protein help fights ghrelin, a hunger hormone that increases appetite.

To control your daily intake and manage your weight, start your day with highly protein-rich food in protein, such as eggs, cheese, nuts, Greek yogurt, and chia seeds.

  1. Check your weight

This act is very simple, but it’s an essential practice in your weight loss journey. Stepping on the scale to weigh yourself early in the morning will help mentally. As you keep watching how much weight you have lost over time will boost your motivation and self-control.

Knowing how much progress you are making will encourage you to do more. So, weighing yourself on the scale is not what you will do intermittently but every morning.

A study showed that most people who weigh themselves every morning lose about 13 pounds weight in the space of 6 months.

Note that weighing yourself is not necessarily the first thing you would do when you woke up very early in the morning. You can do it after using the bathroom but make sure you do it before eating or drinking anything.

  1. Do exercise

Exercising your body early in the morning is very effective for weight loss. For best result, make it your first activity of the day after stepping out of bed.

Though there have not been many claims regarding whether doing aerobic exercise very early in the morning can increase one’s satiety level but, the effects of early morning exercise on weight loss are so much evident.

Aside from the weight loss benefits, exercising in the morning also helps regulate your blood sugar, keeping it steady all day long. Low blood sugar can lead to severe health problems, including an extreme craving for food.

  1. Drink water

Drinking only one or two water glasses early in the morning is one of the most effective and easiest ways to achieve weight loss.

A study showed that drinking up to 500ml of water can increase your metabolic rate by 30%. Water helps in burning some calories in your body and help conserve your energy.

Water is very filling. It can sustain you for long hours without food. As a matter of fact, drinking plenty of water will reduce your cravings and hunger.

Drinking much water is the simplest way to stay hydrated throughout the day and shed a few pounds without stress.

  1. Get early sunrise

When the early sunrises, it’s time to lose some weight. Meanwhile, there are two ways to it. You can simply open your curtains and let some rays fall in or walk outside to spend a few minutes under the sun. Either way, you choose, you are moving ahead in your weight loss journey.

Based on research, exposing your body to early morning sunlight can positively influence your weight loss. Spending some time under the early morning sun nourishes your body with vitamin D, a kind of nutrient that helps in weight loss.

  1. Practice mindfulness

This practice involves concentrating absolutely on your present thoughts and feelings. Though it may seem abstract, this practice enhances weight loss and instill healthy eating habits.

A study about some students constantly engaging in mindfulness training revealed that most students lose about 58% of their initial weight in the long run.

  1. Try trekking

Of course, moving around in cars is very convenient and can be a faster means of getting to work; however, it may not be healthy for you. You might consider trekking (if it’s nearby) or riding a bicycle to your workplace to burn some fats.

Using public transportation is also associated with weight loss. Based on studies, using public transport system has a more significant contribution to burning body fat and having lower body mass.

  1. Get good sleep

Sleeping for longer hours helps increase weight loss. A good way to extend your sleep time is going to bed earlier. When you deprive yourself of sleep, there are chances that your appetite will increase.

Most people think they are too busy to sleep for up to eight hours, but that can be very injurious to their health. A healthy sleeping schedule alongside healthy eating and exercising are critical factors in weight loss.

  1. Watch what you eat

It’s always good to have a food diary. It helps you track what you eat and how much you eat, which plays a vital role in weight loss. It’s also a good way to make sure you are adhering to your diet plan (if you have one).

Monitoring your intake promotes healthy eating habits and can increase your consciousness of unhealthy foods that may affect your weight loss goals.

  1. Plan your lunch

The best time to determine what you will eat in the afternoon is the morning. Deciding your lunch is part of your early morning activities that can improve your weight loss. Planning helps in making better and deliberate choices. Often when we don’t plan what to eat, we just take anything available to quench the hunger at the moment, which may be off our weight loss plans.

Last Words

The above-listed early morning habits are very effective in weight loss, but you can combine those practices with a healthy diet plan to get better results in the shortest frame of time.

