
5 Tips to Reset your Diet This Spring

Hey Angels and Alphas, During the winter, we always tend to enlist warm, comforting foods so that we can ride out the colder months. And studies have actually shown that we consume more calories overall during…

14 Nutrition Buzzwords – Explained

Hey Angels and Alphas, With a plethora of buzzwords popping up day after day in the nutrition and weight loss world, you might be caught in a web of words that’s, to say the least, overwhelming. …

Is Plant-based Dairy Healthier than Regular Dairy?

Hey Angels and Alphas, If you head over to your local grocery store and look at the dairy aisle, you’ll see that there are just as many nutritional plant-based cheeses, milks, creamers, butters, yogurts, and other…


The Ultimate Plant-based Grocery Store List

Hey Angels and Alphas, Plant-based eating is gaining speed as one of the world’s largest diet and nutrition megatrends. While there’s not really an official definition for the term plant-based eating, the concept has grown to…


The Different Alternatives to Nut Butter

Hey Angels and Alphas, Remember when the term “nut butter” was not in the nutritional lexicon because there was pretty much just peanut butter? Good times.  But now, with the increasing prevalence of tree nut and…


Strategies for Skipping on Alcohol During the Holidays

Hey Angels and Alphas, With the holiday season bringing us so many good things, from family gatherings to festivities, it’s only natural that it comes with poorly managed nutritional choices. One of those choices is alcohol. …

sport nutrition

The Big Problem Behind Cheat Days

Hey Angels and Alphas, Every registered dietitian or nutritionist should shudder when they hear a term like “cheat day”. Not because we’re thinking of people just stuffing themselves with cheeseburgers and donuts all day, but because…


The Best Cooking Oil Choices and their Benefits

Hey Angels and Alphas, Strolling down the oil aisle at the grocery store can sometimes be overwhelming to anyone who has been working to lose weight or is just interested in nutrition. Not just in the…


The Ultimate Low-carb Grocery Store List

Hey Angels and Alphas, Whether you’re someone who enjoys keto, low-carb Paleo, Atkins, or another form of low-carb diet, you know carb-restricted diets are pretty much here to stay in the nutrition world. Regardless of the…

sport nutrition

5 Sports Nutrition Tips by The World’s Top Pros

Hey Angels and Alphas, Many recreational athletes who are constantly trying to boost their fitness and performance are looking to the nutrition professionals in their sport of inspiration. Watching a professional athlete perform in competitions, reading…


5 Tips for Making the Most out of Your Leftovers

Hey Angels and Alphas, In the world of nutrition, leftovers are an unsung hero. Truly. Maybe you don’t really have a healthy relationship with them because you’ve had to eat dried-out lean chicken and mashed, mushy…


A Guide to Navigating the Holiday Dessert Table

Holiday desserts are nutritiously special, delicious, and often occur during one time of the year only. This notion often results in our human tendency to overdo it at the dessert table, especially if these desserts are…


The Truth about Sugar in Juices

Hey Angels and Alphas, In the nutrition world, fruit juices have long been a beloved staple in refrigerators, served in restaurants in all corners of the world. For example, orange juice was pushed as a part…


Which Pizza Crust is the Healthiest?

Hey Angels and Alphas, Gone are the days in which there was just one choice for pizza crust. Now, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the number of options you have when you look through the…


Your Mediterranean Diet Grocery Store List

The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been studied on a global scale and are praised for being one of the golden standards in preventative medicine. With this diet being largely known for its association…


How to Build a Healthy Morning Cereal Bowl

Hey Angels and Alphas, When you were a kid, your go-to nutritious breakfast might have looked something like a bowl of good ‘ol cold cereal. But when you’re an adult, it might almost feel like a…


Baking Hacks for Healthier At-home Baking

Hey Angels and Alphas, If you’re familiar with baking and you love to bake, whether it’s a batch of cookies or a healthy meal with lean chicken and potatoes, you might know that over here in…


6 Fruits and Veggies in Their Seasonal Peak

Hey Angels and Alphas, With the season of fresh produce officially here, fresh produce loaded with vitamins, fiber, and phytonutrients is hitting the shelves like wildfire. According to most dietary guidelines, fresh produce should take up…


Is Supplemental Fiber Worth It?

Hey Angels and Alphas, Fiber is a nutrient that gets a lot of attention from nutritionists – and deservedly so! It’s a nutrient responsible for everything from regulating your digestion to controlling your blood sugar and…


7 Tips to Make Halloween as Healthy as Possible

Hey Angels and Alphas, Let’s face it – for both youngsters and adults, trick-or-treating is a very lucrative (but not really nutritious) business. Especially if you’re in the business of collecting extra calories. Based on the…


How Much Sodium Should You Be Consuming?

Hey Angels and Alphas, Despite what you might have heard in the nutrition world, sodium isn’t the enemy – it’s an essential electrolyte you need to maintain the proper functioning of your cells. Sodium plays a…


How to Batch Cook Your Favorite Sauces

Hey Angels and Alphas, We all know there are countless recipes you can use while meal prepping, and the truth is, we often tend to eat mostly the same meals throughout our week if we care…


Can Plant-based Diets Help Athletes Perform Better?

Hey Angels and Alphas, In recent years, adopting a plant-based diet has become appealing to many athletes. However, taking on a completely new eating style involves drastic changes that should be done with slow and careful…

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