How Blood Sugar Levels Impact Energy Levels

Hey Angels and Alphas, Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to get out of bed in the morning? Energy levels are probably the biggest factor that impacts how you start your day. If you…


The Best Vitamins for Improving Gym Performance

Hey Angels and Alphas, The vitamins your body needs for proper cell functioning are all essential to overall good health, but some of them are especially important if you’re trying to improve your performance in the…

weight loss

How Your Diet Impacts Your Mood (and Vice Versa)

Hey Angels and Alphas, There are many positive and negative influences on your moods, but what you eat can have an enormous impact, whether you’re aware of it or not.  If you regularly consume foods that…


Do You Really Need a Probiotic Supplement?

Hey Angels and Alphas, There’s growing evidence that the bacteria in your gut can affect more than just your digestion and immune system—it can also influence your mood and mental health.  This isn’t surprising when you…


Complex Carbs vs. Simple Carbs: What’s Healthier?

Hey Angels and Alphas, Carbohydrates are an essential part of any diet, but some carbs have more nutritional value than others. Complex carbohydrates, also known as starchy carbs, are good for you because they take longer…

male fitness

6 Ways to Intensify a Low-Impact Workout

Hey Angels and Alphas, Let’s face it – even though low-impact exercises have a ton of advantages, they are sometimes confused with “low-intensity” exercises and are therefore misinterpreted.  Low impact, however, does not always imply low…


Your Checklist to a Healthy Breakfast

Hey Angels and Alphas, We’ve all talked about how important breakfast is. Not only for giving you energy that your body can use throughout the day, but also for balancing out your hormones and keeping your…

Diet & Nutrition Tips for Reducing Bloating

Hey Angels and Alphas, Whether you’ve felt it when you were at home, at the gym, at another public place, or pretty much anywhere, everyone knows that annoying feeling of being bloated. It’s a rather uncomfortable…

Spreading Out Daily Protein the Correct Way

Hey Angels and Alphas, Carbohydrates usually steal the spotlight when it comes to the body’s needs for energy. They’re amazing for fueling an athlete’s performance. However, protein is just as vital to an athlete’s overall health. …


Your Macros Essentials Checklist

Hey Angels and Alphas, Macros have become a sort of bucket term for the nutrients that make up the bulk of what we eat: protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Our bodies require specific amounts of each to…

sport nutrition

Should You Care About the “Anabolic Window”?

Hey Angels and Alphas, Have you noticed that whenever someone new enters the world of fitness and nutrition, often the first thing they do is start learning about the core mainstream fitness concepts like diets and…


Dieting With Purpose – Gym Performance

Hey Angels and Alphas, We all need food not just so our bodies can function, but so we can adjust what we’re eating in order to achieve better performance inside (and outside) the gym.  Today, we’ve…


How Does Serotonin Regulate Your Mood and Appetite?

Hey Angels and Alphas, We’re all aware that our bodies are chock-full of hormones, helpful messengers that allow our body to function – and function optimally.  These miniscule substances travel throughout our tissues and organs where…


3 Tips for Losing Weight (Unrelated to Dieting)

Hey Angels and Alphas, Dieting has become a pretty dirty word in the fitness and weight loss communities. That’s because most people equate losing weight with dieting, small portions, limitations, feelings of guilt, off-limit foods, and…


Dieting with Purpose: Improving Your Mood

Hey Angels and Alphas, Today, we’re kicking off a new series on dieting called Dieting with Purpose. And what better way to kick off a series than to talk about the different ways you can eat…


The Link Between Lack of Sleep and Sugar Cravings

Hey Angels and Alphas, We all understand the importance of getting a good night’s sleep regularly. Hopefully, we’re all trying to get enough sleep at least most nights of the week. But according to the CDC,…

weight loss

Factors That Affect Your Dietary Decisions

Hey Angels and Alphas, Having control of your diet is nothing short of a superpower. A lot of people nowadays fall into the latest food trends and diets, hoping to get that control. But sometimes, we…


Do Sleep Drinks Actually Improve Your Sleep Quality?

Hey Angels and Alphas, Sleep quantity is something many people put a lot of importance on. But sleep quality has remained largely misunderstood throughout the health and wellness community. While establishing a nighttime routine that will…

weight loss

Dieting with Purpose – Sleep Quality

Hey Angels and Alphas, Today, in Dieting with Purpose, we’re going to talk about sleep quality. It’s no secret to anyone that nutrition and sleep are very closely related. Diets high in processed foods, saturated fats,…

weight loss

What Role Does Your Diet Play in Inflammation?

You’ve most likely heard on inflammation before, considering it’s a very hot topic right now in health and fitness. But do you really know enough about inflammation to know how it’s affecting your body? A short…

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