Doing something different is not easy. It takes discipline and determination to follow a new set of rules. Losing weight is first a decision of the mind. If that is done, practicing these early morning habits will be more comfortable.

7 Game-changing Tips for Losing Weight on a Budget

Hey Angels and Alphas,

If you’re someone who just started their weight loss journey, or someone who is just now going in-depth in the world of sports nutrition, it almost seems like having a healthy lifestyle is very expensive.

After all, you always want to be pushing yourself to perform better, and the convenience of certain supplements or the features of new workout gear can always creep in and stretch our budget out.

That’s why it’s important to start considering what purchases make the greatest impact on your efforts to lose weight?

Today, we’re taking a look at 7 amazing, well-rounded tips anyone can follow to detach themselves from the idea that healthy lifestyles are expensive and instead learn to make smarter choices that aid their weight loss efforts.


You’d think saving money is the only reason you would choose to skip a night out, but as it turns out, eating more meals at restaurants and sit-downs has been associated with a higher overall body mass index.

You should also think about why you’re making the restaurant and food choices you’re making, and whether the serving sizes or just overall calorie quality at those places can prevent you from reaching your weight-loss goal.


If you can look at your weight-loss plan right now and see a bunch of liquids with added sugars, pricey powders and supplements, or daily takeout, you definitely have some work to do.

What you should be seeing are lean proteins, whole grains, plenty of fruits and veggies, and healthy fats. If 80 percent of your eating plan looks like that, you’ll be well on your way to creating the calorie deficit you want (alongside exercise of course) and losing weight consistently and sustainably.

What’s more, you can even prep healthier alternatives of your favorite night-out meals from the comfort of your own home, allowing you to track portions, save up on money and calories, and do it at no expense to taste.


The more you can use meal planning to slim down your grocery list, the better. Cooking your meals in batches will not only help you save money and time in the grand scheme of things, but it will also allow you to stay consistent with your nutritional intake (instead of just blindly guessing about how many nutrients and calories are in each portion.)

And by meal prepping your snacks on the side, you can use snacks strategically to keep your metabolism revved up (and prevent overeating + overspending.)


Organic produce gets more and more expensive at grocery stores and local farmer’s markets when it’s not in season. When you buy in-season veggies, you’ll find them at the peak of their color and nutritional value… all while paying less because they’re readily available.

If your goal is to lose weight or maintain your current weight, filling up half your plate or bowls with veggies such as cabbage, greens, or asparagus can be an amazing approach – veggies are both satisfying and low in calorie density.


Contrary to popular belief, studies suggest that the nutritional values of fresh, canned, and frozen foods are all similar. If you find yourself avoiding letting food go to waste and you want to meal prep more effectively, frozen foods are a must for you.

Frozen veggies and fruits are also an amazing source of fiber. Fiber helps you stay fuller for longer and protect your gut microbiota. Not to mention, it will let you save money! Focus on purchasing frozen bags of fruits for your smoothies, frozen veggies for your curries, and canned items for sauces or sides. They’ll last much longer and they’re just as healthy.


Protein is absolutely crucial for any human being, but even more so if they’re trying to achieve a physical goal. Protein is also vital for weight loss since it helps you stay full, and it also helps you reduce the chance that your body breaks down muscle for energy during extended periods of weight loss.

And contrary to popular belief, there are countless pocket-friendly options that are high in protein including canned tunas, beans, ground turkey, eggs, and more. Focus your attention on getting quality protein inside your body and you’ll find your urge for snacks go away, helping you save even more.


Let’s be honest – getting fitter can absolutely be done without gym fees or club memberships. If you’re someone who has the ability to be on the move, you can lose weight by just adjusting your diet a bit and maximizing the moments of physical activity you get throughout the day.

If you want to work out for free, there are countless activities you can participate in – and enjoy very much. Local hiking trails, park workouts, park jogging, dancing, or even running a few errands throughout the day can all become bodyweight workouts and walking exercises that help you burn calories, lose weight, and all of that without you having to pay a dime.

5 Most effective exercises for weight loss

weight loss

Research by experts estimated that many overweight people consider dieting as the best weight loss approach. Of course, dieting works well for weight loss, but it is not the only way to burn away those fats.

Frequent exercising is one of the best ways to shed some extra pounds without saying no to the happy hours. I am saying that exercising will help you burn calories and keep you fit and healthy without necessarily saying goodbye to your favorite meals.

Although eating healthy foods remains essential in maintaining your weight yet, committing yourself to daily exercise will make you achieve your weight loss goals quickly, and it doesn’t take much time.

Aside from the weight loss benefits, exercising will reduce your risk of contracting several diseases, improve your mood, makes your bones stronger, and more.

To make things easier for you, I have helped you compiled the five most effective exercises to help you achieve weight loss.

  1. Jogging/Running

Both jogging and running are beneficial exercises that help in achieving weight loss. Although many people claim that there’s no difference between both activities, you can’t just take the two for being the same. Jogging is done at a slower pace, usually estimated to be between 4 – 6 mph, while running is done faster, around seven mph and more.

According to research by Harvard Health proved that jogging could help you burn up to 298 calories per 3o minutes at the pace of 5 mph or about 372 calories per 30 minutes at the pace of 6 mph.

Some health organizations’ research also agreed that both jogging and running could help burn some harmful visceral fat, which is commonly referred to as belly fat. Visceral fat is associated with several health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases, and more.

One thing that makes jogging and running easier ways to weight loss is that you can do it anywhere. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to create special time for these weight loss exercises. You can easily inculcate it into your daily routine.

For instance, jogging to work or running around while hanging out with friends can make a significant difference to your weight loss ambition.

  1. Walking

Walking is another useful and easy exercise that helps significantly in weight loss. It is one of the most convenient ways to lose weight within a short period. Weight loss experts often recommend walking as an easy weight loss strategy because it doesn’t require buying expensive fitness training equipment. Walking also makes weight loss more interesting. It’s an exercise you’ll do without becoming overwhelm overtime or stressing your joints.

Naturally, walking is already part of our everyday living activities. However, if you want to take it as a weight-loss strategy, you may have to add more steps to your daily walk. You can substitute walking for some of the short trips you go by car. Consider walking in situations like going to work and coming back home, going for a lunch break, climbing stairs at home and work, taking your dog around for a stroll, and more.

At the beginner level, you can start walking for about 30 minutes four days a week. That would increase as you keep practicing and become more fit.

Walking for about 40 – 50 minutes for three days per week can help you reduce body fat and waist circumference by 1.1 inches.

  1. Weight Training

Weight training is more common in the weight loss industry. Harvard Health estimated that it is possible to burn up to 112 calories per 30 minutes through practical weight training.

Besides, weight training helps overweight people to build strength. It can also promote muscle growth, which can increase resting metabolic rate (RMR). Weight training contributes immensely to the number of calories your body burns.

Studies revealed that you could increase your metabolic rate by 7.4% by weight training for about 10 minutes three times a week. That is the same as burning about 125 calories per day.

  1. Cycling

Cycling is beneficial for weight loss and can also improve your fitness. You can do this exercise outdoor or indoors. While some believed that traditional cycling is a more effective and exciting way of losing weight, using stationary bikes in gyms and fitness centers can also give you the same result without having to ride in the sun.

Health experts claimed that cycling on a stationary bike at an average pace for 30 minutes could help you burn up to 260 calories, while riding a bicycle at an average pace for 3o minutes can help you burn up to 298 calories

Cycling is not only best for weight loss, but it also brings so many health benefits as well. Research proved that people who cycle frequently tend to look smarter. Cycling can also lead to an increase in insulin sensitivity, lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and even death.

Cycling is a good exercise for fitness at all levels. It works well for both beginners and experts. Cycling also helps you stay active without posing pains on your joints.

  1. Swimming

Swimming is an exciting weight loss exercise. It’s a fun way to lose weight and stay fit. Swimming for half an hour helps you burn about 233 calories, and it doesn’t come with any stress.

How much you swim determines how many calories you burn. Swimming an hour four days a week can help reduce your body fat (including belly fat), minimize your risk of developing heart diseases, and improve your flexibility.  

Many people who swim regularly hardly develop any ailment in their body unless contracted through some external factors.

Another advantage of swimming is that it heals joint pains and injuries.

Final Words

Exercising is very useful, time-friendly, fun, and comfortable. Many of our routine exercises can help us burn a significant number of calories and give us a perfect shape.

Other exercises that work significantly for weight loss include yoga, internal training, Pilates, and more. All these exercises are good for weight loss, but you need to choose the one you enjoy doing the most for easy continuity and better results.

5 Most dangerous things you should never do for weight loss

weight loss

Whether it’s because of its health benefits or for the sake of looking more acceptable, people seem to be so much desperate about weight loss that they are willing anything to achieve it in the shortest time possible. Meanwhile, those acts might be very injurious to your health as there are no scientific shreds of evidence to validate them.

It’s fair to be enticed, having read some weight loss tips from experts who promise some overnight transformation, but instant weight loss can have several adverse effects that might cause severe injuries to your health.

Rapid weight loss is not healthy. So, your best remains to avoid any strategy or ideas that can make you lose weight too quickly. Here are 5 most dangerous things that you should never do for weight loss:

  1. Starving or shortage of calories

Intermittent fasting can help in weight loss but staying for days without eating in the name of weight loss can do more damage to your health. Aside from starvation, cutting too many calories from your daily meals can harm your body and lower metabolism.

Of course, reducing the number of calories in your food will help you lose weight, but you should know that as much as you are losing weight, you are losing some precious muscles as well. Restriction from calories can also lead to the accumulation of body fat, which can put you at the expense of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Medical practitioners recommend that it is healthy to eat calories up to 1, 200 per day. Anything amount short of that will only make things go from bad to worse. Eating a very low amount of calories will deprive you of some necessary nutrients you need to be active for the day. Note this very carefully: try to lose weight quickly will add more to your weight in a terrible proportion.

  1. Extreme exercising

Exercising is good for productive weight loss, but it becomes a snare when it becomes too much. Be careful of any so-called ‘professional tips’ that talk about exercising for long hours in a day. They might be pushing you in the wrong direction.

Exercising very hard for long hours can be good on television, but it will not help your weight loss ambition in the realities. Excessive exercising can lead to severe wear and tear in the joints expose you to painful injuries, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. Exercise can turn to punishment when you are over-ambitious about it.

According to research by the American College of Sports Medicine, doing cardio exercise for about 30 minutes per day for five days a week is ideal for achieving weight loss in the natural time frame. The research also supports strength-training for two or three times a week to energize your muscles.

Thinking that doing more will make it fast will only make it worse.. for best results, do your daily exercise moderately and stick with your regular schedules. It is that simple.

  1. Taking legal and illegal weight loss drugs

There a few certified weight loss drugs out there. To be on the safer side, contact a medical practitioner for recommendations and prescriptions before going to the medicine store. Taking weight loss drugs outside professional prescriptions is a wrong step that leads to severe health damage. In some cases, it can even result in death.

There are many health risks associated with drug abuse. Using some drugs that have reasonable health benefits in a wrong way to achieve your weight loss ambition will not only make you lose your weight but can also make you lose your life.

Generally, using illegal for weight loss or any other purpose is harmful to your life, and using legal drugs without proper prescription from a professional medical practitioner is dangerous to your health.

  1. Smoking

Smoking can cause a lot of damages to your health. Yet, as general as this fact is, some young adults still consider smoking as a means of dieting. Nicotine can indeed help suppress appetite. But smoking comes with higher risks than whatever benefits it brings.

Smoking is dangerous to every organ in the body. A few health problems associated with smoking include cancer, cardiovascular problems, respiratory problems, and many other diseases. Smoking as a way of diet will only reduce the overall health of the smoker.

Various risks involved in smoking includes addition, anxiety, severe headaches, stroke, and lung, kidney, and heart problems

Aside from the severe health consequences associated with smoking, anytime a smoker decided to refrain from smoking, it will result in adding excess weight might be the initial reason the smoker started smoking.

  1. Purging

Purging is extremely dangerous to your health. It leads to an eating disorder and can damage some organs in your body. Unfortunately, it might refuse to bring you the result you expected. This unsafe act includes doing some medically unacceptable things to make yourself vomit, abusing laxatives, and spitting food out after chewing. Purging is mostly among teenagers putting them in critical health conditions.

Research showed that vomiting or abusing laxatives in the name of purging could cause loss of fluid, which may result in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

It’s pathetic how people are desperate to do crazy things to lose weight. Forget about weight loss; purging does not have any positive effect whatsoever on the body. It can only pose some health problems that can put your life at risk.

Any form of purging is not recommended medically, and it does not in any way connected with weight loss. Eating healthy foods and drinks is a better and safer way to get that slimmer body.

On a final note

The best way to achieving your weight loss goals is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Any other weight loss approach that naturally puts your health at risk will not give you the body you desire. It is always ideal to get a proper prescription from a health practitioner before deciding to go on your weight loss journey.

The Effects of Keto Diets on Weight Loss

weight loss

The most common illnesses in the world are either related to obesity or metabolic processes in the body. As a result, some of the most chronic diseases can be prevented if we can control obesity in humans. The other factor, which is still food-related, is the mode and management of metabolic activities in the body.

In a way, obesity is also a metabolic syndrome stemming from similar abnormalities such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Other illnesses may include cholesterol and a high waist-to-hip ratio, identical to the body mass index factor.

Some mitigating outcomes of these disorders have been the emergence of special diets that can prevent and reduce the risk of these abnormalities. Therefore, science invented the Ketogenic diet to create a helpful diet for those who need unique combinations or need to manage their metabolic processes.

What is a Ketogenic Diet?

A Ketogenic or Keto diet is a special diet that contains a high amount of fat but a reduced protein and carbohydrates level. As a result, the diet can force the body to convert some extra fat to synthesize the required energy through unusual metabolism.

This metabolic process of conversion is called Ketosis, where the body converts fats to ketones, which supplies more energy to the brain. When the consumer trains his body this way for weeks or days, the body and brain adjust to this process. This process depends more on fats and ketones rather than carbs.

Some of the staple food items you can find on a keto diet include butter, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, heavy cream, nuts, oils, avocados, and seeds. On the other hand, it eliminates almost all carb sources from the list, including whole grains, fruits, cereals, bowls of milk, beans, rice, sweets, potatoes, and some higher-carb vegetables.

General Benefits of Keto Diets

Apart from the ideal conversion of excess fat content from the body, keto diets also have tremendous benefits to the body as follows;

  1. Keto diets have been found to help manage metabolic diseases in the body
  2. It reduces the insulin level in the body, which can improve the sensitivity and blood sugar content. As a result, keto diets can help control type 2 diabetes
  3. It helps to burn fat in the body, accompanying the process with moderate proteins and low carbohydrates
  4. Finally, Keto diets help to control your weight loss by conserving muscle mass while losing fats

Effects of Keto Diets on Weight Loss

There are plenty of pieces of evidence that a good keto diet can help you achieve a healthy weight loss. More so, by losing the excess fat in the body through lower carbs, you can combat many metabolic diseases effectively and build some muscle mass in the process.

Other studies showed that a ketogenic diet is more effective in weight loss than a low-fat diet, even with the same calories. If you now reduce the calorie intake of people already on a keto diet, you can achieve a high weight loss level.

Furthermore, ketogenic diets can improve the level of triglycerides and HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol. However, when you are on a keto diet, you will still have to closely watch your total carb consumption daily. It is essential to monitor the carb intake to reduce carb intake and increase fat intake.

The Process of Weight Loss by Ketogenic Diets

How do keto diets promote weight loss in consumers? There are six significant ways by which the keto diet achieves these benefits. The processes are listed below;

1.     High level of protein intake

The central process of some keto diet influence is by increasing protein intake to a moderate level. As a result, the lean protein increase has a tremendous effect on achieving weight loss. However, not all keto diets affect your protein intake level.

2.     Reduction in the storage of excess fats in the body

Since the keto diet can convert excess fats into a source of energy supply, it slightly affects lipogenesis. Lipogenesis is converting sugar to fats since the extra carbs are already converted to fats.

3.     Increased fat burning

Some essential studies showed that keto diets can increase the amount of fat due to burning when consumers are resting. On the other hand, it can happen during activities or workout exercise sessions, which demand a level of research in these cases.

4.     Gluconeogenesis

Gluconeogenesis is an alternative way for the body to produce carbs as fuel for the body by converting fats and proteins. However, it involves the burning of extra calories, which reduces the bodyweight effectively.

5.     Appetite-suppressant

Keto diets can also reduce your appetite level effectively, especially if you need to feel full. This case influences the hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin positively until you are ready to eat. However, this use should be applied carefully to avoid further hormonal imbalance.

6.     Higher insulin sensitivity

In terms of insulin sensitivity, the keto diet can help you achieve better effectiveness of the insulin. This improvement can help your body undergo a more effective metabolism and utilization of body nutrients and energy.

Side Effects of Keto Diet

When using a Keto diet that limits carbohydrates’ intake to permit mote proteins and higher fat intake, there is a need to take some precautions. Significantly, there is a short-term side effect of keto diets known as Keto-Flu with symptoms that include nausea, headaches, and a feeling of tiredness.

People who experience the keto flu caused by the keto diet may be due to the sudden change in the amount of carb intake in the body. Some of the other Keto flu symptoms may include fatigue, vomiting, insomnia, dizziness, constipation, and endurance issues during exercises.


On a final note, it may be essential to consider keto diets in achieving weight loss. However, keto diets should be by careful selection of the items that suit the body. Besides, the consumer should gradually introduce the keto diet and take note of any unexpected symptom that may occur in use.

Overall, the keto diet can help your body convert some excess fat to supply the much-needed energy to the body, especially the brain. The process is also accompanied by a reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates. If you choose keto diets to achieve weight loss, it’s a good one, and we wish you the best outcome.

Most Dangerous Weight Loss Products to Avoid

I know you have heard so many things about the process of weight loss, and you are excited about it. But before you choose the right method or products to buy, here are 5 most dangerous products to avoid in the market

Before we begin the ride, are you aware that the weight loss industry as an entity raked in up to 65 billion USD in 2015? Half of this generated income was from the food and weight loss products alone. What is the implication of this figure?

The implication is that many people will see this industry’s potential and invest in the food and produces. Whereas the end-user may not understand the most profound intent of the weight loss ad poster at the expense of his own health.

Below are the top products in the market that you should avoid for a safer and most effective weight loss process.

1.    Waist trainers

I know you will most likely be surprised at my number one because many people already have them. But this article is not being sentimental. Instead, it focuses more on the expert’s recommendation on using these products and not from a marketer’s perspective.

For instance, if you watch many videos advertising these products, they tell you how it will help burn out your tummy fats. But do you know that that claim has absolutely no scientific basis? More so, it may be safe when you wear them for a few hours, but the longer, the more dangerous.

According to Charlie Seltzer, M.D., wearing these waist trainers for an extended period can disrupt your GI system, impair breathing and even cause acid reflux in the stomach.

2.    Caffeine and its supplements

I have watched caffeine product ads boast of how it can enhance the rate of body metabolism and burn excess body fat. These claims may be valid but are the side effects of excess caffeine in the system really worth it?

Caffeine can indeed reduce your calorie level by up to 100 in one day. But how does it account for some sided effects that come with over-dosage of caffeine or caffeine addiction? Some side effects may include anxiety, increased heart beat rate, and insomnia (inability to sleep).

Apart from natural caffeine, such as through caffeinated drinks, what about caffeine supplements as pills? Some of these drugs can lead to hallucinations, heartbeat fluctuations, vomiting, dizziness, and even diarrhea.

3.    Colon cleanser

Colonic is an uncommon procedure in which a tube is inserted into the rectum to clean it out. Medically, it is not a safe process and can come with hazardous and more costly side effects. So, no one really wants to embark on a journey that endangers a life further.

However, it becomes a matter for discussion after some people claims it can help you lose weight. Clearly, it doesn’t have any permanent effect on your body weight, neither is it a medically recommended process for weight loss.

Instead, it causes dangerous side effects, including bloating, cramping, electrolyte imbalance, liver toxicity, and kidney failure. During the process, the inserted tube may tear the colon’s wall, causing bleeding that can only end with a quick surgery and hospitalization.

4.    Weight loss tea and other extracts

These are also universal products that you get everywhere you mention the concept of weight loss. However, the success stories you hear and the experiences of the people you know are not yet enough proof of safety. Take your time to get some more rationality about how it works.

In other words, it will be a grave error not to consider one’s options or learn about how the tea works before using it. Moreover, the idea of losing weight by drinking some special tea and other similar supplements should make you ask a question at least about the composition of the food.

Similarly, the FDA warns users that these products’ classes can be ineffective and “can cause serious harm.” Medical research has further established that some of these products may contain certain ingredients not listed on the label.

5.    Vitamin B12 injections

The B vitamin already exists in the body and contributes to the synthesis of the red blood corpuscles. On the other hand, it may also be responsible for breaking down blood proteins, which is why some people recommend a shot of it.

Some people even claim that extra vitamin B12 can enhance their ability to cope with work out sessions. However, there is no scientific proof that extra B12 will actually supply your body above what it needs at the point in time. More so, it will not likely influence your weight above normal.\

Medical experts further added that, on the other hand, shots of vitamin B12 can cause other problems to the body. For instance, the excess vitamins are stored in the liver for some time, and the longer it stays, the more the risk of liver toxicity. Therefore vitamin B12 can only be highly beneficial and useful for one with a low vitamin level.

6.    HCG Hormone stimulant

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Hormone is responsible for the maternal recognition of pregnancy by the body, present in the blood or urine. Many times, the presence of this particular hormone tells if the woman is pregnant or not. But how does this affect bodyweight loss?

Some people claimed that taking diets that contains the HCG hormone caused bodyweight loss. But this, not a medically proven fact because ideally, pregnancy may affect the appetite for food, which may result in initial weight loss.

More importantly, FDA warns that HCG diets are illegal and unsafe for use because they can affect the body’s hormonal balance. Besides, they can also unnecessarily stimulate the thyroid gland and ovaries, which may increase the risk of ovarian cancer.


In conclusion, when surfing for the best weight loss products in the market, you now have an idea of those items to ignore. No matter what you might have heard before this time, you know you can trust medical professionals about your health rather than some random gist flying around. More so, the essence of weight loss is to enhance your health and not break it down by causing more health complications. Avoid that!

High-Protein Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss

Losing weight is fast becoming a reputable sector in the business world, with promising careers and contributions to the economy. However, from the person’s perspective, engaging in weight loss programs may not all be rosy.

For instance, some people may find out that some of the recommended food items to help lose weight do not work. Perhaps, the reason is the level of expectation and the adequate details of how body shape and type determine these methods’ effectiveness.

Popular are the ideas of balancing your protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins in calorie intake and use. Besides, more people are discovering that they need more than weight loss; they actually want to better shape.

Therefore, there is a need to check the essential requirements and choose the methods that achieve the two primary goals. This article will focus on some of the food types that contain high amounts of lean protein with fewer calories. These food items drive your body towards a healthy weight loss.

Examples of best protein sources with low calories for weight loss

The primary property to look out for in a protein source is the number of nutrients and the level of saturated fat and calories in it. Therefore, you should consider food items that include lean meats, soy, seafood with omega-3 fatty acids, low-fat dairy meals, nuts, legumes, whole grains, poultry, seeds, eggs, beans, and others.

For example, in your recipe, you may combine salmon with some other seafood and cook beans with lentils containing lots of fiber for easier digestion. Therefore, this article will list the items to choose from and make healthy combinations that can enhance your weight loss journey.

1.     Fruits and vegetables (Spinach, Sun-dried tomatoes, Guava, Artichokes, and Peas)

Amazingly, you can enjoy many fruits and vegetables that contain an average amount of calories, such as Spinach with 41 calories. This veggie is an excellent source of the right type of protein and Vitamin A and C. it also contains essential antioxidants and folates, which are heart-healthy. Note that it is more beneficial to steam the Spinach rather than eat them raw.

You may also try out the sun-dried tomatoes thath contain antioxidant lycopene to prevent cancers in the lungs, bladder, or prostate. This recipe has 6 g of protein, 7 g of fiber, and essential fat-soluble vitamins.

2.     Grains (Sprouted whole grain bread, Triticale, and Teff)

3.     Beans and legumes (Beans, Peanut Butter, and Lentils)

4.     Red meat (Grass-fed Beef, Bison, Ostrich, and Pork)

You may wonder, ‘but they say red meat is bad for weight loss.’ To some degree, yes. But when you know how to combine the red meat, you will gain much more than imagined. For instance, insist on grass-fed steaks of red meat. The food may appear leaner, but that is just what you need.

Besides, a Nutrition Journal published that this grass-fed red meat also contains some omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood. These unique nutrients can significantly keep your heart healthy. Apart from red meat, bison meat also contains fewer calories and lesser fat than red meat.

Meanwhile, one serving of bison contains all the vitamin B-12 that you need in a day. More so, the natural environment where bison live already assures you of their grass feeding and takes worries away.

How about the ostrich meat? Do you know it contains less fat than chicken and turkey? Here is the real joker: it has 55 mg of choline, an active ingredient in weight loss diets.

5.     Seafood (Halibut, Light canned Tuna, Wild Salmon and Pacific Cod)

I’m sure you have heard about how rich salmons are in omega-3 fatty acids. Generally, oily seafood can be beneficial for weight loss, but the essential factor is it must be from the wild. How about a light canned tuna, which contains up to 73 calories? This fish is very belly-friendly.

But beyond that, do you know that Halibut is the most filling food after boiled potatoes. It also ranks highest among the fiber-rich oatmeal and vegetables according to the Satiety Index of Common Foods. Halibut contains a high amount of protein content as a white fish, which triggers serotonin, a critical appetite hormone.

Furthermore, a study discovered that five servings of cod each week contain a very low-calorie intake and can result in a weight loss of 3.8 pounds. This particular fish has slimming and satiating attributes through its amino acid profile and high protein content.

6.     Poultry and eggs (Turkey, Chicken, and Eggs)

As an example, in this category, Turkey contains up to 18 g of DHA omega-3 fatty acids in each serving. It also contains up to 140 calories and 16 g of protein, which enhances brain function, turns off your fat genes and helps a good mood. However, you must stick to the white meat as the dark ones contain excess fat.

As for chicken meat, a 3 ounce of cooked chicken breast has 142 calories in 3 g of fat with 26 g of protein. Also, there are particular ways to prepare the protein to maximize the meal for weight loss diets. If you find it challenging to see the other poultry products, eggs should not be difficult as it is easier and cheaper to get them.

And in taking eggs, don’t leave out the yolks because it contains the fat-fighting choline. In other words, the whole egg is more effective in weight loss than egg whites alone. More importantly, when buying eggs, go for the ones with organic labels as they often are free from regular vaccines, hormones, and antibiotics.


In an overview, other items can influence your Dairy foods, including Gruyere Cheese, Grass-fed milk, and Greek Yoghurt. Other classes include Nuts and Seeds (Chia Seeds, Shelled Pumpkin Seeds, Cashews, and Almonds) and whole grains. In all, get a hold of the right recipes that can help you achieve your weight loss quickly and without side effects.

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